Tuesday, February 12, 2019


In a few days it will be Valentine's Day- the day of love. However, this year's Valentine's Day will be marred by the latest form of late term abortion recently passed in NY State- the Reproductive Health Act, or RHA- a law that was signed on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which the pro-life movement somberly remembered on the same day, January 22, 2019. It was a sad day because women have been deceived and children will be ripped away from their woumb at any stage of the pregnancy, up to the day of birth!
In this post find out how this latest abortion law will inhumanely/disgracefully effect women and children, and the dignity of human life. Speak up, contact your NY State representatives and let them know that this is morally unacceptable. Children and women need to be protected from violence, and loved instead. (The above 3 paragraphs were not included in the letter- they were used as an intro on my FB posts- also in Italian)

In a few days it will be Valentine's Day- the day of love. However, this year's Valentine's Day will be marred by the latest form of late term abortion recently passed in NY State- with the Reproductive Health Act, or RHA- a law that was signed on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which the pro-life movement somberly remembered on the same day, January 22, 2019. 
However, New York’s new abortion law will endanger even more children and mothers than ever before. Here are basic facts of this new law, (that were taken from the Human Coalition, a pro-life online site).
1.     The HRA legalizes abortion until the moment of birth but is not the only state to have done so.
In fact, six other states plus Washington, D.C., also allow abortion until birth: Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, & Vermont.

2.     The passage of the RHA was celebrated by the abortion movement. It was cheered and applauded and publicly celebrated in New York.

3. Abortion is now legal in New York through all nine months of pregnancy on-demand for essentially any reason.

4. New York no longer recognizes a human being as a person until after he or she has been born. Once again, instead of being valued for simply being human, abortion activists continue to rely on the ambiguous and discriminatory label of “personhood” in order to justify killing an entire class of human beings.  Humans have killed other humans throughout history because of race, gender, size, color, religion, geography, social class, and a host of other traits. Personhood is simply the latest discrimination factor and the current favorite of the abortion industry. But even with that egregious application of the personhood discrimination label, children who survive abortion and are born are not protected by the law.

5. It removes legal protections that once ensured that viable babies who survived abortion would be given medical treatment. The bill reflects a pure, unadulterated hatred of children in the womb. But does the bill even protect women? Hardly. Here's why.
6. The RHA says that certain non-physicians can now commit abortions in New York. What happened to giving women very best medical care for their abortions?  Are we seeing a return to those back alley abortions that we heard about so many years ago?
7. It also repeals New York laws that punish criminals who harm women in an attempt to kill their preborn children, leaving the mothers of wanted children to mourn without recourse to the state. New York became the home of the first version of a Planned Parenthood clinic over one hundred years ago and has led the abortion movement for decades. New York City is, by a large margin, the most abortion-dense area in the entire United States. And, according to the city’s own documentation, more African-American children are aborted than born alive in NYC.  
You heard that correctly – more than ½ of Black babies in New York are already aborted.  The the most dangerous place in New York City for a black baby is actually the womb. And New York just celebrated this advancement of the culture of death with applause and pink lights. The leading cause of death in America is the killing of children in the womb, and New York continues to promote and advance this culture of death.

SINCE 1974, 61MILLION AMERICAN CHILDREN HAVE BEEN ABORTED, hence have died since that Supreme Court decision.

So, I have two questions for those who support these abortion laws;
1.   Why does the Democratic Party keep on pushing abortion when there are many other solutions? Like: ABSTINENCE, BIRTH CONTROL, ADOPTION and the EDUCATION of RESPECT/DIGNITY of human life? 
2.   Why don't you support and push these other options that are non-violent, humane, and morally acceptable by everyone.
In conclusion, I support many of the Democratic Party's ideas/proposals, especially those that seek social and environmental justice, peace, economic progress and advancement for all people. However, I will never support radical and inhumane abortion agenda that your party has been undertaking for a long time now, especially with late term abortion laws as New York's RHA law. 

It  is clear that many NY State lawmakers have lost all kind of human decency and forgotten that there’s a God who will ask for an explanation and accountability of these immoral acts. 

I hope that you will not follow in their horrendous footsteps.
Thank you. 


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