Saturday, May 30, 2015

I usually go to the public library to get books for my students and DVD movies to watch at home, and sometimes- when I find an interesting movie- I watch it in class with my ESL students. Well, last week I ran into The Book Thief, and I liked it so much that I'd like share some images and a brief plot. This is one of the best stories I have seen in a long time. It is truly a story of lost and found love. I believe, that you- like me- will fall in love with it. I am planning on reading the book this summer.

MOVIE The Book Thief. 
Based on Based on the story by Markus Zusak, the #1 NY Times Bestseller book. Directed by Brian Percival -
Story Characters:
a. Liesel, a young German girl of 8-12 years old.   
b. Liesel’s Adoptive parents-her step- mom: Rosa.
c. Her step-dad: Hans   
d. Jewish young man, Max, who was hiding from the Nazis in Liesel‘s house
e. Setting: Germany 1938-1947 (during WWII)
f. Plot: The story begins in February 1938, outside of Munich, Nazy Germany. Liesel Meminger is burying her little brother with her mom- after recently losing her dad. Soon her mother is taken away by the Nazis, because she was accused of being a communist. Liesel is now alone in the world, but she is lucky in a way, since she is adopted by a loving childless German couple. The new adoptive parents soon become the family that Liesel never had. They treat her like her own. Her life is also effected by Rudy, a boy her age, who plays with her and other children in the streets. Rudy dreams of running away from Nazi oppression and violence. Soon her adoptive parents also take in Max, a young Jewish man, who is running away and trying to survive the Nazi’s persecution (of Jews). Liesel parents kept him hidden in their basement. Soon, Liesel begins stealing books from the Nazi book-burnings, and from the library of wife's mayor. Liesel shared those books with max during the Allied bombing, but she always returned them to the library, after she had read them.

Starring (actors): Geoffrey Rush (the step-dad, Hans), and
Sophie Nelisse, who plays Liesel.

Markus Zusak is also the author of  Fighting Rueben Wolfe, Getting the Girl and I am the Messenger. The author got the idea of the Book Thief from his parents, who grew up in Germany during WWII, and shared their stories of their childohood in WWII germany. He now lives in Australia with his wife.

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