TRUMP’S FIRING OF FBI DIRECTOR is HYPOCRITICAL AND another sign of his INABILITY TO LEAD... because of his mental instability, HIS LACK OF ETHICS (his lies are non-stop ) and professional incompetence.

Trump’s firing of the FBI director yesterday was the pinnacle, the ultimate act of hypocrisy that this president has taken so far. The first one was his Muslim Ban, the second was the firing missiles on an empty Syrian Air Force Base, and the third one, firing director Comey. This LAST ACT, of this comedy, was a confirmation that this man is a menace, a threat, to the USA and to the world.

WHY DID HE WAIT SO LONG TO FIRE COMEY? Was it because Comey was
uncovering the Trump-Putin connection!? It's very possible! Why did he,
Trump, wait this long to get rid of him!

Besides, this president isn't at all, making America great as he promised, and neither is he working for the best interests of all Americans. In fact, so far he hasn’t kept any of his promises to American families and workers. He’s slashing social programs, education, the environment, and repealing Obama Care, which will take away health insurance for millions of American working families, so that he can give huge tax breaks to the filthy rich! The only thing is increasing is the Pentagon’s budget, so that big defense contractors and weapons makers/sellers will make out like bandits. Military spending that will benefit only the US war machine, which is already over bloated with out tax dollars. The US is the biggest military spender in the world!

And although at the beginning of this year I thought that his involvement with the Russians may have a political ploy (scheme, plan) to get rid of him, now I truly think that he may have indeed (surely), collaborated with the Russians, in order to defeat Hillary Clinton and get elected.

Therefore, now after this latest spectacle (ugly show) and degrading (humiliating, embarrassing) act, of firing the FBI director, I truly hope and pray that this President is found guilty of something- I don’t care what- as long as he goes back to his civilian life! I do not hate him and neither do I wish him any harm. He is simply unfit to lead. He is mentally and morally incompetent to lead our country. He has to be dismissed, fired and let go, before it is too late. And I also pray that the US Congress improves the presidential election system, so that people like Trump will never again be considered for the presidency of the most powerful country on earth. The US needs leaders who are mentally, morally and professionally competent.

Besides, this president isn't at all, making America great as he promised, and neither is he working for the best interests of all Americans. In fact, so far he hasn’t kept any of his promises to American families and workers. He’s slashing social programs, education, the environment, and repealing Obama Care, which will take away health insurance for millions of American working families, so that he can give huge tax breaks to the filthy rich! The only thing is increasing is the Pentagon’s budget, so that big defense contractors and weapons makers/sellers will make out like bandits. Military spending that will benefit only the US war machine, which is already over bloated with out tax dollars. The US is the biggest military spender in the world!

And although at the beginning of this year I thought that his involvement with the Russians may have a political ploy (scheme, plan) to get rid of him, now I truly think that he may have indeed (surely), collaborated with the Russians, in order to defeat Hillary Clinton and get elected.

Therefore, now after this latest spectacle (ugly show) and degrading (humiliating, embarrassing) act, of firing the FBI director, I truly hope and pray that this President is found guilty of something- I don’t care what- as long as he goes back to his civilian life! I do not hate him and neither do I wish him any harm. He is simply unfit to lead. He is mentally and morally incompetent to lead our country. He has to be dismissed, fired and let go, before it is too late. And I also pray that the US Congress improves the presidential election system, so that people like Trump will never again be considered for the presidency of the most powerful country on earth. The US needs leaders who are mentally, morally and professionally competent.
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