Mr. Speaker,
I have been an independent most of my life here in the USA. I am a naturalized US citizen and in my 40+ years in the USA, I find myself increasingly at odds with republican lack of action to pass good sense legislation that would benefit all people, and especially the middle class and the needy.
Lately you and your party have taken this unfair/stupid tactic to the limit by not agreeing to pass common sense gun law measures. Almost every day in America there is a mass shooting, in addition a shocking 33,000 innocent American lives get murdered with guns. And yet you and your party dismiss this, look the other way, find pathetic excuses to avoid fixing this bloody American shame. I am totally disappointed by your lack of noncooperation/denial with democratic lawmakers in trying to pass common sense gun laws that prevent criminals, fanatics, terrorists and irresponsible and/ or unqualified people from getting guns- especially automatic and assault rifles that are intended to murder lots of people in a very short time.
I'm completely disgusted by you and your party's lack of compassion and inaction! The only people who benefit from by this bloody mess is the NRA, its lobbyists, and the gun industry. The 2nd Amendment (or 2A) was not intended to allow all kinds of people to be armed to their teeth. No the 2A was intended for an organized Militia to defend the States. But now in America we have an army of lunatics, fanatics and terrorist who own and can easily get all kinds of weapons. This is nonsense! and it must stop!
However, to tell you the truth, I have been very disappointed with your party from a long time now- since republicans took the White House with the 2nd term by President George W. Bush. Since then the republican party policies because have unfair, and often immoral. They have worked to destroy and/or take advantage of the middle class, the poor, immigrants and the environment. So, I will never vote republican again unless you and your party become sensitive to the needs of all Americans.

However, it is evident that at this time you are on the wrong path, you're inflexible and unreasonable because all your actions are working only to benefit of your party, the lobbyists, the rich, the powerful and corporations. You have abandoned the people of this great nation, which you are ruining with you lack of positive action/legislation.
You continuously deny every common sense items- issue and/or problems that the whole world recognizes; like the racist ignorant bigot that you are supporting to become president, Mr. Donald Trump. You dismiss a very big threat to humanity; global warming. You and your party think/insist and avoid this issue by calling it a myth- how could it be? when glaciers are disappearing and the Poles are melting, and sea levels are rising? Many island nations are deeply worried about it because they will be submerged, will disappear under water for ever- unless corrective actions are taken- like switching to renewable sources of energy- instead of keep on drilling for oil- when fossil fuels are destroying our planet!
But yet you and your party continue to say that global warming is a lie. This shows me only one thing, about the people who make up Republican Part; you are a bunch of uncaring, cold/uncaring idiots!
You are allowing Americans to be murdered and slowly allowing the destruction of our the planet. Why? Is it profits? How good will money be when you have a war on your own turf and the world is at the edge of a precipice? I hope and pray that you and the republican part will lose big at the next elections, because your win will be a big loss for America and the world.
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