Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Please write your political representatives in Washington if you agree. You can use this letter.

Dear Senator Schumer Senator Gillibrand, and Congressman Tonko,
I am a Catholic and I have always believed that ending a human life is wrong. And it is also wrong that our government funds abortions. I know we are free in this country- women can do whatever they want with their bodies- but I don't agree that my taxes are used in terminating life. This is immoral and inhumane.

Therefore, I urge you to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. Life is sacred, it is valuable and inimitable- it deserves dignity.
Since 1974 too many lives have been ended (over 50 million) because of convenience. We all know that most abortions (98%) aren't necessary.
It is therefore imperative that justices on our Nation's highest court respect the constitutional right to life of all Americans. Judge Neil Gorsuch has a record of commitment to upholding our Constitution. We need justices who will interpret the Constitution, respect the right to life, and not legislate from the bench.
As your constituent, I urge you to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch as our next Supreme Court Justice!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

THE US GOVERNMENT SHOULDN'T SUPPORT and/or IMPOSE ANY RELIGION because it goes against the Constitution, against Decency and Respect. "Don't do onto others, what you don't want others do onto you!"  

Mr. President Trump, VP Pence,
With all due respect, I disagree with your position on forcing Christianity in our public schools. I am a Christian, and I would like if everyone was a Christian. But that's not the case, hence our government shouldn't force Christianity, and/or any other religion to others. 

Our constitution guarantees freedom of choice; either to believe in God, or not to believe, to practice a religion, or no to. Our country is made up of many religions, hence it must respect everyone's rights.  

The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees us this right, which must be respected and enforced.

Jesus didn't force anyone either, he always used love and compassion in all that he did. Didn't he? I am a school teacher, and I believe that the job of schools is to educate children, not to teach religion. I'm sure that Jesus would agree with me. He also would say to me: "Teach your students/children with love." He wouldn't, in fact, stress religion and or rules, but kindness and tolerance- one thing that your administration lacks! 

Hence, it makes more sense to teach religion at home- that is a job that should be left to the family, because American families are multicultural- they come from many countries with various skills, religions and traditions. So it is be illegal, unconstitutional, and unjust to teach Christianity to people of other faiths, like Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, and others. 

Our constitution forbids to teach religion in public places like schools, federal/state buildings and other government properties. Why does it forbid it because we don't want any religious group to have total control and impose its belief on others. 

In addition, we many religions in America, and to support/respect them all in our schools would be impractical, very difficult! It would take away from teaching academics. 

 I hope that you will take these factors into consideration before you establish a State religion!This would be immoral and unconstitutional- a threat to our freedom.

Friday, February 24, 2017


Dear President Trump, VP Pence and First Lady Melania Trump, I agree with you that we mus protect human life, but I have to say that the Republican Party hasn't done enough to safeguard all human life. I am disappointed and saddened by your party's unwillingness to do more to protect; the unborn, and those who are already born! 33,000 of our fellow Americans get slaughtered every year by bullets- by gun violence. And many more are killed with the death penalty! That's not defending life but taking it! Only God has the right to give it and take it away, not the US government!

I regret to say that the Republican Party has refused to enact/support common sense laws, that control and prevent guns from reaching the wrong people, like criminals, the mentally unstable, immature/irresponsible people and terrorists. It saddens me that your party hasn't done anything to pass laws that protect human life against gun violence. In fact, the Republican Party supports the NRA. 

Another thing that the Republican Party hasn't done- abolish the death penalty. This is a horrible way to administer justice- the US is one of the few countries in the world that uses this atrocious method. The people who are executed are usually poor, minorities, and sometimes some of them are also innocent!

The republican party wants to repeal/abolish the Obama Care, but yet it has no better plan to replace it! How can you support life if you get rid of this health care plan? People will be without protection and many will die! That's not supporting life.

Yesterday, President Trump announced that he wants to increase our nuclear arsenal. How will this protect human life? The US has almost 7,000nuclear warheads and Russia 7,000. These are enough to destroy our planet many times over! Why waste more billions to get more weapons? When we know that will not make us any more secure? Even former Soviet Union president, Mikhail Gorbachev, said recently (2-13-17 NY Times Magazine), and I quote:

"I think that the initiative to adopt such a resolution should come from Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin- the presidents of two nations that hold over 90% of the world’s nuclear arsenals and therefore bear a special responsibility.”

Mr. President, VP Pence, and First Lady; as a Christian, a husband, father of two, and retired veteran I beg you to work for peace, prosperity for all people, and to protection all human life- not just the unborn, and the destruction of the environment, but also work to abolish the death penalty and prevent a nuclear war.