(Italian version is in green, and conclusion is at the bottom / la conclusione/versione italiana in fondo). Attacco terroristico del 9/11 - Un'americano su quattro crede che sia stata una messa in scena- una montatura? Fregatura? No...per me e' stato un fallimento dell'amministrazione del presidente George W. Bush II! E Seguita dalle sue menzogne e inganni!
Lies or truth? Investigate it and find out.
Italian: Menzogne o verita'? Investigate e scopritelo.
Italian: Il titolo dice (the title above says):
Le menzogne su 9/11.

Italian: Menzogne o verita'? Investigate e scopritelo.
Italian: Il titolo dice (the title above says):
Le menzogne su 9/11.
Watch FAHRENHEIT 9/11, it is an informative, fun and inspiring/controversial movie. You'll get a better idea of the amount/scope of deceit and failures by the George W. Bush administration, from 2001 to 2008. Bush was the only President in US history who got eggs and tomatoes thrown at his limousine
while being driven to the White House on inauguration day. Why did Americans throw tomatoes at him? Because he cheated in the 2000 presidential election. However, this wasn't his first illegal action, and wasn't either the only lie- that he and his family and cronies told us! The US media helped in this farce-The Iraqi war!
Italian: Questo film vi mostrera' come Bush ha mentito agli Americani e al mondo causando una guerra ingiusta contro l'Iraq!
Italian: Questo film vi mostrera' come Bush ha mentito agli Americani e al mondo causando una guerra ingiusta contro l'Iraq!

These two documentaries, below: The Fog of War, and The Unknown Known, show how certain American leaders (many of them Republicans) manipulate the media with lies and deceit in order to influence public opinion and bring the USA into unnecessary/unethical (unjust) wars - the business of death- so that bellicose industry (corporations that build/sell arms/weapons) get rich, while middle class and poor Americans die! Watch these films, find them on the Internet, and/or at your local library. It will give you a factual (true) portrait (idea) of how some of our national leaders (and also mainstream media, like the NY Times and many others) manipulate us.
Italian: Questi due documentari (in basso) The Fog of War, and The Unknown Known, mostrerano come alcuni leaders nazionali USA manipolano i media (giornali, riviste, televisione, Internet, ecc) con le loro menzogne e inganni per portare l'America in guerra- il loro business, il loro modo di fare affari- alle spese della popolazione povera e della classe media. Come le guerre del Vietnam a l'ultima ingiusta contro l'Iraq!
Additional proof about the deceit and lies of the George W. Bush administration can be found in the book titled:
WHAT HAPPENED- Inside The Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception.
By Scott McClellan, the White House Press Secretary (from 2003-06, and previously the Principal Deputy White House Press Secretary). How much more proof do we need? Italian; in questo libro troverete la testimonianza di un'assistente di Bush, Scott MacClellan, che lavoro con l'ex presidente per tanti anni. Scott dichiara che gl'iganni e le menzogne nell'amministrazioe Bush erano cose giornaliere.
Donald Rumfelt, Bush's controversial defense secretary. A complicated person, with strong/stubborn ways of seeing the world. A person who strongly believes in solving problems with military force. One of the main people who lead the USA-Iraqi war disaster.
Summary. This blog/article is about the 9/11/01 terrorist attack, which I'm still working on it, and I will continue updating it until the next 9/11 anniversary, on September 11, 2015.
Why do many people (1 out of 4, or 1/4), in the USA believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy (a lie, a set up)? Americans suspect that the US government set it up, and/or new about it, but didn't do enough/anything to stop it.
Others, like me, believe that they didn't pay heed (attention) to the terror threat (danger) and although they knew the terrorists were planning to hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings), they didn't take it serious. Others (Americans) suspect that they (Bush II administration) possibly (maybe) turned the other way, so that they could use it as a pretext (excuse) to go to war.
Many of the people who believe in this conspiracy are also the relatives of the victims of 9/11. They think that that the US government hasn't been completely truthful (honest) with them. They are suspicious (doubtful) because there are a lot of questions that were not answered, lots of evidence (proof, facts) weren't looked at, many witnesses (people who were there as it happened) weren't questioned, and many facts (lots of evidence) were left unchecked- that is they weren't fully investigated. In addition (and also), up to the year 2005, over 3 thousand books were written about this conspiracy. Furthermore (and), many people who have made these accusations (against the US government) have mysteriously been killed/disappeared (as Phillip Marshal the author of The Great Bamboozle. He was found dead in his house with his 2 teenage children on March 5, 2013. See his image below, photo #2. No wonder why so many think alike (the same way)- they suspect foul play (improper/illegal action)- indeed (surely) a conspiracy.
I personally think that 9/11 was not caused/orchestrated (organized) by the Bush II administration. I believe, instead, that his administration failed to protect us, and in order to protect their reputation they lied to the American public, and avoided telling the truth (they got cough off guard). Had the Bush administration taken the terrorist threat more seriously, the 9/11 tragedy could have been avoided. But they were focused on attacking Iraq. Hence, 9/11 happened mostly because President George W. Bush II, and his administration, failed miserably in their job of protecting America. That's my view, my conclusion today (25April, 2015).
However, don't take my word (don't believe me, if you wish), but I would like to invite you to begin your search in this matter (issue, the 9/11/01 event) and find out about it. I'd suggest that you begin an in depth search by reading, looking at the images (in this blog- you'll see lots more further down), search the internet, read other books, watch the movie FAHRENHEIT 9/11 By Michael Moore, and the other 2 documentaries (the images are shown above): The Fog of War, and The Unknown Known.
If you do your research, it will give you an idea of what I'm talking about. Also for additional proof, watch other videos on You Tube, and finally decide for yourself- if the US government has told the truth, or if it lied to the whole world, to me and to you. No wonder why so many Americans believe it was a conspiracy.
(Photo # 1)
Because there are many questions that were left unanswered. Don't take my words for it- find the answers yourself on the many Internet.
Because there are many questions that were left unanswered. Don't take my words for it- find the answers yourself on the many Internet.
Perche' tanti americani non credono nelle versioni ufficiali di 9/11? La risposta e' semplice, perche' troppe domande sono rimaste senza risposte. Investigate, e troverete le risposte sull'Internet.
Perche' tanti americani non credono nelle versioni ufficiali di 9/11? La risposta e' semplice, perche' troppe domande sono rimaste senza risposte. Investigate, e troverete le risposte sull'Internet.
(photo #2)
The man above, Phillip Marshall, has written the following books about the 9/11 conspiracy; False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post 911 World (published in 2008), and his 2nd one is: The Big bamboozle: 9/11 and the the War on Terror (published in 2012). He was found dead in his house with his 2 teenage children on March 5, 2013. The authorities declared that it was a suicide, he murder his children, his dog and then he killed himself. Do you believe this version? I have my doubts.
Is man an invention of the US government?
Is this lady telling the truth or lies?
Questa donna dice la verita o mente?
Tante persone non sono d'accordo con la versione ufficiale del governo, perche' ha evitato, nascosto, coperto, testimoni e prove. Perche'?
Many famous people doubt the official version too.
Tante persone famose dubitano anche la versione ufficiale.
Tante persone famose dubitano anche la versione ufficiale.

US Leaders Have Lied Before... /
Tanti Leaders USA hanno mentito prima...con la guerra del Vietinam, nella Corea e dopo nell'Iraq.
When I first heard about a 9/11 conspiracy, I just couldn't believe it. It was inconceivable, unthinkable, that the US government would orchestrate (organize) such a horrific (ugly, terrible) event. However, too many people today have doubts about the official US version of the facts (published by the 9/11 Commission). These people, including me, believe that there are many holes, many inconsistencies, many questions that have not been fully answered/investigated properly. People wonder why not all evidence was examined, why important witnesses were not interviewed (by the 9/11 Commission), and finally, why necessary/needed investigations were not executed (done). Even in 2005 Popular Mechanics (I simply refer to it as PM- as you can see the cover of their magazine above), said that over 3,000 books were written on this conspiracy.
So, like so many Americans I also wonder, and I base my doubts on the following questions. Is it possible that the US would do such a thing? Created an event that caused the death of 3,000 people and much destruction? Why not? Our top government leaders have lied to us before, as in the case of the Korean and Vietnam wars, the Watergate scandal, which brought down Pr. Richard Nixon, then pardoned by VP Gerald Ford (how convenient!). The Iran-Contra scandal, in which President Ronald Reagan exchanged arms for hostages, and then he said that he didn't recall (convenient too!). The Monika Lewiski scandal, was caused by President Bill Clinton (who was married), but had an extra marital affair (with Monika) in the White House, and then denied it (lied) on national TV, and got away scot free! The reasoning was: he didn't do anything against the constitution! Nice excuse! Except if it was me or you, and/or any public servant, like a policeman, a firefighting and/or a teacher we'd be fired on the spot!
Then President George W. Bush lied too. He told us that Iraq had connections with the terrorists and that the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, also had weapons of mass destruction.
I wrote to President Bush, just before the Iraqi invasion, and begged him not to invade. Why should we (the USA) do it alone?
I asked him in my email. His wife responded (several months after the war started), and she said:
"Pr. Bush is working for the good of all Americans."
However, I didn't accept that reply because I didn't think he was helping all Americans, but only the people who were in the business of making war- the big US corporations who build and sell weapons- the rich and powerful- not the middle class and the needy, in other words not all Americans. She wasn't telling me the truth either!
So President Bush took the US into war- he gave the order to invade Iraq 3-19-03. The war was the longest US war in history. It lasted until 2011. It was costly, both economically and humanely was deadly. We lost 4,425 young lives, 32,223 were wounded, and 320,000 got brain injuries. Over 500 thousand Iraqis died, and millions of Iraqi children died because of the economic sanctions, which created a lack of food and medicine and other basics. So, as we can see, in wars the poor suffer and die, and the rich make more money! They make out like bandits, they make lots of money! Friends of VP (vice president) Dick Cheney, who owned companies rebuilt Iraq after the war (how convenient!) and made billions! In the end no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq and no terrorist connections were found either.
As we can see, often the law doesn't apply to presidents and/or high government officials, but it applies to us!
We are the ones to go to jail, not them, if we break the law! Isn't this an outrage? Tell me, is this democracy or fascism? That is why I have my questions and doubts about the official 9/11 version. I do not believe in it. American leaders must make me believe, provide (give) us (Americans and the world) the proof- answer all the questions, and then I will and so will all the 9/11 families!
If you don't believe me check out the book below by author Robert Scheer, one of the best reporters of our times, the last 5 decades. He has reported/investigated the excesses and absurdities of our leaders.
Italian: Quest'autore (del libro qui sopra) Robert Sheer, e' giornalista investigativo da oltre 50anni con maggiri giornali USA, dichiara che le politiche USA di molti leaders dicono che quello che ha fatto Bush II, combattere il terrorismo e portare (imporre) la democrazia su altri paesi, sono cose patriottiche, e chi none e' d;'accordo con lui e' un traditore. Pensieri simili a Mussolini, Hitler e ora Renzi!
Washington knew this record of imperial folly well, and he was well aware that his countrymen could fall as had others for the sirens song of military power coupled with economic greed that had humbled the powers of Europe: In offering you, my Countrymen, these counsels of an old and affectionate friend...to moderate the fury of (political party spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of foreign Intrigue, to guard against the Impostures of pretended patriotism... Are any of our Democrat or republican top leaders, particularly after the tragedy of 9/11, dares rise to warn against the Impostures of pretend patriotism? Are any of them as truly devoted as Washington to "the benign influence of good Law under free Government," or indeed to the nurturing of what the founders well understood-to be ever fragile experiment in representative democracy? (The Pornography of Power, p. 230)
The answer seems obvious, we do not live in a fair democratic system, but one that is self serving and corrupt! No wonder people (in the US and many other western societies) do not trust their governments any longer! No wonder, I myself do not trust many leaders today! I also have too many doubts- we all know that many leaders are not honest! Too many human beings are weak and corrupt today because their god is the might dollar! Take a look at some of the latetest corruption that goes on in Washington, read some of them below.
Log on to www.911hardfacts.com/report_21.htm and many other blogs, read books, watch videos on You Tube, and you'll see for yourself and find out all the facts- not just what the US government tells us. See how special interests, big lobbyist, big corporations manipulate our leaders into making laws/decisions that work in their favor, their pockets and instead destroy us, the middle class and the poor! This is what the US magazine, The Nation said in one of its articles titled: "CONGRESS INCORPORATED" (edition of March 2/9, 2015, on page 1): "Lobbyists have been hired by the offices of the most controversial addition to the GOP leadership team, Louisiana representative Steve Scalice, now House majority whip. Scalice came under fire in December following the revelation that a state lawmaker, over a decade ago, had addressed a white supremacist organization founded by the Klansman David Duke. But Scalice return to capitol Hill in January was hardly dampened by the scandal."
The Nation also mentions other politicians who are on K street, (meaning supremacists), like newly elected Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, a democrat who is expected to join a largely republican effort to curtail (stop, block) new Environmental Protection Agency regulations on carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants (the main causes of pollution and global warming). And in addition, Senator Manchin has hired a new senior policy adviser on energy, John O' Donnel, a former employee of Excel Energy, a large utility company with 13 coal power plants! The new deputy staff director of the Senate Energy Committee, Colin Hayes, is a former president of McBee Strategic Consulting- as is Angela Becker-Lippmann who worked for Tesla Motors, and Hayes lobbied for the national Mining Association and Duke Energy. In addition, on the 3rd page the nation talks about the Ukrainian crisis, titled: Ukraine on the Brink, and explains that we are gravely going back to a cold war era, when the USA and Soviet Union were arch enemies. Senator McCain, Republican from Arizona is one of many republicans hawks (war instigators) who are pushing for stronger US actions against the Russians- because they are helping in the fight in Ukraine. So is the new secretary of defense, Ashton Carter.
Why do I have so many doubts about the 9/11 official version?
Don't get me wrong (do not misunderstand me), I'm not a fanatic (crazy), rather (but) my motives (reasons), are to know the facts, the truth. If we do not challenge the people in command, our leaders, then this isn't a democracy, it isn't freedom, then it isn't America- the land of the free! We must ask questions, we must wonder about events- because if we don't, then we are like can be manipulated, used and abused by the powerful. To avoid asking questions, and to avoid looking for answers-for the truth- it is to cowards and/or to be indifferent to pain/suffering. In other words we don't care! Because looking the other way is a way to neglect our duties- that's and what ostriches do! They put their heads in the sand. I can't be cold and indifferent! It's not in my nature (personality-character). US citizens deserve respect, from their leaders, because we put them there- in charge- to be honest, truthful and transparent! We do not want lies and deceipt! We need factual explanations/answers. It is a moral obligation- that democratic governments answer/meet the needs of their people. It is our right to know the truth!
You will see that the 9/11 evidence points in one direction- that our government has lied to us. I don't think, and I never thoght it conceivable, that our government would sponsor and allow the murder of almost 3,000 innocent Americans- No I think that they failed in their duty to protect us! And then they lied and deceived their way into the Iraqi war! By they I mean the George W. Bush and his administration- lies and deceip that have been used many times over throughout human history!
A liar or an honest whistle blower? Read Susan's book, listen to her interviews online. See what she has to say. She was a high profile government official in the Clinton and Bush administrations. She dealt with anti-terrorism, she was on the inside, she worked with Iraqi diplomats during the the Bush administration. She declares that the Iraqis wanted to collaborate with the USA, they agreed on being inspected (for atomic weapons), and they also agreed to cooperate with the USA in fighting terrorists. However, the US, accused them of knowing about the 9/11 terror plot and demanded that they (the Iraqis) give the US all the intelligence (information) they had. The Iraqis told Susan Lindauer many times that they didn't know anything about it- they didn't have any intelligence, and even if they had it they would certainly share it with the USA, because Saddam Hussein (the Iraqi president at the time) didn't trust and/or support terrorists. But the US lied and told the American people that the Iraqis had weapons of mass destruction, and soon after 9/11 President Bush, his VP Cheney and Colin Powell, the Secretary of Defense, blamed the 9/11 attack on Osama Bin Laden, the Al -Qaeda terrorist leader. They used this excuse and bombed Afghanistan 9, October 2001. And then invaded Iraq in 2003. It is true that the Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, was a murderer- he slaughters thousand of his own people, and he instigated the USA- he made many threats of using weapons of mass destruction if the US attacked, and so also did his leadership. I remember this fact very well, because I watched the news every night, read the papers and listened to NPR (National Public Radio). But many people think that Saddam bluffed - I guess he wanted to look tough and in control in the eyes of his country and the Arabic world. In fact, we now know that he did. And the USA never found any weapons of mass destruction.
So, who is telling the truth, and who is lying? The US government (the Bush administration) or Susan Lindauer? How come there are no other whistle blower in addition to Susan Lindauer? Are the conspirators right or wrong? Not according to the magazine Popular Mechanics (PM, March 2005 edition)- the 9/11 conspiracy is a hoax, it's a bunch of lies, they say. This magazine says that their people hired 70 experts in engineering and avionics, and they debunked all the 9/11conspiracy theories!
Check out their article at http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a49/1227842/?fb_ref=Default
However, one quarter of Americans doesn't buy the official version, 3 thousand books were written on it in addition to thousands of blogs, 1/4 of Americans who don't buy the official version, especially the families of some of the victims- they can't put it to rest because of the lack of transparency- in addition to their loss, their pain in loosing family members. I'm sure they ask themselves these questions; How could the USA let this happen? How could the most powerful and most militarily advanced nation on earth let 4 airplanes be highjacked by terrorist armed with pocket knives and cause such devastation?
I think that the only way that the 9/11 families of the victims can put this painful memory to rest once and for all is if all their questions are answered, if all the evidence is presented to the world, and if all witnesses/testimonies are heard. Wouldn't we expect the same if we had lost a family member in this tragedy? We would. That is why I am not shocked that many 9/11 families think that it is a conspiracy, and/or at the very least that their government has failed protecting their loved ones. I do not blame them. I feel their sorrow. I have lost a loved one- not in a terrorist attack, but I have. And the question we all ask at the untimely loss of a loved one is always: Was it real?
This book lists all the misdeeds by the George W. Bush White House, that ruined people's reputation and careers. Questo libro (in alto) spiega come George W Bush (il n. 2) ha rovinato tante vite e reputazioni.
Il peggiore presidente della storia USA.
Tortura made negli USA.
Do you think that I am a traitor by doubting the US government?
I love America, I consider myself a patriot because I have served, in the US military for more than 30 years- and to know the truth and to administer justice are my sole (only) objectives in this reflection. My alligiance (fidelity) was never and will never be corrupt leaders/politicians, but to God, all honest Americans, and to our flag!

I myself was deceived (tricked) by the George W. Bush terrorist scare tactic propaganda- that's why the second time he ran for office (2004) I took his bait- I fell into his trap, and voted for him, when I should have voted for John Kerry instead, the democratic senator from Massachusetts (now the US Secretary of State). I thought that Bush would be stronger against the terror threat, hence I voted for him. It was a big mistake! But I made that mistake because iIwas deceived- like many other Americans who voted for him!
Lessons from this tragic event. I have learned that from now on I have to be certain about what I hear/see in the news, and not to quickly believe mainstream media, until I have enough proof, because mainstream media (ABC, CBD, CNN, Fox, ect) is controlled and censored by the powerful. Hence, we must pay attention, we must be careful and investigate all statements, examine/think about all actions taken by our leaders- before we agree with them. I will not repeat, and make the same mistake I did in 2004, when I voted for George W. Bush. Never again!
In the end, I also must pray that Americans will find and elect honest/decent and courageous leaders, who will work for peace, justice, fairness, will not be afraid of the truth, and will protect the interests of all citizens- not just the elite, the rich, the special interests groups, and the powerful. May God Bless all decent/truthful people, those of good-will- those who work toward this goal.
L'attacco del 9/11 alle Torre gemelle...ha lasciato troppe domande. E stato ideato dal governo USA? Molte persone Americane (una su quattro), e la maggior parte delle famiglie delle vittime di 9/11 credono che sia stato una montatura del governo Americano- sospettano che l'attacco 9/11 sia stato organizzato dagli USA, o che il governo USA non ha fatto abbastanza per prevenirlo. Da anni le famiglie delle vittime chiedono che il governo USA faccia un'investigazione completa, interroghi tutti i testimoni, e dica la verita'- perche' non credono nella versione ufficiale. Questi cospiratori pensano che l'ex presidente USA George W. Bush, il suo vice Dick Cheney, a il ministro della difesa Donald Rumsfelt, l'abbiano combinata grossa! Oltre 3 mila libri sono stati publicati e dichiarano la stessa cosa, che il governo USA e' complice di quest'attentato. Inoltre sull'Internet sono state publicate migliaia migliai di blogs, articoli e video che dicono le stassa cosa. C'e anche la testimonianza di una donna Americana, Susan Lindauer, un'ex impiegata del governo di Bush durante la crisi con l'Iraq- che dice di sapere tutto quello che veramente avveniva dietro le quinte, durante le trattative politiche con l'Iraq. Infatti, nel suo libro, e nelle sue interviste online, dichiara che l'Iraq ha assecondato/collaborato a tutte le richieste USA. Ma malgrado questo, la Lindauer dichiara che il governo dell'Iraq e' stato accusato di avere armi nucleari, di distruzione di massa, e di collaborare con i terrorist nell'attaco del 9/11. E quindi i tre capi USA, il presidente Bush, il suo vice Dick Cheney, e il ministro della difesa Rumsfelt decisero di attaccarli e far guerra! E inoltre, i cospiratori (quelli che non credono all versione del governo) dicono che hanno prove (potete leggerle piu' giu') che coinvolgono il governo USA nell'attacco del 9/11. Pero' mi domando, come mai e' lei, la signora Lindauer, sia l'unica a parlare e dire queste cose? Non ci dovrebbero essere altri a confermare la sua storia, o versione dei fatti? Infatti, un'articolo sulla Americana rivista Popular Mechanics, publicato nel marzo 2005, smentisce tutte le teorie cospitratrici. Settanta specialisti (sui campi d'ingegneria e aviazione) e gli editori di questa rivista technica, hanno spiegato e smentito tutto. Leggete l'articolo in inglese sul sito qui sopra, dal titolo 9/11 Lies (Menzogne del 9/11). Alcuni pensano che 9/11 sia una seconda Pearl harbor, la prima mando' l'America nella seconda guerra mondiale.
Pensate che io sia un traditore perche' in questo blog sto' mettendo in dubbio l'onesta' del governo USA? Non penso perche' nei governi democratici i cittadini hanno il diritto di fare domande, di chiedere trasparenza e verita'. Infatti non possiamo seguire leaders disonesti e violenti. Ma dobbiamo essere sempre fedeli all'onesta', la verita' e a Dio. Ai leader disonesti devono essere tolte le cariche publiche di respondsbilita' e se provati/trovati colpevoli devono essere sbattuti in carcere! La mia fedelta' non e' basata su dei leaders corrotti, bugiardi e avidi, con l'unico scopo di arrichhirsi alle spese della nazione, della gente indifesa e dei bisognosi. No, la mia, e spero anche la vostra, sia basata sulla verita', la legalita', l'onore, la bandiera USA e in definitiva su Dio. Solo l'onesta', la dignita' e la verita' puo' salvarci. E questo puo' avvenire se facciamo di Dio il nostro alleato, invece di seguire il male e farci ingannare da Satana!
Lezioni imparate da questo evento tragico. Ho imparato che d'ora in poi devo essere certo di quello che vedo e sento dai media, a non fare delle decisioni affrettate, e trovare/arrivare alla verita'. Perche' i media sono controllati, e spesso censorizzati, dai potenti. Quindi non devo accettare subito quello che dicono o fanno i media o i politici, perche' se li ascolto e gli credo, ripetero' lo stesso sbaglio che ho fatto nel 2004, quando votai per l'ex presidente George W. Bush, e i suoi alleati disonesti come lui!
Io non ho piu' fiducia nei leaders politici, e non mi sprendera' se un giorno scopriranno che la causa dell'attacco terroristico del 9/11 sia stato causato, o sponsorizato dal governo USA. Non sara' stata la prima volta. Alcuni millenni orsono, Nerone, l'imperatore Romano, brucio' Roma per avere una scusa e sterminare i cristiani.
Ma comunque, io infine devo pregare per l'America, e spero che sia capace di trovare e eleggere leaders/capi onesti e efficaci, che lavorino per a mantenere la pace, la dignita' e giustizia, e la prosperita' per tutti.

(Se ricordate, la prima Pearl Harbor scateno' l'America contro il giappone i suoi alleati e la porto’ alla seconda guerra mondiale.)
Ma io penso che queste teorie cospiratrici siano causate dal dolore che l'attentato 9/11 ha lasciato nei cuori delle famiglie delle vittime. La loro pena gli fara' chiedere ogni giorno, ma come il nostro paese ha potuto far succedere una cosa cosi orrenda? Il paese piu' potente del mondo, con l'esercito piu' avanzato al mondo! Come ha potuto farsi fregare da terrorist armati con coltelli tascabili? E causare tanto danno e tante vittime?
Non mi sopprende affato che alcune famiglie delle vittime pensino queste cose- che abbiano dubbi su quello che veramente sia accaduto, o come sia accaduto, o chi l'ha causato veramente, o chi non ha fatto abbastanza per proteggere i loro cari. Quindi non gli do' colpe se la pensano cosi. Io capisco il loro dolore. Anchio ho perso una persona cara- anche se non in un attacco terroristico- ma posso capire che significa perdere qualcuno quando meno te lo aspetti. Ti chiedi sempre: ma e' possibile che non vedro piu' questa persona cara?
Gli esseri umani sono esseri violenti, vanitosi, gelosi e orgogliosi. La storia non fa' altro che dimostrarci questo fatto, purtoppo vero. Quindi se la conspiracy di 9/11 viene provata vera, non mi sopprendera' perche' fin'ora l'umanita' non ha fatto altro che seguire il male e peggiorare la nostra situazione mondiale, fino al punto di distruggere il nostro pianeta. ma una speranza c'e' per me, quella e' il Dio della Trinita'. E la Persona che ci puo' aiutare si chiama Gesu' Cristo. Se l'uomo si pente e si allea a Dio e ai Suoi comandamenti, cioe' all'amore e alla verita' allora l'uomo si potra salvare e salvare la terra. Gesu' per me non e' solo il mio Dio, ma anche il mio fratello, la mia mamma, il mio papa' e il mio amico. Per me, Lui solo e' la mia salvezza e la salvezza del mondo- l'unica Alternativa alle vita terrena e la vita eterna!
Importanti Domande ancora irrisolte.Cosa e' successo alle scatole nere? Dove sono finite?
Perche’ l’amminstrazione dell’allora president Bush non ha investigato l'accaduto 9/11 interamente e con trasparenza?
Dove sono i rottami del volo 93? e degli altri voli 9/11?
Perche’ l’aviazione civile USA non ha fatto un’investigazione corretta come tutte le altre volte?
Dove sono finiti i filmati? Le telecamere al Pentagono e negli altri edifici intorno ad esso, perche’ l’FBI li ha sequestrati tutti?
Perche’ anche la torre n. 7 (il terzo edificio) del World Trade Center e' anche crollato, sebbene non colpito da un’aero come le altre due?
Perche’ i vigili del fuoco hanno dichiarato di vedere acciaio fuso a Ground Zero?
Perche’ i militari e i politici sono stati avvertiti di non volare quel giorno?
Chi ha fatto gli orari dell’esercitazioni anti-dirottamento del 9/11?
Perche’ tanti vigili del fuoco hanno dichiarato di sentire altre esplosioni? Le esplosioni secondarie.
Che danno possono causare il fuoco e il caldo elevato in un grattacielo? Le torri gemelle sono crollate in un'ora e mezza. IL grattacielo Windsor, di Madrid, e' ancora all'impiedi anche se ha bruciato per 20 ore!
Pero' la versione ufficiale, del crollo delle torre gemelli, e' stato "fuoco e riscaldamento." RIFLETTIAMOCI BENE.
L'evidenza e' stata rimossa da Ground Zero.
La scritta in basso, foto a sinistra dice: Questo dimostra cariche di esplosivi di demolizione che sono state collocate sulle colonne d’acciaio. Notate anche l’angolo delle cariche. Questo viene fatto in modo che l’edificio possa scivolare o “saltare” e quindi crollare su se stesso.
La scritta in basso, nella foto a destra dice: Una delle tante colonne di supporto delle Torri Gemelle, segni cher mostrano l’evidenza di uso di esplosivi usati da professionisti che sono serviti a far crollare le 3 torri, e massacrere di migliaia di persone il 9/11 (sui 3 mila)!

Per piu’ informazioni visitate 911TRUTH.org
Lo sapevate che quel bell'imbusto di Larry Silversteen, acquisto' il lease delle Torri Gemelle, propio un paio di mesi prima dell'attentato? E subito dopo acquisto’ anche una polizza assicurativa contro gli attacchi terroristici. Che dopo l’attacco del 9/11 incasso’ 4 miliardi e 550 milioni di dollari. Bell'affare sulla pelle di 3 mila persone! Ma, attenzione, ride bene chi ride l’ultimo! Gli Americani faranno giustizia, e se non lo faranno loro…sara’ Dio!
All writings/images are © Copyrighted by Ottavio Lo Piccolo (unless otherwise specified). All rights reserved. No part of these writings, images/artworks, may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the authors’ written permission. Classroom teachers may copy individual articles with the images included in each piece, but only for instructional purposes and only for their classroom students. Images are from Google images, unless otherwise specified.
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