KICKED out the British OPPRESSORS .
KICKED out the British OPPRESSORS .
George Washington (born in 1732, died in 1799), was the 1st US President, the one who lead the colonists during the American Revolutionary War to win independence (freedom) from Great Britain. He was a persistent, faithful and courageous soldier, a general, the leader of the Continental Army. Hence he became the Father of our country and laid (started) the foundation of American democracy (government elected by the people). It is because of these reasons that he has a prominent (important) place on Mount Rushmore.
"The preservation of the sacred fire of Liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people." George Washington
To read more about Washington, read/check out this blog titled:
"We act not for ourselves but for the whole human race. The event of our experiment is to show whether man can be trusted with self - government." Thomas Jefferson
the President who Took Care of the Common Worker
the President who Took Care of the Common Worker
Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President. He provided (gave, applied) leadership when America experienced rapid (fast) economic growth as it entered (began) the 20th century. He was instrumental (the most essential/important) in negotiating the construction of the Panama Canal, linking the east (Atlantic ocean) and the west (Pacific Ocean). He was known as the "trust buster" for his work to end large corporate (companies, firms) monopolies (business controls) and ensure (guarantee) the rights of the common working man. He was born in 1858, and died in 1919.
"The first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight - that he shall not be a mere passenger." Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Took the US out of the Great Depression
the Greatest Economic Crisis
LINCOLN Liberated the Slaves and Kept the Union Together
Some historians believe that Abraham Lincoln is the greatest President of the United States ever. The Kentucky – born on a poor farmer’s land managed his way to the President’s chair in 1860 when he was elected as the 16th President of the States. Abraham Lincoln faced many obstacles during his time as President, and not only he managed to overcome them, but he also made many changes in the society that developed the States into better place to live. He held the nation together during its greatest trial (crisis), the Civil War. He also believed that his most sacred (holy, from God) duty was the preservation (keeping together) the union (of the USA). And it was his conviction (idea, belief) that slavery must be abolished (get rid of). He was born in 1808, and died in 1865.
"I leave you hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal." Abraham Lincoln
To read more about him, read/check out this blog titled:
Additional source used for these 4 US presidents:
DISCUSSIONS. QUESTIONS/ANSWERS and Opinions.1. Which other Presidents, or other leaders/heroes, would you place on Mount Rushmore? Why?
Although he was not a president, I would put Martin Luther King Jr. up there (on Mount Rushmore), simply because he dedicated his life to the struggle (work) for freedom and equality of blacks and poor Americans.
I also would place Cesar Chavez up there for his efforts (struggle, work) against unfair pay and dismal (very bad, poor) conditions of migrant workers. Both of these heroes accomplished their objectives in a non-violent (peaceful) manner, without violence.
These leaders and activists showed us that if we work together as a team, by speaking the truth, and by respecting and loving our enemies we can accomplish many positive things- good results can be achieved. We can change/improve laws, get better pay/benefits, and working and conditions, Also the Kennedy brothers deserve to be recognized for their civil rights efforts and their leadership.
2. Don't you think, that today in the USA, we idolize our presidents too much and let them get away with crimes?
I think we do, but we shouldn't, because presidents are human beings too, they also make mistakes. In fact, some of them should have been fired, and even put in jail for their crimes!
Let me give you some examples of US presidents who made some big mistakes, broke the law...but got away! Didn't pay for their crimes! Anyone else would have been held responsible!
Pr. Bill Clinton did many good things, he balanced the budget and and when he left office there was a surplus! More money in the government's coffers! However, his tenure (his 8 years at the White House) was riddled (filled) with scandals, and in fact, he almost got impeached because of a sex scandal. He was married and had an illicit sexual relationship in the White House with one of his a young assistants. If any of us had done any of those things, that Pr. Clinton did (have sex in the White House with a co-worker) we would be in jail!
And last, but not least, Pr. George W. Bush (the II Bush) started the war in Iraq by telling the American people that Iraqis had weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). So he sent the American Forces to invade Iraq. However, those WMDs were never found. In addition, the 9-11-01 attack happened under his watch (during his presidency). Why? Many of his critics said that didn't care, wasn't paying attention, or he was unprepared. In fact, many of his critics say that he was on vacation over 40% of the time, instead of being on the job! Nice! So, how could he see/notice the intelligence (information) warnings? Terrorists were in fact planning attacks with jet-liners. But what did Pr, Bush do? many say that he conveniently looked the other way? He knew about it. So that he would have a pretext (an excuse) to go to war with Afghanistan, Pakistan and then Iraq. Many suspect (think) this could be a possibility. Others have many questions without answers- because the US government hid them. Others think that 9/11 was a conspiracy, a set up, to cause another war. War is in fact a big business for many rich people who manufacture/sell weapons.
The cost for these wars were put on a credit card- the money for these wars was borrowed- it estimated to be in the trillions of dollars! Republicans say they are fiscally responsible- not when it comes to defense spending and wars! Their wallets have no bottom on these items (wars/defense cost, and tax breaks for the rich and corporations!). But will complain and are tight fisted for social programs like welfare, food stamps, medicare, health care, education, the environment, etc.
As we can see from history, many US presidents have gotten away with crimes; caused/created immoral unjust wars, like the Vietnam and the Iraqi, Afghanistan/Pakistan wars.. and by committing other crimes, like lying to Congress and the American public.
Did these presidents pay for their crimes? No, they didn't! Why? Because they are presidents! They shouldn't be above the law, but they are! It's a nice job to be a president! Isn't it? You can get away with crimes! But not if it's you and I! If we make those mistakes we surely get sent to jail!!! Where is the justice in this?!?
3. Does President Obama deserve to be up on Mount Rushmore? I don't think so. Here's why.
According to the percentage points, on the poster shown above, (which based on an opinion poll taken by the magazine Vanity Fair) he doesn't- although he is not the last one, but neither is the one at the top of these contenders. Will he deserve to be placed up there two ears from now?
4. What do you think? Here is my opinion.I don't think that he deserves to be placed on Mount Rushmore- only because he is too liberal in certain areas. President Obama has not defended religious rights (freedom) and the rights of the unborn (children not yet born). As a Christian (someone who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ), therefore I am a non-violent (peaceful) person; I don't like any form of violence, hence I am a pro-life person. Someone who doesn't believe in violence. abortion is a violent act because it ends a human life. So, pro-lifers like me are for the defense/respect of life, we are against abortion, against killings and against the death penalty). Statistics tell us that most abortions aren't necessary, there are many ways to avoid them.
Yes, I do believe that he is a good president because he is charismatic, honest and an eloquent (very good) speaker, and an intelligent and visionary leader (who can see our needs for the future). Why? Because he has helped the middle class and the poor with his economic policies, and he is pro-immigrant, he has helped immigrants. He has done a great job at improving our economy (jobs, business, commerce, trade) since he became president. He also stopped the war in Iraq (which cost us over 5 thousand lives and thousands of wounded). He had Osama Bin Laden captured and killed by our soldiers, and has done a good job in protecting America against terrorist attacks. I like his foreign policies (how he deals with other countries) because he emphasizes (relies on, trusts, uses) diplomacy, and not military force (or war) to solve problems. In fact, he has used military force (war) only as a last option (resort, if there are no other choices and/or alternatives). I also like the fact that he cares for the environment and wants to protect it, so that our children will have it and enjoy it too. And lately he has made deals with Iran so they will not build atomic weapons, and with Cuba, hence improving relations/trade with these nations.
However, let me tell you were I disagree with him. President Obama's Health Care law, also called Obama Care, forces people to pay into a system that allows/pays for abortions. Many people, like me, think that abortion is wrong (unless for health reasons, and/or to save the life of the mother). Another issue (problem): I disagree with Obama care because it doesn't protect religious/moral rights of faiths groups, those who believe that abortions aren't moral, not accepted by their religious beliefs. The major world religions beliefs do not accept abortion, these are Jewish, Muslims, Christian hospitals/clinics. Obama Care expects them to provide abortions, hence they would have to go against their moral beliefs! And that's not right. That is why Pr. Obama doesn't deserve to go on Mount Rushmore. Obama is pro-choice, he supports abortions. I disagree this view, the pro-choice view, because it is a fact that over 99% of abortions aren't necessary (not needed). Women could use birth controls instead of terminating pregnancies. The vast majority of women choose abortion for convenience- they simply decide that they don't want their baby any longer because of selfish reasons. Some women have an abortion because they say: not now, or I am not ready, or "I am too young" (to have a baby, but wasn't too young for sex! They also say: I can't support this baby- I don't have enough money! And the list (of excuses) goes on. These are just excuses to get rid of a human being. Life has no meaning/value for many people, hence they chose abortions, but don't realize that they to end a life, they kill a person!
I am pro-life because life is the most important/valuable gift that God has given us. It is pro-creation, God has given us the opportunity to create other humans, but when we chose abortion because of inconvenience, and not a necessity (to save the life of a mother, and/or because of incest) we are playing God and deciding who should be born and who shouldn't. That's morally wrong. And the government should not support it morally and/or financially (by paying for it - so far 4 states do, including NY State). I'm not saying that women who need and/or want an abortion shouldn't have get one. I am saying, that government should not encourage it as a solution, but as a last resort. Government should spend money not on abortions, but on educating people in making other, better, healthier choices. And in conclusion, it is my view, that the role of the government is to protect its citizens and life at all levels; young, old, and the unborn too! And this president hasn't been a defender of human life. Just like most modern (contemporary) other presidents he hasn't. But I bet that those four presidents on Mount Rushmore would have not allowed abortions and the trampling of religious rights! That's why they're up there! They had the balls, the guts, the courage to do what's morally right!

I personally don't like this President because of his lack of moral character and ability. He is unfit to lead because he is mentally unstable, he lies continuously. According to The Washington Post, he has lied over 2,000 times his first year in office. He is dishonest, has had 5 bankruptcies (never paid his debts), and during the presidential campaign he proudly, and repeatedly, said many times hat he doesn't pay taxes. He has boasted about abusing women, and has offended many people in the USA and abroad. He accused the media of being fake, derided the FBI and the CIA and made fun of US veterans.
Other reason why I don't like him, are: his policies his fascist ideas/policies against immigrants and Muslim countries, and his unfairness in distributing wealth. In my opinion Trump is the worst president I've ever experienced in my 40+ years in America- from President Gerald Ford, the one who replaced Pr. Nixon. He favors the rich and corporations by giving them big tax break at the expense of the poor and the middle class. Below is a letter I wrote him yesterday, 2-15-18, and the Schenectady Daily Gazette (NY).
AN OPEN LETTER TO TRUMP and the Republican Party
President TRUMP,
Seventeen school children were gunned down yesterday in Florida. How many more children need to die before you and your republican party take action to save them from gun violence?
This IS YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT; don't you think that the time has come to stop the nonsense and PASS EFFECTIVE GUN CONTROL LAWS? Most school shootings are committed by US Terrorists, extremists and mentally unstable.
Instead of giving 1.5 trillion dollars in tax breaks to the rich and corporations. Instead of increasing the military budget war machine to 756 billion (the biggest in the world). Instead of keep on insisting of building an ineffective wall on the US-Mexican border. Instead of cutting social services, education, the environment- why don't you do the right thing and just thing; and spend US tax dollars where everyone will benefit, not just the rich and the corporations, but all citizens.
And please stop your hypocrisy by continuing to offer only prayers for the victims- because your words are hallow/ meaningless- unless you take strong effective action to protect our kids from gun toting criminals, US home grown terrorists, fanatics and the mentally deranged!
Instead of siding with the gun industry/lobby and the NRA, take side with American citizens who have been begging you for common sense gun legislation time and time again- for years now- since Colombine HS and since Sandyhook Elementary (Newtown, CT).
Instead of using the Second Amendment (the right to own/bear arms) as an excuse to protect the gun lobby- have the moral courage and the compassion to pass effective gun control laws that protect our people instead of the gun industry interests!
Take action for justice and protect us, the public and our school children from these criminals!
Finally one last items; don't blame other nationalities and/or other religions, like Muslims, because of these horrible crimes- instead look at statistics! They're committed by mostly white people, and of them many are supremacists!

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