Mr. Speaker,
I have been an independent most of my life here in the USA. I am a
naturalized US citizen and in my 40+ years in the USA, I find myself
increasingly at odds with republican lack of action to pass good sense
legislation that would benefit all people, and especially the middle
class and the needy.
Lately you and your party have taken this
unfair/stupid tactic to the limit by not agreeing to pass common sense
gun law measures. Almost every day in America there is a mass shooting,
in addition a shocking 33,000 innocent American lives get murdered with
guns. And yet you and your party dismiss this, look the other way, find
pathetic excuses to avoid fixing this bloody American shame. I am
totally disappointed by your lack of noncooperation/denial with
democratic lawmakers in trying to pass common sense gun laws that
prevent criminals, fanatics, terrorists and irresponsible and/ or unqualified
people from getting guns- especially automatic and assault rifles that
are intended to murder lots of people in a very short time.
completely disgusted by you and your party's lack of compassion and
inaction! The only people who benefit from by this bloody mess is the
NRA, its lobbyists, and the gun industry. The 2nd Amendment (or 2A) was
not intended to allow all kinds of people to be armed to their teeth. No
the 2A was intended for an organized Militia to defend the States. But
now in America we have an army of lunatics, fanatics and terrorist who
own and can easily get all kinds of weapons. This is nonsense! and it
must stop!
However, to tell you the truth, I have been very
disappointed with your party from a long time now- since republicans
took the White House with the 2nd term by President George W. Bush.
Since then the republican party policies because have unfair, and often
immoral. They have worked to destroy and/or take advantage of the middle
class, the poor, immigrants and the environment. So, I will never vote
republican again unless you and your party become sensitive to the needs
of all Americans.
However, it is evident that at this time you
are on the wrong path, you're inflexible and unreasonable because all
your actions are working only to benefit of your party, the lobbyists,
the rich, the powerful and corporations. You have abandoned the people
of this great nation, which you are ruining with you lack of positive
You continuously deny every common sense items-
issue and/or problems that the whole world recognizes; like the racist
ignorant bigot that you are supporting to become president, Mr. Donald
Trump. You dismiss a very big threat to humanity; global warming. You
and your party think/insist and avoid this issue by calling it a myth-
how could it be? when glaciers are disappearing and the Poles are
melting, and sea levels are rising? Many island nations are deeply
worried about it because they will be submerged, will disappear under
water for ever- unless corrective actions are taken- like switching to
renewable sources of energy- instead of keep on drilling for oil- when
fossil fuels are destroying our planet!
But yet you and your party
continue to say that global warming is a lie. This shows me only one
thing, about the people who make up Republican Part; you are a bunch of
uncaring, cold/uncaring idiots!
You are allowing Americans to be
murdered and slowly allowing the destruction of our the planet. Why? Is
it profits? How good will money be when you have a war on your own turf
and the world is at the edge of a precipice? I hope and pray that you
and the republican part will lose big at the next elections, because
your win will be a big loss for America and the world.
VITALITY's goals are; work for social/ environmental justice, support all life, truth, peace, economic prosperity/equality, inform, educate (me included), and defend legal immigrants. Themes include; culture, spirituality, films, books, the environment, politics, etc. Italian: Gli obbiettivi e i temi di VITALITY sono; la giustizia sociale, dell'ambiente, la verita', la pace, prosperita', il rispetto e la protezione della vita, l'informazione, l'insegnamento, e l'emigrazione legale.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
Why do 33 Thousand Americans Get Killed by Guns Every Year? Why is there So Much Violence in America? Fear, Misconceptions, Convenience, Greed, and Total Disregard and Respect for Human Life Contribute to the Rising Number of Murders in the USA. (Italian version at the bottom/ Italiano in fondo)
In the last 5-10 years I have asked myself these two questions too many times- especially every time something terrible happens in our country. Events like mass killings, spur these questions- they echo in my head, they emanate feelings of grief and sadness, and they invade my heart and my thoughts.
So, in order to cope, to alleviate my anguish and my sadness- to get rid of these depressing thoughts, I try to find logical explanations to this senseless violence. I deduct, think and suspect, that there are too many guns in America. And in fact there are! Look at the statistics. We all know that our government invests too much money on weapons. Yes, we need to protect America, but why spend more than the whole world? Simply immoral!
Then there are many legislators (mostly republicans- that's also another sad reality), that do not do anything, and/or try something new, or even follow good old common sense- to stop and/or reduce the bloodshed by guns- like passing reasonable gun control laws. No, they will not, they like to kiss ass instead! Pardon my French. But I'm really fed up with them, and with the NRA, the gun lobby and all those who profit from weapons/violence! They are simply disgusting! DEGRADING! I have only two words to describe such low class individuals...HYPOCRITES and COWARDS!
Then, there are too many Americans think that they will be safer with more guns (as if the ones they already have aren't enough). But this isn't the truth- it's not reality. We have seen what millions of guns in the hands of the wrong people have done so far. There is a mass killing almost on a daily basis in our country. A thing that happens only in America!
Many people claim that the American society is civilized and the most advanced in the world. But how can this be? If America is the most violent in the world? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out! The reason is very simple: the USA is the most armed country in the world! Look at the stats, at the charts, read the newspapers, go on Google. The info. is everywhere- don't believe politicians and/or gun loving freaks when they say: We need to spend more money on defense! We need more guns! Bull! we don't! Look at the chart below, and then visit
www.National and get more facts on where/how our government spends our tax dollars.
America spends more on armaments and/or guns than all the other countries. And despite the fact that the majority (70%) of Americans say they are Christians the facts prove otherwise. In fact, Americans love and are set to defend their personal freedom, their free choice, at ALL costs- even sacrificing 33 thousand of its citizens on a yearly basis with firearms. In addition, since 1974 (when the Supreme Court approved the legalization of abortion, Roe-vs-Wade) millions of children have been aborted- lives ended even before they were born.
It is obvious that many in America love their personal freedoms more than they love human life. They are fixated on the 2nd Amendment (the right to carry firearms)- to them even to Joe smuck should own guns. In other words anyoneshould be armed- no matter their age, mental condition and/or criminal record. They believe that almost anyone (including children- and soon animals!) should have the right to own a gun. Simply pathetic! So far more guns have produced more deaths!
Then, there many Republican legislators who haven't yet had the moral courage to approve a single one of the myriad of common sense gun control legislation. Law proposals that have been put forth by decent, caring legislators. Measures that could have prevented many mass killings- that were committed with automatic weapons at the hands of terrorists, violent fanatics, lunatics (mentally unstable) and many other criminals. Republican lawmakers you are repulsive! I hope and pray that you will lose at the next elections!
The misconception of the 2nd Amendment. It guaranteed an armed militia, not an armed population- like the one we have now. Results?!? 33 thousand murders in the USA every year!
People should be allowed to have guns, but what about the criminals, the irresponsible, the terrorists, the lunatics, the mentally unstable, the crazy ones? Why do these individuals should have the right to arm themselves with all kinds of powerful automatic/assault weapons? This is indeed madness!
I suspect that another reason for love of guns in America is the fear, the misconception, that many have- they feel the need to be armed so that they can protect themselves- in case our government (the USA) becomes tyrannical (a dictatorship). This is absurd!
I was a veteran for over 30 years, and I assure you that all of my fellow veterans would never shoot civilians. Why? Because veterans have sworn to defend the Constitution and sworn to protect civilians/prisoners of war. We would never shoot on civilians, unless they posed a danger to us. For example, if they shoot first. Veterans cannot shoot/harm civilians because they have to follow the UCMJ, the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Which is a very strict code, a set of rules, that vets are required to know and learn. These rules are pounded in our brain, the veteran's brain, every year- when you're in the military. The UCMJ rules teach us us how to fight in a war. And if we break them willingly, we go to jail. In addition, if a veteran breaks one of these rules, he/she also loses his/her dignity- which is something even more precious and serious (to us veterans). Breaking these rules means being dishonorably discharged and/or going to jail and losing your face, your honor. And I think, that so far, only a few of our veterans have committed these crimes (of not following the UCMJ). A few of our vets have broken these rules of engagement (rules of war) only against the enemy- never against their compatriots. So, rest assured that the American military will never turn against its own people and will never shoot on their own people/families. American vets will shoot their own people only if they are terrorists (traitors) trying to destroy Americans and their property.
ANOTHER TYPE OF VIOLENCE IS ENDING THE LIFE OF A CHILD BEFORE IT IS BORN. Many Americans think that they have this right- the right to TERMINATE A NEW LIFE in the mother's womb- when a child becomes an inconvenience to them. They want/demand this option, the choice to eliminate the life of that child before it starts. This form of violence is not so visible, yet it is destructive.
So, it is obvious that these two groups of Americans do not care about human lives (those who love the 2A, or 2nd Amendment, and those who cling to the right to have abortions on request). Their personal freedom takes precedence over human life. Hence, they do not care that 33,000 Americans are killed like beasts every year, and they could care less that millions of children are eliminated before they even come into the world. This is the cost of American personal freedom. It is paid with lots of innocent human blood!
So, my next question is, when will this bloodshed stop? Maybe when 100 thousand are killed by guns year? Or maybe when everyone has an abortion? Hence, no more children are born. Or will the violence stop only when God intervenes and does justice? It seems to me that American society is going in that direction- only divine intervention will be able to save this country from its violent madness- its love of innocent blood and death by guns.
Many others, like me, wonder why there is so much violence in America? What can we expect from all these weapons? What you can one expect from a selfish mentality? One that seeks only its own selfish personal freedoms?
The so-called Christian Americans- those who blindly believe in the 2nd Amendment and abortion on demand- what do they expect with more weapons? The answer, the results that we've seen so far is less security and more deaths! We've had more murders in the USA that in any other country in the world! You use guns and you shall perish the guns! Does this sound familiar? Where did we hear a similar phrase?
Christians should know! The Bible is very clear on the use of weapons, Jesus said it: "Who ever uses the sword shall perish with the sword!"
But there are two other similar/popular sayings: What goes around comes around. And: "You reap what you saw." In case you're don't know, let me explain their meanings. The first one means, what you do to others will come back to you (if it is good, then it'll be good for you), but if it is bad then it will hunt you and/or bite in the ass (hurt you- but you deserved it!). The second saying means the same thing, whatever you do (good and/or evil) will find its way back to you.
It is depressing that too many Americans do not pay attention to these popular sayings, or they may have forgotten them, or they simply don't care about the repercussions of their actions. I think that if they were real Christians and they really thought about this phrase by Jesus: "Who ever uses the sword shall perish with the sword!" They would think twice, and maybe we wouldn't have so many murdres.
So, Jesus was right when he also said: "They worship me with their lips, not their hearts!" Jesus said this because many say that they love Him, but it isn't true, because do not follow His teachings- they do not do what He taught them to do- they do not follow His commandment. That is love your neighbor. Not your guns! Not your 2A, andor love the convenience to abort as you like!
societa' Americana, non e' affatto civile, anche se molti la vantano
di essere anche la piu' avanzata al mondo. Ma invece e' propio
INCIVILE- PERCHE' la piu' violenta!
Il motivo di questa incivilta' e' molto semplice: gli USA sono il paese piu' armato del mondo! L'America spende di piu' di tutto il mondo sugli armamenti.
E nonostante il fatto che la maggioranza (quasi il 70%) degli Americani dicono di essere cristiani- i fatti non lo dimostrano. Difatti, la societa' Americana e' fissata a difendere la liberta' personale- la libera scelta- A TUTTI I COSTI- anche quella di massacrare i suoi cittadini- con le armi da fuoco, e di massacrare innocenti ancora non nati- con l'aborto a richiesta! Il che avviene da tanto tempo, dal 1974 (quando la Corte Suprema USA approvo' la legalizzazione dell'aborto, con la legge Roe-vs-Wade). Infatti, dal '74 migliaia di vite umane vengono terminate ogni anno- prima ancora che possano nascere.
Dato i fatti, e' ovvio che molti in America amano di piu' il 2ndo Emendamento, molto di piu' delle vite umane. Questo emendamento e anche chiamato il 2A (il diritto costituzuionale al porto d'armi) . E tanti altri americani amano anche IL DIRITTO DI TERMINARE UNA NUOVA VITA UMANA- ancora prima che venga al modo. A questi Americani, non gli frega niente del prossimo- (33 mila Americani vengono trucidati come bestie ogni anno con le armi da fuoco), e che altretanti milioni di bambini vengono eliminati prima ancora di venire al mondo, con l'aborto- perche' per loro, i bambini sono un'incovenienza.
Quando si fermera' questo spargimento di sangue? Forse quando si arrivera' a 100 mila morti all'anno per mezzo delle armi da fuoco? O forse quando non si faranno piu' bambini? Perche' sono un peso ingombrante?
O forse dovra' intervenire Dio per fare giustizia? Mi sembra che la societa' Americana sta' andando in quella direzione- solo l'intervento divino potra' salvare questo paese violento e amatore delle armi e della morte.
Molti si chiedono perche' tutta questa violenza? Che cosa c'e da aspettarsi con tutte queste armi? Cosa ci si puo' aspettare da una mentalita' egoista, che gl'interessa solo la liberta' personale? A costo di averla non gli frega un bel niente spazzar via 33 mila vite umane! Come se fossero cani! I cosidetti cristiani Americani, quelli che credono ciecamente nel 2ndo Emendamento, cosa si aspettano con piu' armi? L'aspettativa, secondo loro e' piu sicurezza...invece i fatti provano il contario- piu armi e piu' morti! Gesu' nella Bibbia e' molto chiaro sull'uso delle armi, perche' Lui disse: "Chi con la spada ferisce, con la spada perisce!" I fatti danno ragione al Vangelo! Peccato che molti Americani, sebbene cristiani, non mettono in atto le parole del Signore. Si sono dimenticati, o non gli frega niente che il priomo comandamento e' di amre il prossimo, non le propie armi, e non il 2ndo emendamento il diritto del porto d'armi, ne l'aborto a richiesta! ma di amare, proteggere e rispettare la vita umana!
I legislatori republicani al Congresso (Parlamento) USA, sono in parte colpevoli per i 33 mila morti annuali a causa delle armi da fuoco. Questi codardi non vogliono approvare leggi sensate per prevenire i criminali violenti, i terrorist, i pazzi e quelli squilibrati d'impossessarsi di armi. Non vogliono passare leggi di controllo selle armi da fuoco. Certo, ricevono mazzette legali (soldi) dai lobby delle armi da fuoco, da quelli che li manufatturano, quelli che li vendono, e quelli che li difendono, come la NRA (l'Associazione Portatori d'Armi da Fuoco USA). Vigliacchi garantiscono gli affari e i guadagni, ma non vogliono proteggere vite umane! CODARDI! Spero e prego che alle prossime elezioni presidenziali perderete grosso!
In the last 5-10 years I have asked myself these two questions too many times- especially every time something terrible happens in our country. Events like mass killings, spur these questions- they echo in my head, they emanate feelings of grief and sadness, and they invade my heart and my thoughts.
So, in order to cope, to alleviate my anguish and my sadness- to get rid of these depressing thoughts, I try to find logical explanations to this senseless violence. I deduct, think and suspect, that there are too many guns in America. And in fact there are! Look at the statistics. We all know that our government invests too much money on weapons. Yes, we need to protect America, but why spend more than the whole world? Simply immoral!
Then there are many legislators (mostly republicans- that's also another sad reality), that do not do anything, and/or try something new, or even follow good old common sense- to stop and/or reduce the bloodshed by guns- like passing reasonable gun control laws. No, they will not, they like to kiss ass instead! Pardon my French. But I'm really fed up with them, and with the NRA, the gun lobby and all those who profit from weapons/violence! They are simply disgusting! DEGRADING! I have only two words to describe such low class individuals...HYPOCRITES and COWARDS!
Then, there are too many Americans think that they will be safer with more guns (as if the ones they already have aren't enough). But this isn't the truth- it's not reality. We have seen what millions of guns in the hands of the wrong people have done so far. There is a mass killing almost on a daily basis in our country. A thing that happens only in America!
Many people claim that the American society is civilized and the most advanced in the world. But how can this be? If America is the most violent in the world? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out! The reason is very simple: the USA is the most armed country in the world! Look at the stats, at the charts, read the newspapers, go on Google. The info. is everywhere- don't believe politicians and/or gun loving freaks when they say: We need to spend more money on defense! We need more guns! Bull! we don't! Look at the chart below, and then visit
www.National and get more facts on where/how our government spends our tax dollars.
America spends more on armaments and/or guns than all the other countries. And despite the fact that the majority (70%) of Americans say they are Christians the facts prove otherwise. In fact, Americans love and are set to defend their personal freedom, their free choice, at ALL costs- even sacrificing 33 thousand of its citizens on a yearly basis with firearms. In addition, since 1974 (when the Supreme Court approved the legalization of abortion, Roe-vs-Wade) millions of children have been aborted- lives ended even before they were born.
It is obvious that many in America love their personal freedoms more than they love human life. They are fixated on the 2nd Amendment (the right to carry firearms)- to them even to Joe smuck should own guns. In other words anyoneshould be armed- no matter their age, mental condition and/or criminal record. They believe that almost anyone (including children- and soon animals!) should have the right to own a gun. Simply pathetic! So far more guns have produced more deaths!
Then, there many Republican legislators who haven't yet had the moral courage to approve a single one of the myriad of common sense gun control legislation. Law proposals that have been put forth by decent, caring legislators. Measures that could have prevented many mass killings- that were committed with automatic weapons at the hands of terrorists, violent fanatics, lunatics (mentally unstable) and many other criminals. Republican lawmakers you are repulsive! I hope and pray that you will lose at the next elections!
The misconception of the 2nd Amendment. It guaranteed an armed militia, not an armed population- like the one we have now. Results?!? 33 thousand murders in the USA every year!
People should be allowed to have guns, but what about the criminals, the irresponsible, the terrorists, the lunatics, the mentally unstable, the crazy ones? Why do these individuals should have the right to arm themselves with all kinds of powerful automatic/assault weapons? This is indeed madness!
I suspect that another reason for love of guns in America is the fear, the misconception, that many have- they feel the need to be armed so that they can protect themselves- in case our government (the USA) becomes tyrannical (a dictatorship). This is absurd!
I was a veteran for over 30 years, and I assure you that all of my fellow veterans would never shoot civilians. Why? Because veterans have sworn to defend the Constitution and sworn to protect civilians/prisoners of war. We would never shoot on civilians, unless they posed a danger to us. For example, if they shoot first. Veterans cannot shoot/harm civilians because they have to follow the UCMJ, the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Which is a very strict code, a set of rules, that vets are required to know and learn. These rules are pounded in our brain, the veteran's brain, every year- when you're in the military. The UCMJ rules teach us us how to fight in a war. And if we break them willingly, we go to jail. In addition, if a veteran breaks one of these rules, he/she also loses his/her dignity- which is something even more precious and serious (to us veterans). Breaking these rules means being dishonorably discharged and/or going to jail and losing your face, your honor. And I think, that so far, only a few of our veterans have committed these crimes (of not following the UCMJ). A few of our vets have broken these rules of engagement (rules of war) only against the enemy- never against their compatriots. So, rest assured that the American military will never turn against its own people and will never shoot on their own people/families. American vets will shoot their own people only if they are terrorists (traitors) trying to destroy Americans and their property.
ANOTHER TYPE OF VIOLENCE IS ENDING THE LIFE OF A CHILD BEFORE IT IS BORN. Many Americans think that they have this right- the right to TERMINATE A NEW LIFE in the mother's womb- when a child becomes an inconvenience to them. They want/demand this option, the choice to eliminate the life of that child before it starts. This form of violence is not so visible, yet it is destructive.
So, it is obvious that these two groups of Americans do not care about human lives (those who love the 2A, or 2nd Amendment, and those who cling to the right to have abortions on request). Their personal freedom takes precedence over human life. Hence, they do not care that 33,000 Americans are killed like beasts every year, and they could care less that millions of children are eliminated before they even come into the world. This is the cost of American personal freedom. It is paid with lots of innocent human blood!
So, my next question is, when will this bloodshed stop? Maybe when 100 thousand are killed by guns year? Or maybe when everyone has an abortion? Hence, no more children are born. Or will the violence stop only when God intervenes and does justice? It seems to me that American society is going in that direction- only divine intervention will be able to save this country from its violent madness- its love of innocent blood and death by guns.
Many others, like me, wonder why there is so much violence in America? What can we expect from all these weapons? What you can one expect from a selfish mentality? One that seeks only its own selfish personal freedoms?
The so-called Christian Americans- those who blindly believe in the 2nd Amendment and abortion on demand- what do they expect with more weapons? The answer, the results that we've seen so far is less security and more deaths! We've had more murders in the USA that in any other country in the world! You use guns and you shall perish the guns! Does this sound familiar? Where did we hear a similar phrase?
Christians should know! The Bible is very clear on the use of weapons, Jesus said it: "Who ever uses the sword shall perish with the sword!"
But there are two other similar/popular sayings: What goes around comes around. And: "You reap what you saw." In case you're don't know, let me explain their meanings. The first one means, what you do to others will come back to you (if it is good, then it'll be good for you), but if it is bad then it will hunt you and/or bite in the ass (hurt you- but you deserved it!). The second saying means the same thing, whatever you do (good and/or evil) will find its way back to you.
It is depressing that too many Americans do not pay attention to these popular sayings, or they may have forgotten them, or they simply don't care about the repercussions of their actions. I think that if they were real Christians and they really thought about this phrase by Jesus: "Who ever uses the sword shall perish with the sword!" They would think twice, and maybe we wouldn't have so many murdres.
So, Jesus was right when he also said: "They worship me with their lips, not their hearts!" Jesus said this because many say that they love Him, but it isn't true, because do not follow His teachings- they do not do what He taught them to do- they do not follow His commandment. That is love your neighbor. Not your guns! Not your 2A, andor love the convenience to abort as you like!
Watch this brief video (below), an explanation of the 2A, the 2nd Amendment- Find out how many people have misinterpreted it.
"The real reason the Second Amendment was ratified, and why it says "State" instead of "Country" (the Framers knew the difference)
Italian version/ versione italiana:
Perché 33 mila americani vengono uccisi con armi da fuoco ogni anno? Perché tanta violenza in America? Paura, idee sbagliate, convenienza, avidità, e totale disprezzo e mancanza di rispetto per la vita umana sono i fattori che contribuiscono al crescente numero di omicidi negli Stati Uniti.
Il motivo di questa incivilta' e' molto semplice: gli USA sono il paese piu' armato del mondo! L'America spende di piu' di tutto il mondo sugli armamenti.
E nonostante il fatto che la maggioranza (quasi il 70%) degli Americani dicono di essere cristiani- i fatti non lo dimostrano. Difatti, la societa' Americana e' fissata a difendere la liberta' personale- la libera scelta- A TUTTI I COSTI- anche quella di massacrare i suoi cittadini- con le armi da fuoco, e di massacrare innocenti ancora non nati- con l'aborto a richiesta! Il che avviene da tanto tempo, dal 1974 (quando la Corte Suprema USA approvo' la legalizzazione dell'aborto, con la legge Roe-vs-Wade). Infatti, dal '74 migliaia di vite umane vengono terminate ogni anno- prima ancora che possano nascere.
Dato i fatti, e' ovvio che molti in America amano di piu' il 2ndo Emendamento, molto di piu' delle vite umane. Questo emendamento e anche chiamato il 2A (il diritto costituzuionale al porto d'armi) . E tanti altri americani amano anche IL DIRITTO DI TERMINARE UNA NUOVA VITA UMANA- ancora prima che venga al modo. A questi Americani, non gli frega niente del prossimo- (33 mila Americani vengono trucidati come bestie ogni anno con le armi da fuoco), e che altretanti milioni di bambini vengono eliminati prima ancora di venire al mondo, con l'aborto- perche' per loro, i bambini sono un'incovenienza.
Quando si fermera' questo spargimento di sangue? Forse quando si arrivera' a 100 mila morti all'anno per mezzo delle armi da fuoco? O forse quando non si faranno piu' bambini? Perche' sono un peso ingombrante?
O forse dovra' intervenire Dio per fare giustizia? Mi sembra che la societa' Americana sta' andando in quella direzione- solo l'intervento divino potra' salvare questo paese violento e amatore delle armi e della morte.
Molti si chiedono perche' tutta questa violenza? Che cosa c'e da aspettarsi con tutte queste armi? Cosa ci si puo' aspettare da una mentalita' egoista, che gl'interessa solo la liberta' personale? A costo di averla non gli frega un bel niente spazzar via 33 mila vite umane! Come se fossero cani! I cosidetti cristiani Americani, quelli che credono ciecamente nel 2ndo Emendamento, cosa si aspettano con piu' armi? L'aspettativa, secondo loro e' piu sicurezza...invece i fatti provano il contario- piu armi e piu' morti! Gesu' nella Bibbia e' molto chiaro sull'uso delle armi, perche' Lui disse: "Chi con la spada ferisce, con la spada perisce!" I fatti danno ragione al Vangelo! Peccato che molti Americani, sebbene cristiani, non mettono in atto le parole del Signore. Si sono dimenticati, o non gli frega niente che il priomo comandamento e' di amre il prossimo, non le propie armi, e non il 2ndo emendamento il diritto del porto d'armi, ne l'aborto a richiesta! ma di amare, proteggere e rispettare la vita umana!
I legislatori republicani al Congresso (Parlamento) USA, sono in parte colpevoli per i 33 mila morti annuali a causa delle armi da fuoco. Questi codardi non vogliono approvare leggi sensate per prevenire i criminali violenti, i terrorist, i pazzi e quelli squilibrati d'impossessarsi di armi. Non vogliono passare leggi di controllo selle armi da fuoco. Certo, ricevono mazzette legali (soldi) dai lobby delle armi da fuoco, da quelli che li manufatturano, quelli che li vendono, e quelli che li difendono, come la NRA (l'Associazione Portatori d'Armi da Fuoco USA). Vigliacchi garantiscono gli affari e i guadagni, ma non vogliono proteggere vite umane! CODARDI! Spero e prego che alle prossime elezioni presidenziali perderete grosso!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Saturday, June 25, 2016
A LETTER FROM Senator Charles E. Schumer, ABOUT GUN CONTROL LAWS. Jun 23 (Sent to me 2 days ago. - Italian Translation at the bottom / Versione italiana in fondo). And...
A LETTER TO THE SCHENECTADY DAILY GAZETTE (NY). Una lettera all'Editore Della Gazetta di Schenectday, NY. (Italian translation at the bottom / Italiano in fondo)
Dear Mr. Lo Piccolo:
Thank you for writing to voice your concerns on the issue of gun control. I share in your grief and sympathy for the families and loved ones of those killed in the tragedies that have continued to wreak havoc on our nation over the past several years. Words cannot describe the inhumanity of these incidents. One of my highest priorities in the 114th Congress has been, and continues to be, exploring ways to prevent future mass killings.
As you may know, I have long been a proponent of sensible gun laws. I introduced the Brady Bill in 1994, which required a systematic background check to own or sell a gun. I also co-wrote the Assault Weapons Ban in 1994, which outlawed the manufacture and importation of twenty types of semi-automatic weapons. After the tragedy at Virginia Tech in 2007, I took a leading role in passing the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Improvement Amendments Act through the Senate.
Moving forward, there are two major things that I believe we must focus on in any legislation aimed at preventing future mass shootings. We need to ensure that everyone who wants to buy a gun has to go through a background check. We must also provide information to NICS that is accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date. With thorough background checks and a comprehensive national database, we can better prevent the mentally ill and criminals from illegally purchasing and possessing firearms. This is why, in the spring of 2013, I was an original cosponsor of the “Manchin-Toomey” background check legislation, and was extremely disappointed to see it stopped by a minority of my colleagues. More recently, I have worked to ensure that those who are known or suspected terrorists are prevented from purchasing guns. I have also introduced legislation to incentivize states to provide data to NICS, and help improve its effectiveness.
Like you, I believe that we have a collective interest in keeping guns out of the hands of those who want to harm the innocent. Indeed, the recent tragedies in Orlando, San Bernardino, Roseburg, Charleston, and Lafayette serve as somber reminders of the devastation caused when firearms fall into the wrong hands. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the Senate to develop ways to prevent these types of incidents from happening again, and appreciate your support for our efforts.
Again, thank you for contacting me about this important issue. Please feel free to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance on this or any other matter.
Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator
Italian version:
LETTERA del senatore Charles E. Schumer, sulle LEGGI del CONTROLLO DELLE ARMI DA FUOCO. (23 giugno- 2 giorni fa')
Caro Signor Lo Piccolo:
Grazie per la sua lettera dove esprime le sue preoccupazioni in merito alla questione del controllo delle armi da fuoco. Condivido la sua tristezza, e le sue condoglianze per le famiglie che hanno perduto persone a loro care, perche' uccise durante una delle tante tragedie di sangue che purtroppo continuano a devastare la nostra nazione in questi ultimi anni. Le parole non possono descrivere la disumanità di questi incidenti. Una delle mie massime priorità nel 114 ° Congresso è stato, e continua ad essere, trovare soluzioni- modi per prevenire future uccisioni di massa.
Come forse sapete, sono stato a lungo un sostenitore di leggi sul controllo delle armi da fuoco sensibili. Ho introdotto il Brady Bill (proposta di legge) nel 1994, che ha richiesto un controllo sistematico di quelli che posseggono o vogliono vendere pistole. Ho anche co-scritto la Assault Weapons Ban nel 1994 (Il Vieto di Armi Automatiche, d'assalto, o mitragliatori) per porre fine che alla produzione e l'importazione di venti tipi di armi semi-automatiche. Dopo la tragedia all'Universita' della Virginia Tech nel 2007, ho preso un ruolo di primo piano nel passare il Sistema Nazionale per Verifiche Criminali (Instant Criminal Background Check System Nazionale (NIC), e anche le Modifiche per migliorare queste leggi al senato Improvement Act al Senato (NICS) Improvement Amendments Act through the Senate.
Guardando al futuro, ci sono due cose importanti che credo dobbiamo concentrarci; una legislazione che abbia come obbiettivo il prevenire future sparatorie/uccioni di massa. Dobbiamo fare in modo che tutti coloro che vogliono comprare una pistola passi attraverso un controllo dei precedenti. Dobbiamo anche fornire informazioni accurate alle schede (dei criminali, terroristi, dei pazzi o fanatici) della rete nazionale- che sia completa e aggiornata. Con approfonditi controlli e una banca dati nazionale, in grado di prevenire più efficacemente che i malati mentali e i criminali di acquistare e detenere armi da fuoco illegalmente. Questo è il motivo per cui, nella primavera del 2013, ero un co-sponsor originale della legislazione sule armi da fuoco chiamata "Manchin-Toomey". Ma sono rimasto estremamente deluso perche' fu bloccata da una minoranza dei miei colleghi. Più di recente, ho lavorato per assicurare che coloro che sono noti, o sospetti terroristi, gli venga impedito di acquistare armi. Ho anche introdotto una legislazione per incentivare tutti gli Stati (degli USA) a fornire dati per NICS, Sistema Nazionale per Verifiche Criminali (Instant Criminal Background Check System Nazionale) e quindi contribuire a migliorare la sua efficacia.
Come lei, anchio credo che abbiamo un'interesse collettivo a mantenere le armi lontane dalle mani di coloro che vogliono fare del male a innocenti. Infatti, le recenti tragedie a Orlando, San Bernardino, Roseburg, Charleston, e Lafayette servono come un ricordo cupo della devastazione causata quando le armi da fuoco cadono nelle mani sbagliate. Continuerò a lavorare con i miei colleghi nel Senato USA per sviluppare modi efficaci in modo che tipi di incidenti violenti e sanguinosi non si ripetano. E apprezzo il sio sostegno per i nostri sforzi.
Anche in questo caso, la ringrazio per avermi contattato su questo importante problema. Non esiti a contattarmi in futuro, se posso essere di ulteriore assistenza su questo o qualsiasi altra questione.
Cordiali saluti,
Charles E. Schumer
Senatore degli Stati Uniti
A LETTER TO THE SCHENECTADY DAILY GAZETTE (NY). Una lettera all'Editore Della Gazetta di Schenectday, NY. (Italian translation at the bottom / Italiano in fondo)
Dear editor,
I'm sorry if I am insistent about the same topic. I think it is complete madness that 33,000 Americans die every year at the hands of other Americans who have guns. It is a complete madness that must be stopped and/or at least contrasted.
I ask myself, how many more will have to be murdered before republican legislators do something to stop, and/or reduce this inhumane slaughter?
This bloodshed takes place on a weekly basis now. And yet, Republicans have once again failed to take steps to curb this horrible loss of human life. It is more than evident that they care more about the 2nd Amendment, the gun lobby and NRA contributions, than saving/protecting Americans! They have plugged their ears/eyes to the cries/pain/sorrow of the families who have lost loved ones to gun violence. They are continuing to turn the other way- they continue to put their heads in the sand.
So, why not let the people decide on this horrible issue? Why not let the American people decide with a referendum, at the next national elections, that proposes sensible gun law legislation? Laws that take away guns and/or prevent terrorists, fanatics, mentally deranges and violent criminals in getting weapons?
Sunday’s attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida was the deadliest mass shooting in American history – but that's not all- there were five other mass shootings in the US during that weekend alone.
“We have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world,” Barack Obama said after the San Bernardino attack in December 2015.
As of 13 June 2016, data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive reveals a shocking human toll: there is a mass shooting – defined as four or more people shot in one incident, not including the shooter – on five out of every six days, on average.
Republicans will lose big in November, unless they go along their Democratic colleagues and stop blocking common sense gun legislation. they also must stop blocking all legislation that is good for all Americans, not just a few, the rich and powerful and the connected.
I am an independent, and I will never again vote republican unless they change their uncaring attitude, and pass common sense gun control measures that is aimed at saving American lives from gun violence. If they don't I hope they will lose big.
Egregio editore,
Mi dispiace se sono insistente sull'argomento DELLE ARMI DA FUOCO. Credo che l'uccisione di 33.000 americani all'anno con armi da fuoco (con pistole e fucili mitragliatori) per mezzo di altri americani, sia una vera e propio follia che si deve bloccare, o almeno tamponare alla meglio.
Mi domando, ma quante altre vite umane dovranno essere massacrati prima che i legislatori repubblicani facciano qualcosa per fermare, e / o ridurre questo massacro disumano?
Questo spargimento di sangue si svolge ogni settimana negli USA, ma i repubblicani non hanno voluto (per l'ennesima volta) riuscito a prendere misure per frenare questa terribile perdita di vite umane.
Allora e' più che evidente che si preoccupano di più del 2 ° emendamento (che garantisce il porto d'armi- ancora oggi anche ai criminali, ai terroristi e i pazzi, alla lobby delle armi (i costruttori/compratori/commercianti) e dei contribuenti i sponsors (quelli che gli danno mazzsette- purtroppo legali) della NRA (ente portatori d'armi USA), che a salvare / proteggere gli americani!
I republicani preferiscono tapparsi le orecchie e chiudere gli occhi di fronte alle grida di dolore, alla pena delle famiglie che hanno perso i propri cari alla violenza assurda delle armi.
I republicani USA continuano a girarsi dall'altro lato- continuano a mettere la testa sotto la sabbia. SE NE FREGANO!
Quindi, perché non lasciare i cittadini decidere su questo tema orribile? Perché non lasciare che il popolo americano a decida con un REFERENDUM NAZIONALE SUL CONTROLLE DELLE ARMI DA FUOCO alle prossime elezioni nazionali? Per mettere fine alle sparatorie di massa. Per porre fine al fiume di sangue innocente!
Un referendum nazionale che proponga una legge sensata per il controllo delle armi da fuoco. Mi riferisco alle proposte di leggi, che gia' da molto tempo i democratici hanno cercato di varare. leggi che portano via le armi alle persone sbagliate, che impedisce i terroristi, i fanatici, e quelli mentalmente instabili (pazzi) e i criminali violenti a non potere ottenere le armi, specialmente le armi automatiche, come i fucili mitragliatori e le pistole che hanno caricatori con piu' di 10 pallottole- armi che dovrebbero essere solo in possesso delle forze armate, non dei pazzi e i criminali!
L'attacco di domenica nella discoteca "Pulse" a Orlando, nella Florida, è stata la sparatoria di massa più mortale nella storia americana - ma questo non è tutto- ci sono stati altri cinque sparatorie di massa, negli Stati Uniti, durante quel fine settimana.
"Abbiamo un modello ora di sparatorie di massa in questo paese (gli USA) che non ha paralleli in nessun'altra parte del mondo", ha detto Barack Obama dopo l'attacco di San Bernardino a dicembre 2015.
E io aggiungo un'ultimo pensiero/opinione personale. Negli Stati Uniti ci sono dei legislatori republicani codardi- dei vigliacchi- che garantiscono il 2ndo Emendamento della Costituzione (il diritto al porto d'armi anche ai pazzi, i criminali e i terroristi), ma non gl'interessa proteggere vite umane. Invece questi signori proteggono la NRA (l'associazione portatori d'armi da fuoco Americana) perche' la NRA sovvenziona questi vigliacchi al Congresso (Parlamento Americano) con dei finanziamenti (mazzette legali), che gli garantisce la poltrona a Washington, e garantisce anche le lobby- i gruppi a cui interessa il business (gli affari) delle armi- invece che la vita degli Americani. CODARDI!
A LETTER TO THE SCHENECTADY DAILY GAZETTE (NY). Una lettera all'Editore Della Gazetta di Schenectday, NY. (Italian translation at the bottom / Italiano in fondo)
Dear Mr. Lo Piccolo:
Thank you for writing to voice your concerns on the issue of gun control. I share in your grief and sympathy for the families and loved ones of those killed in the tragedies that have continued to wreak havoc on our nation over the past several years. Words cannot describe the inhumanity of these incidents. One of my highest priorities in the 114th Congress has been, and continues to be, exploring ways to prevent future mass killings.
As you may know, I have long been a proponent of sensible gun laws. I introduced the Brady Bill in 1994, which required a systematic background check to own or sell a gun. I also co-wrote the Assault Weapons Ban in 1994, which outlawed the manufacture and importation of twenty types of semi-automatic weapons. After the tragedy at Virginia Tech in 2007, I took a leading role in passing the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Improvement Amendments Act through the Senate.
Moving forward, there are two major things that I believe we must focus on in any legislation aimed at preventing future mass shootings. We need to ensure that everyone who wants to buy a gun has to go through a background check. We must also provide information to NICS that is accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date. With thorough background checks and a comprehensive national database, we can better prevent the mentally ill and criminals from illegally purchasing and possessing firearms. This is why, in the spring of 2013, I was an original cosponsor of the “Manchin-Toomey” background check legislation, and was extremely disappointed to see it stopped by a minority of my colleagues. More recently, I have worked to ensure that those who are known or suspected terrorists are prevented from purchasing guns. I have also introduced legislation to incentivize states to provide data to NICS, and help improve its effectiveness.
Like you, I believe that we have a collective interest in keeping guns out of the hands of those who want to harm the innocent. Indeed, the recent tragedies in Orlando, San Bernardino, Roseburg, Charleston, and Lafayette serve as somber reminders of the devastation caused when firearms fall into the wrong hands. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the Senate to develop ways to prevent these types of incidents from happening again, and appreciate your support for our efforts.
Again, thank you for contacting me about this important issue. Please feel free to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance on this or any other matter.
Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator
Italian version:
LETTERA del senatore Charles E. Schumer, sulle LEGGI del CONTROLLO DELLE ARMI DA FUOCO. (23 giugno- 2 giorni fa')
Caro Signor Lo Piccolo:
Grazie per la sua lettera dove esprime le sue preoccupazioni in merito alla questione del controllo delle armi da fuoco. Condivido la sua tristezza, e le sue condoglianze per le famiglie che hanno perduto persone a loro care, perche' uccise durante una delle tante tragedie di sangue che purtroppo continuano a devastare la nostra nazione in questi ultimi anni. Le parole non possono descrivere la disumanità di questi incidenti. Una delle mie massime priorità nel 114 ° Congresso è stato, e continua ad essere, trovare soluzioni- modi per prevenire future uccisioni di massa.
Come forse sapete, sono stato a lungo un sostenitore di leggi sul controllo delle armi da fuoco sensibili. Ho introdotto il Brady Bill (proposta di legge) nel 1994, che ha richiesto un controllo sistematico di quelli che posseggono o vogliono vendere pistole. Ho anche co-scritto la Assault Weapons Ban nel 1994 (Il Vieto di Armi Automatiche, d'assalto, o mitragliatori) per porre fine che alla produzione e l'importazione di venti tipi di armi semi-automatiche. Dopo la tragedia all'Universita' della Virginia Tech nel 2007, ho preso un ruolo di primo piano nel passare il Sistema Nazionale per Verifiche Criminali (Instant Criminal Background Check System Nazionale (NIC), e anche le Modifiche per migliorare queste leggi al senato Improvement Act al Senato (NICS) Improvement Amendments Act through the Senate.
Guardando al futuro, ci sono due cose importanti che credo dobbiamo concentrarci; una legislazione che abbia come obbiettivo il prevenire future sparatorie/uccioni di massa. Dobbiamo fare in modo che tutti coloro che vogliono comprare una pistola passi attraverso un controllo dei precedenti. Dobbiamo anche fornire informazioni accurate alle schede (dei criminali, terroristi, dei pazzi o fanatici) della rete nazionale- che sia completa e aggiornata. Con approfonditi controlli e una banca dati nazionale, in grado di prevenire più efficacemente che i malati mentali e i criminali di acquistare e detenere armi da fuoco illegalmente. Questo è il motivo per cui, nella primavera del 2013, ero un co-sponsor originale della legislazione sule armi da fuoco chiamata "Manchin-Toomey". Ma sono rimasto estremamente deluso perche' fu bloccata da una minoranza dei miei colleghi. Più di recente, ho lavorato per assicurare che coloro che sono noti, o sospetti terroristi, gli venga impedito di acquistare armi. Ho anche introdotto una legislazione per incentivare tutti gli Stati (degli USA) a fornire dati per NICS, Sistema Nazionale per Verifiche Criminali (Instant Criminal Background Check System Nazionale) e quindi contribuire a migliorare la sua efficacia.
Come lei, anchio credo che abbiamo un'interesse collettivo a mantenere le armi lontane dalle mani di coloro che vogliono fare del male a innocenti. Infatti, le recenti tragedie a Orlando, San Bernardino, Roseburg, Charleston, e Lafayette servono come un ricordo cupo della devastazione causata quando le armi da fuoco cadono nelle mani sbagliate. Continuerò a lavorare con i miei colleghi nel Senato USA per sviluppare modi efficaci in modo che tipi di incidenti violenti e sanguinosi non si ripetano. E apprezzo il sio sostegno per i nostri sforzi.
Anche in questo caso, la ringrazio per avermi contattato su questo importante problema. Non esiti a contattarmi in futuro, se posso essere di ulteriore assistenza su questo o qualsiasi altra questione.
Cordiali saluti,
Charles E. Schumer
Senatore degli Stati Uniti
Dear editor,
I'm sorry if I am insistent about the same topic. I think it is complete madness that 33,000 Americans die every year at the hands of other Americans who have guns. It is a complete madness that must be stopped and/or at least contrasted.
I ask myself, how many more will have to be murdered before republican legislators do something to stop, and/or reduce this inhumane slaughter?
This bloodshed takes place on a weekly basis now. And yet, Republicans have once again failed to take steps to curb this horrible loss of human life. It is more than evident that they care more about the 2nd Amendment, the gun lobby and NRA contributions, than saving/protecting Americans! They have plugged their ears/eyes to the cries/pain/sorrow of the families who have lost loved ones to gun violence. They are continuing to turn the other way- they continue to put their heads in the sand.
So, why not let the people decide on this horrible issue? Why not let the American people decide with a referendum, at the next national elections, that proposes sensible gun law legislation? Laws that take away guns and/or prevent terrorists, fanatics, mentally deranges and violent criminals in getting weapons?
Sunday’s attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida was the deadliest mass shooting in American history – but that's not all- there were five other mass shootings in the US during that weekend alone.
“We have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world,” Barack Obama said after the San Bernardino attack in December 2015.
As of 13 June 2016, data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive reveals a shocking human toll: there is a mass shooting – defined as four or more people shot in one incident, not including the shooter – on five out of every six days, on average.
Republicans will lose big in November, unless they go along their Democratic colleagues and stop blocking common sense gun legislation. they also must stop blocking all legislation that is good for all Americans, not just a few, the rich and powerful and the connected.
I am an independent, and I will never again vote republican unless they change their uncaring attitude, and pass common sense gun control measures that is aimed at saving American lives from gun violence. If they don't I hope they will lose big.
Egregio editore,
Mi dispiace se sono insistente sull'argomento DELLE ARMI DA FUOCO. Credo che l'uccisione di 33.000 americani all'anno con armi da fuoco (con pistole e fucili mitragliatori) per mezzo di altri americani, sia una vera e propio follia che si deve bloccare, o almeno tamponare alla meglio.
Mi domando, ma quante altre vite umane dovranno essere massacrati prima che i legislatori repubblicani facciano qualcosa per fermare, e / o ridurre questo massacro disumano?
Questo spargimento di sangue si svolge ogni settimana negli USA, ma i repubblicani non hanno voluto (per l'ennesima volta) riuscito a prendere misure per frenare questa terribile perdita di vite umane.
Allora e' più che evidente che si preoccupano di più del 2 ° emendamento (che garantisce il porto d'armi- ancora oggi anche ai criminali, ai terroristi e i pazzi, alla lobby delle armi (i costruttori/compratori/commercianti) e dei contribuenti i sponsors (quelli che gli danno mazzsette- purtroppo legali) della NRA (ente portatori d'armi USA), che a salvare / proteggere gli americani!
I republicani preferiscono tapparsi le orecchie e chiudere gli occhi di fronte alle grida di dolore, alla pena delle famiglie che hanno perso i propri cari alla violenza assurda delle armi.
I republicani USA continuano a girarsi dall'altro lato- continuano a mettere la testa sotto la sabbia. SE NE FREGANO!
Quindi, perché non lasciare i cittadini decidere su questo tema orribile? Perché non lasciare che il popolo americano a decida con un REFERENDUM NAZIONALE SUL CONTROLLE DELLE ARMI DA FUOCO alle prossime elezioni nazionali? Per mettere fine alle sparatorie di massa. Per porre fine al fiume di sangue innocente!
Un referendum nazionale che proponga una legge sensata per il controllo delle armi da fuoco. Mi riferisco alle proposte di leggi, che gia' da molto tempo i democratici hanno cercato di varare. leggi che portano via le armi alle persone sbagliate, che impedisce i terroristi, i fanatici, e quelli mentalmente instabili (pazzi) e i criminali violenti a non potere ottenere le armi, specialmente le armi automatiche, come i fucili mitragliatori e le pistole che hanno caricatori con piu' di 10 pallottole- armi che dovrebbero essere solo in possesso delle forze armate, non dei pazzi e i criminali!
L'attacco di domenica nella discoteca "Pulse" a Orlando, nella Florida, è stata la sparatoria di massa più mortale nella storia americana - ma questo non è tutto- ci sono stati altri cinque sparatorie di massa, negli Stati Uniti, durante quel fine settimana.
"Abbiamo un modello ora di sparatorie di massa in questo paese (gli USA) che non ha paralleli in nessun'altra parte del mondo", ha detto Barack Obama dopo l'attacco di San Bernardino a dicembre 2015.
E io aggiungo un'ultimo pensiero/opinione personale. Negli Stati Uniti ci sono dei legislatori republicani codardi- dei vigliacchi- che garantiscono il 2ndo Emendamento della Costituzione (il diritto al porto d'armi anche ai pazzi, i criminali e i terroristi), ma non gl'interessa proteggere vite umane. Invece questi signori proteggono la NRA (l'associazione portatori d'armi da fuoco Americana) perche' la NRA sovvenziona questi vigliacchi al Congresso (Parlamento Americano) con dei finanziamenti (mazzette legali), che gli garantisce la poltrona a Washington, e garantisce anche le lobby- i gruppi a cui interessa il business (gli affari) delle armi- invece che la vita degli Americani. CODARDI!
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