MAN CRUCIFIES NATURE. WILL THERE BE A RESURRECTION? Or will it be the end of the earth? November 24, 2013.
Natura Crocifissa (Crucified Nature). Collage and oil on canvas. (c) Ottavio Lo Piccolo, 1976.
1. I accomplished (did, completed) the painting that you see above, at the age of 17, shortly after I arrived to the USA from Italy. At the time I was in high school and lived in Manhattan. The title is Natura Crocifissa (in Italian it means Crucified Nature), and you may wonder why I have shown you this image (picture). My reason is simple. Personally, I aways have felt obliged (have to) do and say something about Global worming, pollution and the destruction of our environment. The latest two natural disasters in 2013 struck the Philippines and Sardinia (one of the two main Italian islands). These events made me sad. Hence, (so) I decided that would do something positive (good). My contribution (help) is to show the painting above. I hope it may remind us that we have a very serious problem, that of pollution and global warming. It is my hope to stir (shake), to awaken (wake up) our conscience (morality, right/wrong) into some positive (good) action, in order to save our planet, our environment, to save nature, instead of crucifying it.
Who is responsible for polluting the earth? We are, the USA, among other nations, is the biggest polluter in the world! Hence we need to work harder and stop and/or reduce polluting.

2. But, to tell you the truth, I'm upset, and I feel like to shouting several questions out loud, Yes because Italians like to yell, it's in our blood- no wonder why! we're opera singers! Because we have made this problem stay! Pollution is been with us a long time. I noticed it (the destruction of the environment) as a teen, over 40 years ago! And yet, we aren’t doing much to stop it. Some people, no matter the overlewhlming evidence, don't believe in it. They rather put their heads in the sand! It is frustrating, to say the least.
Hence, I ask myself;
- when we will we stop destroying our planet our world, our only earth?
- When will be stop loitering, throwing garbage and poison all over the planet!?!
- What can you and I do to stop this senseless (stupid) journey (travel, trip) into the bottomless abyss (deep hole)?
- Are we going to do nothing? or will we do our part to save our world?
To learn more about the truth of global warming, I suggest you to watch this trustworthy and excellent movie.
If we keep on polluting the earth, this will be one effect, one result,
floods. Please do something, do your part in keeping our planet clean.

Do you think that the rising of the oceans water level a fairy tale? What about the frequent, fierce and unpredictable storms in the last 20 years or so? Can we deny these facts? If you disagree, and don't believe that global warming is an issue- for you it isn't a threat, then let me ask you: How much will it cost if we lose the earth? Will we be able to buy/get another planet? I think that the economic cost (to clean up our planet, or stop using fossil fuels) is an excuse- for me it is utter (complete, total) foolishness! The devastating effects of pollution/global warming are evident and they will be incalculable (immeasurable)! The damage caused by global warming will increase- they will be much more costly unless we act now and quickly. Let’s be sensible (sane, prudent) and reasonable (logical)! Let’s listen to the strongest voices of our scientists, let's change course (way, path) now - before it’s too late! Let’s do it for our children’s future! And for a clean and safe planet.
Below, you see how glaciers are getting smaller and smaller. this is proof that the earth is getting hotter. Glaciers are very important because they provide fresh water, clean water for drinking, etc. The poles are also shrinking. By the year 2050 they will be gone! Many cities will be underwater!
Don't you think that we must do something to stop this trend (polluting/destroying our planet) if we want to survive on this planet.

This is McCartney Glacier. Notice the difference from 1090 to 2004?
4. It is undeniable (without question/doubt) fact that the vast majority (most) of scientists agree that global warming, if not stopped, or least slowed down, it will lead to more unpredictable/ crazy weather patterns; devastating (destructive) storms that will hit and strike (hit) us sooner and more frequently (more often). These devastating forces of nature will continue in intensity (power, strength), volume (quantity, size) and with much more vicious (fierce, destructive) forces, which will result in more death, more pain, and more misery (sadness) throughout (all over) the world. You can read about these threats in the front cover article of the National Geographic magazine issue of the September 2013, which predicts the melting of the poles and all world glaciers.

5. I'm not saying this because I am a pessimist (cynic, worrier), in fact I consider (think of) myself an optimist (one who hopes well), a person with good intentions (reasons, goals); the good of the earth and the future of our children – humanity (all people on earth). I am also a realistic (true, down-to-earth) person, one who sees the problems and tries to do something. But unfortunately, this threat (danger) – this beast, called global warming is increasingly (rising) destroying our planet day by day! Terrible storms come as quick as lightning with large amounts of rain that cause flash floods, which in turn overwhelm everything and everyone. It is a scientific fact (truth, information) that global warming is caused by human activities (actions); which rely mostly on fossil fuels (gasoline, coal, natural gas) and man’s insatiable (never ending) appetite (hunger) for more and more energy and a wasteful (careless, extravagant) lifestyle.
The oceans are also getting warmer. One effect will be the melting og the poles by 2050.
6. So, are we going to be wise, intelligent, and effective? Are we going to look at the fact? Are we going to listen to the voices of reason- the scientists who are warning us? Or are we going to put our heads in the sand, and say that GW (global warming) is a myth? We will we be deficient (lacking intelligence), foolish (stupid, silly)? Or will we be smart and do something concrete (real, specific) to save ourselves from our own demise (end, destruction)? Instead of complaining and blame others, God or the government, will we implement (do) some simple, but effective ways to save the planet? Applying the 3Rs is one way to start.
Willie has written and published 11 papers that omit this information- his 1.2 million pay.
This is the earth! Let's do all we can to keep beautiful, healthy, safe and clean!

The earth is unique and only one planet- Let's keep it clean and
healthy for us and for our children!

8. In conclusion, I ask myself with the same question; WILL THERE BE A RESURRECTION (clean planet, life again)? OR WILL THERE BE AN END to our planet and to ourselves (mankind, humanity) because of our own stupidity and greed? Will it be our fault? I hope that after you read this blog, you will also ask yourself these questions, and also these:
What will our actions be from now on? Will we be responsible toward our planet? Will we apply the 3Rs? Reduce, recycle and reuse? Will we clean up our act? Will we keep our planet clean? Are we willing to leave our children a healthy planet? or sick and totally destroyed world? Will we choose? A RESURRECTION? Or will we chose death?

9. To those who do not think that GW is a threat, or think that it is a lie and a myth, I would like share today's news (Sunday 2-22-15), from the NY Times. One of it's front page articles titled: Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher. Dr. Wei-Hock Soon AKA (also known as) Willie, is a scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who claims that variations (changes) in the sun's energy can largely explain recent global warming trends. In other words, this scientists denies the risks of GW. He tells us (the uneducated, the naive) that GW is caused by the heat of the sun- not by pollution (fossil fuels, gasoline). Why? According to the NY Times, Willie in the last decade has accepted more than 1.2 millions in money from the fossil fuel (gasoline corporations)! Dr. Willie has written and published 11 papers, but he omitted this information- his 1.2 million pay. There you have it! Some scientists will lie because they have been bought by the gas industry! And because they care more about their pockets than the health of our planet! In some cases, other scientists are manipulated by their corporations into keeping quiet and/or withholding the whole truth! They get blackmailed and risk loosing their jobs if they spaek up! It's about time we wake up and demand the truth from the big corporations, the harlots, the prostitutes, who are destroying our environment and our health! And demand that our government takes steps to protect the environment from further destruction and from scientists who lie, and/or protect the honest scientists from the harlots- the greedy and careless corporations!

This is our earth, our planet! Let's do something positive before it is too late! It's not too late, we still have some time, but we must act now!

Il tema principale di questo blog e' l'iquinamento e che cause il riscaldamento globale. Che e' dovuto principalmente all'uso di idrocarburi, ma anche all'uso di pesticidi e erbicidi dall'agricoltura di massa, che inquinano l'acqua, causano tante malattie come tumori, allergie e diabete.
Cosa fare? Applicare le 3R, ridurre, reciclare, ri-usare. Usare energie pulite, come quelle del sole e il vento. E inoltre dobbiamo chiedere leggi e azioni efficaci da parte dei nostri governi locali, nazionali e internazionali. Dobbiamo parlarne ed educare i giovani.
All writings/images are © Copyrighted by Ottavio Lo Piccolo (unless otherwise specified). All rights reserved. No part of these writings, images/artworks, may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the authors’ written permission. Classroom teachers may copy individual articles with the images included in each piece, but only for instructional purposes and only for their classroom students. Most images are from Google images, unless otherwise specified, and most translations were accomplished with the help of Google Translator.
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