OUR FAMILIES CAN BE OUR TICKET TO PARADISE... in the meantime; 4 solutions to reach earthly tranquillity.
I did not say it, but Jesus did- in one of his messages to Anne the lay apostle. I read it in one of the booklets (if I remember correctly it is the one with the title: Heaven Speaks to Families, or Jesus Speaks to Young Apostles, published by Direction For Our Times (www.directionforourtimes.org).
I believe in this message from Jesus, and it also seems logical to me that if we are not able to love our families, then we do not deserve heaven. How can we, as Christians, believe that we deserve heaven when we treat our loved ones badly? What worth/value does it have to treat others (friends, strangers) well, just to make a good impression, and then treat our loved ones with contempt, or hate, or with indifference, hate, and perhaps with moral and physical violence?
Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta once asked:
As usual, Mother Teresa gave a simple answer:

When loved ones OFFEND AND HUMILIATE us- we have to explain to them-or to anyone, who offend/hurts us that they are wrong. This is important in order to make them stop and make changes- to build peace. But if our
loved ones do not listen, then we should look for a
THIRD person- a PEACEMAKER- someone who is objective and
will help us resolve our family problems and HELP US MAKE peace. This is certainly another way/solution that may work; to
reach civility and tranquillity in our families.
3. Pray for and trust in God
It is natural to think that what mother Teresa says is not easy. I agree it isn't, especially when our loved ones have treated us badly many times. I also think that when this happens, we also must remember Jesus promise that he made to Saint Faustian Kolwaska, also a catholic nun: say this prayer often: JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. So, it is clear to me that we must pray for both, us and our family members, and hope that they will change and become more compassionate. Although, often it will take sometime- and only God knows how long! So we act kindly and pray harder!
4. Stay away from loved ones who want to abuse/hurt us
In the meantime- while we pray and wait for changes to happen and peace to return; we must protect ourselves, our families and our health, our mental and physical well-being, by STAYING AWAY/AVOIDING THOSE WHO want to HURT US. This is also a good solution for the offender too- so that by being away from each other- there are no further chances of escalations and/or more violence/abuse and/or making things worse. What is the sense of staying near those who want to humiliate, hurt and abuse us? It doesn't make any sense, and it doesn't help anyone. Separation is the best solution to avoid being hurt and sometimes even killed.
It is natural to think that what mother Teresa says is not easy. I agree it isn't, especially when our loved ones have treated us badly many times. I also think that when this happens, we also must remember Jesus promise that he made to Saint Faustian Kolwaska, also a catholic nun: say this prayer often: JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. So, it is clear to me that we must pray for both, us and our family members, and hope that they will change and become more compassionate. Although, often it will take sometime- and only God knows how long! So we act kindly and pray harder!
4. Stay away from loved ones who want to abuse/hurt us
In the meantime- while we pray and wait for changes to happen and peace to return; we must protect ourselves, our families and our health, our mental and physical well-being, by STAYING AWAY/AVOIDING THOSE WHO want to HURT US. This is also a good solution for the offender too- so that by being away from each other- there are no further chances of escalations and/or more violence/abuse and/or making things worse. What is the sense of staying near those who want to humiliate, hurt and abuse us? It doesn't make any sense, and it doesn't help anyone. Separation is the best solution to avoid being hurt and sometimes even killed.
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