YOU COULD WIN A DRAWING (in this show) BY OTTAVIO IF YOU TAKE THE QUIZ (here below). It is about the OCEAN. You can submit it at THE ART EXHIBIT THIS WED NIGHT FROM 6-8PM! Or send in the answers via email by 7/29.
The best 10 scores will be placed in a drawing and one winner will be picked! You're invited to: Father & Son Art Exhibit III. DEDICATED to the following causes;
“Help Refugees – Restore Saint Anthony – Protect the Oceans- & Support jack's Place"
By Ottavio & Gianni Lo Piccolo at the Niskayuna Public Library, 2400 Nott St., Niskayuna, NY 12309
From July 5th - 29th, 2016
Hrs: Mon - Wed 10a-8p, Thur - Sat 10a-5p / Tel 386-2249
Meet Ottavio & Gianni at the library on Wed. July 6th, from 6p-8p ADMISSION IS FREE!
QUIZ-CONTEST TO WIN A FREE DRAWING BY OTTAVIO - answer all q's and come to the show to enter your Quiz/answers.
1. The oceans give us…
a. toys and games
b. food, fish, air, water, fun
2. In order to survive (live) the oceans has to…
a. be full of trash, plastic and chemicals
b. be protected and kept clean
c. be left alone and hope for the best
3. The ocean… a. does b. does not
affects (changes) the weather, by it making it cooler in the summer, and warmer in the winter.
4. How much oxygen (air) does the ocean produce (make)? It produces/makes…
a. 10%, or 1/10th b. 25% or ¼ (one quarter) c. 100%
d. 70% e. 0% none
5. Circle things that we can do in the ocean…
a. running, flying b. diving, swimming.
c. driving cars/trucks
d. fishing, sailing, whale watching
e. riding boats/ships,
f. scuba diving, snorkeling h. admiring, looking, learning about it
6. To protect the oceans we can follow the…
a. bus
b. 4R, 5Rs, or more, up to at least 10-Rs
c. 250-Ps
7. To REFUSE -“use-only-once-plastic”- means to say…
a. Yes, accept the.
b. Maybe yes/no (sometime accept, other times do not).
c. No, don’t accept them. Use paper bags, or your own reusable shopping bags.
8. To REDUCE means to use…
a. More
b. Less
c. Tasty things.
9. To REUSE means to use…
a. Again and again
b. Only once
10. To RECYCLE means to…
a. Throw it out, then buy some more and throw it out again
b. Save it, use it over and over, then bring to a store- so it can be recycled and made it into something new.
11. We can recycle almost…
a. Nothing
b. Everything; paper, wood, plastic, metal, and foods
12. The environment is the…
a. Land, water and air
b. Land and rocks
13. Circle the correct actions that are killing our oceans.
a. Going fishing/swimming/sailing Or...throwing/dumping …
b. Plastic and other trash in it
c. Nothing, keeping it clean
14. How much of the debris (trash/garbage) in the Central Pacific Garbage Patch, comes from North America and Asia?
a. 10%
b. 25%
c. 80%
15. All this debris (garbage/trash/pollution), in the Pacific Ocean, is about…
a. ¼ of a million (250 thousand tons)
b. ½ million tons
c. 3.5 million tons
16. Most of the pollution in the Pacific is…
a. paper
b. cheese
c. plastic
d. oil
17. The amount in pollution in tons (2,000 pounds/Lbs, or 907.185 Kgs) in the Pacific is…
a. 1,000,000 (million)
b. 2 million
c. 3 million
d. 3.5 million
18. The amount of discarded (thrown away/out) of fishing nets in tons (1 ton = 2,000 pounds/Lbs, or 907.185 Kg) in the Pacific is…
a. 40,000 (thousand)
b. 100,000
c. 300,000
d. 640,000
19. The average number of plastic bags per year that each American uses are..
a. 10-30
b. 50-100
c. 150-200
d. 300-700
20. Plastic pollution in the oceans causes…
a. nothing, no damage/harm
b. damage/death/destruction of the beauty/life of all creatures (animals/plants)
c. death/destruction of millions of fish, sea birds, and mammals (animals that breathe like us and do not lay eggs), like seals, whales, dolphins, etc.
21. CIRCLE all the good actions/choices that help keep the ocean and the environment clean & healthy.
CROSS OUT the bad actions/choices, that harm (endanger, kill) the ocean and/or pollute the environment ( water, air, & land) or nature, which includes plants and all animals species.
a. Throw plastic/trash and/or chemicals in the ocean.
a1. Ride electric cars
b. Follow the 4Rs; Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
b1. Ride gasoline cars,
c. Clean up trash from the ocean.
d. Read and learn as much as you can about the oceans and our planet
e. Turn off lights and appliances (driers, washers, TVs, computers) when not needed.
f. Dry clothes in the sun, and/or in the house (during the winter months).
g. Write to your leaders in government about ocean pollution.
h. Tell your friends and family about keeping the ocean clean.
i. Use more fossil fuels (gasoline, coal and natural gas).
h1. Use less fossil fuels
j. Keep the dryer and other appliances on for hours.
i1. Ride your bike.
k. Use clean/renewable energy (from the sun, wind, ocean, and geothermal).
L.Turn down your home thermostat (the temperature) in the winter.
m. Stop plastic production and/or find a way so that it is reused and doesn’t reach the bodies of water (oceans, lakes, rivers, etc)
n. Reduce our carbon footprint (the use of products and energy)
o. Increase our carbon footprint
p. To solve the pollution threat we should work: 1. alone
2. or together? (individuals, families, communities, schools, businesses and governments at all levels
22. Plastic is made mostly by...
a. big corporations (Exxon Mobil and DuPon, etc.)
b. small corporations
c. some individuals ____________________________________________________
23. PLASTIC INDUSTRY IS represented by the umbrella organization called American Chemistry council (ACC), also known by SPI. How big is it?
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd largest industry in the USA.
24. The Plastic industry tries to...
a. tell the truth about the effects of plastic on people and the environment (just like the tabacco industry in the 1960)
b. hide any negative news about plastics because it doesn't want to face its envirronmental responsibility/cost
25. The plastic industry...
a. uses the same tactics that the tobacco industry used in the 60s, when they denied the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, and insisted that smoking was not harmful.
b. is honest uses different tactics that the tobacco industry
26. Why does the plastic industry hide/cover up any negative news/facts and/or scientific findings that jeopardizes their ever increasing production of plastic without any restraint, and/or without a solution to protect the environment/oceans?
a. So they can make more money and be wealthier/ richer.
b. So they can help people and the environment
27. By 2050, if we keep this pace of polluting the oceans, plastic production will be 2 billion pounds/year! Therefore, unless we take steps to prevent this trend (same way) and/or further (more) reduce (lessen, decrease) pollution of the ocean, we will cause more harm (hurt, poisoning, pollution, destruction, death) to the oceans.
WHAT ARE YOUR SOLUTIONS/SUGGESTIONS TO STOP POLLUTING/SAVE THE OCEANS? What will you do, from now on, to help the environment and the oceans stay clean? Write them below.
Thank you for taking this quiz and caring for our oceans and planet earth!

More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, sparking a crisis as countries struggle to cope with the influx and creating division in the EU over how best to deal with resettling people. The symbolic milestone was passed on 21 December, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said, with the total for land and sea reaching more than 1,006,000. The figure covers entries via six European Union nations - Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Malta and Cyprus.
The vast majority arrived by sea but about 34,000 made their way over land via Turkey.
Winter has not stemmed the flow of people - with 54,518 people reaching Europe by sea since the start of 2016.

The Cesar Chávez /Mother Cabrini ESL Scholarship
Two American Heroes who dedicated their life to helping immigrants in the USA
WE ALL MUST DO SOMETHING to protect Families …
WHO ARE Fleeing Violence and Persecution. According to the UN Refugee agency, there are 65 million refugees in the world!
Migrants in Europe are being held in filthy, overcrowded conditions with inadequate access to food, clean water and medical care. Authorities, governments (and us individuals too) have an obligation to ensure that refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants be treated humanely and that their rights are respected.
Our goodwill efforts, and our gifts will help protect the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants in Europe and around the world.

Why help the oceans? Because they are major source of life! But we are destroying it with our plastic pollution- as you can see from the IMAGE below! Then watch the movie: PLASTIC PARADISE- THE GREAT PACIFIC GARBAGE PATCH (See the last page for more info. on this award-winning documentary). And visit my personal blog to learn more about Ocean Plastic Pollution at click on the post (article): DO YOU LIKE THE OCEAN? WHY?
You can watch the trailer of PLASTIC PARADISE, for free on You tube, and/or you might want to purchase this documentary (I did) from $ 12.99 on Amazon.
Some Facts from the documentary PLASTIC PARADISE:
1. There are 640,000 tons of discarded fishing nets in oceans worldwide, which rip corral heads (hence killing them). These nets also kill thousands of sea animals.
2. Americans use 300-700 plastic bags per year!
3. Marine biologists estimate that 3.5 million tons of floating trash is all plastic – this is 6 xs more plastic than plankton- food that many fish eat.
4. 80% litter comes from land, since it is dropped in waterways and/or blown by wind, which brings it to the ocean.
5. Millions of seabirds and sea mammals have died because of this ecological disaster.
6. BPA is harmful to animals/humans (BPA stands for bisphenol A). BPA is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960s. BPA is found in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate plastics are often used in containers that store food and beverages, such as water bottles. They may also be used in other consumer goods.
7. 60% of the oxygen comes from the ocean.
8. By 2050 plastic production will be nearly 2 billion pound/year!
9. Plastic is made mostly by big corporations like Exxon Mobil and DuPont. They are represented by the umbrella organization called American Chemistry council (ACC), also known by SPI, the 3rd largest industry in the USA. And they, obviously are trying to hide any negative news about plastics. The plastic industry uses the same tactics that the tobacco industry used in the 60s, they denied the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, and insisted that smoking was not harmful. Now the plastic industry is following the same path; they cover up any negative news/facts and/or scientific findings that jeopardizes their ever increasing production of plastic without any restraint, and/or without a solution to protect the environment/oceans.
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