Ottavio Lo Piccolo, Schenectady, NY, USA. 9 February 2015.
I believe that we have a soul and that there is an afterlife. And I do not base this belief on my faith alone- because the evidence I present here comes from many sources (as stated in the title). My proof comes from books and articles that I have read, and movies I have seen. However, my belief in the soul and the afterlife is also sustained/based on personal experiences, which I will share in subsequent blogs.
So then, let us begin with the soul, or human consciousness. As most people know, technology today makes it this possible to record events. For example, cameras record everything that happens. They can be found in places they guard (public places, banks, on police cars/patrols, on policemen). In addition, aircraft/ships also use black boxes- to record communication and data- related to their movements/actions in the air and/or on seas. Airplanes, in fact, have the Flight Data Recorder & Cockpit Voice Recorder- also widely known as the black box. When a plane crashes, because of an accident, or a human error, or a technical malfunction, and/or because of terrorist attacks- experts and investigators, try to locate the black box- so that they can understand what happened- what caused the event.
If humans can create technology that records events, don’t you think that God can do better? You bet! It is called conscience! Although, we may have doubts about it, or may not even believe in the soul, or that human consciousness survives death, science tells us today that we will face it! The day we leave this reality (once our life on earth is over), our conscience will show us a detailed view of our life on earth. It will help us see and understand how our words and actions affected others during our earthly life.
However, many people today suppress the “inner voice” of their conscience- they do not listen to it. Many of the people who do not listen to their inner voices are criminals- they do not listen to it because they want to continue with their criminal deeds (stealing, lying, cheating, killing, etc.). Others do not listen because they may not be aware, or may not know/realize, that God has created and placed a "black box" (a conscience, an inner voice) inside themselves. Whether we know it or not (about the existence of our black box, or conscience) one day we all have to face it- we will have to give an account for our actions. Criminals and all! Honest, kind people and the saints too! Everyone will face their own conscience! Their own black box! Which will show them everything!
Therefore, it is important that we listen to our conscience! We all need to be careful with our actions/words - because no one will be able to tamper with it (the black box) our consciousness. No one will be able to bribe his or her way out! No one will be able to buy, manipulate, change or cheat their conscience - because it will be there in front of us! Showing us the good and the bad things we did!
The proof about our conscience, or “block box", comes to us from science, but also from mystics, people who communicate with God. Hence, I would like to share what God says about it. So here is a recent message (regarding our conscience). It is a revelation from heaven (from God) given to an Australian mystic, Alan Ames, on 23 February 1995:
The author of this image is anonymous.
Jesus, There is an inner feeling in man that tells him that his behavior is wrong but humankind smothers this feeling with pride. When humility is embraced, this feeling comes so much clearer and guides each individual down the right path.
This feeling is a gift from God that was given to so mankind could live the way he was created to live. This feeling is often called conscience, a conscience that the animals do not have but mankind was given in love by God so that he could become the true spirit that he was created to be.
God gave man a conscience so that the path to Heaven would be easier to follow. God gave mankind a conscience so that all would live in love. God gave man a conscience as a gift of love, a gift which many turn their backs on, many reject and many ignore.

Mankind created from God’s love to live in love. Mankind of whom most reject God’s love and replace with love of self. This love of self is what keeps mankind struggling in pain and suffering. It is obvious but mankind’s pride blinds him to the obvious, deafens him to the truth and closes his heart to God.
When God in His mercy and grace sent His Son Jesus to earth, God sent Him to reawaken these hidden feelings, to reawaken the true love of God and to reawaken the love and respect of each other.
The words Jesus spoke were all spoken in love, of love and for love. Jesus came and said to mankind be gentle, be caring, be kind, be humble, be loving, be truthful and be in love with God.
Jesus came and showed that even though He was, is and always will be the true Son of God, He remained humble. In His humility, Jesus showed how life was meant to be. Jesus talked only of love for He is love. Jesus showed only love for He is love.
If mankind can follow the map of life that Jesus drew for them so it would be easier to find his way home to Heaven, then evil will disappear from this planet and it will become the Garden of Eden once more.
(Source: Heavenly Words Collection, by C. Alan Ames. From Book III, The People, ch. 1, p. 118-19). You can find Alan Ames online at and see his interviews on You Tube.
Alan Ames praying over people seeking healing.
I have read the books listed below (except #1), which provide the latest SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE FOR THE AFTERLIFE AND THE IMMORTALITY OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS.1. I haven’t yet read this one, but I plan to soon. Science and the Afterlife Experience: Evidence for the Immortality of Consciousness. This is the third volume in a trilogy by Oxford-trained philosopher Chris Carter. In these books, Carter meticulously builds a case for the proposition that materialism is fatally flawed- totally wrong, because it cannot deal with a raft, overwhelming force, of evidence for paranormal phenomena and postmortem (after death) survival. These three volumes are outstanding, but this, the most recent one, Science and the Afterlife Experience is even better than the other two because concludes, ties together, Carter’s argument.

2. Last year, in 2014 Dr. Alexander Eben published his second book: The Map of Heaven. How Science, religion and Ordinary People are Proving the Afterlife. In this latest book, Dr. Alexander makes the case for the reality of heaven. He teams himself with co-author Ptolemy Tompkins and shares many stories of people who had NDE experiences (died and came back to life). Dr. Alexander gives us many examples and reminds us that the world’s faiths and the latest scientific discoveries point to the same way- that the human soul survives death. In addition, in fact, heaven is a genuine place, one that we have forgotten, but this is our final destiny. His first book is titled:
3. Proof Of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, also by Eben Alexander, M.D. Dr. Alexander was in a coma for 7 days because of a rare illness. He was brain dead, however, even though his brain was not active (shutdown, not working), he was taken on a journey behind this world with an angelic being, who showed him different realms of super-physical evidence. He also spoke with the Divine source of the universe. Dr. Alexander believes that true health can be achieved only after mankind realizes that God and the soul are real and death in not the end of our personal existence, but only a temporary transition. If you rather listen, instead of reading, Dr. Alexander had a DVD that explains his views and experience. The title is Conversations Beyond proof of Heaven with Eben Alexander, MD & Raymond A. Moody, Jr., MD, PhD. (You can find this on Amazon books).
4. Life After Life, and The Light Beyond, both by Dr. Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D. He is a pioneer in the field or the phenomena (experience, events) called NDEs, or near death experiences. He wrote the bestseller titled “Life After Life”, and later a second book titled “The Light Beyond” (published in 1988). In the second book Dr. Moody collected (gathered, put together) research (an investigation, a study) of more than 1,000 people who have experienced clinical death (meaning that according to doctors they had they died physically-their body/mind didn‘t function). But then they survived (lived), and came back to life. Dr. Moody summarizes all of his research in this field (up to 1989) and tells us that over 8 million people in the USA have had these experiences (of dying and then surviving), which positively affected their life- it changed their life for the better.
5. EVIDENCE of AFTERLIFE. The Science of Near-Death Experiences, by Jeffrey Long, MD, with Paul Perry (2009). This book is a study of 1,600 people who had a NDE (near death experience), people who have died and lived to tell about it. These people come from all walks of life, nationalities, religions, ages, sexes, etc. The evidence presented in this book, by Dr. Long, a radiation oncologist, proved without any doubt that people who survived death travel to another dimension.

Our conscience is a great gift from God, however, it evident that humans have misused it- today many do not listen to it, some may not be unaware, may not know about it, but many others have done terrible things- they listened to voices of evil, and did terrible things. Throughout history humans have killed, destroyed in the name of God!
Leaders like Hitler, Lenin, Mussolini, Mao, etc. killed/torture/arrested millions of people because they disagreed with them, or because they thought that they were inferior- not good enough humans! How could they do such barbaric acts? I suspect, they didn't listen to their conscience. Or if they did listen, they must have listened to the wrong voices, the voices of evil!
And what about today? Are we listening to the good voices of our consciences? if we look around many are being deceived! That's what Jesus said to Alan Ames. For instance, today many believe that their personal rights/liberties give them the right to say or do whatever they like. For instance, Charlie Ebdo (the French satirical newspaper in Paris) offends all faiths with their cartoons- because it is their right- they call it freedom of the press.
And what about the millions who believe that they can get rid of a pregnancy- just because it is inconvenient! Millions think they have a right to abort (kill a baby before it is born) a baby at anytime during their pregnancy. As a matter of fact, today most western societies think that aborting children is OK- it is their right. Millions of Pro-choice (pro-abortion) women in western societies (mostly Christian countries) say: "It's our body and we can do whatever we please". But is it? Who defends the rights of the unborn? Is right to terminate a pregnancy just because it is inconvenient?
Today religious Islamist fanatics (the terrorist group named ISIS) teach children to hate and to kill Christians. They kill in the name of Allah. The list could go on and on. So, it's not just Muslims who are being deceived by evil voices! All kinds of people (believers and unbelievers) have committed (done), and still commit atrocities (horrible crimes). Yes, because unfortunately, evil has no limits! It can effect everyone! The of the leaders I mentioned above were atheists (they didn't believe in God). Evil CAN DECEIVE EVERYONE!! Unless we listen to our conscience!
We all need to pray and ask for God's protection. Angels are waiting for us to ask for help. Let's listen to them! Because there's too much violence/suffering in the world, and we need all the help we can get! Right now we have a civil war in Syria, and one in Ukraine. Thousands of people are leaving their countries because of war, persecutions and hunger. The Italian Navy rescues thousand of people who escape Africa and/or the Middle East in search of a better life. They cross the Mediterranean in flimsy boats, and many perish, lose their life. Let's pray for peace and stability in those parts of the world in turmoil.
The Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God manifested Itself as a dove.
So how do we stay away from evil? How do we tell the good voices from the bad? For me it is simple, I pray, I try to stay in communication with God as much as possible. I pray at every opportunity! I also ask myself these questions:Am I hurting or loving? Am I doing something that will damage/hurt/offend someone else?
Will my words/actions uphold others and/or humiliate?
Am I respectful or disrespectful?
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