Thursday, May 25, 2017

Letters by Ottavio Lo Piccolo to the local media outlets. 5-25-17


Letter to the Albany Times Union, and the Schenectady Daily Gazette, NY.
In his first budget, Trump is proposing to cut 9.2 billion from education! His Republican health care plan will kick out more than 20 million Americans- who presently are covered with the Affordable Care Act, or Obama Care! But that's not all, Trump will cut social programs from the middle class and the needy.

This Republican budget proposals in reality means that Trump will give tax breaks to the rich! In other words, Trump will take the money, that he saves from these proposals (which, by the way is our money, our taxes)- and give it to the filthy rich! He wants to take it away from our schools, our children, and give it to the billionaire class! 

As we can see so far, from his proposals/actions, Pr. Trump is not helping workers, nor for the middle class! As he had promised during the presidential campaign. In other words, he lied! He is not working for me and you, and neither he is helping the poor!
But that's not all! He also wants to increase military spending by 54 billion! As if the USA needs more fire power! When historically, the USA has been the biggest military spender in the whole world! The US has always overspent on weapons and wars, more than the combined military budgets of the 11 richest nations on earth!

If you voted for him I have no pity for you! But I feel sorry for those people who will suffer because of him, because of his unfair/immoral and outrageous programs. If you voted for him you deserve him! Congratulations! You picked the worst candidate! But I do not feel sorry for you, as I said, I only feel for people who will suffer the consequences (because of his policies and because he is an inept and incapable President). I am sad for those people who cannot make a decent living, like the poor and the elderly, who need their social security check and Medicaid to live with dignity. I also feel for the single parent who has to work more than one job to support his/her family's! These I feel sorry for, not those who voted and still support this "fake news" president!

So far, his young presidency, of only 4 months, has not made America great, but instead it has made our country miserable. I hope and pray that he is impeached soon, hence relieved of his power, before he makes Americas even more miserable! Or worst! 

I want to stress, that this isn't only my view- opinion polls are clear: Donald Trump is so far the worst U.S. President in history! What an accomplishment for himself and those who supported and still continue to support him! 

FACTS CANNOT BE DENIED- Trumps' actions speak louder than words: HE IS making America better, for the rich! He is VERY BAD for most Americans! The sooner he goes back home to his private life, the better for all of us!
Ottavio Lo Piccolo, an independent from Schenectady, NY

Bernie Sanders deserved to be president of the USA! Not this current president! Who continues on telling tall tales, lies, and non-sense, only to benefit the rich! He is unstable. One day he says one thing, and the next he says something completely opposite. He is simply unfit for public office. His deplorable low moral character, and his obvious dishonesty, has led him not to keet his promises; of being everyone's president, but only the president of the rich and the powerful. 
It is a well known fact, that his actions have betrayed his words. The results of his policies and ideas are evident. They are clear enough to me; this president is a total failure! An inept and incapable political leader. According to my expectations, standards, and according to American values of decency, respect and justice, he is a nightmare! A total disappointment! 


Sunday, May 21, 2017


Sapevo che i nostri oceani sono inquinati, ma non avevo idea di quanto fosse grande e minaccioso questo problema- che influenzera' la nostra capacita disopravvivere. Questo l'ho imparato lo scorso maggio, mentre stavo leggendo e discutendo un libro con alcuni miei studenti della 4rta elementare, con la signora Vissat, uno dei miei colleghi d'inglese, nella sua classe di lettura, alla Jefferson Elementary School di Schenectady. Il titolo di quel libro era The Voyage of Plastiki, Il Viaggio/Traversata di Plastiki. Un libro ben illustrato e ben scritto. È la storia di "Plastiki", una barca a vela fatta con 12.000 bottiglie di plastica. Plastiki ha navigato da San Francisco in California, a Sydney in Australia, nell'estate del 2010. La sua squadra ha voluto sensibilizzare l'inquinamento della plastica nei nostri oceani. E ci sono riusciti perché io sono rimasto scioccato a vedere quelle immagini tristi di plastica galleggiante nell'oceano.
Quindi ho fatto le mia ricerche e ho studiato l'inquinamento di plastica oceanica online, sull'internet. Qui vi presento le mie scoperte.

Circa l'80% dei detriti (spazzatura) della Great Pacific Garbage Patch proviene da attività terrestri nel Nord America e in Asia. Il restante 20% dei detriti nella Grande Garbage del Pacifico del Pacifico proviene dai nautici, dagli impianti petroliferi offshore e dalle grandi navi da carico che danneggiano o perdono detriti direttamente nell'acqua. La maggior parte di questi detriti - circa 705.000 tonnellate - sono reti da pesca. Articoli più insoliti, come i monitor di computer e i LEGO, provengono da contenitori di spedizione. Ho imparato che i prodotti di plastica non si biodegradano (non vengono assorbiti dalla natura), ma col passar del tempo si frantumano, fino a diventare molto piu' piccoli, e quindi sono molto dannosi agli animali e piante marine, e anche per noi umani, perché mangiamo i pesci.

Infatti, le tartarughe marine, spesso si sbagliano e ingoiano i sacchetti di plastica perche' li scambiano per meduse - il loro cibo preferito. Grandi uccelli marini, come gli albatross, mangiano pezzettini di resina di plastica perche' li scambiano per uova di pesce, e li danno da mangiare ai loro pulcini, che  muoiono di fame, o gli spezzano gli organi. Altri mammiferi marini, come delfini e foche, spesso si imbattono in reti di pesca abbandonate, che vengono scartate (perche' non conviene portarle al porto) - è quindi molti pescatori trovano più conveniente buttarli nel mare.
Cosi tanti altri mammiferi spesso affogano in queste reti dimenticate, un fenomeno noto come "ghost-fishing", "pesca fantasma".

I detriti marini (rifiuti oceanici) distruggono il sistema (food-web) del cibo marino che si trovano nel Gyre (l'area piu' inquinata) subtropicale del Pacifico del Nord. Poiché la micro plastica (i piccoli pezzi di plastica) e altri rifiuti si accumulano in prossimità della superficie dell'oceano- bloccano la luce solare a raggiungere il plancton (piccoli organismi/pesci) e alghe (piante marine) che vivono nella superficie dell'oceano. Le alghe e il plancton sono i più comuni autotrofi, cioe' i produttori nel web (sistema) di cibo marino. Gli autotrofi sono organismi che producono i propri nutrienti (cibo) dall'ossigeno, il carbonio e dalla luce solare.

Se le comunità di alghe
(piante marine) e plancton
(piccoli microgranismi), sono tuttora minacciati- quindi, l'intera rete alimentare (dell'oceano) può cambiare drasticamente. Infatti, gli animali che si nutrono di alghe e di plancton, come le balene e squali giganti e le tartarughe- avranno meno cibo. Se le popolazioni di queste piante e animali (alghe e plankton) diminuiscono, ci sara' meno cibo per i grandi predatori, come il tonno, gli squali e le balene. Alla fine, il cibo marino diventera' sempre meno disponibile, e quindi sara' anche più costoso per i consumatori.  
Questi pericoli sono ancor più gravi perché le materie plastiche emettono e assorbono inquinanti nocivi, come i PCB. Queste sostanze chimiche entrano nella catena alimentare quando vengono consumate dalla fauna marina.  

E ulteriori informazioni e immagini al sito:

Secondo l'agenzia protettrice degli oceani, la Ocean Conservancy, ogni anno, nel nostro oceano, vengono scaricati 28 miliardi di libre di plastica. Molti animali marini rimangono intrappolate negli attrezzi da pesca e muoiono cercando di liberarsi. I delfini e le tartarughe scambiano i sacchetti di plastica per il loro pasto successivo e muoiono mangiandoli. I pesci ingeriscono palloncini sgonfiati e soffocano.  

 La Ocean Conservancy, crede (anch'io) che non dovrebbe essere così. Infatti, se agiamo subito, possiamo ridurre del 45% la plastica nell'oceano, quindi salvare la vita dell'oceano, e rendendo i nostri oceani più puliti e la nostra terra più sana.  
Ma anche la pesca eccessiva, l'inquinamento e la frammentazione degli habitat stanno abbassando la salute dei nostri oceani. Poi si aggiunge l'acidificazione dell'oceano - un fenomeno causato da alte emissioni di carbonio- che degradada le barriere coralline e corrodere le conchiglie di creature marine - e poi il riscaldamento globale, e quindi non ci sorprende che gli ecosistemi oceanici stanno rapidamente crollando.  

Cosa possiamo fare per aiutare i nostri oceani oggi? Ecco cosa l'organizzazione: MORE OCEAN-LESS PLASTIC - IL 5 INSTITUTO DI GYRES, suggerisce; "Promettiamo di diventare plasticfree (senza plastica), di non usare la plastica; per un giorno, o una settimana, o per un' anno o per sempre sarebbe perfetto! Quindi incominciamo da oggi! 
Se rifiutamo le prime cinque fonti di plastica, che sono: i sacchetti di plastica, le bottiglie, i contenitori, tazze di plastica e le cannucce di plastica. Seguiteci @ 5Gyres per ottenere consigli su come vivere #plasticfree (senza la plastica). Insieme, possiamo fare una differenza enrme: un passo alla volta!"

Tutti possiamo svolgere un ruolo importante per salvaguardare il nostro pianeta. Tutti noi genitori, le scuole e i maestri, possiamo farcela attraverso il buon esempio, con l'informazione e con l'educazione ecologica.  Anche i governi e i media devono fare la loro parte; appoggiare e informare i cittadini per il bene dell'umanita'.

Per saperne di piu guardatevi questi 2 documentari- potete vedere i trailers (anteprima) su YOU TUBE, o acquistarli i su Amazon.

Saturday, May 20, 2017


I knew that our oceans are being polluted, but I had no idea of how big and threatening this problem was to our survival. I learned about it last May. I was reading and discussing a book with 4th  graders, with Mrs. Vissat, one of my colleagues, in her reading class, at Jefferson Elementary School, in Schenectady. The title of that book was The Voyage of Plastiki, a beautifully illustrated and well-written book. It is the story of “Plastiki”, a sailboat made from 12,000 plastic bottles. Plastiki sailed from San Francisco in California, to Sydney in Australia, the summer of 2010. Its crew wanted to raise awareness about the plastic pollution in our oceans, and they did because I was shocked to see those images of plastic in the ocean. Hence I researched ocean plastic  pollution online.

I share my findings here.  About 80% of the debris (trash and garbage) in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch comes from land-based activities in North America and Asia. The remaining 20% of debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch comes from boaters, offshore oil rigs, and large cargo ships that dump or lose debris directly into the water. The majority of this debris—about 705,000 tons—is fishing nets. More unusual items, such as computer monitors and LEGOs, come from dropped shipping containers. I learned that plastic goods do not biodegrade (do not get absorbed by nature), but instead break down into smaller pieces, which is very harmful to marine life, and to us humans because we eat seafood.

Sea animals, like turtles, often mistake plastic bags for jellies- their favorite food. Albatrosses mistake plastic resin pellets for fish eggs and feed them to chicks, which die of starvation or ruptured (broken) organs. Seals and other marine mammals often get entangled in abandoned plastic fishing nets, which are being discarded (because of their low cost)- it's cheaper to dump them in the ocean. So, seals and other mammals often drown in these forgotten nets—a phenomenon known as “ghost fishing.”

Marine debris (ocean trash) can also destroy marine food webs in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. As micro plastics (tiny pieces of plastic) and other trash collect on or near the surface of the ocean, they block sunlight from reaching plankton and algae (sea plants) below. Algae and plankton are the most common autotrophs, or producers, in the marine food web. Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own nutrients (food) from oxygen, carbon, and sunlight. 

If algae and plankton (sea plants & food for fish) communities are threatened, the entire food web (all food in the ocean) may change. Animals that feed on algae and plankton, such as fish and turtles, will have less food. If populations of those animals decrease (lessen), there will be less food for apex predators such as tuna, sharks, and whales. Eventually, seafood becomes less available and more expensive for people. These dangers are more serious because plastics release and absorb harmful pollutants such as PCBs (harmful chemicals) into the seawater. These chemicals can then enter the food chain when consumed by marine life.  You can find this info by logging on to
And additional information and images at

And according to the Ocean Conservancy (an agency that protects the oceans), every year 28-billion pounds of plastic ends up in our ocean. Seals get caught in discarded  fishing gear and die trying to free themselves. Dolphins and turtles mistake plastic bags for their next meal and die eating them. Fish ingest deflated balloons and choke to death. Ocean Conservancy believes (I do too) that it doesn’t need to be this way. If we take action now, we can reduce plastic in the ocean by 45%, saving ocean life, making our ocean cleaner and our earth healthier. Over-fishing, pollution and habitat fragmentation are wearing down the health of our oceans. Add to that ocean acidification—a process caused by increased carbon emissions that can degrade coral reefs and corrode the shells of sea creatures—and warming, and it's not surprising that ocean ecosystems are rapidly collapsing. (Source:

What can we do help our oceans today to help our oceans?  Here’s what the organization: MORE OCEAN- LESS PLASTIC- THE 5 GYRES INSTITUTE, suggests; “Pledge to go plastic free 

(without plastic) for a day, week, year—or forever. You can go plastic free today by refusing the top five sources of single use plastic: plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic to-go containers, plastic takeaway cups, and plastic straws. Follow us @5Gyres to get tips on living #plasticfree. Together, we can make a difference—one piece at a time.” (Source: )

I’d like to suggest in joining the organization: CITIZENS’ CLIMATE LOBBY. I already did! They have a local group, which meets every 3rd Saturday of the month at the Colonie (NY) Public Library, from 10am- 12 noon.  To join, log on to:   Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change. They use a consistently respectful, non-partisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations. By building upon shared values rather than partisan divides, and empowering our supporters to work in keeping with the concerns of their local communities, we work towards the adoption of fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions. In order to generate the political will necessary for passage of our Carbon Fee and Dividend proposal we train and support volunteers to build relationships with elected officials, the media and their local community.

I have also joined and supported Oceana, an organization that helps protect the oceans. You can join them by visiting their online site     You can find many other good /reliable organizations that help protect the environment by searching Charity Navigator , an online site that lists the best agencies.

Here are my conclusions/suggestions. It is clear that plastic pollution is a serious threat because it concerns our ability to live on this planet. Hence, it is evident that we all must do our part, if we want to succeed- save the oceans, and have a future for our children. In the meantime we must use less plastic and follow the 4-Rs, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. 

However, our efforts won't be enough unless the State and federal governments join together with the plastic industry to stop the plastic from reaching the oceans. That is why it is important to write to our local leaders, in our towns/villages, cities, and/or at the county levels, and also to our political leaders in Congress and at our state. We should encourage them to take effective/positive actions to save our oceans. We must must ask them to regulate the plastic industry in finding ways of reducing/controlling plastic pollution in the environment and especially our oceans. Governments could also give financial incentives to states, in order to encourage them in curbing plastic pollution, and to eventually ban all throw away plastics. Our government could also educate and provide financial incentives to businesses and/or organizations, like schools, hospitals, and even to State government agencies. Use-only-once plastic should be banned and/or controlled, or at least curbed, recycled, and eventually, its use completely avoided, so that plastic would not pose threat and end up the environment.  California did it! They banned all plastic bags. So can we!

So, is there any hope for our oceans? Can we save them? I think we can, but only if we all band together (individuals, families, the media, schools, corporations and governments) and cooperate and work hard at it. However, there isn't much time we must get going! Or it maybe be to late!

Learn more about ocean plastic pollution from these 2 documentaries- here below - you can watch their trailers on YOU TUBE, or buy them the entire videos on Amazon. I did! And They're great documentaries; they show the problems and then give us the solutions!

Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Trailer

To see A PLASTIC OCEAN TRAILER log on to: 
 (just copy and paste this address, here above, in the address box and click enter)

We can all play an important role in saving the planet; parents, teachers and schools, with our good example, by following the 4Rs; recycling, reducing, reusing and refusing plastic ourselves, and also by teaching our children about the ocean, and by passing on good scientific/factual/reliable information. Governments and the media must also do the same, hence support and inform citizens for the good of all humanity.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

IL 100ESIMO ANNIVERSARIO DELL'APPARIZIONE DI FATIMA. Per l'occasione, condivido due articoli che ho trovato online. 13 MAY 2017- 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY THE APPARITION OF FATIMA. I'm sharing two articles, about this topic, which I found online. The article in English is at the bottom. Articolo inglese in fondo.

13 ottobre 2017: 100 anni dalla liberazione di Satana

Durante una visione del 1820, fu rivelato alla beata Anna Caterina Emmerick che Satana sarebbe stato liberato dalla catene circa ottanta anni  prima dell’anno 2000. Tale periodo di libertà per l’Angelo decaduto sarebbe durato un secolo.

Questo viene confermato da un messaggio della Madonna di Medjugorje dato ai veggenti il 24 aprile 1982 il messaggio dice :
Cari Figli dovete sapere che satana esiste . Egli si è presentato davanti al trono di Dio e ha chiesto il permesso di tentare la Chiesa per un certo periodo con l’intenzione di distruggerla. Dio ha permesso a satana di mettere la chiesa alla prova per un secolo , ma ha aggiunto :” non la distruggerai”. Questo secolo in cui vivete è sotto il potere di satana ( 1900) , ma quando saranno realizzati i Segreti che vi sono stati affidati -il suo potere verrà infranto. Già ora comincia a perdere il suo potere perciò e diventato più aggressivo distrugge i matrimoni, solleva discordie anche tra le anime consacrate, causa ossessioni, provoca omicidi. Proteggetevi dunque con la Preghiera e col Digiuno, soprattutto con la Preghiera Comunitaria, portate addosso oggetti Benedetti e poneteli anche nelle vostre case. E riprendete l’uso dell’ acqua benedetta . Quando potrebbero concludersi i cento che satana ha disposizione per distruggere la Chiesa.  
Una ulteriore conferma arriva da una visione avuta da Papa Leone Xlll  così descritta :

La mattina del 13 ottobre 1884, al termine della Santa Messa, papa Leone XIII rimase immobile davanti al Tabernacolo per circa 10 minuti. Quando si “riprese”, il suo volto era preoccupato e angosciato. Raccontò ai suoi collaboratori che aveva assistito ad un “colloquio” tra Nostro Signore e Satana. Quest’ultimo dichiarava con orgoglio che avrebbe potuto facilmente distruggere la Chiesa, se avesse avuto maggiore potere su coloro che si mettono al suo servizio, e più libertà per circa 100 anni. Il Signore rispose a Satana che gli avrebbe concesso sia più libertà che i cento anni necessari.
Leone XIII rimase così sconvolto da questo “colloquio” che scrisse la famosa preghiera a San Michele Arcangelo per la protezione della Chiesa e volle che fosse recitata, in ginocchio, dopo ogni Santa Messa. Purtroppo, però, con la riforma liturgica post-conciliare, questo dono che Cristo ci fece tramite il suo Vicario, fu messo nel cassetto. La preghiera non è stata più recitata e la stragrande maggioranza dei fedeli nati dagli anni ’70 in poi del secolo scorso non ne conoscono neppure l’esistenza.

La Emmerick parla di circa 80 anni prima dell’anno 2000, dunque verso la fine degli anni ’10 e gli inizi degli anni ’20 del XX secolo. Leone XIII vide quell’insolito “dialogo” un 13 ottobre. Pensandoci   bene.  Satana Potrebbe essere stato liberato dalle catene il 13 ottobre del 1917, giorno dell’ultima apparizione mariana a Fatima, quando ci fu il “miracolo del sole”, e la Madonna promise che «il mio Cuore Immacolato trionferà».
Oltre a queste coincidenze di date, la  conferma arriva da altri due elementi.

Benedetto XVI durante il suo viaggio apostolico a Fatima (11-14 maggio 2010) ricordò l’importanza del centenario delle apparizioni.                                            

  Teresa Neumann (1898-1962), la “stigmatizzata bavarese”, la quale ebbe dal Cielo anche il dono delle profezie. In una delle ultime profezie prima della morte disse che il maggior periodo di dominio sul mondo da parte di Satana – potere che avrebbe usato per scagliare un attacco, secondo lui, mortale alla Chiesa, in particolare al papato – sarebbe durato circa 18 anni, dal 1999 al 2017.   Concludendo i cento anni dovrebbero terminare con il centenario delle apparizioni di Fatima cioè il (2017 ) con molta probabilità nel frattempo  inizieranno a essere svelati i 10 segreti di medjugorje, il trionfo del cuore immacolato di Maria promesso a Fatima è paragonabile al tempo di pace e giustizia promesso a Medjugorje.

St. Michael and Our Lady of Fatima: Why 2017 is Such a Critical Moment

Will you join me in special prayer this year, the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions?
Msgr. Charles Pope
I have written elsewhere about why I think that 2017 will be a critical year. I believe it will be a year of hidden blessings or one of something so shocking that it will usher in a blessing that will only be understood later. It has been 100 years since the apparitions at Fatima and 500 since the Protestant revolt. The 1517 revolt ushered in a shocking, wrenching pruning of the Church. So did the apparitions in 1917, when Our Lady warned of great suffering if we did not pray and repent. God seems to permit (not cause) such things either as penance or as purification.
The last 100 years have seen horrifying warfare, death tolls in the hundreds of millions driven by ideological conflict, abortion on demand, the destruction of marriage and the family, sexual confusion and misbehavior, and the rise of the culture of death (the demand for the right to die and the right to kill). Indeed, Christendom in the West is in the midst of a great collapse: tepid and compromised faith, a tiny minority who attend Mass, and the growth of militant secularism. Who among us can deny that the Church, especially in the affluent West, has been under attack. We have preferred to sleep through most of it and make one compromise after another. Who among us can deny that we need another “counter-reformation”?
Two significant prophecies warned us of these events if we did not repent. For indeed, Scripture says, Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). And while many apparitions occurred (some approved, some not), two in particular stand out:

imageFirst, it is said that in 1884 Pope Leo XIII had an experience during which he heard God say that he would permit a period of 100 years that would test the Church in Job-like fashion. This alarmed Pope Leo enough that he penned the well-known Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel and asked that it be prayed at the end of Mass throughout the universal Church. Some dispute the accuracy of this and call it mere legend, but it is hard to deny that the attack/test occurred. But when and what is the hundred-year period? That leads to…
Second, in 1917, Our Lady appeared in the region of Fatima, Portugal to three young children: Jacinta, Francesco, and Lucia. Mary indicated that the horrific First World War was soon to end, a war that featured the use of chemical weapons so devastating that an international agreement was developed banning their use. However, she warned that an even more terrible war would ensue if people did not repent and pray. Our Lady went on to say that in the aftermath of the war, Russia would spread the errors of atheism and materialism, leading to grievous suffering for the Church and many of the faithful. She also prophesied that there would be a final warning of light in the sky just prior to the onslaught of this new war.

In order to provide veracity to her message, Our Lady promised a miracle at her final apparition. On Oct. 13, 1917, the “Miracle of the Sun” took place, and as many as 70,000 people witnessed the sun dancing about in the sky and moving toward the earth.
In January 1938, a display of the aurora borealis vividly lit the skies far south of its normal reach; newspapers throughout the world reported the event. Later that same year, Germany entered Czechoslovakia, and in 1939, Poland was invaded; the Second World War was under way, a consequence of our failure to repent.
More than 60 million people were killed in World War II. At the end of the war, Russia dropped the Iron Curtain and atheistic communism held sway in the Eastern Bloc. Churches were closed, clergy and religious were killed, and great suffering came to all who would not acquiesce. The prophesies of 1917 proved to be sadly and vividly true.

Another prophecy of the Fatima apparitions was kept secret until the year 2000; it spoke of the murder of a pope as he walked past martyrs up a hill toward a cross in a ruined city. In 1981, St. John Paul II, nearly killed by an assassin, attributed his survival to the prayers of many who did hear the call of Our Lady to pray. Cardinal Ratzinger, in his commentary on the “third secret” of Fatima, called it the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) of an entire century. Indeed it was: ruined cities, martyrs, and the long shadow of a cross over those years for the Church and the world.
A final aspect of the Fatima apparition came to light in 1981 when Sister Lucia wrote to Msgr. (now Cardinal) Carlo Caffara at the Vatican to thank him and to assure him of prayers for the founding of the John Paul II Institute on Marriage and the Family. In the letter she also related something she heard from Our Lady: a final battle will signal the end of the period in which we now struggle. Sister Lucia recounted Our Lady’s words as follows:

The final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid, … anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. … However, Our Lady has already crushed its head.
I think the period of 100 years of trial seen by Pope Leo is coming to its culmination. My premise is that, though it was foreseen by Leo in 1884, it actually began in 1917 with the warning of Our Lady. Her message was clear: pray and be converted or else suffer grievously the consequences of human sinfulness. It is clear that we have suffered grievously for our failures.
Attempting to follow Our Lady’s direction in 1917 at Fatima, three popes (Pius XII, John Paul II, and Francis) have consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But arguments go back and forth about whether any of these was “valid” (e.g., Was the wording just right?). But no technicality can eclipse our failure to repent and pray; I believe that repentance and prayer are the true heart of Our Lady’s message.
And so here we are at the culmination of the battle. Though it is disheartening, the battle in the Church over the sanctity of holy matrimony has reached the highest levels, just as our Lady said. Cardinal is pitted against cardinal, bishop against bishop. In the wider culture, marriage has been redefined; biblical and natural law teachings have been set aside. At this point I don’t think that our culture has a definition of marriage at all; it’s whatever anyone wants to say it is. This is no minor error; it is a civilization killer.
Something tells me that this year of 2017 is going to be critical and that we had better pray — a lot more than we have in the past. Repentance is also crucial. Being sleepy in the battle cannot be an option. We are at a turning point. Perhaps the hundred years of trial are ending; they might end well or they might come to a dreadful conclusion. That is why we must pray.
Cardinal Ratzinger, in the same Vatican document referenced above reflecting on Fatima, said:

The purpose of the vision is not to show a film of an irrevocably fixed future. Its meaning is exactly the opposite: it is meant to mobilize the forces of change in the right direction. Therefore, we must totally discount fatalistic explanations. … Rather, the vision speaks of dangers and how we might be saved from them.
Will you join me in praying with special fervency this year? In my own parish, we will be observing the First Saturday devotions that were requested by Mary at Fatima. This will be a communal way to engage the call to prayer. It involves attending Holy Mass, praying the Rosary, and going to confession (that day or within one week) on the first Saturday of five consecutive months. Others also add the wearing of the scapular and/or making a consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Such a communal observance ought not to eclipse personal prayer and conversion; it is merely to augment it. Are there devotional practices you can undertake, such as the daily Rosary, the Angelus, or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy? Are there sins you need to make special effort to avoid? Are there lawful pleasures you can set aside?
What will you do? This is a critical moment; I am convinced of it. Will you join me in special prayer this year, the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

TRUMP’S FIRING OF FBI DIRECTOR is HYPOCRITICAL AND another sign of his INABILITY TO LEAD... because of his mental instability, HIS LACK OF ETHICS (his lies are non-stop ) and professional incompetence.
Trump’s firing of the FBI director yesterday was the pinnacle, the ultimate act of hypocrisy that this president has taken so far. The first one was his Muslim Ban, the second was the firing missiles on an empty Syrian Air Force Base, and the third one, firing director Comey. This LAST ACT, of this comedy, was a confirmation that this man is a menace, a threat, to the USA and to the world. 
WHY DID HE WAIT SO LONG TO FIRE COMEY? Was it because Comey was uncovering the Trump-Putin connection!? It's very possible! Why did he, Trump, wait this long to get rid of him!
Besides, this president isn't at all, making America great as he promised, and neither is he working for the best interests of all Americans. In fact, so far he hasn’t kept any of his promises to American families and workers. He’s slashing social programs, education, the environment, and repealing Obama Care, which will take away health insurance for millions of American working families, so that he can give huge tax breaks to the filthy rich! The only thing is increasing is the Pentagon’s budget, so that big defense contractors and weapons makers/sellers will make out like bandits. Military spending that will benefit only the US war machine, which is already over bloated with out tax dollars. The US is the biggest military spender in the world!


And although at the beginning of this year I thought that his involvement with the Russians may have a political ploy (scheme, plan) to get rid of him, now I truly think that he may have indeed (surely), collaborated with the Russians, in order to defeat Hillary Clinton and get elected.
Therefore, now after this latest spectacle (ugly show) and degrading (humiliating, embarrassing) act, of firing the FBI director, I truly hope and pray that this President is found guilty of something- I don’t care what- as long as he goes back to his civilian life! I do not hate him and neither do I wish him any harm. He is simply unfit to lead. He is mentally and morally incompetent to lead our country. He has to be dismissed, fired and let go, before it is too late. And I also pray that the US Congress improves the presidential election system, so that people like Trump will never again be considered for the presidency of the most powerful country on earth. The US needs leaders who are mentally, morally and professionally competent.