HOW WILL HE will make America great? By shrinking government and increasing spending more on defense, starting new useless and immoral wars for the profit of the war machine; the defense industry/corporations, the weapons builders/sellers.
Yes, I know what the Republicans mean when they say:
"We want to shrink government and reduce taxes." It means, their usual business/policy that cuts social services, education, social security, research, funding/protecting the environment so that corporations can do anything they like for profit at the expense of our planet. And reducing the taxes on millionaires!

How can you make our country great when you disrespect America's military! Only a traitor and a BIG Loser does this!

Mr. Trump, the wars, you mention above, were brought on mostly by George W. Bush, a republican President!
You say you defend life because you're against abortions on demand, and against the government spending federal funds to pay for abortions (that's good). And what have you done to reverse Roe vs-wade? Not much.
You say you defend life, but it isn't true! because the republican party support the death penalty, and it is always willing to spend more on defense/weapons and to go to war!
Furthermore, after so much bloodshed in the American cities, you and the Republican Party's leadership, STILL allows 33,000 Americans to be murdered by gun violence. And so far you haven't tried passing a single common sense and effective legislation in order to take guns away from the mentally deranged, the sick, from terrorist and violent criminals!
Only a racist, a bigot and a coward would say these things!
Trump and the Republican Party say that they support life, yet they don't say anything about the death penalty, and ignore the elderly by cutting their social security, medicare and food stamps! You are simply the party of death, the rich and the corporations, who with their greed are destroying America and our planet!

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