Sunday, February 22, 2015

MAN CRUCIFIES NATURE. WILL THERE BE A RESURRECTION? Or will it be the end of the earth?                                 November 24, 2013.

 Natura Crocifissa (Crucified Nature). Collage and oil on canvas. (c) Ottavio Lo Piccolo, 1976.

1.     I accomplished (did, completed) the painting that you see above, at the age of 17, shortly after I arrived to the USA from Italy. At the time I was in high school and lived in Manhattan. The title is Natura Crocifissa (in Italian it means Crucified Nature), and you may wonder why I have shown you this image (picture). My reason is simple. Personally, I aways have felt obliged (have to) do and say something about Global worming, pollution and the destruction of our environment.  The latest two natural disasters in 2013 struck the Philippines and Sardinia (one of the two main Italian islands). These events made me sad. Hence, (so) I decided that would do something positive (good). My contribution (help) is to show the painting above. I hope it may remind us that we have a very serious problem, that of pollution and global warming.  It is my hope to stir (shake), to awaken (wake up) our conscience (morality, right/wrong) into some positive (good) action, in order to save our planet, our environment, to save nature, instead of crucifying it.

Who is responsible for polluting the earth? We are, the USA, among other nations, is the biggest polluter in the world! Hence we need to work harder and stop and/or reduce polluting.

2.     But, to tell you the truth, I'm upset, and I feel like to shouting  several questions out loud, Yes because Italians like to yell, it's in our blood- no wonder why! we're opera singers! Because we have made this problem stay! Pollution is been with us a long time. I noticed it (the destruction of the environment) as a teen, over 40 years ago! And yet, we aren’t doing much to stop it. Some people, no matter the overlewhlming evidence, don't believe in it. They rather put their heads in the sand! It is frustrating, to say the least. 

Hence, I ask myself;  
  • when we will we stop destroying our planet our world, our only earth?  
  • When will be stop loitering, throwing garbage and poison all over the planet!?!
It is obvious that if we continue on this path (way)- if we keep polluting, if we keep poisoning and destroying the environment, we are going to coolly (calmly, serenely) pass this problem to our children, the next generation. Is this an intelligent thing to do? 
  • What can you and I do to stop this senseless (stupid) journey (travel, trip) into the bottomless abyss (deep hole)? 
This is a menacing (threatening, scary, dangerous) growing nightmare (scary, horrible, frightening) that may bring the end of nature (the environment; air, land, water), and possibly the end of humanity (of all people)! 
  • Are we going to do nothing? or will we do our part to save our world?
If you do not know much about this threat, to our planet, I encourage you to look at some of that you'll check out (look at, see, read, watch some of these films/documentaries) that I provide in the images below.  
To learn more about the truth of global warming, I suggest you to watch this trustworthy and excellent movie. 

4.     Dear friends, are going to deny, overlook, and neglect, this problem? Are we going to wait until it's too late? Some people say that global warming (GW) doesn't really exist-they believe that it's a lie, a myth. If you are one of these skeptics, than I encourage you to investigate. I did, I have read a lot on this issue (by myself and with my students- I'm an ESL teacher), and I have watched the two movies I've shown above: Thin Ice, and also An Inconvenient Truth. I have also read many books on this topic. You will also notice that the vast majority of scientist agree- it's not a myth, it is the truth- our planet is getting hotter. The poles will melt if we keep polluting, and also all glaciers will melt (these are sources of fresh water for millions of people). Are we going to take a chance, do nothing, and risk the destruction of our planet? Can we really afford to keep postponing it (waiting), and do nothing? 

If we keep on polluting the earth, this will be one effect, one result,
floods. Please do something, do your part in keeping our planet clean.

Do you think that the rising of the oceans water level a fairy tale? What about the frequent, fierce and unpredictable storms in the last 20 years or so? Can we deny these facts? If you disagree, and don't believe that global warming is an issue- for you it isn't a threat, then let me ask you:  How much will it cost if we lose the earth? Will we be able to buy/get another planet? I think that the economic cost (to clean up our planet, or stop using fossil fuels) is an excuse- for me it is utter (complete, total) foolishness! The devastating effects of pollution/global warming are evident and they will be incalculable (immeasurable)! The damage caused by global warming will increase- they will be much more costly unless we act now and quickly. Let’s be sensible (sane, prudent) and reasonable (logical)! Let’s listen to the strongest voices of our scientists, let's change course (way, path) now - before it’s too late! Let’s do it for our children’s future! And for a clean and safe planet.

Below, you see how glaciers are getting smaller and smaller. this is proof that the earth is getting hotter. Glaciers are very important because they provide fresh water, clean water for drinking, etc. The poles are also shrinking. By the year 2050 they will be gone! Many cities will be underwater!
Don't you think that we must do something to stop this trend (polluting/destroying our planet) if we want to survive on this planet.

This is McCartney Glacier. Notice the difference from 1090 to 2004?

4.     It is undeniable (without question/doubt) fact that the vast majority (most) of scientists agree that global warming, if not stopped, or least slowed down, it will lead to more unpredictable/ crazy weather patterns; devastating (destructive) storms that will hit and strike (hit) us sooner and more frequently (more often). These devastating forces of nature will continue in intensity (power, strength), volume (quantity, size) and with much more vicious (fierce, destructive) forces, which will result in more death, more pain, and more misery (sadness) throughout (all over) the world. You can read about these threats in the front cover article of the National Geographic magazine issue of the September 2013, which predicts the melting of the poles and all world glaciers.

There's no denying it. The earth is getting hotter.

5.     I'm not saying this because I am a pessimist (cynic, worrier), in fact I consider (think of) myself an optimist (one who hopes well), a person with good intentions (reasons, goals); the good of the earth and the future of our children – humanity (all people on earth). I am also a realistic (true, down-to-earth) person, one who sees the problems and tries to do something.  But unfortunately, this threat (danger) – this beast, called global warming is increasingly (rising) destroying our planet day by day! Terrible storms come as quick as lightning with large amounts of rain that cause flash floods, which in turn overwhelm everything and everyone.  It is a scientific fact (truth, information) that global warming is caused by human activities (actions); which rely mostly on fossil fuels (gasoline, coal, natural gas) and man’s insatiable (never ending) appetite (hunger) for more and more energy and a wasteful (careless, extravagant) lifestyle.

The oceans are also getting warmer. One effect will be the melting og the poles by 2050.

6.     So, are we going to be wise, intelligent, and effective? Are we going to look at the fact? Are we going to listen to the voices of reason- the scientists who are warning us? Or are we going to put our heads in the sand, and say that GW (global warming) is a myth? We will we be deficient (lacking intelligence), foolish (stupid, silly)? Or will we be smart and do something concrete (real, specific) to save ourselves from our own demise (end, destruction)? Instead of complaining and blame others, God or the government, will we implement (do) some simple, but effective ways to save the planet? Applying the 3Rs is one way to start.
Willie has written and published 11 papers that omit this information- his 1.2 million pay.

 This is the earth! Let's do all we can to keep beautiful, healthy, safe and clean!
 7.     Some of you will say, but what can I do? Simple! Implement (put into action and apply) the 3Rs recycling, reduce (means use less, make less waste) and re-use (or use things again, over and over). Dry your clothes in the sun, instead of running the drier for hours. You’ll save money and the planet! Turn water, lights and appliances (fridge, TV, stoves, etc.) off when not needed. Use rechargeable batteries. Teach children to respect the environment with good modeling (example). Use clean renewable energy (solar - from the sun, and the wind) if possible for you. One thing is sure, we must put more effort into it, and be more serious about climate (weather) change. In addition, let’s tell our government to take stronger/meaningful/effective actions at the next environmental global conference (worldwide meeting) and enforce/pass environmental laws.

We can still solve this problem.

The earth is unique and only one planet- Let's keep it clean and
healthy for us and for our children!


8.      In conclusion, I ask myself with the same question; WILL THERE BE A RESURRECTION (clean planet, life again)? OR WILL THERE BE AN END to our planet and to ourselves (mankind, humanity) because of our own stupidity and greed? Will it be our fault? I hope that after you read this blog, you will also ask yourself these questions, and also these:
What will our actions be from now on? Will we be responsible toward our planet? Will we apply the 3Rs? Reduce, recycle and reuse? Will we clean up our act? Will we keep our planet clean? Are we willing to leave our children a healthy planet? or sick and totally destroyed world? Will we choose? A RESURRECTION? Or will we chose death?
9. To those who do not think that GW is a threat, or think that it is a lie and a myth, I would like share today's news (Sunday 2-22-15), from the NY Times. One of it's front page articles titled: Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher. Dr. Wei-Hock Soon AKA (also known as) Willie, is a scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who claims that variations (changes) in the sun's energy can largely explain recent global warming trends. In other words, this scientists denies the risks of GW. He tells us (the uneducated, the naive) that GW is caused by the heat of the sun- not by pollution (fossil fuels, gasoline). Why? According to the NY Times, Willie in the last decade has accepted more than 1.2 millions in money from the fossil fuel (gasoline corporations)! Dr. Willie has written and published 11 papers, but he omitted this information- his 1.2 million pay. There you have it! Some scientists will lie because they have been bought by the gas industry! And because they care more about their pockets than the health of our planet! In some cases, other scientists are manipulated by their corporations into keeping quiet and/or withholding the whole truth! They get blackmailed and risk loosing their jobs if they spaek up! It's about time we wake up and demand the truth from the big corporations, the harlots, the prostitutes, who are destroying our environment and our health! And demand that our government takes steps to protect the environment from further destruction and from scientists who lie, and/or protect the honest scientists from the harlots- the greedy and careless corporations!

This is our earth, our planet! Let's do something positive before it is too late! It's not too late, we still have some time, but we must act now!

Il tema principale di questo blog e' l'iquinamento e che cause il riscaldamento globale. Che e' dovuto principalmente all'uso di idrocarburi, ma anche all'uso di pesticidi e erbicidi dall'agricoltura di massa, che inquinano l'acqua, causano tante malattie come tumori, allergie e diabete.
Cosa fare? Applicare le 3R, ridurre, reciclare, ri-usare. Usare energie pulite, come quelle del sole e il vento. E inoltre dobbiamo chiedere leggi e azioni efficaci da parte dei nostri governi locali, nazionali e internazionali. Dobbiamo parlarne ed educare i giovani.

All writings/images are © Copyrighted by Ottavio Lo Piccolo (unless otherwise specified). All rights reserved. No part of these writings, images/artworks, may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the authors’ written permission. Classroom teachers may copy individual articles with the images included in each piece, but only for instructional purposes and only for their classroom students. Most images are from Google images, unless otherwise specified, and most translations were accomplished with the help of Google Translator.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Cesar Chávez & Mother Frances Cabrini - 
Two Americans who Dedicated their Life Helping Immigrants. They should be Recognized Nationally!                       April, 2014.

1. Cesar Chávez is an American who hasn’t yet been recognized (not well-known) and appreciated (valued, respected) on a national level, here in our country, the USA. 

(Cesar Chávez. Google Image)

2. Chávez was the 2nd of 5 children. He was born on March 31, 1927; he grew up on a farm, in Arizona’s North Valley, near Yuma, the borders of California and Mexico, and the Colorado River. After his parents lost their farm, during the Great Depression (a difficult economic time in US history-from the 1930’s to 1940), he had to work in the fields as a migrant worker/farmer.

3.     During the 1960’s, Chávez and thousand other farm workers picked fruits and vegetables from morning until evening in the scorching (hot) California fields. They had the lowest wages (pay), and no water, didn’t have any legal rights; they were not allowed (not permitted) to organize and vote for better working/pay conditions (circumstances).  In addition, they had no clean drinking water, no access to portable toilets (movable bathrooms), no lunch breaks, and/or short rest breaks during the workday. They neither had a minimum wage (pay), or any employment (work) insurance. Benefits such as health insurance, pensions, and paid vacations were unheard of; they were only dreams for them. In addition, their housing was terrible (not good, very bad), and most migrant worker's kids (children of workers that moved at each picking season/time) didn’t have a chance (opportunities) of finishing high school. However (but), at that time nobody seemed to care, and if they complained they could be fired, beaten up and/or even killed. 

4.     In order to overcome these injustices (wrongs bad actions), in 1962 Cesar established (formed, created) the National Farm Workers Association. His dream was to improve (to make better) the lives of his fellow farm workers in a non-violent (no violence) and peaceful way. And in 1967 he co-founded (with someone else) the United Farm Workers union with his wife Dolores Huerta. In the same year he led an historic 350 mile march from Delano to the steps of the California Capitol, in Sacramento. Here thousands of supporters (helpers) joined him on Easter Sunday to demand (to ask for) better pay and working conditions for all farm workers. 

5.     But this wasn’t all. To show his commitment (promise, vow, pledge) to La Causa (The Cause), Cesar would go on hunger strikes (not eating). This action attracted support (help, understanding) from around the world. However, it took him 5 years - of fasting, jail time (for him and other leaders), marches, picketing and bargaining - before most of the largest Delano grape-growers gave in. 

6.     I often wonder; what motivated (inspired) Chávez? It was his mother’s teachings – they were a big influence (effect) on him. He also had strength from his religious beliefs, his Mexican traditions, and his heroes, Saint Francis of Assisi (an Italian saint), Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (who lead the African American civil rights movement); and Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the nonviolent fight for India’s independence from Great Britain. 

7.     Chávez died in 1993, at the age of 66, after a 36 day hunger strike (no food). He was a controversial (divisive, not everyone agreed with him) figure (person) for those who resisted (didn’t like) change and didn’t want better conditions (life) for migrant (moving) workers and immigrants (people who come from other countries). Even today some don’t like him because of his efforts (work) in helping poor migrant farm workers, and for his activist ideas (new/liberal ideas). Many have never heard of him, others continue to work for the same ideals (ideas, dreams) and hopes. 

8.     But many people, including myself (me too), think he is a hero because he used peaceful ways to improve (make better) the life of the needy (poor), and for his sincerity (honesty) and his commitment (promise, vow) and self-sacrifice (much work) for a just cause (reason, issue). That is why I wrote about him in this essay (story) - he accomplished his goals and dreams with kindness (good deeds)- he sacrificed (worked very hard) so that others could live a decent (good) life. 

9. Chávez is one of my favorite American leaders because I have several things in common (similarities, the same). Hence, I feel a connection (relationship, link, something in common) with him - because of the following facts (realities). I am an immigrant, my mother’s moral (just, right, good, ethical) and religious teachings were also a strong force (inspiration) to me- her compassion (feeling sorry, pity) toward the needy (poor people) had a positive (good) effect on me. Her lessons, the things she taught me, left an indelible (unmovable, forever) and significant (important) mark (sign) in my life, in my heart. I also feel compelled (I feel obliged, responsible) to help those in need because of my mother’s example (ways, model) and words. Like Chávez, I also didn’t have it easy when I arrived in the USA from Italy. At the time (back then) I didn’t know English, I went to high school, but I also had to work 6 days a week, so I could support (help) my family. And like Chávez I also was bullied (intimidated, scared) when I was attending (going to) school. Thank God my dad defended (protected, stood up for) me! He wasn’t violent (aggressive, brutal, mean)! He just yelled (scream, hollered) at the principal! Who in turn yelled and warned (told, advised, forewarned) the kids who scared and bullied me! They never bothered (disturbed, upset) me again! And finally (lastly), just like Chávez, my family and I were looking for a better future in America. So, immigrants (people who come to the USA) know from experience (living life) that starting a life in a new country is very challenging (difficult, not easy). I know - I’m one of them! I understand their struggles (problems, issues).

  The Emigrant. Acrylic on plywood (wood board). (c) Ottavio Lo Piccolo, 1976.

10. I completely understand Chávez struggles (battles) and dreams (wishes) because they were mine too! They are the dreams of all hard working and honest immigrants who come to America. And today it hurts to see that many people (in our country and also in other rich industrialized nations, e.g. Europeans), do everything they can to oppose (stop, fight) and eventually expel (kick out), deport (send back home), immigrants who are honest and hardworking. Many people, and many Americans, have forgotten that once they also were immigrants in this land!

Mini Bio: Cesar Chavez - YouTube Video (4 min)

Born near Yuma, Arizona, on March 31, 1927, Cesar Chavez employed nonviolent means to bring attention to the plight of farm workers, and formed both the National Farm Workers Association, which later became United Farm Workers. As a labor leader, Chavez led marches, called for boycotts and went on several hunger strikes. It is believed that Chavez's hunger strikes contributed to his death on April 23, 1993, in San Luis, Arizona. 



Cesar Chavez: From the Fields to Victory

YouTube Video (24 min)

Covers Chavez's rise to leader. Briefly recaps early life and then focuses on strategies, setbacks and victories that culminated in the grape boycott

(Mother Cabrini. Google Image)

11. Another hero I admire is Saint Frances Cabrini, also known as Maria Francesca Cabrini. She is one of my favorite American hero because she helped poor and immigrants. She was born in a small Italian village on July 15, 1850. She was the youngest of 13 children. Her parents died when she was 18 and decided to become a nun, but she was turned down because of poor health. For a while she worked in an orphanage (a place for children without parents). Her bishop was impressed by her dedication (love, commitment) that he invited her to establish (to start/begin) a community (a group of people) to teach young girls. So Maria, along seven other young women, founded (created/established) the Missionary sisters of the Sacred Heart. The community was successful (good, grew bigger/better) and vocations were plentiful (many women wanted to be nuns/sisters like her). In 1889, Pope Leo XII asked her to go to New York and work with poor Italian immigrants. So she arrived (went, got to) at Ellis Island on March 3 of that year with 6 six other missionary sisters (nuns who travel/work in other countries). Within 2 years she founded an orphanage (a home for children w/out parents) and also opened Columbus Hospital in New York. In 1909 Mother Cabrini became a U.S. citizen. 

12.     She established (started, built) schools, hospitals and orphanages (homes for children without parents) throughout the United States. Mother Cabrini died on December 22, 1922. Pope Pius XII canonized her (declared her a saint) in 1946, and named her Patroness (protector) of immigrants. She was the first U. S. citizen to be declared a saint. I believe that this Christian sister of ours can be our spiritual/moral support in helping the immigrant struggle here in the U.S.A. That’s another reason (explanation) why she’s on my favorite list of leaders and hero (brave, courageous, not afraid, kind) of our times.  

Questions for Discussion, and my answers.
1. What is that greatest attribute (quality, factor), or the most important characteristic (quality, personality) of a hero? 

I think it is his/her willingness (wish) to sacrifice (do good even when it isn't easy) for others. Heroes are willing to suffer, even to the point of death (to die), and to give their life, so that others can live, can be safe, and/or can have a better life and reach their dreams/goals (objectives, wishes).
2.   Do you know any other hero? from the USA or from your native country? Tell us about him/her?

I know one from my native country, Italy. His name is Giuseppe Garibaldi. He was an army general who fought for the unification and freedom of Italy in the 1800s. After he liberated Italy from the Bourbons (Austrian-Hungarians) he was offered a position of power from the Italian King, but he refused it. He left for South America where he fought for their independence (freedom from the domination of other countries).

3. Do you think that honest hard working immigrants should be allowed to have work permits so they can work in the USA? 
I think they should because they help our economy and our country grow. We also need their experience and knowledge. Immigrants also pay taxes, hence this money helps our government and our economy. With more money the government can provide (give), create services like schools, hospitals, build roads/bridges, etc.

4. Do you think that immigrants take jobs from Americans?
Maybe, but the fact is that many American businesses need immigrants because they work hard, they are reliable and consistent, they know how to sacrifice. And they don't get paid a lot of money for their work. So they help the American economy, and help business survive (live) stay open for business/work!

You should watch this movie: Fighting for Freedom, which is based on (about) a true story. A Mexican family crosses into the USA illegally (unlawfully, without permission) and works for many years on a fruit farm, called Love Farm. The immigrant family has three children, but one-day immigration officials find them and want to send them back to Mexico. However, the owner of Love Farm defends them in court. The farm ownwer's daughter, is the lawyer who defends them. They try to convince (persuade) the judge that this Mexican family deserves (merits/should) to stay, because they have worked hard, are honest, reliable (dependable, trustworthy) good, loving, and friendly people who helped Love Farm survive from going under (closing, out of  business). This film must shows the struggles (difficulties, problems) of honest and hard working immigrant families, who contribute (add, help) to the survival (life) and success of American business (commerce, trade, jobs, farms). Immigrants do all kinds of jobs that most Americans do not want to do, because they (jobs) are physically (bodily) too hard. Immigrants work on farms; they pick crops,  tend (take care, look after) animals, they clean and feed them. They work in restaurants, where they clean, cook and serve people. And in construction they do the hardest jobs, etc.

This (above) is a great story and movie for the whole family. It is about a good and kind Lebanese immigrant who arrived in NY City the day before the 9/11/01 terrorist attack on the World trade Center. This film will give you a better and a realist idea of the struggles, the hard life, the discrimination and injustices that many immigrants face here in the USA.

In 2014 I created the Cesar Chavez / Mother Cabrini ESL Scholarship. It's for my adult ESL students (at the Adult Education of the Capital Region BOCES campus, in Albany). ESL students are immigrants who have to learn English and work at the same time, in order to support their families. This is little financial help. 
I awarded (presented) 2 scholarships for $150 each in June 2014. Funds for this scholarship will be raised by selling/raffling some of my artworks and the sale of Letters from America (a collection of my writings).
If you would like more info, and/or to make a donation (receipts will be provided on request) email me at
or call; me at home (518) 370-4476

You can make your check to:
Cesar Chavez / Mother Cabrini ESL Scholarship
and mail it to me Ottavio Lo Piccolo, 
1467 Kingston Avenue, Schenectady, NY 12308.
Thank you!

All writings/images are © Copyrighted by Ottavio Lo Piccolo (unless otherwise specified). All rights reserved. No part of these writings, images/artworks, may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the authors’ written permission. Classroom teachers may copy individual articles with the images included in each piece, but only for instructional purposes and only for their classroom students. Images are from Google images, unless otherwise specified.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

PRESIDENT'S DAY. THE 4 GREAT ONES on MOUNT RUSHMORE who MADE AMERICA GREAT! Four Great Leaders to Follow Today, and some more recent ones who weren't as great! (Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama and the Trump) 

KICKED out the British OPPRESSORS .

George Washington (born in 1732, died in 1799), was the 1st US President, the one who lead the colonists during the American Revolutionary War to win independence (freedom) from Great Britain. He was a persistent, faithful and courageous soldier, a general, the leader of the Continental Army. Hence he became the Father of our country and laid (started) the foundation of American democracy (government elected by the people). It is because of these reasons that he has a prominent (important) place on Mount Rushmore. 

"The preservation of the sacred fire of Liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people."  George Washington

To read more about Washington, read/check out this blog titled:


Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd US President. He is known for being the author of the US Constitution (law of the land), a document which inspires democracies around the world. He also purchased the Louisiana territory from France in 1803 which doubled the size of our country, adding all or part of fifteen present-day States. he was born in 1743, and died 1826.

"We act not for ourselves but for the whole human race. The event of our experiment is to show whether man can be trusted with self - government." Thomas Jefferson

the President who Took Care of the Common Worker

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President. He provided (gave, applied) leadership when America experienced rapid (fast) economic growth as it entered (began) the 20th century. He was instrumental (the most essential/important) in negotiating the construction of the Panama Canal, linking the east (Atlantic ocean) and the west (Pacific Ocean). He was known as the "trust buster" for his work to end large corporate (companies, firms) monopolies (business controls) and ensure (guarantee) the rights of the common working man. He was born in 1858, and died in 1919.
"The first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight - that he shall not be a mere passenger." Theodore Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Took the US out of the Great Depression
the Greatest Economic Crisis

LINCOLN Liberated the Slaves and Kept the Union Together

Some historians believe that Abraham Lincoln is the greatest President of the United States ever. The Kentucky – born on a poor farmer’s land managed his way to the President’s chair in 1860 when he was elected as the 16th President of the States. Abraham Lincoln faced many obstacles during his time as President, and not only he managed to overcome them, but he also made many changes in the society that developed the States into better place to live. He held the nation together during its greatest trial
(crisis), the Civil War. He also believed that his most sacred (holy, from God) duty was the preservation (keeping together) the union (of the USA). And it was his conviction (idea, belief) that slavery must be abolished (get rid of). He was born in 1808, and died in 1865.



"I leave you hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal." Abraham Lincoln

To read more about him, read/check out this blog titled:

Additional source used for these 4 US presidents:


1. Which other Presidents, or other leaders/heroes, would you place on Mount Rushmore? Why?  
Although he was not a president, I would put Martin Luther King Jr. up there (on Mount Rushmore), simply because he dedicated his life to the struggle (work) for freedom and equality of blacks and poor Americans. 

I also would place Cesar Chavez up there for his efforts (struggle, work) against unfair pay and dismal (very bad, poor) conditions of migrant workers. Both of these heroes accomplished their objectives in a non-violent (peaceful) manner, without violence. 

These leaders and activists showed us that if we work together as a team, by speaking the truth, and by respecting and loving our enemies we can accomplish many positive things- good results can be achieved. We can change/improve laws, get better pay/benefits, and working and conditions, Also the Kennedy brothers deserve to be recognized for their civil rights efforts and their leadership.

2. Don't you think, that today in the USA, we idolize our presidents too much and let them get away with crimes? 
 I think we do, but we shouldn't, because presidents are human beings too, they also make mistakes. In fact, some of them should have been fired, and even put in jail for their crimes! 
 Let me give you some examples of US presidents who made some big mistakes, broke the law...but got away! Didn't pay for their crimes! Anyone else would have been held responsible!

President Richard Nixon had to resign because of the Watergate scandal. He spied (he had the headquarters of the opposite party wiretapped) so he could spy on them during reelection campaigns. Nixon was conveniently pardoned (excused) by Gerald Ford, his vice president. Convenient! He broke the law and got away scot-free!

Pr. Ronald Reagan was the President who signed a Nuclear Reduction Treat with the Soviet Union (now Russia) during the cold war. He and president Gorbachev did a great thing by reducing cost and the threat of nuclear war. However, I also remember that Pr. Reagan fired flight controllers en mass (by the thousands) because they went on strike. In fact Pr. Reagan wasn't was against unions, unfriendly to workers, he didn't help them. In addition, Pr. Reaganhe broke the law several times, with the Iran-Contra scandal. He gave the OK, permission to exchange arms for hostages. He allowed this in South America with rebel fighters who were trying to overthrow a dictatorial government. He later  did the same thing during the Iranian crisis. He exchanged (gave) missiles to the terrorists, so they would free American hostages in Iran. When asked about it, he said: " can't recall anything." Convenient!

Pr. Bill Clinton did many good things, he balanced the budget and and when he left office there was a surplus! More money in the government's coffers! However, his tenure (his 8 years at the White House) was riddled (filled) with scandals, and in fact, he almost got impeached because of a sex scandal.  He was married and had an illicit sexual relationship in the White House with one of his a young assistants.  If any of us had done any of those things, that Pr. Clinton did (have sex in the White House with a co-worker) we would be in jail! 

And last, but not least, Pr. George W. Bush (the II Bush) started the war in Iraq by telling the American people that Iraqis had weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). So he sent the American Forces to invade Iraq. However, those WMDs were never found. In addition, the 9-11-01 attack happened under his watch (during his presidency). Why? Many of his critics said that didn't care, wasn't paying attention, or he was unprepared. In fact, many of his critics say that he was on vacation over 40% of the time, instead of being on the job! Nice! So, how could he see/notice the intelligence (information) warnings?  Terrorists were in fact planning attacks with jet-liners. But what did Pr, Bush do? many say that he conveniently looked the other way? He knew about it.  So that he would have a pretext (an excuse) to go to war with Afghanistan, Pakistan and then Iraq. Many suspect (think) this could be a possibility. Others have many questions without answers- because the US government hid them. Others think that 9/11 was a conspiracy, a set up, to cause another war. War is in fact a big business for many rich people who manufacture/sell weapons.
The cost for these wars were put on a credit card- the money for these wars was borrowed- it estimated to be in the trillions of dollars! Republicans say they are fiscally responsible- not when it comes to defense spending and wars! Their wallets have no bottom on these items (wars/defense cost, and tax breaks for the rich and corporations!). But will complain and are tight fisted for social programs like welfare, food stamps, medicare, health care, education, the environment, etc.

As we can see from history, many US presidents have gotten away with crimes; caused/created immoral unjust wars, like the Vietnam and the Iraqi, Afghanistan/Pakistan wars.. and by committing other crimes, like lying to Congress and the American public.

Did these presidents pay for their crimes? No, they didn't! Why? Because they are presidents!  They shouldn't be above the law, but they are! It's a nice job to be a president! Isn't it? You can get away with crimes! But not if it's you and I! If we make those mistakes we surely get sent to jail!!! Where is the justice in this?!?

 3. Does President Obama deserve to be up on Mount Rushmore?  I don't think so. Here's why.
According to the percentage points, on the poster shown above, (which based on an opinion poll taken by the magazine Vanity Fair) he doesn't- although he is not the last one, but neither is the one at the top of these contenders. Will he deserve to be placed up there two ears from now?  
4. What do you think?  Here is my opinion.
I don't think that he deserves to be placed on Mount Rushmore- only because he is too liberal in certain areas. President Obama has not defended religious rights (freedom) and the rights of the unborn (children not yet born). As a Christian (someone who follows the teaching of Jesus Christ), therefore I am a non-violent (peaceful) person; I don't like any form of violence, hence I am a pro-life person. Someone who doesn't believe in violence. abortion is a violent act because it ends a human life. So, pro-lifers like me are for the defense/respect of life, we are against abortion, against killings and against the death penalty).  Statistics tell us that most abortions aren't necessary, there are many ways to avoid them.
Yes, I do believe that he is a good president because he is charismatic, honest and an eloquent (very good) speaker, and an intelligent and visionary leader (who can see our needs for the future). Why? Because he has helped the middle class and the poor with his economic policies, and he is pro-immigrant, he has helped immigrants. He has done a great job at improving our economy (jobs, business, commerce, trade) since he became president. He also stopped the war in Iraq (which cost us over 5 thousand lives and thousands of wounded). He had Osama Bin Laden captured and killed by our soldiers, and has done a good job in protecting America against terrorist attacks. I like his foreign policies (how he deals with other countries) because he emphasizes (relies on, trusts, uses) diplomacy, and not military force (or war) to solve problems. In fact, he has used military force (war) only as a last option (resort, if there are no other choices and/or alternatives). I also like the fact that he cares for the environment and wants to protect it, so that our children will have it and enjoy it too. And lately he has made deals with Iran so they will not build atomic weapons, and with Cuba, hence improving relations/trade with these nations.
However, let me tell you were I disagree with him. President Obama's Health Care law, also called Obama Care, forces people to pay into a system that allows/pays for abortions. Many people, like me,  think that abortion is wrong (unless for health reasons, and/or to save the life of the mother). Another issue (problem): I disagree with Obama care because it doesn't protect religious/moral rights of faiths groups, those who believe that abortions aren't moral, not accepted by their religious beliefs. The major world religions beliefs do not accept abortion, these are Jewish, Muslims, Christian hospitals/clinics. Obama Care expects them to provide abortions, hence they would have to go against their moral beliefs! And that's not right. That is why Pr. Obama doesn't deserve to go on Mount Rushmore. Obama is pro-choice, he supports abortions. I disagree this view, the pro-choice view, because it is a fact that over 99% of abortions aren't necessary (not needed). Women could use birth controls instead of terminating pregnancies. The vast majority of women choose abortion for convenience- they simply decide that they don't want their baby any longer because of selfish  reasons. Some women have an abortion because they say: not now, or I am not ready, or "I am too young" (to have a baby, but wasn't too young for sex! They also say: I can't support this baby- I don't have enough money! And the list (of excuses) goes on. These are just excuses to get rid of a human being. Life has no meaning/value for many people, hence they chose abortions, but don't realize that they to end a life, they kill a person! 
I am pro-life because life is the most important/valuable gift that God has given us. It is pro-creation, God has given us the opportunity to create other humans, but when we chose abortion because of inconvenience, and not a necessity (to save the life of a mother, and/or because of incest) we are playing God and deciding who should be born and who shouldn't. That's morally wrong. And the government should not support it morally and/or financially (by paying for it - so far 4 states do, including NY State). I'm not saying that women who need and/or want an abortion shouldn't have get one. I am saying, that government should not encourage it as a solution, but as a last resort. Government should spend money not on abortions, but on educating people in making other, better, healthier choices. And in conclusion, it is my view, that the role of the government is to protect its citizens and life at all levels; young, old, and the unborn too! And this president hasn't been a defender of human life. Just like most modern (contemporary) other presidents he hasn't. But I bet that those four presidents on Mount Rushmore would have not allowed abortions and the trampling of religious rights! That's why they're up there! They had the balls, the guts, the courage to do what's morally right!

I personally don't like this President because of his lack of moral character and ability. He is unfit to lead because he is mentally unstable, he lies continuously. According to The Washington Post, he has lied over 2,000 times his first year in office. He is  dishonest, has had 5 bankruptcies (never paid his debts), and during the presidential campaign he proudly, and repeatedly, said many times hat he doesn't pay taxes. He has boasted about abusing women, and has offended many people in the USA and abroad. He accused the media of being fake, derided the FBI and the CIA and made fun of US veterans. 
Other reason why I don't like him, are: his policies his fascist ideas/policies against immigrants and Muslim countries, and his unfairness in distributing wealth. In my opinion Trump is the worst president I've ever experienced in my 40+ years in America- from President Gerald Ford, the one who replaced Pr. Nixon. He favors the rich and corporations by giving them big tax break at the expense of the poor and the middle class. Below is a letter I wrote him yesterday, 2-15-18, and the Schenectady Daily Gazette (NY). 

AN OPEN LETTER TO TRUMP and the Republican Party
President TRUMP,
Seventeen school children were gunned down yesterday in Florida. How many more children need to die before you and your republican party take action to save them from gun violence? 

This IS YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT; don't you think that the time has come to stop the nonsense and PASS EFFECTIVE GUN CONTROL LAWS? Most school shootings are committed by US Terrorists, extremists and mentally unstable. 

Instead of giving 1.5 trillion dollars in tax breaks to the rich and corporations. Instead of increasing the military budget war machine to 756 billion (the biggest in the world). Instead of keep on insisting of building an ineffective wall on the US-Mexican border. Instead of cutting social services, education, the environment- why don't you do the right thing and just thing; and spend US tax dollars where everyone will benefit, not just the rich and the corporations, but all citizens. 

And please stop your hypocrisy by continuing to offer only prayers for the victims- because your words are hallow/ meaningless- unless you take strong effective action to protect our kids from gun toting criminals, US home grown terrorists, fanatics and the mentally deranged! 
Instead of siding with the gun industry/lobby and the NRA, take side with American citizens who have been begging you for common sense gun legislation time and time again- for years now- since Colombine HS and since Sandyhook Elementary (Newtown, CT)
Instead of using the Second Amendment (the right to own/bear arms) as an excuse to protect the gun lobby- have the moral courage and the compassion to pass effective gun control laws that protect our people instead of the gun industry interests! 
Take action for justice and protect us, the public and our school children from these criminals! 
Finally one last items; don't blame other nationalities and/or other religions, like Muslims, because of these horrible crimes- instead look at statistics! They're committed by mostly white people, and of them many are supremacists!