If the Russians hacked the election, how come democrats also lost big in the Senate and the House? Was it because of the Russians? Or was it the Chinese?
In addition, we all know that US intelligence has made mistakes in the past. It is a fact, that the US government fabricated evidence and accused Iraqi President Saddam Hussein of having WMDs and terrorist ties. Which were never proved. Why should we believe these baseless accusations now?
Furthermore, just last year the USA had the audacity to spy on it's allies! The Europeans! The NSA listened to Angela Merkel cell conversations!
You can also find more info by visiting the Wikileaks site
To watch YouTube video below, copy and paste the address below on your browser


I'm not defending Russia, however, Russia has worked with the USA to defeat common enemies, like the ones we fought together during WWII.
Why can't we do the same today? We have terrorist threats, pollution, global warming, 65 million refugees, and nuclear proliferation! Cooperation is the key to defeat these threats! Not propaganda and lies!
The USA has successfully cooperated with the Russians in the past in WWII, and again President Reagan and Russian president Gorbachev cooperated and turned down the number of nuclear warheads, to diminish the possibility of a nuclear war and to save money that could be better invested.
The US is the most armed in the world with over 700 military bases all over the world! We spend at least 10x more than Russia! 56% of the discretionary budget, which is more than all of the world's defense budget combined! What a waste of resources!
And yet, many US politicians accuse Russian President Putin to be a bully and an aggressor; because they accuse him of taking over Crimea, and soon possibly Ukraine. However, these accusers, and US media, fail to mention that the USA unjustly invaded Iraq. The US also bombed Libya, which is now in total anarchy and being run by the IS.
Russia has foreign armies, NATO, on its western borders! How would the US feel if Russia had its army on the Mexican border? Yet the US sees Russia as the aggressor!

As I said, I'm not defending Russia. And I'm not a Russian citizen. I am a naturalized US citizen, who has worked/lived in this country for over 40 years. I served with honor in the US Armed Forces Forces for 30 years. I love this country, and I love peace. I do not want to see the US in a nuclear war with Russia and/or any other nation.

So I hope and pray, that you will do all you can for peace, stability and prosperity, instead of war.
(For info. or President Reagan and Soviet Union (now Russia) President Gorbachev visit;
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/biography/reagan-gorbachev/ (This info. was added 1-7-17)
Dec 30, 2016 - ... writing flatly, "Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking. ... the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then ...
You visited this page on 12/31/16.
Rolling Stone casts doubt on election hacking story - MSN.com
Dec 31, 2016 - Rolling Stone casts doubt on election hacking story. Duration: ... John Bolton reacts after US imposes sanctions against Russia. FOX News ...
Ex-CIA Agent on Report Tying Russia to Election Hacking: 'Absolutely ...
Dec 30, 2016 - “Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking.” ... persistent allegations that the Russian government hacked the U.S. election. Though .... At least one journalist, Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi, pointed out a similar problem.
Rolling Stone Writer Suggests Something About Obama's Russian ...
Dec 31, 2016 - I excerpt from the Rolling Stone piece which is entitled “Something About This ... been unnervingly quick to use phrases like “Russia hacked the election.” ... over 60 million American voters of being Russian agents is lunacy.
The Download on the DNC Hack — Krebs on Security
Jan 3, 2017 - An article in Rolling Stone over the weekend aptly captures my ... with the U.S. election on his behalf, and said recently that he doubts the U.S. ...
WOW: Even Rolling Stone Thinks Obama's 'RUSSIAN HACKER' Story ...
Dec 31, 2016 - The article talks about the recent limp-wristed Obama 'sanctions' on Russia for their alleged 'hacking' of the US Election and contrasts it to the ...
The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S. ...
Dec 13, 2016 - Following the Links From Russian Hackers to the U.S. Election ..... They stole the designs for the F-35 fighter jet, corporate secrets for rolling steel, even the ..... Days before the Podesta email release began, Roger Stone, ...Was the FBI/DHS Report On Russian Directed Hacking Bullsh ...
Dec 30, 2016 - LIke this from the Obama-loving, Trump-hating Rolling Stone, ... derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then ...
Rolling Stone casts doubt on election hacking story - YouTube
Dec 31, 2016 - Uploaded by US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2016
Rolling Stone casts doubt on election hacking story Something About This Russia Story Stinks: Nearly ...
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