March 23rd, 2015, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution to send weapons to arm the Ukraine, so that they can defend themselves against Russian insurgents in their civil war.
So, at the end of March I emailed the following letter to Washington. This is what my letter said. I just revised it today (4-22-15) by including several more questions in the paragraph below titled: Questions for our leaders, the US media and the US public.
A personal letter to our national leaders and major US newspapers.
I am a father of two children, a teacher and a traditional (part time) member of the NY Air Guard with over 30 years of service (4 were on active duty). I am disappointed that the House of Representatives approved a resolution to send lethal weapons to Ukraine because we've had too many wars lately, which have caused with too much suffering among our troops; long deployments, suicides (22 on a daily basis), sexual assaults, and broken families. In addition, too many of them are returning maimed for life, both physically and mentally.
Hence, I urge you, our national leaders, not to send US lethal weapons to Ukraine. This would be a grave mistake- it would be a provocation, a step closer to cold war days, and a step closer to a possible nuclear confrontation with Russia.
If we look at history, we notice that Russia made this mistake once, in the not too distant past, the 1960's. At that time it tried sending nuclear missiles to Cuba, our own backyard! However, President Kennedy acted boldly- he sent our Navy to blockade the Russian ships. Thank God, they turned around, and went back home, but what if they hadn't? We may not be here because the USA and Russia could have had a nuclear exchange! That could have brought the end of our existence on this planet.
Is this what we want to do?
So I would like to ask several
Should we repeat a mistake that Russia already made with us in the 60s? Are we so foolish, so dumb? Or are we arrogant fools and brainless bullies? Is America working world domination? I ask this because the facts (this recent resolution, the expansion of NATO near the Russian borders, etc.) point in this direction. Shouldn't the USA work toward peace and cooperation instead? We have many grave problems facing our world today that require cooperation with Russia and China (and many other influential and powerful nations). How can we defeat the threats of terrorism, ISIS, and global warming, unless we get along? And unless we make friends instead of enemies?
I hope and pray that we are not so naive, so stupid and so careless to make such a mistake- one that has already been made- and that could take us back to the old cold war days, of nuclear proliferation and an increased possibility of a 3rd world war.
I pray to God, that America will not make this error, for the good of our nation, for the good of the world, for peace and for dignity. We do not need another confrontation with Russia. We do not need another war! I beg you, please, do not listen to the war hawks!
Thank you, and may reason, common sense, goodness, fairness, truth, justice, peace and love always prevail in America!
May God illuminate our minds and open our hearts to His Love and compassion. GB America and all the people of good will!
Let's renew our allegiance, our fidelity, to our God, our nation and our flag, our ideals that were passed on by the American founding fathers. And finally, let's work and pray for peace!
Just enter the following in Google:
Contact President Obama
Contact Senator Gellibrand
Contact Speaker BoehnerContact Senator McCaine
Contact Schumer
It is also simple to email media outlets. Follow the same idea, enter their name (example: contact The NY Times). I hope that you will write to them, and also your local newspapers.
Thank you!
What are lethal weapons? Any deadly weapons and destructive devices, such as explosives, incendiary or poison gas bombs, grenades, landmines, rockets, missiles, or similar devices, including the unassembled components from which such devices can be made.
PS, this is what the magazine the editors of The Nation (magazine) said in an editorial titled:
Ukraine on the Brink (march 2015):
"Ukraine needs good relations with both Russia and the west; for this to work (a peace plan suggested bt German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande), NATO expansion must stop, and Ukraine must never join that military organization. The sooner the United States accepts that a diplomatic resolution is the only option, the sooner we can take a step back from the cliff. the clock is ticking."
This German-French proposal for peace in Ukraine, is something that makes sense to me, something that has hope for the future and a deescalation of tensions with the Russians.
Senator John mcCain, (Rep- Arizona) responded to my email on the 30th of April, 2015. He still believes that the USA should send arms to ukraine, so she can defend herself. I responded with this email today, 5 May, 2015;
Move to Inbox
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Disagree with Sending Lethal Weapons to Ukraine
Dear Senator McCain,
Thank you Senator McCain for responding to my email on 30 April, 2015, regarding this issue.
I appreciate your response, however, we differ in thoughts.
seems to me that you have no regard for history, you seem to be on the
same path, that of confrontation, which ultimately leads only to war.
just don't understand how you can do this. You fought a useless war in
Vietnam, and went along with deceitful George W. Bush administration and
took our country into another immoral/useless war, the Iraqi war. Was
it worth it the 5 thousand American deaths? Was it worth the more than
35 thousand wounded?
Are you ready to confront Russia? and possibly have a nuclear confrontation again, like the one we had in the 69s?
I believe that Ukraine is in Russia's sphere of influence- it is next door.
How would the USA feel if Russia sent lethal weapons to Cuba?
This is something that already happened in the 60', the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Are you telling me that the USA is ready with another nuclear confrontation with Russia?
The USA is also expanding the role of NATO, down to the Russian borders.
How would the USA feel if the Russians moved their armies into Mexico?
senator, McCain, I always respected you because of your military service
I am veteran too, but I disagree with your reasoning.
I think that your policies in Ukraine will backfire and may take us back to Cold War days, And possibly a war, and even another nuclear confrontation with Russia.
We need to make friends not enemies, we need to stop fighting and instead start building,
Peace and security, not with arms and war, but with cooperation, good honest and
clear communication.
Thank you
Ottavio, Lo Piccolo,
Married father of two children
NY Air Guard Member,
And public school teacher.
6:24 AM (2 minutes ago)
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