Letters by Ottavio Lo Piccolo to the local media outlets. 5-25-17
Letter to the Albany Times Union, and the Schenectady Daily Gazette, NY.
In his first budget, Trump is proposing to cut 9.2 billion from education! His Republican health care plan will kick out more than 20 million Americans- who presently are covered with the Affordable Care Act, or Obama Care! But that's not all, Trump will cut social programs from the middle class and the needy.
This Republican budget proposals in reality means that Trump will give tax breaks to the rich! In other words, Trump will take the money, that he saves from these proposals (which, by the way is our money, our taxes)- and give it to the filthy rich! He wants to take it away from our schools, our children, and give it to the billionaire class!
But that's not all! He also wants to increase military spending by 54 billion! As if the USA needs more fire power! When historically, the USA has been the biggest military spender in the whole world! The US has always overspent on weapons and wars, more than the combined military budgets of the 11 richest nations on earth!
If you voted for him I have no pity for you! But I feel sorry for those people who will suffer because of him, because of his unfair/immoral and outrageous programs. If you voted for him you deserve him! Congratulations! You picked the worst candidate! But I do not feel sorry for you, as I said, I only feel for people who will suffer the consequences (because of his policies and because he is an inept and incapable President). I am sad for those people who cannot make a decent living, like the poor and the elderly, who need their social security check and Medicaid to live with dignity. I also feel for the single parent who has to work more than one job to support his/her family's! These I feel sorry for, not those who voted and still support this "fake news" president!
So far, his young presidency, of only 4 months, has not made America great, but instead it has made our country miserable. I hope and pray that he is impeached soon, hence relieved of his power, before he makes Americas even more miserable! Or worst!
I want to stress, that this isn't only my view- opinion polls are clear: Donald Trump is so far the worst U.S. President in history! What an accomplishment for himself and those who supported and still continue to support him!
FACTS CANNOT BE DENIED- Trumps' actions speak louder than words: HE IS making America better, for the rich! He is VERY BAD for most Americans! The sooner he goes back home to his private life, the better for all of us!
Ottavio Lo Piccolo, an independent from Schenectady, NY
Bernie Sanders deserved to be president of the USA! Not this current president! Who continues on telling tall tales, lies, and non-sense, only to benefit the rich! He is unstable. One day he says one thing, and the next he says something completely opposite. He is simply unfit for public office. His deplorable low moral character, and his obvious dishonesty, has led him not to keet his promises; of being everyone's president, but only the president of the rich and the powerful.
It is a well known fact, that his actions have betrayed his words. The results of his policies and ideas are evident. They are clear enough to me; this president is a total failure! An inept and incapable political leader. According to my expectations, standards, and according to American values of decency, respect and justice, he is a nightmare! A total disappointment!

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