INCOMPETENCE, INEXPERIENCE, RACISM, so far are some of the CHARACTERISTICS of many of TRUMP'S CABINET APPOINTEES A letter to the Schenectady Daily Gazette, NY, 1-17-17

However, I have only one major issue with President elect's cabinets picks. Many of them are not qualified to hold the office that they were called to fill.
Many have no or little experience in that particular office. One of them, Senator Jeff Sessions, has acted in racist ways in the past. This is a big concern. Has he changed his way of thinking, talking and acting now that he is being considered to be the top judge in the country? How can a racist be fair in administering justice to a nation? This is simply disturbing.
The same applies to the candidate for Secretary of Education. She has no experience in the field of education. She isn't even a teacher! She has always supported private sector schools, like charter schools. In other words she is anti-public schools, and yet she could become the next secretary! This the wolf guarding the sheep! Which is the same situation with the secretary of the EPA (Environmental Conservation Agency, the one that is supposed to protect our land, air and water).
This is another carnivore, a wolf, or fox, guarding the chickens! He doesn't believe in global warming. And like Trump he thinks it's a hoax! When most of the world nations signed the Parsis agreement to reduce/curtail this global threat, which has been supported and proven by most scientists to be a big problem for our, not too distant future. The poles and worlds glaciers are melting, weather patterns are unstable; we more frequent unexpected vicious storms and droughts all over the world! And they still deny it? Why? Because they want more oil drilling! Fossil fuels are ruining our planet, but they don't care. They only see green! Money schemes, profits! After the earth will be destroyed their money won't even be good to wipe their behind!

Yes, I agree that people should fill these important cabinet posts as soon as possible, but being unqualified, and/or unfit for public office, is not acceptable. This is a disservice to our nation, and a security threat; because incompetent people will not know what to do in a crisis. And innocent people will pay for their mistakes.
So, President Trump has not kept his promise to represent all Americans because in my opinion, too many of his cabinet picks are incompetent, others are wealthy Wall-Street insiders, and others are downright racist.
This is not the way to clean the swamp, as Trump promised during the campaign; from the influence of the finance world and from Washington insiders.
I just can't comprehend how this president elect was allowed to become the next US president. He is totally unfit for this office; he is unstable, ignorant about policies and a bully- who has already angered the Chinese and our European allies. The only friend he has made so far is Vladimir Putin, Russia's President. A person who is considered, by many (western media and leaders) as an enemy. And he is also accused of meddling into our presidential election!
I do not feel confident that Trump will keep his promises because his words and his actions, so far, do not match. In fact, I feel very concerned and worried for our country and the world. (He doesn't seem to be listening to the good side)!
My last alternative now is to turn to God and pray for a miracle; that this new President turns around, changes his ways, and begins to follow common sense and the good of all Americans- not just his interests; his rich friends and or favorite "buddy" Vladimir. There are many leaders in the world that also need respect and cooperation from the US President! Not just Russia's leader!
Trump should pay attention to North Korea's leader who is constantly playing with nuclear missile's launches. (The sentences in blue were not included in the Sch'dy Daily Gazette letter)
Although many of Trump's cabinet picks are incompetent and undeserving of their positions), I hope and pray that both President Elect Trump and his cabinet will honestly and effectively work for all of our people in our nation. I hope that they will cooperate (instead of infuriating) our allies, and do all they can in order to keep the world safe, peaceful and prosperous. Trump needs to realize that the well being of the world is in his hands. I pray that he shapes up, before it is too late.
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