Sunday, November 29, 2015

STILL ALICE. Great Movie.  Excellent Actors. A TOUCHING STORY. Alzheimer is something that could happen to any of us, not necessarily the elderly, but sometimes, unfortunately, also to younger people.

STILL (Sempre/Ancora) ALICE. UN GRAN FILM. GRANDI ATTORI. UNA STORIA EMOZIONANTE. La malattia Alzheimer puo' colpire CHIUNQUE, a volte, sfortunatamente, anche i giovani.

This is the story of a linguistics (language) professor who starts forgetting things (words in her lectures), and soon learns that she has the onset (starting) of Alzheimer disease.  
Questa è la storia di una professoressa di linguistica che inizia a dimenticare le cose (parole durante le sue lezioni), e presto impara che purtroppo questo e' l'inizio della malattia Alzheimer.


Saturday, November 28, 2015


From the Nazis (German's dictator Hitler), to the Soviet Union's communists leaders (Lenin, Stalin) to the Chines (Mao), the Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, to the Japanese military leaders during WWII, who slaughtered thousands of civilians. The oppression and slaughter of African-Americans by racial bigots like the KKK and leaders who did/said nothing to contrast racist ideas/actions that humiliated, abused and often murdered blacks. The  slaughter of the Native Americans, and last but not least the millions of people, refugees, who are now running away from their countries toward Europe, because of war/terrorism/persecution and intolerance.

However, the errors/horror continue today, which could lead/take us into additional military confrontation- more bloody/costly wars. It seems to me that many political leaders do not learn from history's past mistakes, and/or simply don't care. They keep on repeating the same mistakes. Why? Are leaders of CIVILIZED and technologically advanced NATIONS stupid, greedy, or just blind? I don't think they are stupid, I think they are blinded by greed and personal interests instead of the common good. They do not realize that their policies/actions are taking our world to ruin and more suffering. They do not realize that they are in fact being foolish. They are ignorant, arrogant, bullies, since they are incapable of compassion and tolerance toward others. The only thing that they seem to care is their pride/ego and profits- at the expense of the defenseless and the poor people. Wouldn't it make more sense if these leaders got along? And worked together toward defeating common enemies? Like terrorists, global warming, economic inequalities/social justice, racism, cynicism and xenophobia? Shouldn't they stop buying oil from countries who sponsor terrorism and stop selling weapons to nations/groups that then use them against us! And instead work toward a clean environment, one free from oil and  trading weapons? Sure, they should, but they don't! Why? It has become obvious that their only objective is business- by making weapons/wars money/profits! That's what they care about!
Just recently the Turks shot down a Russian military jet, just because it crossed their airspace for 17 seconds! The Russians too have made horrible mistakes. They shot down a Malaysian jetliner over Ukraine, killing over 200 people on board.  "Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 crashed after being hit by a Russian-made Buk missile over eastern Ukraine, a 15-month investigation by the Dutch Safety Board has confirmed. Flight MH17, en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was traveling over the conflict-hit region on 17 July 2014 when it disappeared from radar. A total of 283 passengers, including 80 children, and 15 crew members were on board.
The final report into the disaster said a missile exploded just above and to the left of the cockpit, causing the plane to break up in mid-air." (Source:

COLD WAR, 1983. Korean Airlines flight shot down by Soviet Union.

Soviet jet fighters intercept a Korean Airlines passenger flight in Russian airspace and shoot the plane down, killing 269 passengers and crew members. The incident dramatically increased tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States.
On September 1, 1983, Korean Airlines (KAL) flight 007 was on the last leg of a flight from New York City to Seoul, with a stopover in Anchorage, Alaska. As it approached its final destination, the plane began to veer far off its normal course. In just a short time, the plane flew into Russian airspace and crossed over the Kamchatka Peninsula, where some top-secret Soviet military installations were known to be located. The Soviets sent two fighters to intercept the plane. According to tapes of the conversations between the fighter pilots and Soviet ground control, the fighters quickly located the KAL flight and tried to make contact with the passenger jet. Failing to receive a response, one of the fighters fired a heat-seeking missile. KAL 007 was hit and plummeted into the Sea of Japan. All 269 people on board were killed.
This was not the first time a South Korean flight had run into trouble over Russia. In 1978, the Soviets forced a passenger jet down over Murmansk; two passengers were killed during the emergency landing. In its first public statement concerning the September 1983 incident, the Soviet government merely noted that an unidentified aircraft had been shot down flying over Russian territory. The United States government reacted with horror to the disaster. The Department of State suggested that the Soviets knew the plane was an unarmed civilian passenger aircraft. President Ronald Reagan called the incident a “massacre” and issued a statement in which he declared that the Soviets had turned “against the world and the moral precepts which guide human relations among people everywhere.” Five days after the incident, the Soviets admitted that the plane had indeed been a passenger jet, but that Russian pilots had no way of knowing this. A high ranking Soviet military official stated that the KAL flight had been involved in espionage activities. The Reagan administration responded by suspending all Soviet passenger air service to the United States, and dropped several agreements being negotiated with the Soviets.
Despite the heated public rhetoric, many Soviets and American officials and analysts privately agreed that the incident was simply a tragic misunderstanding. The KAL flight had veered into a course that was close to one being simultaneously flown by a U.S. spy plane; perhaps Soviet radar operators mistook the two. In the Soviet Union, several of the military officials responsible for air defense in the Far East were fired or demoted. It has never been determined how the KAL flight ended up nearly 200 miles off course.

At the next elections we should show bad leaders (those who care about profits and their ego/pride instead of the common good), that we, people of goodwill- who care about peace in prosperous, clean, honest  future for all people and our planet- don't want them!
Let's vote for leaders/candidates who are, and have proved themselves to be honest and will defend peace, life, justice, economic equality, and protect all people (the needy especially), the environment, and everyone's interest, not just the corporations!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

DON'T SAY NO TO NEEDY/HONEST REFUGES. SAY NO INSTEAD TO ALL TYPES OF VIOLENCE, INTOLERANCE, TERRORISM, RACISM, HATRED, CYNICISM and XENOPHOBIA. Let's AVOIDING the ERRORS and HORRORS of the past.Non Diciamo di no ai Migranti Bisognosi e onesti. Diciamo di no Invece a tutti i tipi di Violenza e abusi, all'Intolleranza, al Terrorismo, al Razzismo, all'Odio, al Cinismo, alla Xenofobia. Non RIPETIAMO gli stessi ERRORI e ORRORI del passato.


Pope Francis: "You cannot be a Christian, unless you do your part and help people in need."
Pope Francis has probably been the most politically involved Pope ever, and his…|By Pearson McKinney- Political Writer

Pope Francis is reaching out to President Trump to say what every logical person is thinking. You can’t be a true Christian while rejecting refugees, Donnie.
Pope Francis condemned President Trump while addressing a crowd of German Catholics and Lutherans:
“the contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West, and, on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions.”
“This is not something I’ve read in books, but I see in the newspapers and on television every day.”
“The sickness or, you can say the sin, that Jesus condemns most is hypocrisy, which is precisely what is happening when someone claims to be a Christian but does not live according to the teaching of Christ. You cannot be a Christian without living like a Christian,”
“You cannot be a Christian without practicing the Beatitudes. You cannot be a Christian without doing what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 25.”
“It’s hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help.”
Francis continued by saying that every country in the world should:
“service to the poorest, the sick (and) those who have abandoned their homelands in search of a better future for themselves and their families.”
“In putting ourselves at the service of the neediest. we will experience that we already are united; it is God’s mercy that unites us.”
Pope Francis lending his voice to this matter let’s us know just how important this moment in time is. America can either continue down the dark and dangerous path it is headed down, or it can retreat back to the somewhat respectable reputation it once had. It’s like a bad gameshow.

"European governments are struggling to co-ordinate their response to the influx. Large movements of migrants from country to country quickly fuel suspicions that some politicians are trying to shift the burden on to their neighbors.
"I governi europei si affannano per coordinare l'assistenza al grande influsso di migranti, ma molti politici fanna a scarica barile, cercano di dare la responsabilita' ai paesi accanto."


Da dove vengono quelli che chiedono l'asilo politico?

Greece and Italy - major entry points for migrants - say there must be more burden-sharing in the EU, especially as they have been hit hard by the euro-zone crisis. Migrants continue to board overcrowded, rickety boats, risking their lives. 
La Grecia e l'Italia - due maggiori punti di entrata dei migranti-  dicono che non possono farcela da soli- il peso deve essere condiviso dai paesi europei, perche' sono stati colpiti dalla crisi dell'Euro. I migranti arrivano in continuazione su barconi affollati rischiando la pelle.

In Basso. Dove vanno i migranti nell'EU?

More than 3,000 migrants have died crossing the Mediterranean this year, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported in September - more than four times the estimated deaths in 2013. 
Oltre 3 mila migranti sono morti f'inora nel Mediterraneao quest'anno, lo ha detto il settembre scorso la IOM, L'Organizzazione Internazionale dei Migranti.

In basso. Dove vanno i migranti che chiedono asilo?

In one of the worst incidents, at least 300 migrants drowned off Malta in early September. Survivors said their boat had been rammed by Egyptian people traffickers.
In un'incidente, almeno 300 migranti sono annegati vicino la costa di Malta a settembre. I superstiti hanno detto che i i trafficanti di migranti hanno fatto schiantare i barconi. 
Among industrialized countries, Germany now receives the most asylum claims - in 2013 it overtook the US. The increase in Germany has been fueled by big migrant flows from war-torn Syria and Iraq, Deutsche Welle news website reports.  

La Germania e' tra i paesi piu'  indistrializzati e quello che riceve le piu' alte richieste di asilo- nel 2013 ha passato anche gi Stati Uniti. L'aumento e' dovuto a dai rifugiati di guerre nella Siria e l'Iraq. Reportage del Deutsche Welle news website reports.

In basso. I maggiori paesi che ospitano migranti.
In basso. La Crisi dei Migranti/Rifugiati Arriva in Europa. 
5 mila arrivano in Europa. Potrebbero riempire 8 Madison Square Gardens (lo stadio coperto di New York) in un mese. CRS, Catholic Relief Services assiste 51 mila rifugiati nei Balcani.

In basso: 


 Per quale motivo non Dobbiamo dire di no ai Migranti Bisognosi e onesti? Per quale motivo invece diciamo di no alla Violenza? All'Intolleranza, al Terrorismo, al Razzismo, all'Odio, al Cinismo e alla Xenofobia?

However, the US House of Representatives turns its back on Syrian  refugees. 
Giovedi scorso, la camera dei debutati USA volta le spalle ai rifugiati siriani. E vota unanimamente per rafforzare i procedimenti di sicurezza dei migranti che arriveranno dalla Siria, a causa dall paura scatenata dagli attentati di Parigi.

  Quindi stanno cercando di contrastare la politica del Presidente Obama. La richiesta di legge ha passto con 50 voti democratici (lo stesso partito di Obama), che richiedono piu' controlli da parte dell'FBI, il ministro della Homeland Security (la sicurezza nazionale), e del direttore della national intelligence.
Ma la Casa Bianca li ha avvertiti che il Presidente non la firmera', mettera il veto (l'annullera').

WASHINGTON — The House voted overwhelmingly Thursday to drastically tighten screening procedures on refugees from Syria, seizing on the creeping fear stemming from the Paris attacks and threatening to undermine President Obama’s Middle East policy.
The bill, which passed, 289 to 137, with nearly 50 Democrats supporting it, would require that the director of the F.B.I., the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and the director of national intelligence confirm that each applicant from Syria and Iraq poses no threat. The bill’s fate is uncertain in the Senate.
The White House called the demands “untenable” and said that the president would veto the bill if it reached his desk.


Per il Presidente della Repubblica bisogna "riflettere sul motivo per cui vengono, sul fatto che (i migranti) lasciano con sofferenza le loro case per sfuggire alla morte o alla fame e vogliono venire in Europa perché qui c’è pace e libertà". "L'Italia e l'Europa, dunque, devono riflettere. Non solo i governi ma anche tutte le persone. Abbiamo prodotto civiltà, libertà e democrazia, non possiamo non essere all’altezza dei nostri valori".

Mattarella lancia l'allarme corruzione: "Conseguenza di una caduta della politica" 
Mattarella: "I giovani si allontanano e perdono fiducia perché la politica si inaridisce. Perde il legame con i suoi fini oppure perde il coraggio di indicarli chiaramente"


  In basso. Il Vice presidente, Joe Biden, spiega come da tempo gli Stati Uniti hanno un sistema di controlli efficaci per non far entrare terroristi e criminali negli USA. I rifugiati che fanno richiesta di asilo politico, o per altre ragioni legali, devono aspettare da 18 mesi a 2 anni prima di essere ammessi negli USA, appunto per controlli severi gia' esistenti.

Not our buddy! Vice President Joe Biden supports the refugees! He said, "We have a real vetting system for refugees coming into this country." he was not kidding.

Right now, we're seeing a whole lotta conversations about how welcoming Syrian refugees to our country could somehow make us less safe. But, I'm taking a tip from Biden, and sticking to the truth. (What’s a VETTING System? What does it mean? It is a system/method, a way to correctly select, test (see) and inspect, a way to check and make sure that the people who enter the USA are not criminals.)
Here are the facts:
1. Refugees are the most vetted category of folks coming to the United States. They have to undergo interviews and a TON of security screenings from the Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, FBI, Department of Defense, and more before they can come to the U.S.
2. Syrian refugees can't just "show up." It takes an average of 18 to 24 months for refugee applications to be processed in the U.S. And it's actually taking a lot longer right now because the White House is being extra cautious about security concerns after the Paris attacks.

Also, here's one for kindness:

3. Syrian refugees are fleeing some of the worst violence and terror ... not unlike the violence and terror we recently saw in Paris. These folks are survivors. And we should stand with them, especially right now.
I'm with Marine Phil Klay who tweeted:

"[I]t's only during frightening times when you get to find out if your country really deserves to call itself the 'home of the brave.'"

If that just made your heart explode like it did mine, go ahead and share this with someone. 



What You Need to Know About the Syrian Refugee Crisis and What the U.S. is Doing to Help. Quello che devi sapere sui rifugiati della Siria. E quello che fanno gli USA per aiutarli.

September 15, 2015 at 6:08 PM ET by Tanya Somanader
A deeper look into what the U.S. and the world are doing to address the suffering of millions of innocent people who have been displaced by the violence in Syria.

Your home country is all that you know -- it’s where you were raised, where you’ve loved, and where you’ve lived all your years. So what happens when one day, without warning, or without cause, that sense of security is ripped from you? War, violence, persecution for who you are or what you believe; your home has become the crucible for your greatest fears, a place you no longer recognize. You’re afraid for your life, for your family -- you don’t know where to go but you know you can’t stay. You and your family are forced to flee into an unknown future and the unknown peril it may hold. You are a refugee. 

This is the all-too-common experience of millions of innocent men, women, and children across the globe who have been driven from the place they once called home. And right now, the world is witnessing the human suffering of the thousands of families fleeing the conflict in Syria -- their personal tragedies spotlighted on the front pages of newspapers around the world as they risk their lives to find safe haven.
While the world turns its attention towards these refugees -- and rightly so -- we must not lose sight of why they fled for their lives, and the gravely urgent task of responding to the overwhelming needs of those who remain behind.
Since 2011, almost 12 million people, equivalent to half of the Syrian population, have been displaced by the conflict, including 7.6 million displaced inside Syria. Their homes and schools have been bombed out of existence by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad's merciless regime. Their lives have been imperiled by ISIL and terrorism. Many have been forced to flee to other parts of Syria or seek refuge in neighboring countries.
It is as if every student in the 45 largest U.S. school districts -- including New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles -- had been uprooted by violence, hunger, or disease all at once. They are in desperate need of aid. The importance of this aid cannot be underestimated. It is critical to helping people where they are, so they are not forced to take perilous journeys on fierce seas or entrust their welfare to human smugglers. The relief agencies and organizations that bring this assistance directly to those in need require financial support, and that is why the U.S. has provided $4.5 billion in financial assistance to help meet those urgent needs in the most effective way. Under President Obama, the U.S. is currently the largest bilateral donor of humanitarian assistance in the world.
The U.S. can also provide a safe haven for those seeking a new home. In this fiscal year alone, the U.S. expects to admit 70,000 refugees from all over the world. In order to ensure safety and security within American communities where those in need are welcomed, each refugee admitted in to the U.S. undergoes the highest category of security screening for entering the country.
The President has directed his Administration to scale up the number of Syrian refugees we will bring to the U.S. next year. By the end of September, the U.S. is on track to take in about 1,500 Syrian refugees, and the President has asked his team to make preparations to accept at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next fiscal year.
It is not feasible for millions of Syrians to come to this country -- we know that. However, we must do what we can to provide for their basic needs.
But, no change in refugee policy or amount of humanitarian aid can resolve the political crisis that is displacing so many innocent people. To bring an end to this crisis, the U.S. is working with the international community to reach a negotiated political solution to the conflict. Ultimately, the instability and the responsibility to resolve the violence rests with Syria’s President Al-Assad.


La Storia si Ripete? Per alcuni si perche' non si ricordano di essa, o non gl'interessa e non imparano dal passato! Hanno messi il testale... come i muli!

Two months after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 ordering all Japanese-Americans to evacuate the West Coast. This resulted in the relocation of approximately 120,000 people, many of whom were American citizens, to one of 10 internment camps located across the country. Traditional family structure was upended within the camp, as American-born children were solely allowed to hold positions of authority. Some Japanese-American citizens of were allowed to return to the West Coast beginning in 1945, and the last camp closed in March 1946. In 1988, Congress awarded restitution payments to each survivor of the camps.
Rinsediamento da guerra dei giapponesi, negli USA.
Nel 1942, migliaia di giapponesi americani che vivono negli Stati Uniti sono costretti in campi di reinsediamento guerra.
Due mesi dopo il bombardamento giapponese di Pearl Harbor, il presidente statunitense Franklin D. Roosevelt firmò l'ordine esecutivo 9066 ordina a tutti nippo-americani di evacuare la West Coast,
nel 1945. Ciò ha comportato il trasferimento di circa 120.000 persone, molte delle quali erano cittadini americani, in uno dei 10 campi di internamento situati in tutto il paese. La struttura familiare tradizionale fu rovesciata all'interno del campo, e solo i cittadini  Americani, quelli nati negli USA, sono stati unicamente autorizzati a tenere posizioni di autorità. Alcuni cittadini giapponesi-americani poi sono stati autorizzati a tornare all'inizio del 1945 alla West Coast. L'ultimo di questi campi fu' chiuso nel marzo del 1946. Nel 1988, il Congresso ha assegnato pagamenti di restituzione per ogni sopravvissuto dei campi.


I WAS SHOCKED WHEN I READ THIS DECLARATION (above) FROM THIS US PRESIDENT. He interned Japanese Americans, but not the Germans and/or Italians, which were also US enemies during WW II.
Sono rimasto scioccato quando ho letto questa dichiarazione (vedi sopra) di questo grande presidente USA, FDR (Franklyn Delano Roosevelt), il quale nel 1942 rinchiuse 120 mila giapponesi-americani in campi di rinsediamento da guerra. E nonostante gli italio-americani e i tedeschi-americani erano nemici degli USA, non furono toccati!  


Mr. Engel, thank you! and God Bless you for your courage/compassion to help the refugees!

If you want to help and care about others in need, sign the petition at