The US Presidential Election with Trump's Constant Attacks on our Democracy and Moral Values, and the latest scandal; the Alleged Russian Hacking, are the Latest Blow to an already Diminished Confidence in our Political System.

2015 Survey from The Pew Research Center
for US Politics & Policies

In a 2015 survey (graphs are shown here below), The Pew Research Center for US Politics & Policies, shows that since the Kennedy/Johnson's administration (1958), the public's confidence in the American political system has steadily gone down. From 79% , to an all time low of 19%, as of 2015. You can check for yourself by visiting their site at
for US Politics & Policies
These aren't just my opinions, they are indisputable facts. The saddest part, of our political system in the USA, is the fact that there are too many lies and too much propaganda. Which are being spread by our government, mainstream media, and also the Internet, but not in this blog!
How can we know the truth? How can we differentiate, tell when information are facts, half truth and/or lies? There’s a way to know, and that is, we must search for the truth and facts. We have to look/examine different sources to compare and contrast, and check facts, and even talk/discuss with other (when possible).

The latest lie, from our government, is the accusation that Russia hacked our elections. I think that Trump won because the Democratic Party doesn't listen to the people anymore, and doesn't care for their needs, but cares only for the interests of corporate America.
If the Russians hacked the election, how come democrats also lost big in the Senate and the House? Was it because of the Russians? Or was it the Chinese?
In addition, we all know that US intelligence has made mistakes in the past, and/or told lies. It is a fact, that the US government fabricated evidence and accused Saddam Hussein of having WMDs and terrorist ties. Which were never proved. Why should I believe these accusations now?
And more recently, last summer, the NSA was caught spying our European allies! This was a major international embarrassment! Is this how the USA leads? Isn’t this another example of US hypocrisy? The USA talks and preaches, but it doesn’t show integrity in its actions! (This paragraph was added 1-17-17).
In addition, we all know that US intelligence has made mistakes in the past, and/or told lies. It is a fact, that the US government fabricated evidence and accused Saddam Hussein of having WMDs and terrorist ties. Which were never proved. Why should I believe these accusations now?
And more recently, last summer, the NSA was caught spying our European allies! This was a major international embarrassment! Is this how the USA leads? Isn’t this another example of US hypocrisy? The USA talks and preaches, but it doesn’t show integrity in its actions! (This paragraph was added 1-17-17).
Governments and leaders (of all nations, not just the USA) need to tell the truth and facts; not fiction and lies. Because lies/deceit bring confrontation; which eventually lead to wars, destruction and misery!
Why can't we do the same today? Why not collaborate with our allies, and also with all other superpowers, with Russia and China included? We have common enemies; terrorist threats, pollution, global warming, 65 million refugees, pay and racial inequalities, and nuclear proliferation! Cooperation is the key to defeat these threats! Not propaganda and lies!

LET’S TALK SOME UNDENIABLE FACTS. The US is the most armed in the world with over 700 military bases all over the world! We spend at least 10x more than Russia! 56% of the US discretionary budget, which is more than all of the world's defense budget combined! What a waste of resources! When people are starving, running away from war and persecution! (This last sentence added 1-17-17)

And yet, many US politicians accuse Russian President Putin to be a bully and an aggressor; because he annexed Crimea, and he may eventually take over Ukraine. This is an act of aggression and imperialism on the part of Russia. But acts like these have also been committed by the USA many times! In fact, these accusers (Pr. Obama's administration and US media), fail to mention that the USA unjustly invaded Iraq, and recently spied on our allies. The US also bombed Libya, which is now in total anarchy and being run by the IS.
So, I hope and pray for you (our political leaders), our nation and the world, will do all you can to establish a peaceful environment of; social justice, stability and prosperity, instead of contention and confrontation, which could lead to social instability, more suffering and possibly another war.
These aren't just my opinions, they are facts. And the saddest part (of our political system), is that since the Kennedy/Johnson's administration (since the 1969), the public's confidence in the American political system has steadily gone down. From 79% , to an all time low of 19%, as of 2015.
You can check these statistics for yourself at Pew Research Center for US Politics & Policies, at
You can also do your own research, just enter any question you may have about US policies, wars defense spending, trust in government, and more.
Just type any of the following questions into the Google browser:
1. Which country is the most armed? Or the most powerful?
2. How much does the USA spend on defense?
3. How much does war cost and who pays for it?
4. Is the Russian hack a verifiable fact?
5. Which nations spy on others?
6. What are the causes of 65 million refugees in the world?
7. Is global warming an hoax or reality?
8. Who says that global warming is a reality?
With a new US president and administration taking office in two days; many of us feel threatened by their lack of fairness, justice, competency, decency and trust in our political leaders. In fact, many of Trump’s appointees lack experience in the cabinet/field that they will be responsible for. Many of them are Wall-Street insiders and millionaires who have contributed millions to the Republican party.
Others are downright opposed to the objectives of the cabinet they will hold. Take for example the appointees for Secretary of Education; she is anti public schools.
The EPA secretary is anti-environment, in fact, he like Trump dismisses global warming as an hoax! When most of the world signed the Paris Treat to curb pollution, hence global warming. Then, our country’s top judge, Senator Sessions, a known racist, may become the head of the Justice Department!
These people, if appointed, and it seems like they will, simply scare me! Yes, I agree that we need people in this incoming administration! So, why hire incompetent foxes and wolves to guard the hens and the sheep? (This par. Was added on 1-18-17).

So, what can we do about these issues/problems? I believe that we need to unite, work together! United we stand, and divided we fall! We must keep our petty differences apart (different religious/cultural traditions). All people of faith, people of goodwill, no matter their creed, and or religious beliefs (Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc.) must unite, come together and speak up and denounce the status quo!
We all must ask for accountability, justice and fairness from our leaders! And let them know that we don't like what they are doing!
So, let's make our voiced heard, by speaking out in public; writing to the media and clearly expressing our views everywhere; online, in person, w/family, w/friends.
We need to demand real change! Demand the truth! And real reforms, like taking away money and corporate interests and influence from politics. And make voter registration easy and accessible to all!
But, of course, in order to know the facts/truth, we need to be informed and listen and get to know our political candidates. We need to closely look at their past record, their life, their moral character.
We need to ask ourselves; Is this person honest, trustworthy, intelligent? Does he/she have a good plan for our country and the world?
So that we can make an informed and intelligent choice, by voting for the best candidate; one who will work for all, not just a few.
We must chose candidates who are honest/decent and intelligent who have the knowledge and plans to make our nation and the world a better place for all people, no matter their color, social status, religion/culture, sex, etc.

And I hope you will join me in this effort. This below is the Prayer of The Lady of all Nations. I encourage you to say every day.
I have emailed part of this letter to the local newspapers here in Albany N.Y., and to Washington (on 1-31-16) to Pr. Obama, VP Biden, my NY State Senators, Schumer and Gillibrand, and congressman Tonko. And yesterday I also sent it Pr. Elect Trump and his VP Pence.

I give you permission to use this letter, if you agree with some or all of my views; you may use it as you see fit, to bring out the truth in our governments. I also give you permission to share it, and if need be you may change it, revise it, do what you must, and speak out in defense of any of the points I make here in this letter!
Let’s not put our head in the sand! Let's take our government back!
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