I am an independent who has supported most or our local politicians, especially James Tedisco (Rep- NY State Assemblyman) and Hugh Farley (NY State Senator), because they have always been responsive to my concerns as a citizen.
However, I have was very disappointed by Mr. Tedisco's recent admission of support of Donald Trump. Therefore, on November 8th I will not vote for Tedisco, because I cannot accept Trump's ideals, his lack of morality and/or compassion for others, his immoral behavior and his agenda lack ideas/solutions and compassion for America.
So far the only thing Trump has done well is present a long litany of complains/faults of Hillary Clinton, President Obama and the democratic party. However, there one thing I agree with Trump- it is his pro-life stance, however his words and actions betray his words- so I simply do not trust him. I don't think that if elected president he will reverse Roe vs wade (the 1974 law that legalized abortion in the USA), and/or make any difference in reducing the number of abortions in America.
I also do not trust the republican party on the defense of life, because, although they say they defend life, in reality they do not- their actions are not consistent, because they are and have always been for the death penalty and they support the gun lobby and the NRA- they are pro guns. An industry that causes 33,000 deaths every year. As a matter of fact Trumps wants to arm all Americans and wants to take any restrictive gun control laws away. I am not anti-guns and/or anti 2A (the 2nd Amendment)- helathy and responsible citizens should have the right to own guns/rifles 9for protection and/or for pleasure, like hunting, target practice, etc.). But I am also for common sense/effective gun laws that keep guns away from terrorists, the mentally deranged (crazy people) and violent criminals.
Guns kill over 33,000 Americans every year- can you imagine taking away all gun controls? This isn't rocket science! It's common sense- we all know that more guns equal more blood and more death! America will lose a lot more than 33,000 people per year if no gun control laws are enforced and/or applied. Allowing Trump to become president and arming more Americans would be a total disaster!
In addition, Trump has proven to be incompetent in matters of policies and his personality reflects that of an arrogant fascist, an ignorant person, a bully and a clown. A person who is anti-immigrants, anti-women, anti-social justice (against veterans, equal pay, anti-constitution; he has repeatedly admitted that he'll go after families of terrorists, and he will be enforcing unconstitutional actions like frisking/stopping all Muslim and preventing them from entering our country).
So, on November 8th I will not vote for neither for Trump and/or Tedisco, because as a legal immigrant (naturalized US citizen) and as a Christian I simply cannot, and will not support Trump and or any other politician who has compromised his/her values just to support their party- politicians like Tedisco have shown me (by supporting a buffoon and a selfish bigot like Trump), that they don't have any values at all! They do not care for America! but only for their party! And yet they want to lead our State and country. Tedisco and Trump do not deserve our support. We need strong moral/ethical/honest leaders who have with high moral standard and good/sound ideas at this delicate time in America.

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