Letter to the media, business and U.S. State/National Leaders.
I have read too many depressing articles about ocean plastic pollution in our our oceans. The people who have written them, seem to have lost hope. And I don't blame them- I too felt hopeless when I first learned about this problem (Ocean plastic trash/garbage) in May of last year. This is, in fact, a problem of global proportions. However, there's hope and good ideas and some positive and encouraging results (California and Rwanda have banned plastic bags, and Germany makes a profit from recycling). Let me share some facts on ocean plastic pollution, and how all of us can help solve this environmental crisis.
About 80% of the debris (of our trash and garbage) in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch comes from land-based activities (what we do) in North America and Asia. The remaining 20% of debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (in the Pacific Ocean) comes from boaters, offshore oil-rigs, and large cargo ships that dump or lose debris directly into the water. The majority of this debris—about 705,000 tons—is fishing nets. More unusual items, such as computer monitors and LEGOs, come from dropped shipping containers. I also learned that plastic goods do not biodegrade (cannot be safely absorbed by nature), but instead break down into smaller pieces (called micro-plastics), which are very harmful (dangerous/unhealthy) to marine life, and to us humans too- since we eat seafood. (You can find more info. by visiting these two sites: http://nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/great-pacific-garbage-patch/
and http://www.lazerhorse.org/2013/11/23/great-pacific-garbage-patch/#
According to the Ocean Conservancy (an environmental organization that protects the oceans), “Every year 28-billion pounds of plastic ends up in our ocean. Seals get caught in discarded (thrown away into the sea) fishing gear and die trying to free themselves. Dolphins and turtles mistake plastic bags for their next meal and die eating them. Fish ingest (eat) deflated (without air) balloons and choke to death (can’t breathe). Ocean Conservancy believes (I do too- and I hope that you will too) that it doesn’t need to be this way. If we take action now, we can reduce plastic in the ocean by 45%, saving ocean life, making our ocean cleaner and our earth healthier. Over fishing, pollution and habitat fragmentation are wearing down the health of our oceans. Add to that ocean acidification—a process caused by increased carbon emissions (smog, pollution from auto vehicles and factories) that can degrade coral reefs and corrode (break down, destroy) the shells of sea creatures—and warming, and it's not surprising that ocean ecosystems are rapidly collapsing.”
Source: https://takeaction.oceanconservancy.org/ea-action/action)
And for more info. on ocean acidification, log on to http://www.saveourseasmagazine.com/the-co2-conundrum/
This is depressing news, however, I think that the oceans could be saved from our plastic waste- if we all work together- and we and can and do it. We have to do it, because the alternative is no good. Scientists predict that, destroying our oceans, could bring be the end of humanity within two generations! This means, that our grandchildren may not have a livable planet- unless we act now!
I have done quite a bit of research on this subject, because I'm very curious- I want to find out and understand our world- and I'm very concerned and I need to be informed because I teach about the oceans in schools. So, it is clear that plastic pollution is a serious threat because it concerns our ability to live on this planet. Therefore, this is what I suggest we do.
First, we must learn about the ocean- how essential it is to our survival on earth. Second, we must face the problem/issue of plastic pollution and recognize it as a serious threat to our existence, our survival on this planet. Third, we must educate others, our children, our families, our friends/coworkers/colleges, etc. Fourth, we all must do our part, if we want to survive and have a good/safe/healthy and prosperous future on this planet.
I will do my best to at least follow the 4-Rs; Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. I will also do my duty as a teacher and inform/educate students and anyone who is willing to listen about our environment and participate in preventing its demise (destruction). I will also solicit (ask) and encourage the support of our community (places of work/business, worship etc.), of our elected leaders- at all levels of government- and the plastic industry. So, that we can all work together to help in this effort- and stop the destruction of the environment and the oceans.
That is why it is important to put our words, ideas/thoughts into actions. So we must take...
a. Let's begin by; educating ourselves and our children about the importance of keeping our planet free of plastic pollution, and by recycling ourselves. We can learn by reading books at our local libraries, and/or using online sources like Google and You Tube; simply search for titles as this one: Ocean Plastic Pollution.
We can also watch videos, if we don't like to read. I have already watched two; "PLASTIC PARADISE" an award winning documentary film, and "A PLASTIC OCEAN". You can watch free trailers (of both films) on You Tube, and/or purchase them from Amazon.
b. We should then begin recycling in our homes, schools and our places of work, by having recycling containers in the most strategic points (places) of homes/business (where people assemble, in kitchens, garages and conference rooms, etc). Recycling containers should be made available, to the public, for most items that can be recycled, like plastics, metals, glass, paper and cardboard. These containers must be labeled, and people informed and encouraged to recycle- instead of throwing it in the garbage. In addition, recycling items should be clean and free of food and/or dirt- to avoid disease and unpleasant smell. Once the recycling material is collected, it must be placed in single-stream dumpsters or other collector, which then gets picked up by a recycling company. And if no companies are not available or aren't affordable, then we can haul it (bring it) ourselves to recycling centers.
This seems like a lot of work, but it isn't- if we all collaborate. Remember, that once you a have a system in place- it'll become a piece of cake! Very easy to do! And could possibly make a profit! Make money from recycling plastic and other materials! Schools are already making money by selling paper and cardboard reclining by the pound!
Recycling is a first effective change in reducing the amount of plastic pollution in our oceans.
b. Write to our local leaders, in our towns/villages, cities, county levels, and then to our political leaders in Congress and at the State. We must tell/inform them of the dangers of ocean pollution and acidification. And we must ask them to take action to protect our environment (pass laws/regulations, fines for polluters, etc) and especially our oceans, since they are a major source of life for our planet and for humanity.
c. We must also ask your political leaders to encourage and support/reward organizations/businesses. Public places that; use less plastics, avoid the of use-only-once/ throw away plastic, and use natural and/or biodegradable materials- should be given financial incentives/rewards. Restaurants, schools, hospitals, prisons, County, State and Federal public buildings could become ECOFRIENDLY- if they voluntarily recycle their plastic and use biodegradable products- instead of plastic items; like silverware, cups, straws, stirrers, lighters, etc.
We, the public, should also support these places. And those stores and places of business (that avoid plastics, use biodegradable, and recycle the plastic that they use) should receive compensation, support, free publicity and awards from the government. In addition, the government should declare them ECOFRIENDLY- friendly/safe for the environment! This would be a powerful incentive that will educate our society; to move away from plastics and instead move/go toward better/safer/healthier products- that do not harm our planet. Natural and/or biodegradable materials products will not harm, but will safeguard our planet.
d. Governments could also regulate the plastic industry (that is represented by the umbrella organization called American Chemistry council, the ACC, also known by SPI), which is the 3rd largest industry in the USA. If this industry is regulated, it will be motivated to find ways/solutions or alternative to plastic products. They would also will be more willing to find ways of controlling and managing plastic pollution. Why? Because they make plastic- hence, they should be responsible for its safe disposal (as to stop it from reaching bodies of water). And because the public may soon boycott all throw away plastic! hence, they will be forced to find new and safer products.
Governments should also declare that all plastic waste is hazardous (dangerous for our health)! Governments could also invest/give financial incentives/support (funds/grants/tax breaks/money) to businesses and/or organizations, schools, hospitals, and even to State government agencies, in order to support/encourage the curbing (stopping, and/or reducing) plastic pollution, and employ/test out new technologies (like plasma torches) that can eliminate the trash problem. And in the meantime ban all throw away plastics, once and for all! In fact, we should demand that use-only-once plastic be banned and/or at least controlled/curbed, recycled, and eventually avoided- so that plastic would not pose threat and end up the environment. California and Rwanda did it! They banned all plastic bags. So can we!And Germany has turned recycling into a profitable business!
e. Governments should support and finance recycling businesses/plants/factories that will collect and safely dispose of our recyclable waste. And also support research that will aims at solving the plastic pollution of our oceans/planet should also be supported.
16. Finally, I hope you will do your part and cooperate in saving our planet, and will join me in putting into action these ideas/steps and concrete actions, to save our oceans. If you have ideas, please share them with me. We need everyone’s help in this huge effort of saving our planet. If you’d like start a recycling program at your school, or place of business/work, I’ll be glad to share all the educational/informative materials that I have created so far (ENL or English as a New Language on the oceans, this letter and letters to our leaders, a quiz on the Ocean and pollution. email me at ottaviolopiccolo5@gmail.com
and I’ll send them to you.
17. A Young European Engineer Design Offers Hope in Cleaning up the Oceans of Plastic. Meet Boyan Slat log on to this You tube video, and see him explain his project!

Thank you. Ottavio Lo Piccolo, ENL teacher.
My aim is; Peace, Prosperity, Tolerance, Respect, Understanding, Justice and Protection of the Environment- not the destruction of the plastic industry! But to save our oceans and guarantee a future to the next generations.
This post was written Ottavio Lo Piccolo (c) 2017.
Images are taken from Google images.
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