Do you buy it? Do you believe them?

It has become obvious that many big Biotech, agro-businesses, chemical and US pharmaceutical companies aren't interested in our health and in protecting the environment. No, they dictate, or rather, they buy (influence) the government, they blackmail, threaten, and manipulate good/honest scientists and their science (scientific results/data) in order to make profits! This is done at the expense of the environment and people’s health!
And unfortunately, it's not just US corporations, but also multinationals (international companies/firms) from other countries; they also blackmail their scientist and threaten them with firing and/or by slandering them (if these scientists publish the truth - all their scientific findings). That is why I consider these companies harlots, prostitutes. Their objective is to make money by controlling public opinion with disinformation, non-information, and lies/deceit- bigger than bales of hey! They hide the bad news (their research findings) on their products that poison us and destroy our environment!
The latest issue is the insistence from the US government (specifically the FDA) and biotech industries that GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), they are healthy!
I wonder, if they are good why do they oppose labeling them?Simple, they aren't healthy!
Infact, the longest studies on GMOs, was done by Monsanto (the biggest producer of GMOs)- it was only 2 months long! Their pathetic study (It was more a farce/lie/deceit- than anything else) was done on cows injected with growth hormones (so they produce more milk) was done only on old decrepit cows! And not on young health ones! So that long term effects would not be seen/reported! How convenient!

Yet the US government and the harlots (the likes of Monsanto, DuPont, BASF) say that there is not enough evidence to the contrary so far! This is false! This is bull! If it is true, why don't they publish these findings? If GMOs are good, why don't they show us, the public, the proof?
There are many studies on mice- they were fed GMO foods, and they caused the mice severe health effects! The most recent two year study (feeding GMO corn to rats) was done by Dr. Serafini, a French PhD. His toxicological results show adverse health effects, like big tumors to various parts of the animals' body! Other adverse heath effects are allergies and diabetes! Among others!

In the past, firms (that produce GMOs & other chemicals), have made mistakes. For example, they told us that DDT and Agent Orange were safe. But they were not! Vietnam veterans are still dying from Agent orange exposure.
The latest poison is the pesticide called Roundup, by Monsanto. This is a product that is destroying our health and our environment. In fact, monarch butterflies and bees are dying by the millions- one reason is OGM pesticides! Read about it at

If GMOs are safe why don't they publish all their findings and all the health benefits? Why do they oppose their labeling? Cigarettes aren't healthy, yet they have health warnings on them, and people still buy them! Don't you think that consumers should be informed on what they're eating?
Cigarettes are not healthy, and yet they are sold, people buy them, even though they have warnings on their packaging- why not GMO?
Why can't a GMO product say: This is a GMO product.
It is the right of the consumer to be informed, and if they want to risk losing their health (by buying/using GMO products)- that's their free choice! We should have the right to know!

What can we do here in the United States when problems like these arise? Below you'll find some suggestions;

- Eat fresh, non-GMO locally grown foods, if you can.
- Buy foods that say Non-GMO and/or are organic if possible.
- Grow your own food/garden with natural seeds, non-GMO, you can order them on line from Seed Savers Exchange at
- Buy milk that says: No Growth Hormones
- We must read and inform ourselves. You can find well documented information on GMO foods in two books by: Jeffrey M. Smith, who is an expert in this field, they are titled: Genetic Roulette. The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. And..
- Seeds of Deception. Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODS You’re eating. You can purchase them at
- or by calling (888) 717-7000
- Also visit (Citizens for Health), and read about the latest news on good/bad foods.
- Watch the DVD movie: GMO/OMG. Is This the end of REAL FOOD? a Film by Jeremy Seifert. (I watched this film last night, 2-13-15, and I enjoyed it! It was fun, entertaining, interesting and informative. It was made by filmmaker and father of 3 young children, Jeremy Seifert. He goes in search of answers about genetically modified organism (or GMOs), in order to understand how they effect his children, the health of our planet, and our freedom of choice. His journey takes him to Haiti, Paris, Norway and also at the front door of agri-giant Monsanto, the largest provider of GMOs in the USA. In this film you will discover that Monsanto has a monopoly on the GMOs seeds that it sells- they can only be used once! So farmers have to buy them every year. these seeds have been modified (injected) with pesticides/herbicides (Roundup is one of the main one, produced by Monsanto), which kill weeds, but they're also killing bio-diversity (the variety of plants, in fact 93% of US crop variety is gone!), which is destroying the environment and making people sick.
- We should write to;
- The media, newspapers, radio, TV, publish letters on the Internet (Face book, etc). Tell them the truth about food colorings and GMOs.
- State and federal political leaders, and ask them to do something concrete to protect the public by leeches (agricultural firms, the biotech and pharmaceutical, big Argo-business, agricultural companies, biotech/chemical firms- the likes of Monsanto, DuPont, BASF).
- Demand that the government put warnings labels on foods that are GMOs and/or contain/have artificial coloring, or dyes.
- Publish/post your letters/blogs online (Face book)
- Tell your friends, colleagues and parents; because the health of our families is a priority- indeed, without health we cannot do anything!

So, let’s unite and inform people! It’s our duty! Our
right in this/our democracy! Monsanto (makes GMOs seeds- that can only be used once- they own the patents- they have a monopoly. Monsanto also makes pesticides, like the one called Roundup. These are infecting our plants and destroying biodiversity (plant variety) and our environment. We must protect ourselves, our future, our children, our planet. One way is to boycott (do not buy/use) the products from companies like Monsanto. We also must be informed, so we can protect ourselves against the prostitutes! who have sold their souls to power, to worldwide food control and the god called profit!
Update. Today, a video on Face Book accused the US Government of having a parent on the Ebola virus! Why? They say that the US pharmaceutical companies want to make profits. I am not a doctor, so I don't know if it is true or not, but if you'd like to find our, just Google (research) the words "Ebola patent", and find out for yourself.
Corruption and lies are also in the car industry check these articles online:
Honda Fined for Violations of Safety Law
Government Fines GM for 35M for Safety Violations
EPA Says Hyundai, Kia Lied About Gas Mileage.
People who bought affected 2011-13 models will get rebate cards.
Hyundai and Kia Fined for Overstating MPG of More Than a Million Vehicles
Questions for discussions
1. What do you think about GMOs? Are they safe/good? For us and the environment?
2. Do you think that foods that are made from GMOs should be labeled in the USA? So consumers (buyers) know what they eat?
3. Do you think that the public should have all the information, about GMOs, it wants from these corporations?
4. If GMOs are healthy and good for the environment as the makers say...why doesn't industry (the firms, the businesses that make them, Monsanto, and others), label them and publish all the benefits? Are they afraid that people will not buy them?
MANDATORY LABELING of GMOs. Letter I sent to the following politicians (in Washington) and NY newspapers,
on June 3rd, 2015.
Dear Senator Schumer, and Gillibrand, Congressman Paul Tonko, Albany TU, The Sch’dy Daily Gazette, The Troy Record, The Saratoga (Saratoga) and the Record (Amsterdam).
There are probably few people who could point out which foods in the grocery store have been produced with genetically modified organisms. Yet according to the latest polls, nearly everyone--more than 90 percent--of people believe they should have the right to know if their food contains GMOs. That means the majority of Americans support laws that require the mandatory labeling of GMOs.
In July 2016, Vermont will become the first state to enforce a GMO labeling law. Connecticut and Maine have passed laws that will take effect when other states have joined them. Bills for mandatory GMO labels are being considered in 18 states this year: Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
This is democracy in action, addressing the demand of nine out of 10 voters.
Unfortunately, companies like Monsanto that manufacture GMO seeds and related pesticides don’t like the democratic process and are attempting to shut it down with a bill in Congress that would take away states; rights to label GMOs. The bill H.R. 1599, known by opponents as the DARK Act; Deny Americans the Right to Know;, was introduced by Rep. Mike Pompeo; R-Kan; and is supported by a powerful coalition of industry front groups led by the Grocery Manufacturers Association.
Aside from being a direct attack on states; rights to pass food safety laws, the DARK Act aims to prevent consumers from knowing whether or not their food has been grown with glyphosate, a chemical recently declared a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization.
The biotech and food industries are willing to spend millions to pass the DARK Act. The only way to prevent this bill from passing is for consumers and voters to pressure every member of Congress to reject this bill.
I'd also like to add that, cigarettes which are bad for our health, are still selling well, even with health hazard warnings. Why shouldn't GMOs be labeled, so that people know what they eat, and hence decide they want buy them or not.
And lastly, isn't the protection of it’s citizens, one of the major roles of every democratic government?
Thank you
Ottavio Lo Piccolo
All writings/images are © Copyrighted by Ottavio Lo Piccolo 2015 (unless otherwise specified). All rights reserved. No part of these writings, images/artworks, may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the authors’ written permission. Classroom teachers may copy individual articles with the images included in each piece, but only for instructional purposes and only for their classroom students. However, you have my permission to copy this blog/article for your family and friends. All images from Google Images, unless otherwise posted.
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