An Earth Day Lesson, by Ottavio Lo Piccolo
ENL (English as a New Language) Teacher
LA TERRA ... IL REGALO PIÙ GRANDE. Una lezione sulla Giornata della Terra, di Ottavio Lo Piccolo. Insegnante d'inglese (negli USA).
(Aggiornata: 21-1-23)
Veduta da Torretta.
A. Suggestions for Teaching this Lesson.
INTRO. Begin this lesson by asking your students (Ss) the first 3 (of the 4 EQs, Essential Questions)- that are written on a K-W-H-L chart, as shown here below in item "a."
A. Suggerimenti per insegnare questa lezione.
INTRO. Inizia questa lezione chiedendo ai tuoi studenti le prime 3 delle 4 D.E. (o Domande Essenziali) - che sono scritti su un foglio di carta (il grafico K-W-H-L, ovvero:cosa Sai, cosa Vuoi sapere, Come imparerai, e infine Cosa hai Imparato della Terra), che sono qui sotto nella voce "a".
a. The K-W-H-L Essential Questions;
1. What do you know about Earth Day? I know that...
2. What do you want to know about it? I want to know why...
3. How will you learn about earth Day? I will learn by...
4. What did you learn from this lesson on Earth Day? I learned that... (Note, this question will be answered at the end of this lesson/unit)
a. Domande essenziali S-V-C-I;
1. Che cosa sai della Giornata della Terra? So che...
2. Cosa vuoi sapere a riguardo? Voglio sapere perché...
3. Come imparerai sulla Giornata della Terra? Potrò imparare da
4. Che cosa hai imparato da questa lezione sulla Giornata della Terra? Ho imparato che...
(Nota, la quarta domanda verrà risposta alla fine di questa lezione).
b. Procedure
1. Ss answer and write their responses on their individual 8 & 1/2" x11" K-W-H-L chart, and for those students (Ss) who do not know how to write- the T can write the Ss responses on the board- on large chart paper- and Ss can then copy then on their chart. When necessary, support those students who need help in writing.
2. After Ss finish writing their responses on the chart, they will read their answer back to the T (teacher).
3. Post the 8 EQs (listed below in item H) in your classroom/hallway- so that students can review/learn and/or get familiar with the answers/topics.
3a. Optional: copy/post/display the above 4 questions, and all the student's answers (under each individual question) on a poster, or on the board.
Note: The 4 K-W-H-L questions can be used also as a quiz/review at the end of the unit, and/or to play games.
Remember to;
a. Reward students on their good performance/behavior/attitude.
d. After the K-W-H-L chart begin developing the student's background knowledge (what they know of the subject)- so that they can become familiar with it, hence they will be able to discuss/talk, think, write, and/or create something they like (a book, poster, artwork, survey, etc.).
Show Senator Peter Oberacker how to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle to explore & save the Earth!
Trash is so much more than garbage. How can you re-imagine it for a better future?
Note, any other topic related to earth Day will also be accepted!
Submit your essay, poetry, or artwork to our online Earth Day Showcase. All entries must be electronically sent by 4-19-21
In basso: Manattan. Acrilico su tela.
© Copyright Ottavio Lo Piccolo. All rights reserved. No part of this lesson and artworks, may be copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the authors’ written permission. Classroom teachers may copy/reproduce this lesson, and images, and/or parts of them, but only for instructional purposes, and only for their classroom students. For permissions to publish contact me at and explain in writing what you intend to do with my writings. THANK YOU!
What is Earth? And is it a place to exploit and/or to love
and care?
2. What is Earth Day? And why do many people celebrate it?
Do you love and care for the earth? Why? What do you do?
Do you agree that
the earth is a precious gift to mankind? Why?
Why not?
5. What does the earth
give us humans?
What can we do to
save it from our neglect?
Our pollution and abuse?
7. What do you promise to
do, in order to keep Earth clean?
Do you agree that
everyday should be Earth
day? Why? Why not?
Do you have any ideas on how we could remind/encourage
people to celebrate Earth day every day? By keeping it safe, clean, and healthy?
10. What are the things that harm (hurt) planet
How can we, all of us; individuals, business, communities, corporations, and
government agencies protect
our planet from the threats (dangers) of pollution?
12. What will you
as an individual do to protect the Earth from the threats of pollution?
1. Gli studenti rispondono e scrivono le loro risposte, sul loro foglio di carta (il graphico K-W-H-L, con le 4 domande S-V-C-I, ovvero cosa sai, cosa vuoi sapere, come imparerai, e cosa hai imparato). Se ci sono studenti che non sanno scrivere- l'insegnante scrive le loro risposte sulla lavagna - in modo che e gli studenti (che non sanno scrivere da soli)-possano copiare le risposte sul foglio o il loro graphico. Ricordiamoci di sostenere/assistere di piu' quei studenti che hanno bisogno di aiuto in questa attivita'.
2. Dopo che hanno finito di scrivere le loro risposte, gli studenti (uno alla volta) leggono la loro risposta all'insegnante.
3. Esporre le 8 DE, ovvero le domande centrali/essenziali, della lezione, (elencati sotto nell'elemento H) nella tua classe o nel corridoio - in modo che gli studenti possano rivederli e quindi ripassare le risposte.
Alcuni esempii di risposte date da alcuni studenti:
1. Che cosa sai della Giornata della Terra?
So che in questo giorno ci sono tante manifestazioni.
In questo giorno la gente pulishe i parchi, spiagge, vicinati, ecc.
2. Cosa vuoi sapere a riguardo?
Voglio sapere perché la gente non recicla.
Vorrei sapere quando hanno iniziato a celebrare la giornata della terra.
3. Come imparerai sulla Giornata della Terra?
Potrò imparare dalla TV, dai libri e dalle riviste.
Potrei imparare leggendo una rivista.
4. Che cosa hai imparato da questa lezione sulla Giornata della Terra?
Ho imparato che tutti dobbiamo collaborare per salvare la terra.
Ho imparato che c'e anche una giornata dedicata agli oceani, l'8 di giugno.
(Nota, la quarta domanda verrà risposta alla fine della lezione).
3a. Facoltativo: esporre, le 4 domande precedenti (S-V-C-I) e tutte le risposte degli studenti (sotto ogni singola domanda), su un poster o sulla lavagna- in modo che gli studenti possano ripassarle.
Nota: le 4 domande S-V-C-I possono essere utilizzate anche come quiz/ripasso, o gioco/gara fra gli alunni- chi sa' piu' vince.
Ricordati di;
a. Premiare gli studenti sulla loro buona prestazione / comportamento / atteggiamento.
b. Dai supporto / aiuto se necessario (più spesso) a coloro che hanno difficoltà con la lingua inglese/Italiana (su tutte le modalita': lettura / scrittura / conversazione / ascolto).
c. Sii positivo / gentile e non dimenticare di ripetere (paraphrasare) quando gli studenti commettono errori (cioe' di ripetere correttamente quello che dice lo studente) per non imbarazzarlo e/o umiliarlo.
d. Dopo aver completato/risposto alle prime 3 domande del grafico S-V-C-I, inizia a sviluppare le conoscenze di base dello studente; informandoli per imparare di piu' sull'argomento- ovvero la Terra - in modo che possano familiarizzarsi con essa, quindi saranno in grado di discutere / parlare, pensare, scrivere e / o creare qualcosa che gli piace, come per esempio un libro, un poster, o arte, come un disegno, o un poster, e/o fare un sondaggio, ecc.
La conoscenza di base può essere sviluppata in molti modi; guardando un film documentario, leggendo / discutendo un libro / articoli di una rivista, andando in gita, invitando un oratore esperto in questo argomento, ecc.
Begin by asking your Ss that you're going to reading a book on Earth Day and/or watch a documentary (as the one below). I have provided a list of books down below, at the bottom of this post you may find books on earth Day from your local school/community library).
Summary Disneynature Earth. Documentary- Released in 2007 (90 min.).
An entertaining/educational film that will teach students/people of all ages about the beauty of Earth, hence it is appropriate/perfect for Earth Day! Adults and children of all ages will enjoy it. I did! And so my students.
Inizia dicendo ai tuoi studenti che leggerete un libro sulla Giornata della Terra, oppure che guarderete un documentario (come quello qui sotto; DisneyEarth). Per libri sulla Giornata della Terra- cercateli nelle vostre scuole, biblioteca locali, e/o librerie nella comunità).
Prima di mostrare il film: DisneyEarth !! Inizia con un'introduzione: puoi leggere e/o discutere la spiegazione (sotto) di DisneyEarth !! Questo è un grande film. E' piaciuto a tutti i miei studenti!
Riepilogo Disneynature Earth. Uscito nel 2007 (90 minuti- per tutte le eta').
Un film divertente/educativo che mostrerà a studenti, e persone di tutte le età, la bellezza della Terra. Un documentario adatto/perfetto per la Giornata della Terra! Adulti e i bambini di tutte le età lo apprezzeranno. Questo è un viaggio globale, che rivela come le madri degli animali lottano per crescere i loro figli in un ambiente sempre più pericoloso. Nell'Artico, un orso polare e i suoi due cuccioli appena nati, devono trovare cibo sui ghiacci che si sciogliono rapidamente. In Africa, un elefante e il suo piccolo iniziano un arduo viaggio alla ricerca dell'acqua, ma un branco di leoni si trovano vicini ad attaccarli. Una balena deve mantenere il suo piccolo al sicuro per migliaia di miglia mentre migrano dall'equatore all'Antartide. Uscito il 10 ottobre 2007. È narrato da: Patrick Stewart.
Earth- Official Movie Trailer (watch in HD! 2.10 minutes)- US version, narrated by James Earl Jones. Click on the link to watch it
Click on the link below to watch the full BBC version of this excellent documentary
A. What is Earth Day? Part # I (1)
1. It is a
day that is celebrated on April 22nd. On this day we
celebrate and appreciate our planet; we remember to treat it well and we
do certain things that help it stay clean, healthy, and safe for all living
things. For example, on this day, we may clean an area in our neighborhood,
a road, and/or a park that is filthy with trash. These activities will
help keep our communities and our planet clean and safe from pollution and
other dangers or threats.
2. Earth day is also a day when people plant trees and gardens, clean parks, and write their government to remind them to protect the environment, the land, the water, and the air. Another name for the environment is nature. We must take care of nature because it gives us all we need to survive. Earth provides us with life! It gives us food, air, water, animals, and many beautiful places! Many wonderful plants and animals! Will you promise to take care of it for the rest of your life? Will you pledge (promise) to be kind to the earth and all living things?
3. In schools, many teachers and students learn about this day and how they can prevent planet Earth from being harmed (hurt, destroyed) with poisonous and dangerous chemicals and other forms of pollution that are ruining our planet at this time; as CO2 emissions- these are the gasses that come out of auto vehicles (cars, trucks, etc. also from airplanes, trains and boats/ships), and plastic trash- our single- use plastic; items like plastic bags, dishes, straws silverware, swabs (also known as q-tips), dental picks, felt tip markers, disposable razors and many more, in addition to Styrofoam containers and packaging- these are littering (trashing, dirtying, polluting) the oceans of the world.
1. Our
planet faces many threats (dangers) that are manmade- created by
humanity. The first most dangerous threat is nuclear war, and the
second threat is pollution from
several sources; CO2 emissions (smog from auto vehicles and factories), herbicides (plant
killers) and pesticides (bug/insect killers), single-use plastic
trash (things we use once, and then we throw away plastic bags, bottles), and
third is deforestation the cutting
down of forests.
2. There is so much plastic pollution
in the world because the USA, and
many other countries, do not recycle enough; farmers use harmful (damaging) chemicals to
grow their crops, people throw their plastic waste in the trash,
and some even throw it outside, in the environment, on the ground or in the sea.
In fact, 79% of plastic waste (trash, litter, garbage) is accumulating
(going) in landfills (dumps)- and as it sits (stays) in the
natural environment, it contaminates (poisons, spoils) the soil and
water sources, our drinking water. Lots of this plastic waste gets transported
(carried, moved) to the sea by the wind, sewer systems, and water
bodies; creeks, and rivers. In addition to microplastics (tiny pieces of plastic,
1/5 of an inch) are also released from motor vehicle tires, which get washed into
the oceans- by rain- into the sewer system! And microplastics from electric
clothes washers/driers when they wash/dry synthetic clothes
(made with polyester/plastic fibers)!
3. No
wonder why scientists are continuously (constantly, always) warning us.
They tell us that if present trends continue, by 2050, there will be 8
billion metric tons of plastic in the oceans! This means that every minute
that passes, the equivalent of rubbish (trash, garbage) truck
full goes into the world’s oceans! This pollution is poisoning our
drinking water and killing millions of marine (ocean) animals.
4. So, it is evident, that everyone, me, you, our families, businesses, corporations, and governments must reduce and eventually stop this enormous (huge,
very big) amount of waste that is filling and destroying our planet
For more info on climate
change visit/click on the link below by NASA: The Effects of Climate
C. HOW CAN WE PROTECT THE EARTH? Part III We can all protect Earth and keep it clean and safe if we do at least some of the following things;
1. All of us must apply the 7Rs (at home, at work, and everywhere 24/7). The 7Rs are Respect, Responsibility, Renovation, Reduce, Reuse, Refuse and Recycle. Refuse means not purchasing and/or using all kinds of products 5hat can harm our planet, such as Styrofoam/plastic packaging, cups, containers, and single-use products like plastic bags, bottles, cups, straws, coffee stirrers, and swabs (q-tips). We can replace these with biodegradable products; those made from natural materials (such as wood/paper, cotton, wool, etc.). We must also reuse durable products (made of metal, ceramic, wood, and cloth fibers), and begin using clean renewable energies from the sun, the wind, and the ocean. Second, we must boycott (stop using/buying) plastic/Styrofoam single-use products and disposable products like cigarette lighters, markers, disposable razors, etc.- and replace these items with ones that are degradable and/or long-lasting, made from natural materials/fibers like paper, wood, metals and also from food, as edible cutlery (silverware/dishes, etc).- because natural products do not harm the Earth. Society must gradually and quickly change the linear economy- the one we have now, which makes/produces products that end up in the trash; to a circular economy, one that is sustainable (free of waste and non-polluting)- where products get recycled, re-used, hence re-entered into the economy- therefore reducing waste, making a profit and keeping the environment clean because one other objects in a circular economy are reaching the goal of zero-waste- producing no trash at all!2. Therefore, it is important that we also take care of nature because it gives us all we need to survive. Earth provides us with life! With everything we need to survive and enjoy too! It gives us food, air, and water! And many beautiful places, myriad of (lots of) plants, and many species (types) of animals!
3. So, will you pledge (promise) to take care of planet Earth for the rest of your life? Will you pledge to be kind to the earth and all living things? If you do so, it'll be an act of love- because to love something/someone- we must show it with our actions and our sacrifice- even a small sacrifice is an act of love. We will show the world that you really care for our beautiful, unique (only one), and precious (valuable) planet Earth, our only home when we stop polluting it and treating all living things with care/respect/compassion.
4. I truly hope that you too will become a friend of the earth? Will you become a POPE! A Protector Of Planet Earth! And that you will kindly lead others to do the same.
Below is a list with links to Videos & Movie trailers (short
videos, 4-15 minutes). I invite you to watch some of them and learn more about the effects (results) and devastation
(destruction and harm) that plastic waste is doing to our oceans. Also, if you
can, view some of the films listed at the end of this lesson.
Documentary Movies
A Plastic Ocean - Trailer (2:09 min)
2. Plastic Paradise. The GREAT Pacific
Garbage Patch.\
Plastic Oceans | What is the impact of
pollution in the sea? 12 minutes. ABC Science, 2012. Oceans are silently choking on our
plastic waste.
Videos on the threat of
ocean plastic pollution and solutions
How does plastic end up in our oceans? (1.2 min) Aug 24, 2017 By
A truckload
of plastic is entering our oceans every single minute. But how does it get into
the sea? Find out by watching this fascinating video. If we act together - we
can hold governments and corporations to account and stop our oceans from becoming
dumping grounds for plastic. Pledge to end ocean plastics now:
The effects of ocean
pollution (1.5 min) Aug 6,
2016, by Project Seavax
Are You Eating Plastic for Dinner? | Short
Film Showcase (4.4 min)
Oct 23,
We Need to Stop Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans FOR GOOD | Oceana (4 min) Oct 9, 2019
5. Ocean Pollution - Save Our Marine Life (4 min) -
6. How We Can Keep Plastics Out of Our Ocean | National Geographic (3
7. How to Save Our Planet (8.3 min) by Apr 5, 2019, by WWF International
It’s simple. Sir David Attenborough explains
how humans can take charge of our future and save our planet. What is Our
Planet? A Netflix original documentary series and groundbreaking collaboration
between WWF, Netflix, and Silverback Films, Our Planet showcases the world's
natural wonders, iconic species, and wildlife spectacles that still remain. We
are all a part of this amazing planet, but we're changing it like never before.
Discover the story of the one place we all call home. Watch Our Planet on
a. Nuclear war. Humanity could destroy Earth many times over
because many countries have too many nuclear weapons; bombs, missiles,
rockets, and airplanes that can deliver unimaginable destructive power.
b. High levels of CO2 emissions. This is pollution or smog that comes from fossil fuels, (coal,
gasoline oil, and methane gas- that are used in auto vehicles (cars,
trucks, vans, SVs, motorcycles, etc.) and factories. CO2 emissions damage
(harm) the Earth, and our environment
(air, soil, and water). They cause the acidification of the oceans and the rising of the temperature in the water,
which damage the ocean ecosystem (its area, its animals, and plants) and
it also causes unpredictable (unstable, crazy) weather patterns
all over the world. The rising of the temperature in the oceans causes: flash
(quick/destructive) floods, droughts (no rainwater), heat
waves, forest fires, melting of the poles, and the
world’s glaciers. In turn, this melting causes the rising of sea level.
c. Deforestation, the cutting down of forests, is also another
problem; wild animals are dying and running out of space, they come in closer
contact with domestic animals and humans, hence they transmit viruses,
like the covid19- which came from bats to pigs and to people.
d. Herbicides (plant killers) and pesticides (bug/insect killers) - chemicals- that farmers use to grow and
control their crops. These chemicals have killed millions of bees and polluted
the soil (earth), creeks, rivers, lakes, and oceans. In addition
to our drinking water, these chemicals, when released (freed, let go),
in the environment, make people and animals sick with cancer.
e. Single-use plastic trash- the things we use once, and then throw
away- like plastic bags, bottles, silverware, cups, lids/caps, straws, dishes, swabs (or q-tips), dental picks, food containers, balloons and disposable items,
cigarette lighters, markers, razors and more.
f. Disposable products are things like cigarette lighters, markers, disposable
razors, etc. - They must be replaced because they create lots of waste that
pollute and contaminate the Earth.
g. Degradable products are usually also long-lasting, they last a long
time, and they are made from natural materials/fibers like paper, wood, and metals and also from food, such as edible
cutlery (silverware/dishes, etc.).- because they are natural products and
do not harm the Earth.
h. The linear
economy- is the type we have now
in most places- this economy (or way
of creating things and labor or work) makes products that eventually end up in
the trash.
i. The circular
economy, is sustainable (free of waste and
non-polluting)- where products get recycled, re-used, and hence
re-entered into the economy- therefore reducing waste, making a profit, and
keeping the environment clean too!
j. Zero-waste means producing no trash at all!
k. Neglect means to abandon, to leave
alone, to disregard, to be disinterested in something and/or someone. We have neglected our planet in the last 60-100
years! It’s about time we change our attitude and course!
k. Micro plastic are tiny plastic fragments (1/5 of an inch) that break up from the plastic trash that has
been sitting in the soil and/or floating in the oceans for years. Microplastics are also
released from motor vehicle tires and from electric clothes washers/driers
when they wash/dry synthetic clothes (made with
polyester/plastic fibers)! They get washed into the oceans- by rain and the sewer
l. Microbeads are also very small pieces of plastic that are in polyester
clothes and also in some toothpaste and women’s cosmetics (make-up)- luckily, many countries have banned microbeads from toothpaste and cosmetics. That is why it’s a good idea not to wash
polyester clothes in hot water and also avoid putting them in electric driers
for a long because the microbeads get blown into the air. Drying clothes in the
sun or in an empty room is a lot safer and cheaper too!
1. Earth Day è un giorno che si celebra il 22 aprile. In questo giorno noi - l'umanità - tante persone nel mondo, celebrano e apprezzano (siamo grati) il nostro pianeta. In questo giorno le persone ricordano a tutti di trattare bene la Terra, ma asnche ogni giorno! E fanno certe cose che aiutano il nostro pianeta a rimanere pulito, sano e al sicuro per tutti gli esseri viventi.
2. Ad esempio, in questo giorno, alcune persone hanno un cleaning party! Una festa di pulizia! Puliscono un'area del loro vicinato, una strada, una spiaggia, i attorno la loro scuola! E/o un parco pieno di spazzatura. Quindi, in questo giorno le persone cercano di mantenere il nostro pianeta pulito e al sicuro da inquinamento e altri pericoli.
3. Il giorno della terra è anche un giorno in cui le persone piantano alberi e scrivono i loro capi di governo, e ricordano loro di proteggere l'ambiente, la terra, l'acqua e l'aria- l'ambiente, la natura.
4. Nelle scuole, molti insegnanti e studenti parlano di questo giorno e come possono proteggere il pianeta Terra di essere danneggiato con sostanze chimiche velenose e pericolose e altre forme di inquinamento che stanno rovinando il nostro pianeta in questo momento; come emissioni di CO2: questi sono i gas che escono dai veicoli automobilistici (auto, camion, ecc.) e dai rifiuti di plastica: la nostra plastica monouso; articoli come sacchetti di plastica, piatti, posate, cannucce, q-tips, pennarelli, rasoi usa e getta e molti altri, e anche contenitori e imballaggi di polistirolo: questi sono rifiuti (spazzatura, sporcizia, inquinamento) degli oceani del mondo.
5. Allora, è importante anche che ci prendiamo cura della natura perché ci dà tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno per sopravvivere. La terra ci fornisce la vita! Con tutto! Ci dà cibo, aria e acqua! E molte belle piante e animali!
6. Quindi, prometterai di prendersi cura del pianeta Terra per il resto della tua vita? T'impegnerai ad essere gentile con la terra e tutti gli esseri viventi? Se lo fai, sarà un atto d'amore - perché se veramente amiamo qualcuno o qualcosa- dobbiamo mostrarlo con le nostre azioni e il nostro sacrificio - anche un piccolo sacrificio è un'atto d'amore. Mostreremo al mondo che c'interessa veramente il nostro bellissimo, unico e prezioso pianeta Terra? La nostra unica casa! Smetteremo di inquinarlo e tratteremo tutti gli esseri viventi con cura, rispetto e compassione?
7. Spero davvero che anche tu diventi un POPE! Un Protettore Of Planet Earth- del Pianeta Terra! E che indurrai, gentilmente, gli altri a fare lo stesso.
1. Have students make;
Plastic Oceans has two feature films coming in 2021! The first, Against the Current, has just finished post-production. It tells the story of Sarah Ferguson - Endurance Athlete's an attempt at a human-first swim around Rapa Nui (Easter Island), all to raise awareness about plastic pollution. Here's the first look! Visit webpage here:
D. Discuss the vocabulary words below (from the documentary movie Disney nature Earth) with your teacher, before and/or after watching this fun/educational documentary. You can talk/discuss/explain these vocabulary words- from this movie- prior to showing the movie, and then review it, and give the student a quiz to challenge them.
Directions. Answer the following questions/sentences (based on the movie Earth, by Disney) by circling/underlining or highlighting the correct letter/s.
D. Discuti il vocabolario sulla Terra e sulla sostenibilita', dopo aver visto il documentario: DisneyEarth. Questo si puo' fare prima o dopo aver visto il documentario. Queste domande possono essere usate come quiz alla fine della lezione.
Indicazioni. Rispondi alle seguenti domande / frasi (basate sul film Earth, di Disney) facendo circolare / sottolineando le lettere corrette.
1. Earth is a perfect livable planet because (circle/underline or highlight, all the correct choices, and cross out the wrong words);
It is...
a. too far from the sun
b. too near to the sun,
c. at a perfect distance from the sun.
d. at a perfect distance from Mars.
2. The earth is the only planet that we know of, which has…
a. Bear, air, fair,
b. oxygen, air, food, water, animals, and beauty
c. Origin, and oregano
d. Water, beer, whisky, risky
3. What’s the angle of the earth in relation to the sun, called?
The… a. weather b. tilt c. quilt
4. What factor (or thing), about the earth is responsible for making the seasons?
The… a. tilt b. quit c. oceans
5. To coax means to…
a. call, encourage b. yell at, discourage
My mom always coaxes me with loving words as these: "Honey, would you please do this for me? Or, "Come here my son!"
6. Animals like raccoons, or hungry people, who scavenge for food…
a. eat the left overs of other animals and/or they may steal it
b. Hunt for their own food
As a child I used to scavenge sausage and cheese! How about you? Did you scavenge too?
7. A migration is a… a. staying in one place all the time
b. moving to a different area of the world, and/or region
8. To migrate is a… a. movement, hence a verb
b. noun, something you can touch/feel
9. Game herds are a group of… a. people
b. wild, domestic animals
10. Ferocious winds are very… a. weak, not too strong
b. strong, devastating, very strong
11. Fertile or lush lands are very…
a. productive, filled with lively green plants
c. Unproductive with very few plants
12. The rain forests are at the… a. bottom and top- at the poles b. middle of the earth- at the tropics
13. In the rain forests it…
a. never rains, the days are cold, and it has different seasons.
14. A quest is a… a. hiding b. searching for something, c. not doing nothing
15. PREDATORS are animals that… a. enjoy b. kill
16. A PREY is an animal that is… a. killed, a victim
17. Someone or something that DOMINATES is very…
a. strong/important
b. insignificant, not important and weak
18. To Protect means to… a. defend, support, encourage b. destroy, poison, kill
19. To Reduce means to… a. increase or use more
b. use less
20. To pollute means to make our planet…
a. clean, healthy b. dirty, filthy, unhealthy
21. Renewable/clean energy is energy that is..
a. clean, pure, healthy
b. dirty, filthy, unhealthy for our planet.
22. Renewable/clean energy comes from… a. Planet Mars b. space
c. nature, like the sun, the earth (geothermal energy),
23. Fossil fuels pollute… a. less, a little b. more, a lot, much than any other type of energy.
24. To keep a low carbon footprint we have to use…
a. more b. less products and energy.
25. Single-use plastic is plastic that we use…
a. over and over, or for a long time b. only once
26. Something that is durable is… a. weak b. safe
27. Something that is reusable, means that it…
a. can be used over and over again
b. can never be used
28. Our duty is another words for our… a. money, property
b. work, responsibility, the things we must do.
29. To inform means to give/pass… a. money, food
b. information and/or knowledge
30. The environment is another name for…
a. Earth, land, water and air, and nature
b. Moon c. universe
31. Plastic pollution is… a. clean b. dirty, poisoned
environment- soil, water & air.
32. A threat is a… a. safe and healthy
b. dangerous and unhealthy condition.
33. Federal political leaders work at the…
a. State assembly and the Governor
b. federal level; in Washington DC with the President, in Congress- they are senators and congressmen/women.
34. To enforce means to… a. apply and follow
b. let it go and do nothing
35. To pledge means to… a. give, offer
b. receive, get c. promise
36. To be indifferent means to be… a. caring, interested
b. uncaring, uninterested
37. To be concerned means… a. to inform oneself and care b. not to care and find out
38. The northern Hemisphere is the... a. top half
b. bottom half of the Earth.
39. The southern Hemisphere is the... a. top half
b. bottom half of the Earth.
40. The center of the earth is... a. cold and dry- no rain
b. hot and rainy
41. The imaginary line at the center of the Earth is called... a. numerator b. arctic circle c. equator
42. An imaginary line is a line that is... a. real- you can see
43. The North and South Poles are... a. at the top and bottom
44. Sustainable methods are things that we do, like;
45. Circle and/or highlight in yellow the correct choices. Some other examples of sustainable products are...
a. renewable energy from the sun, the wind, the ocean and geothermal (the ground)
b. Using vast (large) amounts of fossil fuels (oil, gas and methane)
c. Using as little as possible fossil fuels
d. Fossil fuels are good for the environment- they do not cause climate change.
e. Fossil fuels are not good for the environment- they do cause climate change.
#3. Post these words in your classrooms/hallway. Make flash cards with the bold/highlighted vocabulary word on one side, and a short/simple written explanation on the other side. Post on a vocabulary wall and play games with your students.
E. WHICH PARTS, OF THE Disney Earth movie, YOU LIKED THE MOST, and which parts did you like the LEAST (less, not much).
Write 4 sentences that describe at least 2-4 parts you liked the most, and 1-2 parts that made you sad, in this film/movie.
1. I liked the part when the ducklings were jumping off their home in the tree trunk.
2. I loved the part when the baby polar bears came out of their den with their mom and started walking on the snow for the first time in their life.
3. I also enjoyed the part with the funny acting by two birds in the rain forest. One bird cleaned its home, and another bird danced and changed its face all the time.
4. I was sad when I saw the polar bear die from starvation.
There were many favorite parts in this documentary movie. The first one was when the baby polar bears came out of their den with their mom and started walking on the snow for the first time in their life. The second one was when the ducklings were jumping off their home in the tree trunk. The third one I enjoyed the most, because it was the funniest part; it happened when the birds in the rain forest acted funny. One bird that cleaned its home, and another bird that danced and changed its face all the time. However, one part that made me sad was when I saw the polar bear that couldn’t find stable ice to walk on, and he almost drowned, but later one it died anyway from starvation because he couldn’t find food.
Remember to;
a. Indent one inch
b. Start with the topic sentence- Example: “There were many favorite parts in this documentary movie, and these were my favorite parts.”
c. List your parts in chronological order (1st to last): First, Second, Third, etc.
d. Finish with a sad part
- Write your answers down, and then post/display 2-3 answers in your classroom. An answer that really mean something to you, and that you like others to know.
- Discuss them with your classmates/teachers and
- tell them why you chose them.
1. Do you love and care for the earth? Why? What do you do?
2. Do you agree that the earth the greatest gift of all? Why?
Why not?
3. What does the earth provide (give) us humans?
4. What can we do to save it from our neglect, our indifference? Our pollution and our abuse?
5. What do you personally promise to do, and will actually do it, in order to keep the earth clean?
6. Do you agree that everyday should be an earth day? Why? Why not?
7. Do you have any ideas on how we could remind/encourage people to celebrate earth day every day?
8. Do you have any ideas/suggestions on how we can reduce, or cut down, and/or eliminate, or stop, all types of pollution?
I. DIRECTIONS. Answer the questions below by underlining or circling the correct word/s and writing it/them on the line. Use the words below to help you.
life, death, health, poison, oxygen, air, water, food, fruits, vegetables, nuts, beauty, adventure, ugliness, trees, grass, lakes, rivers, mountains, animals, boredom, excitement, happiness, fun, joy, sadness, love, hate, learning
Example: We must use sustainable (wasteful, sustainable) methods in order to save Earth.
1. Why is the earth the greatest gift of all?
The earth is the greatest gift of all because it gives us (many, few) ____________ things and because
2. What does the earth provide/give us humans? The earth provides/give us humans with...
3. To save our planet Earth, we can...
Circle, and/or highlight the good actions that help our planet stay healthy, and cross out the bad actions/habits, or bad/things/habits that harm, or hurt, the Earth.
a. Protect (defend) apply the 4Rs
b. Throw everything in the trash, destroy (poison, kill)
c. Reduce (use less) / increase (use more) the amount of products/ waste
d. Clean, protect, don't litter
e. Pollute parks and water bodies, like rivers, lakes and oceans.
f. Use more / less renewable/clean energy that comes from nature, like the sun, the earth (geothermal energy), the wind and the ocean’s waves.
g. Use / don’t use fossil fuels (gasoline, coal) and use more gasoline vehicles (cars, trucks, trains, buses).
h. Buy / don't buy locally grown foods (hence we use less / more energy for transportation and therefore make less / more pollution).
i. Buy foods from other nations, or faraway places; so that we use less / more energy for transportation- therefore we make less / more pollution).
j. Don't / Do apply the 4Rs in our homes, at school and at work; recycle, plastic bags, plastic water bottles and containers, soda cans, glass, metal, paper and cardboard.
Do use / don't use Styrofoam cups and/or trays.
k. Do buy/use / don't buy use disposable products like plastic silverware (or cutlery: forks, knives & spoons), dishes, straws, stirrers, swabs (or q-tips), disposable razors, etc.
l. Keep /don't keep a low carbon footprint; meaning that my family and I use less products, so we create less waste, and therefore we pollute less.
m. Use / don't do use plastic bags when shopping- instead use durable (strong) reusable shopping bags- so we don’t make more waste that fills/pollutes the land, the water, the air and the oceans.
n. Do / Don't inform/educate others (family and friends) about pollution and how to protect the earth from this threat (danger).
o. Do / do not bother to write to others about pollution and how to protect the Earth. We should / shouldn't write/communicate with the local/national news media outlets (newspapers, magazines, online blogs, TV and radio stations), to our government leaders in our cities, our counties, our State leaders (the Governor, State senators and assemblymen/women), and also our federal leaders in Washington DC (the President, the senators & congressmen/women).
p. We must / must not tell/demand our legislators (political leaders (but always politely and/or kindly) to pass/enforce laws to protect our planet.
q. We should / should not present them the problem/problems, or issue/issues, with facts, not just options
r. We must / must not take responsibility for our actions now; hence, we should / should not stop polluting and start reducing/reusing/recycling products that can harm our planet.
I. What do you do to help the earth stay healthy and clean? (pick the things that you will do, from the list below, or make up your own).
Here are some things/actions you may chose to do;
a. At home, in school, at work, and everywhere/at all times I will follow the 4Rs (reduce, reuse, refuse and recycle) of plastic bags, plastic water bottles and containers, soda cans, glass, metal, paper and cardboard. I will try my best to avoid single-use, and/or any disposable plastic items, like plastic cups, dishes and plastic silverware, razors, lighters, straws, coffee cups, etc.
b. I will try to keep a low carbon footprint; meaning that my family and I will use less products, and energy (electricity and gasoline), so we will make less waste, and therefore pollute less.
c. Will not use plastic bags when we go shopping, but instead I use durable (strong) reusable shopping bags- so I don’t make more waste that goes into the ocean.
d. Inform and teach other students, my family and friends about all kinds of pollution and how to protect the earth from this threat (danger).
e. Write articles, essays, stories on my personal blog (on the Internet), and to our local news media outlets (newspapers, magazines and radio stations), about environmental issues (problems) to our government leaders in my city (Albany, Colonie, Latham, Saratoga, Malta, Rotterdam, Troy, Schenectady, NY), and State leaders in Albany (the Governor, NY State senators and assemblymen/women), and also our federal leaders in Washington DC (the President, the senators and congressmen/women). And I will lobby for (support the banning of) single - use plastic and foam, and will tell them to declare all single-use plastic and Styrofoam hazardous to the environment, and will request them to pass/enforce laws to protect our planet.
f. Speak, inform and teach others about environmental issues; to students, colleagues, the media and political leaders at all levels, at the local level, in my town, in my county, at the State Assembly, and federal government in Washington DC.
g. I will make make artworks that show the beauty of nature- so that others may be inspired to protect it.
Your answer could start like this:
To help the earth stay healthy and clean I promise that I will do the following things...
Example: Recycle all the things I can, and use less polluting products and drive less.
I will do the following things:
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
K. ACTIONS that CAN EFFECT THE EARTH… Chose at least 5 that you will do
I will: Recycle plastic Throw plastic in the trash
1. ________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________
L. Write a paragraph and/or an Essay; Title:
Planet Earth is Our Home. How will I Protect Her?
What do you promise to do, in order to keep the earth clean?
Example- these are the things, that I, Mr. O, the teacher, will do myself;
These are the things I will do to protect planet Earth. I will teach/model the ideals/virtues of the 3Rs; Respect, Responsibility and React- toward planet Earth- by showing it with my example/actions.
So, first, I will be teaching (as I have done since 2016) about the beauty, the wonder and majesty of the earth; by explaining the of the 3Rs and that each one of us has toward our planet Earth.
Second, I will be applying (as I have already done- for over 20 years) the 7Rs in my life- at home, at work- in the classrooms and schools that I serve (work at). Hence, I will apply the 4 concrete Rs of: Reduce, Reuse, Refuse and Recycle all plastic that I can; like water bottles, bags, soda cans, cups, lids, glass/metal containers, paper and cardboard. I will do my best, not to throw single-use plastic items in the trash, and will not use Styrofoam items!
Third, I will also try not to reduce and/or avoid the use of Styrofoam and plastic bags, and instead I will use durable (strong) reusable shopping bags.
Fourth, I will not use disposable items, like lighters, straws, swabs (or q-tips) and Styrofoam cups, food containers, etc.- these are used once, aren't recyclable, and then they are thrown away in the trash, like plastic dishes, silverware, razors and many others. These products create a lot of waste- also harmful to the environment.
Fifth, as an educator (teacher), I will also inform and teach my students, my family and friends about pollution and how to protect the earth from the threats (dangers) of pollution and in particular of plastic trash.
Sixth, I will keep writing/communicating, about ways to help save the earth from the effects of pollution. I will write articles, essays, reflections (my thoughts/ideas/opinion), and will communicate also with political leaders; starting with my local government leaders in my city/town, County, my State leaders (the Governor, the senators and assemblymen/women in Congress), and to the President. And I will present them the problem of pollution, and I will ask them to protect the earth by taking preventive actions, like keeping plastic away from the environment- by improving the waste collection system in our city/county- since plastic pollution (trash, bottles, bags, Styrofoam cups/containers/trays, and plastic wraps/packaging) poisons the Earth, the oceans and it kills life. I will also respectfully, but forcefully demand (ask kindly) that they enforce (applying, carry out) and fund (invest, get the money for the infrastructure (raods, bridges, plants/factories) that will better collecting and separate all recycling materials: plastic, metals, and glass.
Seventh, I promise to keep my word and do the things I said above, because it is the right thing to do; planet earth belongs to all of us, hence it is also my home, therefore, I will do my part to keep it clean and healthy for my family and for others, and do it asap- as soon as possible- because it is imperative (important) that I do my part now, not later- because it maybe too late. I hope that you agree with me and join me in this effort, of in protecting the environment from further (more) destruction.
Eight, I will not delay (wait, or waste time), because to wait- it maybe too late for our planet and us, humanity, the people of the whole world, and it may be definitely too late for my children- and also the future of you, my students!
Ninth, I will try to build consensus (agreement) and get as many people to participate in this effort, of saving earth- or humanity will not be able to survive without a clean/safe planet Earth.
(c) Ottavio Lo Piccolo 2018, Teachers may make copies only for their students in an educational setting. Publication, in part, or whole, requires written permission from the author.
For a hard copy of this lesson, or have any questions, please contact me at Home tel: 518-370-4476
Images below are from Torretta, the little town where I grew up, near Palermo, Sicily, in southern Italy.
The town of Torretta, seen from Bello Lampo Mountain

Above, Isola delle Femmine, or Woman's Island, as seen from one of the mountains above Torretta.
Action Alert: Petition to Help Protect Coral Reefs- SIGN THE PETITION TO SAVE THEM! At:
Here’s what you can do to help protect coral reefs. Buy and use only oxybenzone and octinoxate-free sunscreens and sign our petition urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to remove these chemicals from sunscreens. The FDA has issued a proposed rule that would update regulatory requirements for most sunscreen products in the United States and is seeking public comment until May 28, 2019.
Extended exposure to the sun’s rays can be harmful, which is why wearing sunscreen is so important. Equally as important is making sure that the sunscreens we are wearing are not harming the outdoor environment we enjoy. That is why it is essential we demand access to sunscreen that is free of the coral-killing oxybenzone and octinoxate.
The Environmental Working Group has found that both ingredients are found in nearly 65% of non-mineral sunscreens. Consumers have the right to protect themselves and their children from the sun without causing harm to the outdoor environment.
For this reason, Earth Day Network is asking you to sign this petition urging the FDA to remove oxybenzone and octinoxate from sunscreens.
Also read articles on: BIOPLASTICS, and National Geographic: A RUNNING LIST OF ACTION ON PLASTIC POLLUTION. Find out how you can help reduce plastic and Styrofoam- two of the biggest polluters/poisons on the Earth. Sign two petitions (at the bottom) to save the coral reefs and Ban Plastic & Styrofoam.
In the background, on the Mediterranean Sea, you can see the Island of Ustica- on the right.
For those of us who want to help our planet by reducing the threat of plastic and foam- I'd like to share parts of two reports/articles;
The first one is titled: BIOPLASTICS. MADE FROM PLANTS & NATURAL MATERIALS from The Food Revolution Network
to read all of it logon to:
Second, from National Geographic is titled:
A running list of action on plastic pollution. The world is waking up to a crisis of ocean plastic—and we're tracking the developments and solutions as they happen.
to read all of it logon to:
- * Fabin, S. ( 2014). Who Was Rachel Carson? New York: Puffin Book Group.
- *Kudlinski, K. (1989). Rachel Carson: Pioneer of Ecology. New York: Puffin Books.
- * Lawlor. L (2012). Rachel Carson and Her Book That Changed the World. New York: Holiday House.
- Levine, E. (2007) Up Close: Rachel Carson a twentieth-century life. New York: Penguin Group.
- Sounder, W. (2012). On a Farther Shore:
The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson. New York: Crown Publishers.
- Donald, R. L. (2001). Recycling. A True Book. New York: Children’s Press.
- Barraclough, S. (2008). Making a Difference: Recycling Things. North Mankato, Minnesota: Sea-to-Sea Publications.
- Barraclough, S. (2008). Making a Difference: Reducing Things. North Mankato, Minnesota: Sea-to-Sea Publications.
- Barraclough, S. (2008). Making a Difference: Reusing Things. North Mankato, Minnesota: Sea-to-Sea Publications.
- Jakab, C. (2010). Environment in Focus: Waste Management. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Canvendish Corporation.
- Morgan, S.(2006). Waste and Recycling. North Mankato, Minnesota: Smart Apple Media.
- Walker, K. (2005). Plastics. North
Mankato, Minnesota: Smart Apple Media,
- Clean
Energy Nation: Freeing America From The Tyranny Of Fossil Fuels by congressmen Jerry McNerney,
Ph. D. and Martin Cheek (Amacom
- Renewable
Energy Made Easy: Free Energy from Solar, Wind, Hydropower, and Other
Alternatives Energy Sources by David
Craddock (Atlantic Publishing Group, 2008)
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