If you are concerned about your health/weight, you must see the documentary Fed Up. It is eye opening. Sugar is causing a yearly epidemic of over 50 thousand young Americans to be overweight! Even children at 6 months of age are overweight because of the sugar that the food industry puts into baby formula! Why? to get them hoocked! So that they consume more sugar, food loaded with it, hence they can make more profits! Disgusting!
Be careful because sugar is in too many foods in the USA. It is especially in processed foods, baby formula, soda and candy. Have you noticed that sugar portions aren't listed under the nutrition facts of some food labels? For instance, look at the nutrition facts of a can of soda, or a box of cereal, and you will notice that the % of daily values (in this case how many teaspoons), or how much you need in one day, it isn't listed! In a 12 ounces can of coke there are 39 grams of sugar! How many teaspoons are those? I don't know exactly, but too many for sure!
Obesity causes cancer and type two diabetes! Sugar has been proven to be addictive like cocaine! Read the food labels before you purchase it, and if you can't read names of ingredients, that's a sign that it's a chemical and/or artificial ingredient- hence not healthy!
Watch this video, it may save your health/life! and that of your family too!
VITALITY's goals are; work for social/ environmental justice, support all life, truth, peace, economic prosperity/equality, inform, educate (me included), and defend legal immigrants. Themes include; culture, spirituality, films, books, the environment, politics, etc. Italian: Gli obbiettivi e i temi di VITALITY sono; la giustizia sociale, dell'ambiente, la verita', la pace, prosperita', il rispetto e la protezione della vita, l'informazione, l'insegnamento, e l'emigrazione legale.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
I usually go to the public library to get books for my students and DVD movies to watch at home, and sometimes- when I find an interesting movie- I watch it in class with my ESL students. Well, last week I ran into The Book Thief, and I liked it so much that I'd like share some images and a brief plot. This is one of the best stories I have seen in a long time. It is truly a story of lost and found love. I believe, that you- like me- will fall in love with it. I am planning on reading the book this summer.
MOVIE The Book Thief.
Based on Based on the story by Markus Zusak, the #1 NY Times Bestseller book. Directed by Brian Percival -
Story Characters:
a. Liesel, a young German girl of 8-12 years old.
b. Liesel’s Adoptive parents-her step- mom: Rosa.
c. Her step-dad: Hans
d. Jewish young man, Max, who was hiding from the Nazis in Liesel‘s house
e. Setting: Germany 1938-1947 (during WWII)
f. Plot: The story begins in February 1938, outside of Munich, Nazy Germany. Liesel Meminger is burying her little brother with her mom- after recently losing her dad. Soon her mother is taken away by the Nazis, because she was accused of being a communist. Liesel is now alone in the world, but she is lucky in a way, since she is adopted by a loving childless German couple. The new adoptive parents soon become the family that Liesel never had. They treat her like her own. Her life is also effected by Rudy, a boy her age, who plays with her and other children in the streets. Rudy dreams of running away from Nazi oppression and violence. Soon her adoptive parents also take in Max, a young Jewish man, who is running away and trying to survive the Nazi’s persecution (of Jews). Liesel parents kept him hidden in their basement. Soon, Liesel begins stealing books from the Nazi book-burnings, and from the library of wife's mayor. Liesel shared those books with max during the Allied bombing, but she always returned them to the library, after she had read them.
Starring (actors): Geoffrey Rush (the step-dad, Hans), and
Sophie Nelisse, who plays Liesel.
Markus Zusak is also the author of Fighting Rueben Wolfe, Getting the Girl and I am the Messenger. The author got the idea of the Book Thief from his parents, who grew up in Germany during WWII, and shared their stories of their childohood in WWII germany. He now lives in Australia with his wife.
I usually go to the public library to get books for my students and DVD movies to watch at home, and sometimes- when I find an interesting movie- I watch it in class with my ESL students. Well, last week I ran into The Book Thief, and I liked it so much that I'd like share some images and a brief plot. This is one of the best stories I have seen in a long time. It is truly a story of lost and found love. I believe, that you- like me- will fall in love with it. I am planning on reading the book this summer.
MOVIE The Book Thief.
Based on Based on the story by Markus Zusak, the #1 NY Times Bestseller book. Directed by Brian Percival -
Story Characters:
a. Liesel, a young German girl of 8-12 years old.
b. Liesel’s Adoptive parents-her step- mom: Rosa.
c. Her step-dad: Hans
d. Jewish young man, Max, who was hiding from the Nazis in Liesel‘s house
e. Setting: Germany 1938-1947 (during WWII)
f. Plot: The story begins in February 1938, outside of Munich, Nazy Germany. Liesel Meminger is burying her little brother with her mom- after recently losing her dad. Soon her mother is taken away by the Nazis, because she was accused of being a communist. Liesel is now alone in the world, but she is lucky in a way, since she is adopted by a loving childless German couple. The new adoptive parents soon become the family that Liesel never had. They treat her like her own. Her life is also effected by Rudy, a boy her age, who plays with her and other children in the streets. Rudy dreams of running away from Nazi oppression and violence. Soon her adoptive parents also take in Max, a young Jewish man, who is running away and trying to survive the Nazi’s persecution (of Jews). Liesel parents kept him hidden in their basement. Soon, Liesel begins stealing books from the Nazi book-burnings, and from the library of wife's mayor. Liesel shared those books with max during the Allied bombing, but she always returned them to the library, after she had read them.
Starring (actors): Geoffrey Rush (the step-dad, Hans), and
Sophie Nelisse, who plays Liesel.
Markus Zusak is also the author of Fighting Rueben Wolfe, Getting the Girl and I am the Messenger. The author got the idea of the Book Thief from his parents, who grew up in Germany during WWII, and shared their stories of their childohood in WWII germany. He now lives in Australia with his wife.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
3HEARTS STUDIO - My Story as a Statue Restoration Artist and Painter
In this blog I tell how I began restoring religious statuary and how i became a summer full time painter from 2008-2015.
My Religious Statue Restoration Works
7. While restoring the Pieta', summer 1995.
7. while restoring the Pieta', in front of St. Anthony's Church.
Images above & below; while restoring the Pieta', a concrete replica. The original was made in marble by Michelangelo, and it is located inside St. Peter's Basilica, in Rome, Italy.
This statue of the Pieta' is located in front of St. Anthony's Church, my parish, in Schenectady, NY. I accomplished this restoration (which consisted of scraping about 1/4" thick old cracked paint, and then repainted). It took me several weeks in August 1995. I dedicated this work to 3 deceased people, my mother Salvatrice (Sal), my uncle Francesco Spina (who died in the USA while working. He fell form a building) and Vito Masi, a young man in his early 20s, who was unjustly/mercilessly killed by another young man, after he left a bar in Schenectady. Because of a jealousy fit! Alcohol was probably involved)
The saint Anthony's Festa is an annual festival, it usually takes place on Father's day weekend each June. We'll have lots of authentic home cooked Italian foods, music, drinks, and games for children!
8. The Pieta', after my restoration.
The saying in this image is something I thought about after I began reading Mary's messages from Medjugorje, a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Queen of Peace, began appearing to 6 children in 1984. At that time I didn't believe in those messages. Today I still read her messages from Medjugorje (you can find them on line. just Google the name Medjugorjie messages), and I try to apply them in my life. Mary, basically points us to Her son, our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.
9. Behind the Pieta'.
Above; the various stages the Pieta's restoration (cleaning and painting in colors). And below Our Lady of Lourdes grotto, which is located on the side of St. Anthony's Church, Schenectady, NY. August 1993.
Initially, both statues, the Blessed Mother (Mary, the mother of Jesus) and the grotto were painted only in white. The statues are made of concrete. You can see the final product in the images below. You also see me with my daughter, at the time she was 4.
11. This statue of Mary is 5 feet tall.
14. Above: Bernadette, before the painting. She was a little shepherd girl who saw the Blessed Mother (Mary) at Lourdes.
15. Bernadette - completed.
16-17. Above & below; Our lady of Lourdes Grotto when it was completed. August 1993.
18. This is a statue of Jesus that I restored during the 1990s. It is The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus' Heart is showing because it symbolizes His love for us.
Above, the statue as it was originally (before I restored it).
Below, after the restoration was completed.
In this blog I tell how I began restoring religious statuary and how i became a summer full time painter from 2008-2015.
My Religious Statue Restoration Works
7. While restoring the Pieta', summer 1995.
7. while restoring the Pieta', in front of St. Anthony's Church.
Images above & below; while restoring the Pieta', a concrete replica. The original was made in marble by Michelangelo, and it is located inside St. Peter's Basilica, in Rome, Italy.
This statue of the Pieta' is located in front of St. Anthony's Church, my parish, in Schenectady, NY. I accomplished this restoration (which consisted of scraping about 1/4" thick old cracked paint, and then repainted). It took me several weeks in August 1995. I dedicated this work to 3 deceased people, my mother Salvatrice (Sal), my uncle Francesco Spina (who died in the USA while working. He fell form a building) and Vito Masi, a young man in his early 20s, who was unjustly/mercilessly killed by another young man, after he left a bar in Schenectady. Because of a jealousy fit! Alcohol was probably involved)
The saint Anthony's Festa is an annual festival, it usually takes place on Father's day weekend each June. We'll have lots of authentic home cooked Italian foods, music, drinks, and games for children!
8. The Pieta', after my restoration.
The saying in this image is something I thought about after I began reading Mary's messages from Medjugorje, a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Queen of Peace, began appearing to 6 children in 1984. At that time I didn't believe in those messages. Today I still read her messages from Medjugorje (you can find them on line. just Google the name Medjugorjie messages), and I try to apply them in my life. Mary, basically points us to Her son, our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.
9. Behind the Pieta'.
Above; the various stages the Pieta's restoration (cleaning and painting in colors). And below Our Lady of Lourdes grotto, which is located on the side of St. Anthony's Church, Schenectady, NY. August 1993.
Initially, both statues, the Blessed Mother (Mary, the mother of Jesus) and the grotto were painted only in white. The statues are made of concrete. You can see the final product in the images below. You also see me with my daughter, at the time she was 4.
11. This statue of Mary is 5 feet tall.
14. Above: Bernadette, before the painting. She was a little shepherd girl who saw the Blessed Mother (Mary) at Lourdes.
15. Bernadette - completed.
16-17. Above & below; Our lady of Lourdes Grotto when it was completed. August 1993.
Mary's message, June 26, 1993:
"Dear children,
Today I also rejoice at your presence here. I bless you with all my motherly blessings and intercede for each one of you before God. I call you anew to live my messages and to put them into life and practice.
I am with you and bless all of you day by day. Dear children, these times are particular and therefore I am with you to love and protect you, to protect your hearts from Satan and to bring you all close to the Heart of my son Jesus.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
I painted this message on the inside wall of the grotto, on the left side of the statue of Mary.
Above, the statue as it was originally (before I restored it).
Below, after the restoration was completed.
WHAT IS 3HEARTS STUDIO? It is the name I have given to my restoration/painting activity. 3Hearts for me represents and it reminds me of the Trinity, or what Christians believe/think to be one God in 3 persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. For me, when I think of the 3Hearts, the abstract thought of the Trinity materializes (becomes real, understandable, touchable) in the 3 persons of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. By the way they lived, they taught us how to live.
Why did this name? I picked the name "3Hearts", after I had the following experience in my life.
In the early 1990s I had economical problems. I was laid off. I lost my job after many years of non-stop work. Up to that point I had a good and satisfying job- I had been a draftsman mechanical draftsman/CAD operator (Computer Aided Designer), a technical illustrator and graphical artist. But then after 13 years of steady work, I was out of work, laid off! I found myself at the bottom of the economic scale...or pit!
I had no job, nothing to do! So, to keep me occupied and sane (healthy of mind and body), I asked my pastor (the priest) at Saint Anthony's Church in Schenectady, Father Richard Carlino, if I could restore some of the old statues for our church- for free (at no charge). I asked him, if he would just pay for the paint and supplies (tools, like brushes, etc). He agreed.
Hence, in in the summer of 1993, I accomplished the largest restoration job at St. Anthony; the cleaning and painting of the outdoor grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes. This grotto (as you can seen in images # 16-17, is located on the side of St. Anthony's Church, on Seward Street.
This is a group of two statues; the larger one (5 feet tall) is Mary, the Blessed Mother- the mother of Jesus- for us Catholics, she is also our heavenly mother- and the second one is the young girl, Bernadette- the visionary who saw Mary at Lourdes, in France.
It was that same year, November of '93, that I had a strange and shocking dream that changed my life. Let me share this event, which I wrote in my diary, in April of 2010 .
“I have come to tell you that God exists." And...
“This is a special time; I’m with you for the following reason: to bring you closer to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son Jesus (Wed. Aug. 25th, 1993). I have come to tell you that God exists. On the earth humanity is divided, but you’re all the same to me and my Son (May 20th, 1982). You’re all my children! It doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, Muslim, Jew or orthodox. You’re all the same in my sight and in my son’s Jesus.”
These were words of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Queen of Peace. The media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) reported (wrote) that she was appearing to six children in Medjugorje, a little town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in Europe. Although Medjugorje is not yet been approved by the Catholic Church, it has been considered by Catholics a Marian apparition site, for many years now. This is a place where the mother of Jesus has been appearing for the longest time, and where thousands of pilgrims go there every year.
2. This site (this little town called Medjugorje) is unique (different, unlike any other) because it is the place where the longest apparition of Mary has taken place, and her visits (apparitions), can be seen and heard by the 6 children (now adults). These events are still continuing to this day. In fact, she appeared for the 1st time in 1981, on the feast of Saint John the Evangelist, on June 24th, (33 years ago).
In her messages, Mary exhorts (urge, encourages) people go back to God with prayer, fasting (eating little or just bread/water), and repentance (asking for forgiveness, repenting-saying I'm sorry to God and those we offend/mistreat). The messages in red (above) were translated by me. They are just a few of her declarations (words, messages) that she has given to the 6 children, who were told (by Mary) to share with the whole world.
This happened at various occasions (times, days) and some of these words/messages are stuck (fixed forever) in my mind. Mary tells us that God loves all people- it doesn't matter their faith (religions or, beliefs). Yes, God prefers Christianity, but different faiths/beliefs do not prevent Him to love all people.
3. This sounded all nice to me, but I didn’t quite (completely) believe in those messages. At that time I questioned those words and all the others I was reading coming from Mary at Medjugorje.
I was skeptical, i didn't believe them, so i needed more proof that it was Mary. In fact, I thought that those messages could be written by someone who wanted to deceive (to lie to, to trick) people. However, the 17th of November, in 1993, I had a dream that shocked me (surprised me). In this dream I saw some of my relatives in Sicily. One of my mother’s sister, Maria, and her husband, my uncle Gino. They were crying, and their other son, my cousin Antonino, was there too. He was sad and unshaven (not shaved- to in Italy, sometimes this may be used us a sign of grieving- when a family member dies). As our tradition I greeted (said hello) the three of them with a kiss. Then, immediately after this encounter (meeting), I found myself in the house where I was born. It was late and I went to bed, but I was afraid to go to sleep because it was dark and I was alone.
4. To quell (stop) my fears, I put some holy images (pictures, photos) next to my night stand and went to sleep. As soon as I fell asleep - in my dream - I saw a large luminescent (bright, shiny) person floating in mid-air (in the air) slightly diagonally above me. And he said in Italian with my maternal grandmother's voice:
“I messaggi della Madonna (Mary the Mother of Jesus) sono veritieri e li devi credere." Meaning: Mary’s messages are truthful, and you must believe them.”
5. Then, again in this dream, I found myself outside in the next street, where my grandfather used to have a stable, a little barn, where he used to keep a mule and a few goats. I was standing outside the stable during the day, and I was in the middle of the street. I was facing (looking at) Tre Pizzi (Three Peaks), a mountain with literally (in reality, for real) 3 peaks (tip, top, point, crest). My right side was toward grandpa’s stable, and I was facing and staring at Tre Pizzi, which at that moment it was totally covered with an enormous (very big) golden frame. And inside this frame there was a stairway (steps) that started on the inside bottom of the frame, which shaped like a pyramid and rose (went up) very high up in the sky. I was standing at about 10-15 meters (yards) from this frame, and I saw a man was standing on one of the first steps, at the bottom of the huge stairway. He was dressed in a white tunic (robe, dress) with his palms (hands) stretched down and facing (looking at) me. I communicated (talked) with him in my thoughts, but I don’t remember exactly what we said to each other. I only remember sensing (feeling) his love and affection emanating (coming) from his gaze (look). It was indescribable - I could not describe it, I could not tell it, or explain it. I can only say that it felt immensely (very) wonderful (good, great).
6. That same morning, after I woke up, I was concerned (worrying, thinking about) my aunt and uncle’s family. So I told my wife about it and then I went to work. But that afternoon my wife called me at work and gave me some bad news. My cousin Francesco, my aunt’s Maria and Gino’s son, 20 at the time, had fallen from the 10th floor while working in Northern Italy. He was in serious (in very bad) conditions and in a coma (not responding, in deep sleep). The doctor’s didn’t know if he’d make it. I was shocked (very surprised). I couldn’t believe the dream. How could I see my relatives’ sorrow (grief, sadness) in a dream? And from 6 thousand miles away? As weeks went by, I prayed for my cousin's recovery (to feel/get better) and asked God to help me understand the dream. I began connecting (joining, understanding) the dots (ideas, thoughts) and started believing what the angel told me. The man in white was Jesus because he appeared on the mountain called Tre Pizzi. And Three Peaks, for me it represents (in this dream stands for) the Trinity, and next to my grandfather’s stable - which is a similar place where Jesus was born. I gradually (little by little) realized (understood) that Jesus’ presence, in the dream;
I think it meant the following;
“I know you have doubts (about angels and my mother’s messages) but I’m here, and I’m near to tell you that what she says is true, and weather you believe it or not I still love you. I’m waiting for you at the bottom of the stairway to welcome you in my kingdom when your time comes. “
7. Hence, after this dream and experience I stopped doubting (not believing) and started to believe more in God and in the Blessed Mother (Jesus’ mother, Mary). My family and I prayed for my cousin. And although he lost a lung, he came out of his coma after a month. Today he’s married, has children and is leading a normal life in Sicily.
8. The mid 90s were difficult times for me and my immediate family (me, my wife and my child). I was out of work, my wife did not speak English and my daughter was only 3 years at the time. So I was the only bread winner (the worker) - hence the only one who could support (help) the family financially (with money). All my relatives were in Italy, except for my brother who lives in the USA with his family, but I did not want to ask for help and burden him (give him problems). Since I had no work and no money, except for unemployment benefits, which were only $230/month! It was not enough for the three of us to live (me, my wife, who couldn’t work because she didn’t speak English, and because of our child of 3). So, I lost my house since (because) I couldn’t afford to pay the mortgage (monthly house payment), and neither (also, too) could I afford (pay for) health care coverage (medical insurance for the two of us (me and my wife). In fact, we were without insurance for 5 years! But not once did we ever get sick! I prayed every day for God’s protection, and I got it! God took care of us! My wife and I never got sick! My child never did either, although in a way we were fortunate (lucky) – our baby had NY health care coverage, I think it was called Child Health Care Plus.
9. However, in the end we made it (lived, succeeded), and didn’t succumb (give up) because from 1993 to 2001 I found temporary work in restaurants, delicatessens (a deli, is a sandwich and grocery stores), and a retirement home (where old people live). I worked as a cook, server/waiter and team leader/manager. In fact, as you can see from the images above, the summer of 1993 I restored Our Lady of Lourdes statue and grotto (on the side of Saint Anthony’s church, and the Pieta’, Mary holding the dead Christ statue, in front of the church). I also began restoring (fixing, repairing) old religious statues for people and for my church and other parishes (churches). My pastor (priest, minister) at Saint Anthony's Church, in Schenectady, Father Richard supported me (helped me). He provided (gave) me with painting/restoration work. However, in 1997 I went back to college to improve my life situation (economical/job/life); in order to find a better paying job.
Finally, In 2001 I became a teacher, and since then I have had lots of work! Even in the summer! My students keep me busy! Today, I thank God every day, for His mercy, His goodness and for all the good blessings and gifts (talents, presents) he has given me!
Praised be the Lord God, Creator of the universe! He didn’t abandon me in time of need.
10. Why did I tell you this story? I shared it with you in sign of gratitude, appreciation, thanks to God and to our Blessed Mother; Mary, for helping me, for helping us become better human being and for helping us became more like God. Our world needs some good news and some hope. And so, I thank God for this opportunity (chance) to share this experience, because to me this dream is proof (evidence, facts) that God exists and that He cares for us all. I say this with unfailing conviction (certainty, without any doubts) because my unbelief is gone, and the meaning - the purpose of this dream – now after more than 20 years -is crystal clear (very clear, understandable)! God still talks and communicates with us, just like a good father, He does it, He guides us everyday! That's a sign that He loves us immensely...and so does our Mother Mary! THANK YOU LORD, CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE FOR YOUR MERCY, CARE AND COMPASSION!
11. I’ve dedicated this testimonial to my good friend Giuseppe Viglione, who returned to God, after a battle with cancer.
(Source of the Medjugorje messages in this testimony are from the Italian text: Medjugorje. Messaggi della Regina della Pace/ Medjugorje. Messages from The Queen of Peace. By Fr. Livio Fanzagna and Fr. Gianni Sgreva cp. – Translation was done by me, Ottavio Lo Piccolo).
In the early 1990s I had economical problems. I was laid off. I lost my job after many years of non-stop work. Up to that point I had a good and satisfying job- I had been a draftsman mechanical draftsman/CAD operator (Computer Aided Designer), a technical illustrator and graphical artist. But then after 13 years of steady work, I was out of work, laid off! I found myself at the bottom of the economic scale...or pit!
I had no job, nothing to do! So, to keep me occupied and sane (healthy of mind and body), I asked my pastor (the priest) at Saint Anthony's Church in Schenectady, Father Richard Carlino, if I could restore some of the old statues for our church- for free (at no charge). I asked him, if he would just pay for the paint and supplies (tools, like brushes, etc). He agreed.
Hence, in in the summer of 1993, I accomplished the largest restoration job at St. Anthony; the cleaning and painting of the outdoor grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes. This grotto (as you can seen in images # 16-17, is located on the side of St. Anthony's Church, on Seward Street.
This is a group of two statues; the larger one (5 feet tall) is Mary, the Blessed Mother- the mother of Jesus- for us Catholics, she is also our heavenly mother- and the second one is the young girl, Bernadette- the visionary who saw Mary at Lourdes, in France.
It was that same year, November of '93, that I had a strange and shocking dream that changed my life. Let me share this event, which I wrote in my diary, in April of 2010 .
“I have come to tell you that God exists." And...
“This is a special time; I’m with you for the following reason: to bring you closer to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son Jesus (Wed. Aug. 25th, 1993). I have come to tell you that God exists. On the earth humanity is divided, but you’re all the same to me and my Son (May 20th, 1982). You’re all my children! It doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, Muslim, Jew or orthodox. You’re all the same in my sight and in my son’s Jesus.”
These were words of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Queen of Peace. The media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) reported (wrote) that she was appearing to six children in Medjugorje, a little town in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in Europe. Although Medjugorje is not yet been approved by the Catholic Church, it has been considered by Catholics a Marian apparition site, for many years now. This is a place where the mother of Jesus has been appearing for the longest time, and where thousands of pilgrims go there every year.
2. This site (this little town called Medjugorje) is unique (different, unlike any other) because it is the place where the longest apparition of Mary has taken place, and her visits (apparitions), can be seen and heard by the 6 children (now adults). These events are still continuing to this day. In fact, she appeared for the 1st time in 1981, on the feast of Saint John the Evangelist, on June 24th, (33 years ago).
In her messages, Mary exhorts (urge, encourages) people go back to God with prayer, fasting (eating little or just bread/water), and repentance (asking for forgiveness, repenting-saying I'm sorry to God and those we offend/mistreat). The messages in red (above) were translated by me. They are just a few of her declarations (words, messages) that she has given to the 6 children, who were told (by Mary) to share with the whole world.
This happened at various occasions (times, days) and some of these words/messages are stuck (fixed forever) in my mind. Mary tells us that God loves all people- it doesn't matter their faith (religions or, beliefs). Yes, God prefers Christianity, but different faiths/beliefs do not prevent Him to love all people.
3. This sounded all nice to me, but I didn’t quite (completely) believe in those messages. At that time I questioned those words and all the others I was reading coming from Mary at Medjugorje.
I was skeptical, i didn't believe them, so i needed more proof that it was Mary. In fact, I thought that those messages could be written by someone who wanted to deceive (to lie to, to trick) people. However, the 17th of November, in 1993, I had a dream that shocked me (surprised me). In this dream I saw some of my relatives in Sicily. One of my mother’s sister, Maria, and her husband, my uncle Gino. They were crying, and their other son, my cousin Antonino, was there too. He was sad and unshaven (not shaved- to in Italy, sometimes this may be used us a sign of grieving- when a family member dies). As our tradition I greeted (said hello) the three of them with a kiss. Then, immediately after this encounter (meeting), I found myself in the house where I was born. It was late and I went to bed, but I was afraid to go to sleep because it was dark and I was alone.
4. To quell (stop) my fears, I put some holy images (pictures, photos) next to my night stand and went to sleep. As soon as I fell asleep - in my dream - I saw a large luminescent (bright, shiny) person floating in mid-air (in the air) slightly diagonally above me. And he said in Italian with my maternal grandmother's voice:
“I messaggi della Madonna (Mary the Mother of Jesus) sono veritieri e li devi credere." Meaning: Mary’s messages are truthful, and you must believe them.”
5. Then, again in this dream, I found myself outside in the next street, where my grandfather used to have a stable, a little barn, where he used to keep a mule and a few goats. I was standing outside the stable during the day, and I was in the middle of the street. I was facing (looking at) Tre Pizzi (Three Peaks), a mountain with literally (in reality, for real) 3 peaks (tip, top, point, crest). My right side was toward grandpa’s stable, and I was facing and staring at Tre Pizzi, which at that moment it was totally covered with an enormous (very big) golden frame. And inside this frame there was a stairway (steps) that started on the inside bottom of the frame, which shaped like a pyramid and rose (went up) very high up in the sky. I was standing at about 10-15 meters (yards) from this frame, and I saw a man was standing on one of the first steps, at the bottom of the huge stairway. He was dressed in a white tunic (robe, dress) with his palms (hands) stretched down and facing (looking at) me. I communicated (talked) with him in my thoughts, but I don’t remember exactly what we said to each other. I only remember sensing (feeling) his love and affection emanating (coming) from his gaze (look). It was indescribable - I could not describe it, I could not tell it, or explain it. I can only say that it felt immensely (very) wonderful (good, great).
6. That same morning, after I woke up, I was concerned (worrying, thinking about) my aunt and uncle’s family. So I told my wife about it and then I went to work. But that afternoon my wife called me at work and gave me some bad news. My cousin Francesco, my aunt’s Maria and Gino’s son, 20 at the time, had fallen from the 10th floor while working in Northern Italy. He was in serious (in very bad) conditions and in a coma (not responding, in deep sleep). The doctor’s didn’t know if he’d make it. I was shocked (very surprised). I couldn’t believe the dream. How could I see my relatives’ sorrow (grief, sadness) in a dream? And from 6 thousand miles away? As weeks went by, I prayed for my cousin's recovery (to feel/get better) and asked God to help me understand the dream. I began connecting (joining, understanding) the dots (ideas, thoughts) and started believing what the angel told me. The man in white was Jesus because he appeared on the mountain called Tre Pizzi. And Three Peaks, for me it represents (in this dream stands for) the Trinity, and next to my grandfather’s stable - which is a similar place where Jesus was born. I gradually (little by little) realized (understood) that Jesus’ presence, in the dream;
I think it meant the following;
“I know you have doubts (about angels and my mother’s messages) but I’m here, and I’m near to tell you that what she says is true, and weather you believe it or not I still love you. I’m waiting for you at the bottom of the stairway to welcome you in my kingdom when your time comes. “
7. Hence, after this dream and experience I stopped doubting (not believing) and started to believe more in God and in the Blessed Mother (Jesus’ mother, Mary). My family and I prayed for my cousin. And although he lost a lung, he came out of his coma after a month. Today he’s married, has children and is leading a normal life in Sicily.
8. The mid 90s were difficult times for me and my immediate family (me, my wife and my child). I was out of work, my wife did not speak English and my daughter was only 3 years at the time. So I was the only bread winner (the worker) - hence the only one who could support (help) the family financially (with money). All my relatives were in Italy, except for my brother who lives in the USA with his family, but I did not want to ask for help and burden him (give him problems). Since I had no work and no money, except for unemployment benefits, which were only $230/month! It was not enough for the three of us to live (me, my wife, who couldn’t work because she didn’t speak English, and because of our child of 3). So, I lost my house since (because) I couldn’t afford to pay the mortgage (monthly house payment), and neither (also, too) could I afford (pay for) health care coverage (medical insurance for the two of us (me and my wife). In fact, we were without insurance for 5 years! But not once did we ever get sick! I prayed every day for God’s protection, and I got it! God took care of us! My wife and I never got sick! My child never did either, although in a way we were fortunate (lucky) – our baby had NY health care coverage, I think it was called Child Health Care Plus.
9. However, in the end we made it (lived, succeeded), and didn’t succumb (give up) because from 1993 to 2001 I found temporary work in restaurants, delicatessens (a deli, is a sandwich and grocery stores), and a retirement home (where old people live). I worked as a cook, server/waiter and team leader/manager. In fact, as you can see from the images above, the summer of 1993 I restored Our Lady of Lourdes statue and grotto (on the side of Saint Anthony’s church, and the Pieta’, Mary holding the dead Christ statue, in front of the church). I also began restoring (fixing, repairing) old religious statues for people and for my church and other parishes (churches). My pastor (priest, minister) at Saint Anthony's Church, in Schenectady, Father Richard supported me (helped me). He provided (gave) me with painting/restoration work. However, in 1997 I went back to college to improve my life situation (economical/job/life); in order to find a better paying job.
Finally, In 2001 I became a teacher, and since then I have had lots of work! Even in the summer! My students keep me busy! Today, I thank God every day, for His mercy, His goodness and for all the good blessings and gifts (talents, presents) he has given me!
Praised be the Lord God, Creator of the universe! He didn’t abandon me in time of need.
10. Why did I tell you this story? I shared it with you in sign of gratitude, appreciation, thanks to God and to our Blessed Mother; Mary, for helping me, for helping us become better human being and for helping us became more like God. Our world needs some good news and some hope. And so, I thank God for this opportunity (chance) to share this experience, because to me this dream is proof (evidence, facts) that God exists and that He cares for us all. I say this with unfailing conviction (certainty, without any doubts) because my unbelief is gone, and the meaning - the purpose of this dream – now after more than 20 years -is crystal clear (very clear, understandable)! God still talks and communicates with us, just like a good father, He does it, He guides us everyday! That's a sign that He loves us immensely...and so does our Mother Mary! THANK YOU LORD, CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE FOR YOUR MERCY, CARE AND COMPASSION!
11. I’ve dedicated this testimonial to my good friend Giuseppe Viglione, who returned to God, after a battle with cancer.
(Source of the Medjugorje messages in this testimony are from the Italian text: Medjugorje. Messaggi della Regina della Pace/ Medjugorje. Messages from The Queen of Peace. By Fr. Livio Fanzagna and Fr. Gianni Sgreva cp. – Translation was done by me, Ottavio Lo Piccolo).
My Murals at
Stratton Air National Guard, Scotia, NY
The summer of 2008 I began painting exterior walls of several buildings at Stratton Air National Guard Base, in Scotia, NY. This summer job lasted until 2015. I also restored old religious statues (fixed, cleaned & repainted them).
I have done religious statue restoration work since the early 90's, when I was out of work.
I have done religious statue restoration work since the early 90's, when I was out of work.
2. Designs on the Stratton Fitness Center's wall. Summer 2012.
3. The 1st mural, in the Stratton Dining Hall. November 2005.
4. Graphic murals at the Stratton Fitness Center's walls. Summer 2012.
Here is what Mr. Thomas Chico, the NYS Maintenance supervisor says about Ottavio’s work ethics
(reference letter written on Dec. 8, 2014):
has been assigned to me during the summer as a painter. He has
completed numerous interior and exterior painting projects here at
Stratton Air national Guard Base over the past 6 years. He has applied
his talents to everything, from painting murals to complete exterior
painting. Ottavio has been dependable and reliable. He adapts easily to
changes in his work priorities when required. In addition, he is very
neat and keeps his work areas clean, from start to finish. He is very
friendly and works well with everyone he comes in contact with. Ottavio
has strived to make our base look better for everyone’s benefit through
his painting and artistic talent.”
5. My 1st mural in the Stratton, ANG Base Dining Hall Hallway. November 2005.
6. I painted this room for Mrs. Angelique Kaiser, a colleague of mine in the NY Air Guard.
After 7 years of temporary jobs in the food service industry, in 2001, I became an full time ENL (English as a New Language) teacher. Then from 2008-15 I was a f/t painter at Stratton, and then in 2016 I also began teaching p/t during the summer. So, now I have more than enough work! Thank God! And His Blessed Mother Mary! I'm occasionally restoring a statue or two during the summer. However. if you have a need something to be painted, a mural to be painted (in your
home, office and/or place of business), an old statute restored (fixed/repaired), or just painted it in colors, call me
at home: 370-4476 home, cell: 421-6807, email:
Free estimates - No obligation!
You can buy your own paint too!
References supplied upon request.
Free estimates - No obligation!
You can buy your own paint too!
References supplied upon request.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Il giorno del Memorial Day (lunedi, 25 maggio) - Il COSTO della GUERRA- gli Americani ricordano e pregano per i loro eroi; tutti quelli che hanno dato la loro vita,
e QUELLI CHE SI SACRIFICANO OGGI, per difendere gli Stati Uniti e tutto quello che e' giusto e onesto! Ma sopratutto, questo e' anche un giorno per pregare, in modo anche per i leaders degli USA, e quelli delle nazioni piu' potenti, non mandino piu' i loro militari a combattere guerre ingiuste e inutili!
Ricordiamo; i caduti, quelli che non sono piu' ritornati, i dispersi, i prigionieri di guerra, e i feriti di guerra.
Let's honor their sacrifice, their courage and their loyalty to America. / Onoriamo il loro sacrificio, il loro coraggio, e la loro fedelta' all'America.
Thank you for taking care of our brothers/sisters and for never leaving anyone behind. / Grazie per prendervi cura dei nostri fratelli e delle nostre sorelle, e per non lasciare nessuno indietro.
Celebriamo i caduti della seconda guerra mondiale...
con wurstel e salsicce!
con wurstel e salsicce!
Le Forze Armate Italiane al lavoro.
Grazie per il vostro sacrificio e senso del dovere!
Sopra- Per quelli che hanno dato la loro vita coraggiosamente.
In basso- E per quelli che ancora oggi combattono coraggiosamente. GRAZIE
Auguri di un Memorial Day Benedetto
Sopra- Morti nella 2nda guerra mondiale. In rosso: numero di soldati morti (in milioni).
Verde, civili morti. Celeste: Totale morti (1945) dal percentuale della pop. nel 1939
Verde, civili morti. Celeste: Totale morti (1945) dal percentuale della pop. nel 1939
In basso- i caduti nelle piu grandi guerre degli Stati Uniti.
In alto- Morti delle Forze Alleate nella 2nda Guerra Mondiale
Numero dei Caduti Civili/Militari (soldati morti in guerra nella 2nda guerra mondiale)

in basso- Morti in percentuale delle nazioni contro gli Stati Uniti nella 2nda guerra
Caduti (soldati morti) nelle guerre piu' grandi degli Stati Uniti
Numero dei caduti nella 1ma guerra mondiale. Rosso % di morti. Grigio: % di feriti.
Verde: Dispersi e prigionieri di guerra.
Verde: Dispersi e prigionieri di guerra.
Below, three pie charts that show the percentage of
deaths of WWI
Tre graphici rotondi, in basso-
Morti nella Prima Guerra Mondiale
Numbers and data, do not give us a true sense, do not let us understand the meaning, the effects of war.
Images are more effective in taking us closer to the idiocy (stupidity) and horror of war.
Numeri e dati, non ci danno un vero senso, non ci fanno capire il significato, l'effetto della guerra.
Le immagini sono piu' efficaci nel farci avvicinare all'idiozia e orrore della guerra.
Le immagini sono piu' efficaci nel farci avvicinare all'idiozia e orrore della guerra.
Le Spese Militari delle Potenze piu' MilitarizzateWHO SPENDS MORE for War?
The two graphics below tell us: The USA spend the most!
CHI SPENDE DI PIU' per la Guerra?
I due graphici, in basso, danno la risposta sulle
I due graphici, in basso, danno la risposta sulle
spese militari a livello mondiale: Gli USA sono i piu' spendaccioni!
Bilanci per la Difesa dei paesi piu' armati.
In basso- la percentuale/paragone delle tasse usate nelle spese militari USA rispetto a altri bisogni nazionali. La spesa piu' grossa e' quella in cima, la spesa militare. La seconda, dall'alto e' la spesa per la sanita', poi segue la spesa per combattere la poverta', poi l'interesse che viene pagato sul debito publico, poi il costo per agevolare l'economia, le spese per l'operazione del governo Federale (cioe' nazionale), spese per l'energia, scienze, e l'ambiente. E in fondo, l'ultima in classifica e' la diplomazia e sviluppo/studio/impegno per la prevenzione della guerra! Guarda caso e' l'ultima! Che sfortuna!
This essay © Copyrighted by Ottavio Lo Piccolo. May, 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this writing may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the authors’ written permission. Classroom teachers may copy individual articles with the images included in each piece, but only for instructional purposes and only for their classroom students. Images are from Google images, unless otherwise specified.
Diritti d'autore esclusi solo all'autore Ottavio Lo Piccolo, maggio, 2015. Per publicazione intere e/o parziali richiedere il pemesso scritto dall'autore.
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