Sunday, January 18, 2015

Introduction & Objectives to Ottavio's blog - Introduzione e obbiettivi del blog di Ottavio

Ottavio Lo Piccolo. 2014
Six Doves in Space. Acrylics on canvas. Ottavio Lo Piccolo (c) 2017.

Introduction/Why American Pensieri (thoughts)?
In this blog, I will present (show) my artworks, blogs, articles, letters to the media (news/Internet)

 Ottavio Lo Piccolo in front of the 109th Force Support Group Mural. Dining Hall, Stratton Air National Guard Base, Scotia, NY. Summer 2012.
This is a work in progress- in evolution (always growing/changing/improving), which I will be filling gradually (little by little), and will be sharing it with anyone who is interested; in particular (especially) family, students, parents and friends who have an interest in reading. The words in bold (black) are presented (shown) with synonyms (with words with similar meaning) in parenthesis (like these two), so that ESL (English a Second Language) Ss (Students) will grasp (understand) the meaning- those do not know much English. At the end of each blog, article and/or reflection, I will post some questions to stimulate discussions. I also may share my answers/replies, not to influence, but to show ESL students how one answers these questions.
The topics (subjects, main ideas) will include social/ethical themes (ideas/points), education, the environment/nature (land, water, air), politics/corruption, health/fitness, spirituality (questions/meaning of life, existence, creation, religion, God, spirits, the unseen), and biographies (stories) of people who have made significant contributions to society, leaders, inspirational human beings, who have made positive contributions to humanity- especially those who had vision, honesty, compassion and perseverance. I am referring to people who sacrificed their lives for good/worthy causes so that others less fortunate could have a better life/future- a world free of violence. Some of these heroes are: Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr, Cesar Chavez, Mother Theresa, Mother Francesca Cabrini, pope John Paul II, Nelson Mandela, Saint Francis, my friend Fr. Joe Girzone (the author of Joshua, and many others), and others. 
Why talk about these individuals (people)? Because mass media (all the big news agencies/organizations) focuses on the negative, the shocking, and the attention grabbers. As we say in Italy: "Tutto fumo e niente arrosto!" Meaning, All show and little substance! But, not in this blog! In addition, we need good models, good examples- individuals who did good things for our society, because these people help us to persevere in doing good, they help us stay focused, and hence they inspire us in making positive contributions  in our communities. And I think that we all want to contribute  something in this tapestry (life), this journey- because doing good will add meaning to our existence to our lives, which hopefully will lead to a better future, one built on peace, understanding, cooperation, charity and tolerance of all people.

Other topics will cover social/ethical/spiritual issues, like the , NDEs (near death experiences), sports, food/fitness/health, etc. In my discussion will often include three dimensions (3-D), the body, the mind and the soul (or spirit). 
I believe this third dimension has been neglected (put aside, ignored) for a long time in our western secularized society. Many people, scientists and intellectuals (thinkers) thought, and many still do today, that it was old fashioned, naive and ignorant, to believe in it, or to talk about the human soul/spirit. In fact, in the last 50 years or so, these so called intellectuals/materialists (those who believe only in the physical/matter-what they see and touch), have led us to believe that the physical world is the only reality. In addition, in the last 20 years or so, they also have had the audacity and arrogance of mocking those who thought otherwise-  those who didn't buy into it and didn't believe their materialistic view. But I, and many others (millions of believers- the majority of people on this planet- and also scientists and intellectuals), disagree with this view. It is also a fact, that most, if not all, ancient civilizations believed in the after life (the Greeks, Aztecs, Egyptians, Romans, etc.). So it is a fact that many contemporary thinkers, ans scientists, have neglected this historic fact, or should I say, they have no respect for past knowledge. Why? I suspect it may be a combination of ignorance, arrogance, neglect, and/or lack of respect/appreciation (of the discoveries/people of the past) that has blinded them to the truth, and has lead them to conclude that if they can't see it, or if they can't understand/visualize it doesn't exist. This way of thinking in my view is limited! Is not the way to see/imagine the future! Because human intelligence has its limits! But it takes humility to accept this fact!
So, I will present scientific and non-scientific evidence (with logic, reason, philosophy, my life/work experience, etc.) that will prove the existence of the spiritual dimension (where our consciousness, our soul/spirit continues to live).

 I will do my best to present honest, simple, clean, and unpolluted ideas, facts, evidence, without the influence, bias, manipulation of the big media, or materialist thinkers, corporations, multinational companies, etc., who have their own agendas and interests- not ours and/or the well-being of all.
My goals are is to share, inform and educate because when we share we get to know each other and learn from one another.  The final objective is the common good of everyone, not the elite or a few individuals. 
I think we can all make our world a better place to live- a more compassionate/understanding and less violent society. We can do this if we do our part (take care of our individual responsibilities; taking good care of our families, doing our jobs well, being good/responsible/honest citizens/neighbors and friends, etc.). We can achieve this if we respect all people (no matter their race, ethnic background, country of origin, sex, social status, religious/political beliefs/ideals (that have the common good as final objective).
I also promise to accomplish this goal this without being offensive/degrading- because I am not a hypocrite and I am not Charlie Hebdo! I will try to be respectful, and although I may disagree, I will be a decent person. I hope you will enjoy this blog, and hopefully join me in these discussions/efforts. Please leave any questions/comments/views if have any.

Who am I?
I like to create (make art and to write), and in this blog I would like to do just that- present my work (both written and visual) to express my thoughts, my views, which will be drawn (taken) my life/work experience, which is pretty wide. I am an Italian emigrant. I arrived in the USA with my family at a teenager, in 1974, and so I am fluent in Italian. I am a husband and father of two children (a girl 25, and a boy 16). I have worked as a mechanical designer and graphic artist (in civilian life and in the US Air Force. I was on active duty for 4 years). I have been teaching ESL, English as a Second Language to children/adults for 14 years. I am also a free lance artist (of paintings, drawings, murals, and I also fix statues- restorations). I am a part time member of the New York Air Guard (I was in food service, graphics/audiovisual field, and now I am a chaplain assistant). So my experience, as you can see, is large and varied, and it will be reflected here.
Thank you. Ottavio Lo Piccolo, 1-18-15

 Doves in Space. Acrylic on canvas board. By Ottavio Lo Piccolo (c) 2013.

(Italian Intro)
Questo blog si dedica a informare, educare, condividere idee, opinioni, e azioni concrete con un'obbiettivo basato sulla pace e il rispetto, per cercare di costruire un mondo migliore - Un mondo piu' compassionevole, e una societa' meno violenta. Quest'obbiettivo verra' raggiunto attraverso il rispetto di tutte le genti di buona volonta'; di qualsiasi razza essi siano, o di qualsiasi origine etnica, o di qualsiasi paese d'origine, sesso, eta' o status sociale (ricchi o poveri), o qualsiasi ideologia politica e religiosa (l'importante che abbiano come obbiettivo finale il bene comune).
Presentero' biografie di persone comuni e persone interessanti, grandi e piccoli leaders, ma sopratutto uomini e donne, che si sono sacrificati per creare un mondo migliore basato sulla pace, la tolleranza e il rispetto di tutti (come per esempio Gesu', Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr, San Franceso, Cesar Chavez, Mother Theresa, Mother Francesca Cabrini, Nelson Mandela, papa Giovanni Paolo II, e tanti altri). Queste persone ci aiuteranno a stare concentrati sulla via della pace e dell'amore reciproco- perche' queste sono le sole cose che ci aiuteranno a costruire un mondo migliore. Spero vi piaccia e  magari parteciperete in queste discussioni e obbiettivi.
Grazie. Ottavio Lo Piccolo. 18-1-15. Stati Uniti D'America.

All writings/images are © Copyrighted by Ottavio Lo Piccolo 2014 (unless otherwise specified). All rights reserved. No part of these writings, images/artworks, may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the authors’ written permission. Classroom teachers may copy individual articles with the images included in each piece, but only for instructional purposes and only for their classroom students.

 Ottavio in front of the Force Support Group mural at Stratton ANGB, Scotia, NY. Summer 2012.

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