VITALITY's goals are; work for social/ environmental justice, support all life, truth, peace, economic prosperity/equality, inform, educate (me included), and defend legal immigrants. Themes include; culture, spirituality, films, books, the environment, politics, etc. Italian: Gli obbiettivi e i temi di VITALITY sono; la giustizia sociale, dell'ambiente, la verita', la pace, prosperita', il rispetto e la protezione della vita, l'informazione, l'insegnamento, e l'emigrazione legale.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
An open letter to NY State Comptroller Tom Di Napoli, and NY City Comptroller Scott Stringer. (11-24-16)
Alternative/clean energies are the key to a healthier future for our selves and our planet. This weekend I wrote to these two gentlemen because they are responsible for the NY State public employees pension fund. They decide how to invest our hard earned pension money. This below is a letter I emailed them.
Alternative/clean energies are the key to a healthier future for our selves and our planet. This weekend I wrote to these two gentlemen because they are responsible for the NY State public employees pension fund. They decide how to invest our hard earned pension money. This below is a letter I emailed them.
Dear Mr. Di Napoli and Mr. Stringer;
I am a NY State public school teacher, and I would like to thank you for all you do for our public employees and pension fund. Today
is Thanksgiving and I'm taking a few minutes to write to you about an
article in the PERSPECTIVE section of the Albany TU, titled: "Divest fossil fuel funds to build a sustainable economy"As most people know a warmer earth causes many problems; the melting of glaciers and polar ice sheets are causing sea level to rise and inundating coastal regions, the warming of the ocean's waters are the cause of more unpredictable/stronger storms that bring destruction and death to millions of people.
So, why not invest in clean renewable energy that would help keep out earth cooler?
according to the Albany TU article, NY State investment strategies
"remain in direct contradiction with the agreement and our chance for
at a livable future" (is at risk).
Millions of NY State pension
funds are investing in Exxon Mobil, the same corporation that New York's
own attorney general is currently investigating for its role in
orchestrating a decades-long campaign of deception to block climate
action. This Exxon Mobil is also the corporation the world's top
fracker, a practice which NY State banned in June 2015.
The TU asked these very important questions in their article:
Will NY continue to prop up the fossil industry through billions in investments?
Will NY prioritize profit or people?
Or will NY use every tool it has to be a true climate leader and divest fossil fuels to be on the right side of history?
So, now it's my turn to ask you a question Mr. Di Napoli, What will it be? Will you invest in clean energy, instead of fossil fuels?
Will NY continue to prop up the fossil industry through billions in investments?
Will NY prioritize profit or people?
Or will NY use every tool it has to be a true climate leader and divest fossil fuels to be on the right side of history?
So, now it's my turn to ask you a question Mr. Di Napoli, What will it be? Will you invest in clean energy, instead of fossil fuels?
Thank you
Ottavio Lo PiccoloTuesday, November 15, 2016
I am a public school teacher and I am worried about the demonstrations that have been taking place in major US cities. I am also concerned by the bullying that has been happening in many US schools. (Italian version at the bottom / Italiano in fondo)
President Elect Trump should forcefully and decisively denounce this violence asap, now! He must take the lead because a president is also the moral leader of a nation.
Mr. Trump must tell the public, and especially our children, that any form of violence, and/or bullying, is wrong and unacceptable. Civilized people do not resolve problems, and/or make a nation great, with violence and hatred.
President Elect must go on the air, and tell this to the nation, as soon as possible- before the chaos gets out of control. He must clearly tell the American public that the vicious and often degrading tones of his campaign are over, so is the verbal fighting, and now it is time to unite and work peacefully.
America cannot be great, as the motto of his campaign with hate and violence in the minds and hearts. He must reverse course now, change direction for the sake of our country. He must do the the opposite, listen to each other, be kind to others and by work together toward the common goals of building a better future for everyone in the USA, and the world.
Pr. Elect Trump should also remind people that he cannot accomplish his campaign promises; of being everyone's president, of protecting working families interests, protecting human life at all levels, from the unborn to keeping people safe from gun violence, and by working fairly with all nations who want to get along with us.
If he does this, denounce the demonstrators and bullies, America will be on the right track, and he will have a better chance of succeeding as President and making America great again!
(A Letter to the Schenectady Daily Gazette, 11-15-16)

Sono un insegnante nelle scuole pubbliche e sono preoccupato per le manifestazioni che hanno avuto luogo nelle principali città degli Stati Uniti. Sono anche preoccupato per il bullismo che sta' accadendo in molte scuole americane.
Il presidente eletto Trump dovrebbe decisamente denunciare questa violenza subito, ora! Deve prendere l'iniziativa al piu' presto, perché un presidente è anche il leader morale di una nazione. Trump deve dire al pubblico, e in particolare i nostri scolari, che ogni forma di violenza o il bullismo è sbagliato e inaccettabile, perché le persone civili non risolvono i problemi, e quindi non possono fare grande una nazione con la violenza e l'odio.
Il presidente eletto no deve perdere tempo, prima che il caos vada fuori controllo. Egli deve ammetere (al pubblico americano) che i toni velenosi, e spesso degradanti, della sua campagna elettorale sono finiti. Quella lotta è stata vinta ed ore e' tempo di unirsi e lavorare in pace- perché l'America non può essere grande (come il motto della sua campagna) con l'odio e la violenza nella mente e nel cuore.
Trump deve invertire la rotta, cambiare direzione per il bene del nostro paese. Deve cambiare retorica, fare il contrario, ascoltare invece di gridare, essere gentile invece di un bully, e quindi lavorare insieme verso gli obiettivi comuni, per costruire un futuro migliore per tutti negli Stati Uniti, e nel mondo.
Il presidente eletto Trump dovrebbe anche ricordarsi delle sue promesse elettorali; il che non si potranno realizzare a meno che lui sia il presidente di tutti; tutelando gli interessi dei lavoratori, di proteggere la vita umana a tutti i livelli, prima ancora dalla nascita, proteggendo la popolazioni dalle violenze delle armi da fuoco, e lavorando giustmente con tutte le nazioni che vogliono andare d'accordo con noi.
Se Trumo fara' questo l'America sarà sulla strada giusta, e avrà una migliore possibilità di successo in qualità di Presidente e fare grande l'America ancora una volta, come ha detto lui nella sua campagna elettorale.
I am a public school teacher and I am worried about the demonstrations that have been taking place in major US cities. I am also concerned by the bullying that has been happening in many US schools. (Italian version at the bottom / Italiano in fondo)
President Elect Trump should forcefully and decisively denounce this violence asap, now! He must take the lead because a president is also the moral leader of a nation.
Mr. Trump must tell the public, and especially our children, that any form of violence, and/or bullying, is wrong and unacceptable. Civilized people do not resolve problems, and/or make a nation great, with violence and hatred.

President Elect must go on the air, and tell this to the nation, as soon as possible- before the chaos gets out of control. He must clearly tell the American public that the vicious and often degrading tones of his campaign are over, so is the verbal fighting, and now it is time to unite and work peacefully.
America cannot be great, as the motto of his campaign with hate and violence in the minds and hearts. He must reverse course now, change direction for the sake of our country. He must do the the opposite, listen to each other, be kind to others and by work together toward the common goals of building a better future for everyone in the USA, and the world.
Pr. Elect Trump should also remind people that he cannot accomplish his campaign promises; of being everyone's president, of protecting working families interests, protecting human life at all levels, from the unborn to keeping people safe from gun violence, and by working fairly with all nations who want to get along with us.
If he does this, denounce the demonstrators and bullies, America will be on the right track, and he will have a better chance of succeeding as President and making America great again!
(A Letter to the Schenectady Daily Gazette, 11-15-16)

Sono un insegnante nelle scuole pubbliche e sono preoccupato per le manifestazioni che hanno avuto luogo nelle principali città degli Stati Uniti. Sono anche preoccupato per il bullismo che sta' accadendo in molte scuole americane.
Il presidente eletto Trump dovrebbe decisamente denunciare questa violenza subito, ora! Deve prendere l'iniziativa al piu' presto, perché un presidente è anche il leader morale di una nazione. Trump deve dire al pubblico, e in particolare i nostri scolari, che ogni forma di violenza o il bullismo è sbagliato e inaccettabile, perché le persone civili non risolvono i problemi, e quindi non possono fare grande una nazione con la violenza e l'odio.
Il presidente eletto no deve perdere tempo, prima che il caos vada fuori controllo. Egli deve ammetere (al pubblico americano) che i toni velenosi, e spesso degradanti, della sua campagna elettorale sono finiti. Quella lotta è stata vinta ed ore e' tempo di unirsi e lavorare in pace- perché l'America non può essere grande (come il motto della sua campagna) con l'odio e la violenza nella mente e nel cuore.
Trump deve invertire la rotta, cambiare direzione per il bene del nostro paese. Deve cambiare retorica, fare il contrario, ascoltare invece di gridare, essere gentile invece di un bully, e quindi lavorare insieme verso gli obiettivi comuni, per costruire un futuro migliore per tutti negli Stati Uniti, e nel mondo.
Il presidente eletto Trump dovrebbe anche ricordarsi delle sue promesse elettorali; il che non si potranno realizzare a meno che lui sia il presidente di tutti; tutelando gli interessi dei lavoratori, di proteggere la vita umana a tutti i livelli, prima ancora dalla nascita, proteggendo la popolazioni dalle violenze delle armi da fuoco, e lavorando giustmente con tutte le nazioni che vogliono andare d'accordo con noi.
Se Trumo fara' questo l'America sarà sulla strada giusta, e avrà una migliore possibilità di successo in qualità di Presidente e fare grande l'America ancora una volta, come ha detto lui nella sua campagna elettorale.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
I am a public school and I am worried because TRUMP IS A BAD ROLE MODEL FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE, especially children.
I haven't seen any bullying in my schools yet, however, it is bound to happen because many of my colleagues have American kids- I don't because I am an ENL teacher- I teach English to children of legal immigrants..
Trump's BULLYING BEHAVIOR is now being emulated by school children. Just take a listen to this video- I'M SURE FOX NEWS will not report this!
(See the Italian version at the bottom / vedi la versione ITALIANA in fondo
So, HOW CAN AMERICA, a country that claims EVERYONE WAS CREATED EQUAL" allow this man to be its leader? A person who during the campaign spewed HATRED, RACISM, XENOPHOBIA, (fear toward immigrants & Muslims) and TOWARD MANY (veterans, women, handicapped, and even journalists) and INCITED VIOLENCE against his opposition. PRAY and work for our GUARANTEES IN OUR CONSTITUTION, especially JUSTICE AND ALSO RESPECT FOR all, and for UNITY AND PEACE IN AMERICA and the world. Let's also pray for this PRESIDENT ELECT, that he may change his ways before it is too late.
I haven't seen any bullying in my schools yet, however, it is bound to happen because many of my colleagues have American kids- I don't because I am an ENL teacher- I teach English to children of legal immigrants..
Trump's BULLYING BEHAVIOR is now being emulated by school children. Just take a listen to this video- I'M SURE FOX NEWS will not report this!
(See the Italian version at the bottom / vedi la versione ITALIANA in fondo

So, HOW CAN AMERICA, a country that claims EVERYONE WAS CREATED EQUAL" allow this man to be its leader? A person who during the campaign spewed HATRED, RACISM, XENOPHOBIA, (fear toward immigrants & Muslims) and TOWARD MANY (veterans, women, handicapped, and even journalists) and INCITED VIOLENCE against his opposition. PRAY and work for our GUARANTEES IN OUR CONSTITUTION, especially JUSTICE AND ALSO RESPECT FOR all, and for UNITY AND PEACE IN AMERICA and the world. Let's also pray for this PRESIDENT ELECT, that he may change his ways before it is too late.
Faccio il maestro d'inglese nelle scuole statali nello Stato di NY, e sono preoccupato perche' TRUMP è un brutto esempio e modello per i nostri GIOVANI, soprattutto i bambini. Il suo comportamento da BULLY (prepotente) viene emulato da bambini nelle scuole americane. E possiamo stare certi che la rete televisiva USA, la FOX NEWS non parlare di questi problemi, perche' stanno dall parte di Trump! Sono razzist e bullisti anche loro!
Mi chiedo, COME MAI l'AMERICA, che e' un paese che sostiene (nella sua Costituzione) che "TUTTI GLI ESSERI UMANI SONO STATI CREATI UGUALI", permettere a quest'uomo, di diventare il suo leader? Trump e' una persona che durante la campagna elettorale ha vomitato ODIO, RAZZISMO, XENOPHOBIA (paura contro i mussulmani e emeigranti) e MANCANZA di RISPETTO VERSO (militari, donne, gente andicappata, e anche contro giornalisti), e ha INCITATO VIOLENZA FISICA contro i suoi oppositori politici. PREGHIAMO e LOTTIAMO PACIFICAMENTE per i nostri DIRITTI GARANTITI BNELLA COSTITUZIONE, PRIMO LA GIUSTIZIA MA ANCHE IL RISPETTO DI TUTTI, E PER LA PACE E L'UNITA NELL'America e IN TUTTO IL MONDO, EPER questo presidente eletto, che possa cambiare I SUOI MODI, prima che sia troppo tardi.
Faccio il maestro d'inglese nelle scuole statali nello Stato di NY, e sono preoccupato perche' TRUMP è un brutto esempio e modello per i nostri GIOVANI, soprattutto i bambini. Il suo comportamento da BULLY (prepotente) viene emulato da bambini nelle scuole americane. E possiamo stare certi che la rete televisiva USA, la FOX NEWS non parlare di questi problemi, perche' stanno dall parte di Trump! Sono razzist e bullisti anche loro!
Mi chiedo, COME MAI l'AMERICA, che e' un paese che sostiene (nella sua Costituzione) che "TUTTI GLI ESSERI UMANI SONO STATI CREATI UGUALI", permettere a quest'uomo, di diventare il suo leader? Trump e' una persona che durante la campagna elettorale ha vomitato ODIO, RAZZISMO, XENOPHOBIA (paura contro i mussulmani e emeigranti) e MANCANZA di RISPETTO VERSO (militari, donne, gente andicappata, e anche contro giornalisti), e ha INCITATO VIOLENZA FISICA contro i suoi oppositori politici. PREGHIAMO e LOTTIAMO PACIFICAMENTE per i nostri DIRITTI GARANTITI BNELLA COSTITUZIONE, PRIMO LA GIUSTIZIA MA ANCHE IL RISPETTO DI TUTTI, E PER LA PACE E L'UNITA NELL'America e IN TUTTO IL MONDO, EPER questo presidente eletto, che possa cambiare I SUOI MODI, prima che sia troppo tardi.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. TRUMP - WISH YOU THE BEST- But WE'LL KEEP YOU TO YOUR PROMISES that you made this morning with an unusual humble and conciliatory tone!
A letter to the Schenectady Daily Gazette 11-9-16
I would also like to remind you that MANY AMERICANS WILL KEEP YOU TO the PROMISES you made this morning; TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF ALL- I assume this includes THE POOR AND THE MIDDLE CLASS-
and that you WILL UNIFY (not by building walls! I hope!) ALL PEOPLE, that you will DEFEND LIFE AT ALL LEVELS, and you will truly work to REVERSE ROE vs WADE and Citizens United).
That you will ABOLISH the DEATH PENALTY, STOP the YEARLY AMERICAN BLOODBATH of 33,000 DEATHS by HANDGUNS, that you will be just/fair by applying TRUE/across the board SOCIAL JUSTICE (meaning, increase the min. wage, fair treatment/pay, fund education and social programs, and will not shot down the federal government- and if you do- you will not pay politicians). I hope that you will DEFEND/RESPECT ALL VETERANS (even those who were captured!), and that you WILL work to STOP THE LIES/DECEIT and the work to END the special treatment of CORPORATE INTERESTS, and finally, that you WILL BRING PEACE TO THE WORLD, instead of confrontation.
So, my question is, WILL YOU DO ALL THESE THINGS? And will you now, that you are President and want to be compassionate, consider to FORGIVE Hillary's past errors/sins? AS A SIGN OF goodwill? Let me remind you that others have been lenient/merciful/forgiving (closed both eyes), when it came to save their peers! President Ford PARDONED crooked NIXON, and CONGRESS saved Bill Clinton from impeachment. Or will you continue to be a bully who will seek revenge? WILL use the words: YOU'RE FIRED!"?
Will encourage your party members to stop the GRIDLOCK, which has damaged the progress of our country for so long? You should because you said you want to be everyone's president. I truly hope so. It remains to be seen!
I also HOPE THAT YOU WILL NOT FORGET THE ENVIRONMENT (you didn't say a word about it) AND ABANDON THE REST OF THE WORLD; the POOR IMMIGRANTS, REFUGEES looking for a better life who are RUNNING AWAY FROM PERSECUTIONS. AND I hope you will not forget PEOPLE OF ALL ACES/RELIGIONS. MAY GOD GUIDE AND PROTECT YOU in doing what's best for all, not the few at the top.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
WHY IS AMERICA CHOOSING TWO IMMORAL LEADERS FOR PRESIDENT? WHEN THERE ARE OTHER THIRD PARTY CANDIDATES who are ethical and effective? The Media is Partly to Blame for its Lack of coverage on Third Party Candidates.
It seems like that many Americans have lost their moral compass/grounds/direction. How did Donald Trump AND Hillary Clinton get to be candidates for president of the USA? They are the worse American politicians we have ever seen in this century! How did they get so far in this presidential election? They have no ethics at all! How could Americans let them get this far? How could they vote for this kind of leaders! The most unethical kind!
I wonder where their support get their moral grounds! I think it's time that America gets a new party; one that works for all, not just special interests/corporations, a party that will defend life at all levels; the unborn, the elderly, and one that works to abolish the death penalty (because it is inhumane treatment- it is unjust- we're one of the few nations that use this barbaric system of justice- and besides only the poor, blacks and minority get it! That's not justice!
America needs a party that works for all people, and for peace not for confrontation and wars. Rebuilding our nuclear arsenal isn't good for anyone- yet that's what that nut-Trump- wants to do! Have another arms race! When Pr. Reagan and Gorbachev, the Soviet Union's President, agreed to reduce them, over 30 years ago! But now Trump, if elected, he wants to spend billions in rebuilding nuclear weapons- as if the 2,000 we have pointed at Russia and Chine aren't enough! Trump is a massive idiot! He also wants to build a wall to stop illigal immigrants from coming into the USA. DON'T BELIEVE HIS LIES! HE CAN'T FORCE ANOTHER NATION TO BUILD IT! Mexico isn't going to pay for it!
George W. Bush who spent 4 trillion dollars for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan! And look at the mess we're in now in the Middle East! ISIS! Thanks to George the Genius!!
And how much did our government spend in the last bailout to save Wall Street and the banks? Only 16 Trillion! They should be in prison, not in politics! Cheats!
Our politicians (mostly republicans- as usual) in Washington also shut down the government, however they got their checks, while federal workers starved! Hypocrites!
America needs a new party, one that will defend the middle class and the needy; one that will work for peace, equality and social justice! That's what's needed, not these two bickering fake corrupt individuals!
I'm giving my vote to the Green Party because it is the closest to my Christian values! The Green party is not pro-life, but neither are Hillary and even Trump (even thought he said he is pro-life) I do not believe him- because he has no values at all! Trump in fact, has been divorced 3 times, has had 5 bankruptcies, many of his businesses have failed- he closed down shop and left many contractors hanging! He didn't pay them!
Trump has said many bad/offensive/degrading things about women, immigrants, veterans and handicapped persons! He has no morals, no conscience, no sympathy for anyone, except, maybe himself!
How can his supporters trust such low class individual? Do they expect that ones in office he'll turn into Mr. NICE GUY?! We all know, that if Trump gets elected, all he will care about is to give tax breaks to the millionaires, and draw attention to himself and his pockets- his profits- make more money.
Do you truly think that he cares for me and you? For the middle class and the needy? No, and neither does he care for life, the unborn- and/or save lives from the horrible violence caused by guns. In fact, he wants to do the opposite- arm everyone! He'll make sure that everyone, even cats and dogs, get guns! As if the 33,000 Americans that already die every year from gun wounds aren't enough!
What about his sexual escapades! His dirty/offensive/degrading language? And his sexual assault charges! Should a person who has abused women be your president? What about his bragging of about abusing and not paying taxes!?. Do you trust such a person in the White House? He'll be worse than Pr. Clinton!
I HOPE that AMERICANS Elect this fool, greedy, unethical, disrespectful and maniac! I also hope that neither Hillary gets elected! She changes direction like the wind!
Americans are being deceived by the corporate puppet, the media- which is to blame for its lack of interest in covering third-party presidential candidates- these parties could provide an alternative to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The first is a buffoon, and the second a professional politician who has abused her public office position many times.
According to recent polls, 60 percent of all voters reject both major party candidates (Hillary and Trump). I am an independent who has voted for both major parties, and I too dislike both Trump and Hillary.
And yet, the media is constantly reporting on these two major-party candidates and ignoring third-party ones- by denying their candidates interviews and air time, or analyzing their ideas/plans for America. I ask myself why. Is the media being controlled by corporate interests? It seems so. Why else would they ignore the other two parties?
Third-party candidates have been systematically excluded from the presidential debates by the self-serving 15 percent rule, that major parties have devised to get rid of their competition. In spite of lack of exposure and funding, third-party candidates have over 10 percent of the vote, and counting. For, they provide right-of-center and left-of-center alternatives, with credible/honest candidates.
With the lack of reporting on third-party candidates, the media is conveying the false impression that voters' only option is to choose from the lesser of two evils. This is not a rational course of action, and surely not the only one.
In a tight election like the current one, if third-party candidates win two or three states, then no major-party candidate will attain the required number of Electoral College votes to win the White House. The presidential election will then be thrown to Congress, a real panic option for the two major-party candidates!
It seems like that many Americans have lost their moral compass/grounds/direction. How did Donald Trump AND Hillary Clinton get to be candidates for president of the USA? They are the worse American politicians we have ever seen in this century! How did they get so far in this presidential election? They have no ethics at all! How could Americans let them get this far? How could they vote for this kind of leaders! The most unethical kind!
I wonder where their support get their moral grounds! I think it's time that America gets a new party; one that works for all, not just special interests/corporations, a party that will defend life at all levels; the unborn, the elderly, and one that works to abolish the death penalty (because it is inhumane treatment- it is unjust- we're one of the few nations that use this barbaric system of justice- and besides only the poor, blacks and minority get it! That's not justice!

America needs a party that works for all people, and for peace not for confrontation and wars. Rebuilding our nuclear arsenal isn't good for anyone- yet that's what that nut-Trump- wants to do! Have another arms race! When Pr. Reagan and Gorbachev, the Soviet Union's President, agreed to reduce them, over 30 years ago! But now Trump, if elected, he wants to spend billions in rebuilding nuclear weapons- as if the 2,000 we have pointed at Russia and Chine aren't enough! Trump is a massive idiot! He also wants to build a wall to stop illigal immigrants from coming into the USA. DON'T BELIEVE HIS LIES! HE CAN'T FORCE ANOTHER NATION TO BUILD IT! Mexico isn't going to pay for it!
George W. Bush who spent 4 trillion dollars for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan! And look at the mess we're in now in the Middle East! ISIS! Thanks to George the Genius!!
And how much did our government spend in the last bailout to save Wall Street and the banks? Only 16 Trillion! They should be in prison, not in politics! Cheats!
Our politicians (mostly republicans- as usual) in Washington also shut down the government, however they got their checks, while federal workers starved! Hypocrites!
America needs a new party, one that will defend the middle class and the needy; one that will work for peace, equality and social justice! That's what's needed, not these two bickering fake corrupt individuals!
I'm giving my vote to the Green Party because it is the closest to my Christian values! The Green party is not pro-life, but neither are Hillary and even Trump (even thought he said he is pro-life) I do not believe him- because he has no values at all! Trump in fact, has been divorced 3 times, has had 5 bankruptcies, many of his businesses have failed- he closed down shop and left many contractors hanging! He didn't pay them!
Trump has said many bad/offensive/degrading things about women, immigrants, veterans and handicapped persons! He has no morals, no conscience, no sympathy for anyone, except, maybe himself!
How can his supporters trust such low class individual? Do they expect that ones in office he'll turn into Mr. NICE GUY?! We all know, that if Trump gets elected, all he will care about is to give tax breaks to the millionaires, and draw attention to himself and his pockets- his profits- make more money.
Do you truly think that he cares for me and you? For the middle class and the needy? No, and neither does he care for life, the unborn- and/or save lives from the horrible violence caused by guns. In fact, he wants to do the opposite- arm everyone! He'll make sure that everyone, even cats and dogs, get guns! As if the 33,000 Americans that already die every year from gun wounds aren't enough!
What about his sexual escapades! His dirty/offensive/degrading language? And his sexual assault charges! Should a person who has abused women be your president? What about his bragging of about abusing and not paying taxes!?. Do you trust such a person in the White House? He'll be worse than Pr. Clinton!
I HOPE that AMERICANS Elect this fool, greedy, unethical, disrespectful and maniac! I also hope that neither Hillary gets elected! She changes direction like the wind!
Americans are being deceived by the corporate puppet, the media- which is to blame for its lack of interest in covering third-party presidential candidates- these parties could provide an alternative to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The first is a buffoon, and the second a professional politician who has abused her public office position many times.
According to recent polls, 60 percent of all voters reject both major party candidates (Hillary and Trump). I am an independent who has voted for both major parties, and I too dislike both Trump and Hillary.
And yet, the media is constantly reporting on these two major-party candidates and ignoring third-party ones- by denying their candidates interviews and air time, or analyzing their ideas/plans for America. I ask myself why. Is the media being controlled by corporate interests? It seems so. Why else would they ignore the other two parties?
Third-party candidates have been systematically excluded from the presidential debates by the self-serving 15 percent rule, that major parties have devised to get rid of their competition. In spite of lack of exposure and funding, third-party candidates have over 10 percent of the vote, and counting. For, they provide right-of-center and left-of-center alternatives, with credible/honest candidates.
With the lack of reporting on third-party candidates, the media is conveying the false impression that voters' only option is to choose from the lesser of two evils. This is not a rational course of action, and surely not the only one.
In a tight election like the current one, if third-party candidates win two or three states, then no major-party candidate will attain the required number of Electoral College votes to win the White House. The presidential election will then be thrown to Congress, a real panic option for the two major-party candidates!
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Sunday, October 23, 2016
AN OPEN LETTER TO THE ALBANY NEWSPAPERS in NY State- for those politicians who support Trump.
I am an independent who has supported most or our local politicians, especially James Tedisco (Rep- NY State Assemblyman) and Hugh Farley (NY State Senator), because they have always been responsive to my concerns as a citizen.
However, I have was very disappointed by Mr. Tedisco's recent admission of support of Donald Trump. Therefore, on November 8th I will not vote for Tedisco, because I cannot accept Trump's ideals, his lack of morality and/or compassion for others, his immoral behavior and his agenda lack ideas/solutions and compassion for America.
So far the only thing Trump has done well is present a long litany of complains/faults of Hillary Clinton, President Obama and the democratic party. However, there one thing I agree with Trump- it is his pro-life stance, however his words and actions betray his words- so I simply do not trust him. I don't think that if elected president he will reverse Roe vs wade (the 1974 law that legalized abortion in the USA), and/or make any difference in reducing the number of abortions in America.
I also do not trust the republican party on the defense of life, because, although they say they defend life, in reality they do not- their actions are not consistent, because they are and have always been for the death penalty and they support the gun lobby and the NRA- they are pro guns. An industry that causes 33,000 deaths every year. As a matter of fact Trumps wants to arm all Americans and wants to take any restrictive gun control laws away. I am not anti-guns and/or anti 2A (the 2nd Amendment)- helathy and responsible citizens should have the right to own guns/rifles 9for protection and/or for pleasure, like hunting, target practice, etc.). But I am also for common sense/effective gun laws that keep guns away from terrorists, the mentally deranged (crazy people) and violent criminals.
Guns kill over 33,000 Americans every year- can you imagine taking away all gun controls? This isn't rocket science! It's common sense- we all know that more guns equal more blood and more death! America will lose a lot more than 33,000 people per year if no gun control laws are enforced and/or applied. Allowing Trump to become president and arming more Americans would be a total disaster!
In addition, Trump has proven to be incompetent in matters of policies and his personality reflects that of an arrogant fascist, an ignorant person, a bully and a clown. A person who is anti-immigrants, anti-women, anti-social justice (against veterans, equal pay, anti-constitution; he has repeatedly admitted that he'll go after families of terrorists, and he will be enforcing unconstitutional actions like frisking/stopping all Muslim and preventing them from entering our country).
So, on November 8th I will not vote for neither for Trump and/or Tedisco, because as a legal immigrant (naturalized US citizen) and as a Christian I simply cannot, and will not support Trump and or any other politician who has compromised his/her values just to support their party- politicians like Tedisco have shown me (by supporting a buffoon and a selfish bigot like Trump), that they don't have any values at all! They do not care for America! but only for their party! And yet they want to lead our State and country. Tedisco and Trump do not deserve our support. We need strong moral/ethical/honest leaders who have with high moral standard and good/sound ideas at this delicate time in America.

I am an independent who has supported most or our local politicians, especially James Tedisco (Rep- NY State Assemblyman) and Hugh Farley (NY State Senator), because they have always been responsive to my concerns as a citizen.
However, I have was very disappointed by Mr. Tedisco's recent admission of support of Donald Trump. Therefore, on November 8th I will not vote for Tedisco, because I cannot accept Trump's ideals, his lack of morality and/or compassion for others, his immoral behavior and his agenda lack ideas/solutions and compassion for America.
So far the only thing Trump has done well is present a long litany of complains/faults of Hillary Clinton, President Obama and the democratic party. However, there one thing I agree with Trump- it is his pro-life stance, however his words and actions betray his words- so I simply do not trust him. I don't think that if elected president he will reverse Roe vs wade (the 1974 law that legalized abortion in the USA), and/or make any difference in reducing the number of abortions in America.
I also do not trust the republican party on the defense of life, because, although they say they defend life, in reality they do not- their actions are not consistent, because they are and have always been for the death penalty and they support the gun lobby and the NRA- they are pro guns. An industry that causes 33,000 deaths every year. As a matter of fact Trumps wants to arm all Americans and wants to take any restrictive gun control laws away. I am not anti-guns and/or anti 2A (the 2nd Amendment)- helathy and responsible citizens should have the right to own guns/rifles 9for protection and/or for pleasure, like hunting, target practice, etc.). But I am also for common sense/effective gun laws that keep guns away from terrorists, the mentally deranged (crazy people) and violent criminals.
Guns kill over 33,000 Americans every year- can you imagine taking away all gun controls? This isn't rocket science! It's common sense- we all know that more guns equal more blood and more death! America will lose a lot more than 33,000 people per year if no gun control laws are enforced and/or applied. Allowing Trump to become president and arming more Americans would be a total disaster!
In addition, Trump has proven to be incompetent in matters of policies and his personality reflects that of an arrogant fascist, an ignorant person, a bully and a clown. A person who is anti-immigrants, anti-women, anti-social justice (against veterans, equal pay, anti-constitution; he has repeatedly admitted that he'll go after families of terrorists, and he will be enforcing unconstitutional actions like frisking/stopping all Muslim and preventing them from entering our country).
So, on November 8th I will not vote for neither for Trump and/or Tedisco, because as a legal immigrant (naturalized US citizen) and as a Christian I simply cannot, and will not support Trump and or any other politician who has compromised his/her values just to support their party- politicians like Tedisco have shown me (by supporting a buffoon and a selfish bigot like Trump), that they don't have any values at all! They do not care for America! but only for their party! And yet they want to lead our State and country. Tedisco and Trump do not deserve our support. We need strong moral/ethical/honest leaders who have with high moral standard and good/sound ideas at this delicate time in America.

Friday, October 7, 2016
I am really disgusted by the media lack of interest in covering third-party presidential candidates, which could provide an alternative to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The first is a buffoon, and the second a professional politician who has abused her public office position many times.

The alternative, to politics as usual, are the Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein (I have listened to her and I favor her). However, these two have so far been excluded from presidential debates.
I am really disgusted by the media lack of interest in covering third-party presidential candidates, which could provide an alternative to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The first is a buffoon, and the second a professional politician who has abused her public office position many times.

The alternative, to politics as usual, are the Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein (I have listened to her and I favor her). However, these two have so far been excluded from presidential debates.
According to recent polls, 60 percent of all voters reject both major
party candidates (Hillary and Trump). I am an independent who has voted
for both major parties, and I too dislike both Trump and Hillary.
And yet, the media is constantly reporting on these two major-party candidates and ignoring third-party ones- by denying their candidates interviews and air time, or analyzing their ideas/plans for America. I ask myself why. Is the media being controlled by corporate interests? It seems so. Why else would they ignore the other two parties?

Third-party candidates have been systematically excluded from the presidential debates by the self-serving 15 percent rule, that major parties have devised to get rid of their competition. In spite of lack of exposure and funding, third-party candidates have over 10 percent of the vote, and counting. For, they provide right-of-center and left-of-center alternatives, with credible/honest candidates.
With the lack of reporting on third-party candidates, the media is conveying the false impression that voters' only option is to choose from the lesser of two evils. This is not a rational course of action, and surely not the only one.
In a tight election like the current one, if third-party candidates win two or three states, then no major-party candidate will attain the required number of Electoral College votes to win the White House. The presidential election will then be thrown to Congress, a real panic option for the two major-party candidates!
It is about time that the media, including the Schenectady Daily Gazette the Albany Times Union, the Capital Region radio and TV Stations, provide third-party candidates their fair share of coverage and air time. The media will be doing themselves, and the country, a great service.
And yet, the media is constantly reporting on these two major-party candidates and ignoring third-party ones- by denying their candidates interviews and air time, or analyzing their ideas/plans for America. I ask myself why. Is the media being controlled by corporate interests? It seems so. Why else would they ignore the other two parties?

Third-party candidates have been systematically excluded from the presidential debates by the self-serving 15 percent rule, that major parties have devised to get rid of their competition. In spite of lack of exposure and funding, third-party candidates have over 10 percent of the vote, and counting. For, they provide right-of-center and left-of-center alternatives, with credible/honest candidates.
With the lack of reporting on third-party candidates, the media is conveying the false impression that voters' only option is to choose from the lesser of two evils. This is not a rational course of action, and surely not the only one.
In a tight election like the current one, if third-party candidates win two or three states, then no major-party candidate will attain the required number of Electoral College votes to win the White House. The presidential election will then be thrown to Congress, a real panic option for the two major-party candidates!
It is about time that the media, including the Schenectady Daily Gazette the Albany Times Union, the Capital Region radio and TV Stations, provide third-party candidates their fair share of coverage and air time. The media will be doing themselves, and the country, a great service.
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