The REPUBLICAN CONVENTION was a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. This week, starting tonight, I hope and expect that the Democratic one will be one filled with ideas and SOLUTIONS, not the UTOPIA (la-la/fairy-tale land) and the Republican LITANY (never ending list) of COMPLAINS and BACKWARDS (very old, stale ideas). However, that is what I expected Donald Trump and his "Company" from this Republican Convention.
In fact, watching him speak at the Republican convention last week, Donald reminded me of the Italian dedicator Mussolini and his butcher friend Hitler, especially, when toward the end of his speech he said: "I am the law!
How can we chose the right President when the choices are only two? I will not base my decision only on one topic, because there are many issues that are very important to our country and the world.
Trump's speech at the convention was void, had no new ideas, but only a litany of complains about Obama and his administration. Once again Donald Trump proved to be a non-sense, silly, arrogant and ignorant leader who has devised the Republican Party and may bring it to its demise (end/destruction), because both he (trump) and many Republicans are becoming irrelevant- they do not listen to the people and do not do anything to alleviate the problems of the middle class and the needy.

How can we chose the right President when the choices are only two? I will not base my decision only on one topic, because there are many issues that are very important to our country and the world.
Trump's speech at the convention was void, had no new ideas, but only a litany of complains about Obama and his administration. Once again Donald Trump proved to be a non-sense, silly, arrogant and ignorant leader who has devised the Republican Party and may bring it to its demise (end/destruction), because both he (trump) and many Republicans are becoming irrelevant- they do not listen to the people and do not do anything to alleviate the problems of the middle class and the needy.

Last week, I friend of mine sent me an email with a link to a republican article where they promise the most pro-life platform. To read this article in Google, just type the title below.
7 days ago - Republicans Adopt Most Pro-Life Platform Ever Condemning Abortion and Planned Parenthood. National. Steven Ertelt, Micaiah Bilger Jul 18, ...
Republicans Adopt Most Pro-Life Platform Ever Condemning Abortion ...
It is true that I
don't like most republican politicians and neither do I like many democratic
ones. The reason is simple, many politicians today do not serve the people, but rather their corporate sponsors and their own political interests. That is why, in my 41 years of being in the USA (I am a naturalized citizen) I have voted for both Democrats and republicans- I am an independent. I pledge no allegiance to any
political party. My fidelity is to God and to my country and to the well
being of the world.
It is true, that the only decent thing that the republicans have done so far, that has been consistent, has been to be opposed abortion on demand, and in denying taxpayer funds to pay for abortions. This is the only think that I agree with them. However, how many babies have they saved with this stance? None! In my opinion their position on abortion is just lip service- to get elected, and once in office they do not do anything to save human lives. They do the opposite, they destroy human life with their anti-life policies!
The life issue is a
hot issue with me, because life is the most precious gift from God. And
it bothers me, and sometimes this topic gets me upset because I see the
republican's hypocrisy. I think that they are wolves dressed as sheep. It is true, that the only decent thing that the republicans have done so far, that has been consistent, has been to be opposed abortion on demand, and in denying taxpayer funds to pay for abortions. This is the only think that I agree with them. However, how many babies have they saved with this stance? None! In my opinion their position on abortion is just lip service- to get elected, and once in office they do not do anything to save human lives. They do the opposite, they destroy human life with their anti-life policies!
Why? Because they say they are pro-life, but in reality they are not, because they don't care about other forms of life. Government alone cannot solve this issue. I think that abortions happen because too many people have no respect for themselves; they have sex with too many partners and when they are too young and/or not mature and/or responsible enough. Families must teach respect for life, for their own children's bodies- People should not have sex unless they are mature enough to accept a new life. The government shouldn't use public funds (taxpayer's money) to fund (pay for) abortions on demand. Abortion isn't a public good, like like building a school, a hospital, a bridge and or a road! It isn't for anyone's benefit, except top end an "inconvenient" life! That is why I'm opposed to have my taxes pay for it.

The USA spend more for defense than the whole world combined! Is it necessary for a strong defense? No way! Think how much good the US could if it spent less on defense and more on social programs and the environment!
Look at the graph below! See how much goes for the military and how much for social services!
3. They cut education and want to privatize social security, which has been a democratic idea/program, that has provided a decent pension for the elderly, those, like me and you, who have slaved all their life. I call this policy pro-poverty! Republicans don't care for people who suffer and/or die. Why? Because they cut social services, so they can shrink government, because to them it is too big/fat! They have shot it down several time, in fact! However, they didn't stop getting paid! They got their paychecks! While federal workers did not! HYPOCRITES!
Then, republicans have the balls (better yet, cowardice) to tell us that they want to increase defense spending! And who profits from this? The defense industry, those people who manufacture and sell weapons. And who pays for it? The middle class and the poor, who pay with their taxes and their blood! Their children fight the DIRTY/IMMORAL republicans wars! How many politicians have sent their children to fight American wars? Is this pro-life? Of course not! This is pro-death!
4. Republicans didn't even mention the environment- how we are destroying it and how we should invest to protect it! In fact, they deny the environmental threat...when most countries have met in Paris last year and agreed that more must be done to save our planet form an environmental catastrophe!
5. Republican Supreme Court Judges also voted for Citizens United, a law that allows corporations to give as much money as they want to their party and/or politician. In other words they have sold democracy! Hence, screwing the middle class and the needy. Is this pro-life? Is this fair? No, it isn't.
5. Republican Supreme Court Judges also voted for Citizens United, a law that allows corporations to give as much money as they want to their party and/or politician. In other words they have sold democracy! Hence, screwing the middle class and the needy. Is this pro-life? Is this fair? No, it isn't.
6. Republicans are pro-guns and pro violence- Why? Because they are in bed with the NRA and they do not want to pass any common sense legislation to prevent criminals, the insane, the irresponsible, and terrorists from getting guns. 33,000 Americans die each year from gun violence, yet they (republicans) do not want to discuss simple gun controls to prevent terrorist, demented people and violent criminals from getting guns. Why can't guns be regulated like cars? People who own cars have licenses, and so should gun owners!
7. In my 41 years in the USA I have noticed another fact, that repulses me; Republicans are war mongers! They simply don't care for those people who die fighting their dirty immoral wars (like Vietnam and Iraq). And that's not all! Republicans fuel wars because they are bullies, they do not like/believe in diplomacy (in talking to other nations/leaders), they use confrontation as a way of solving international problems, they flex "their muscles" -the US military- to implement their imperialistic (another word for bullying other countries) into submission. Then, they often make excuses, lies to convince the American public (like George W. Bush and his administration) that war is the only solution. And so they attack other counties, and they implement regime change, like the one they imposed on Iraq and in Libya. And look where those two regime changes took us; it destabilized the Middle East and created a vacuum, which has been filled by ASIS.
I will never vote for such low life politicians who have lied and deceived America for a long time.
I cannot vote for Trump because he is a bully and racist who hasn't convinced me with good sensible ideas for America. He reminds me of dictators like Mussolini and Hitler, two world bullies!

It is true, we cannot put too much hope on human beings, because no one is perfect, especially corrupt politicians, however, there are many that are honest. It is our job, our duty to inform ourselves and find out which ones would be good for our country and the world, and then listen to our conscience, find honest/intelligent and effective leaders, support them and vote for them. It is our duty as citizens and as people of good will. It is also helpful to pray for our leaders, for our country, and the world. We need prosperity, cooperation and peace. This is the only way to the future. This can happen if we embrace love/respect of all people and tolerance of others. If we turn back to God and His commandments, which are really not many: Love God with all your heart and soul, and love your neighbor.
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