What you and I can, and must do, to reduce it and prevent a global environmental disaster! One-Recycling-Bin-At-A-Time.
(Note: this post is still being updated with more images)

By Ottavio Lo Piccolo
Dedicated to my dad, G. Battista Lo Piccolo, my uncle Toto’ Vitale, Pope Francis, Former
Nobel Laureates President Obama and former Vice President Al Gore.
And Saint Francis of
Lo Piccolo © 2018. All rights reserved. Copies
can only be made only
in an educational environment- to educate students. A written request is
required from the author to quote and/or publish part of
this resource.
Content - Topics
Introduction- Why I created this resource
Introduction- Why I created this resource
I. Problem- Why the Oceans are in danger
II. Solutions for all- to reduce PLASTIC trash/pollution
II. Solutions for all- to reduce PLASTIC trash/pollution
III. Solutions- from National Geographic Magazine
IV. Solutions; online sources- by other countries
V. Another Solution; Education & Activism
VI. Consumers / Buyers have the power to change the world
VII. Educational Resources. Documentary films
VIII. Nature Movies, Earth//Ocean Day Lessons
IX. Videos. Educational/informative (short ones)
X. Celebrate Earth Day & World Ocean’s Day
X. Celebrate Earth Day & World Ocean’s Day
XI. Lessons. ENL (English as a New language) on the Oceans
XII. Petitions. Mine/others that Aim at protecting the Oceans.
XIII. How Governments can help Reduce Plastic Waste/Pollution
XIV. Communication with Authorities (in politics/business) at all Levels
XIV. Communication with Authorities (in politics/business) at all Levels
XV. How to write a Sample Letter to your politicians
XVI. Artwork. Some of my Environmental Themed Paintings
XVII. Proverbs/Sayings. Some of my Favorite ones
XVIII. A little about me, Ottavio Lo Piccolo and this project.
Introduction- Why I created this resource
Dear reader, if you care for our planet, you need to know that our planet is in great danger, in a recent scientific report to the United Nations scientists predict that we have until 2030- only 12 years! to control global warming before it will get out of control and cause irreversible damage to the earth. For more information read the Washington post article titled "The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say", published on Oct. 7, 2018-
Unfortunately, this isn't the only threat to our planet- the world’s oceans are also in grave danger! In addition to CO2 emissions- the oceans are being polluted with our single-use plastic trash (bags, bottles, silverware, cups, lids/caps, straws, dishes, silverware, etc.), and plastic & Styrofoam packaging- used to wrap products and serve food (in Styrofoam cups/trays).
If you are wonder if what I am telling you is the truth- just go on Google and You Tube, and type the following words in the search box: “ocean plastic pollution”. You will find lots of information and videos on this topic. You can also find a list them in this resource, in chapter XII-IX (7-9). However, don’t bother going to your local library and search for this topic- because I already did it this summer- I found many books on pollution and global warming, but nothing on ocean plastic pollution!
I am a school teacher who began learning about ocean plastic pollution in 2016. I’m not trying to scare you- my intent is to help reduce pollution in our environment. Why? Because I have always cared for nature and because plastic trash in destroying our environment and life on earth, and if we don’t take action soon- our survival on Earth will be compromised. That is why I created this resource for people who are concerned, love nature and would like to help her out. To get a hard copy of this resource, contact me- see my contact info. at the bottom of this post/resource.
My objectives in this resource are three; to inform, to raise awareness and encourage positive/effective action at all levels- starting from individuals to families, from to schools to places of worship, to business, to the plastic industry, to government, organizations, etc. We all need to participate so that, we can protect our planet from the scourge of pollution so we can pass it on to our future generations- our children deserve to enjoy it too.
I. Problem- Why the Oceans are in danger Problems.
In addition, these other factors are contributing to the degradation/contamination of the oceans; discarded fishing nets (that are thrown by fishermen into the seas), pesticides and herbicides (that farmers use on their plants/crops- and eventually wind up in creeks/rivers and float to the sea), toothpaste and cosmetics (that contain micro beads- these are tiny pieces of plastic), high level of CO2 emissions (from cattle, yes, cows, and from vehicles/factories, that causes ocean acidification, or warming of ocean waters, which depletes, or destroys ocean life). Sewer waste is also a problem because it is often loaded with micro plastics (tiny pieces/particles of plastic that are found in face scrubs, women cosmetics). Micro plastics are also released from motor vehicle tires (when in motion/driving) and from electric clothes driers when these are used to dry polyester clothes!
We all agree that plastic is a great product! It is cheap, durable, efficient, lightweight- a product found almost anywhere in people’s lives- from silverware, to cars, airplanes, inside our bodies (surgeries), and much more! However, plastic trash is everywhere! On street curbs, in parking lots, in parks, near creeks and rivers, on the side of the highways, in most of our garbage bins… and now it is in the ocean, in the water we drink and in the air we breathe!
What’s the big deal with throwing plastic trash into the garbage? How does all this plastic trash affect the oceans and the land? National Geographic and Green Peace tell us that only 9% percent (of our trash, in the USA) is recycled, and the rest, 79% is accumulating in landfills, hence it is sitting in the natural environment and contaminating our land and water. And at some point, much of it ends up in the oceans. If present trends continue, by 2050, there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic! Scientists estimate that 12 million tons of plastic is entering our oceans every year – that's a rubbish truck full every minute! So, if we keep dumping plastic at this rate, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans, than fish! (Sources: and
Furthermore, 94% of all drinking water in the USA is polluted with plastic, and 70% of the world’s water contains plastic too! (Source: )
Unfortunately, this isn't the only threat to our planet- the world’s oceans are also in grave danger! In addition to CO2 emissions- the oceans are being polluted with our single-use plastic trash (bags, bottles, silverware, cups, lids/caps, straws, dishes, silverware, etc.), and plastic & Styrofoam packaging- used to wrap products and serve food (in Styrofoam cups/trays).
If you are wonder if what I am telling you is the truth- just go on Google and You Tube, and type the following words in the search box: “ocean plastic pollution”. You will find lots of information and videos on this topic. You can also find a list them in this resource, in chapter XII-IX (7-9). However, don’t bother going to your local library and search for this topic- because I already did it this summer- I found many books on pollution and global warming, but nothing on ocean plastic pollution!
I am a school teacher who began learning about ocean plastic pollution in 2016. I’m not trying to scare you- my intent is to help reduce pollution in our environment. Why? Because I have always cared for nature and because plastic trash in destroying our environment and life on earth, and if we don’t take action soon- our survival on Earth will be compromised. That is why I created this resource for people who are concerned, love nature and would like to help her out. To get a hard copy of this resource, contact me- see my contact info. at the bottom of this post/resource.
My objectives in this resource are three; to inform, to raise awareness and encourage positive/effective action at all levels- starting from individuals to families, from to schools to places of worship, to business, to the plastic industry, to government, organizations, etc. We all need to participate so that, we can protect our planet from the scourge of pollution so we can pass it on to our future generations- our children deserve to enjoy it too.
I realize it will take a lot of work and effort to make
it work, but we have no choice, if we
want to take care of this planet, the only livable one we know of! We can do
it if we all work together to solve this global issue. Hence, it is my hope
that you to will take some positive action- do something good/effective- in
reducing plastic trash by applying the 4Rs yourself.
Please encourage your family, your school, your place
of worship, and your work place to do
their part, so that plastic items are not that thrown into the garbage, because they
contaminate our land, our drinking water and our precious oceans.
I tried making this resource simple. If you want to help reduce plastic pollution, just
pick the topic you want from my Content/Topic list above, and go for it!
I. Problem- Why the Oceans are in danger Problems.
In addition, these other factors are contributing to the degradation/contamination of the oceans; discarded fishing nets (that are thrown by fishermen into the seas), pesticides and herbicides (that farmers use on their plants/crops- and eventually wind up in creeks/rivers and float to the sea), toothpaste and cosmetics (that contain micro beads- these are tiny pieces of plastic), high level of CO2 emissions (from cattle, yes, cows, and from vehicles/factories, that causes ocean acidification, or warming of ocean waters, which depletes, or destroys ocean life). Sewer waste is also a problem because it is often loaded with micro plastics (tiny pieces/particles of plastic that are found in face scrubs, women cosmetics). Micro plastics are also released from motor vehicle tires (when in motion/driving) and from electric clothes driers when these are used to dry polyester clothes!
We all agree that plastic is a great product! It is cheap, durable, efficient, lightweight- a product found almost anywhere in people’s lives- from silverware, to cars, airplanes, inside our bodies (surgeries), and much more! However, plastic trash is everywhere! On street curbs, in parking lots, in parks, near creeks and rivers, on the side of the highways, in most of our garbage bins… and now it is in the ocean, in the water we drink and in the air we breathe!
What’s the big deal with throwing plastic trash into the garbage? How does all this plastic trash affect the oceans and the land? National Geographic and Green Peace tell us that only 9% percent (of our trash, in the USA) is recycled, and the rest, 79% is accumulating in landfills, hence it is sitting in the natural environment and contaminating our land and water. And at some point, much of it ends up in the oceans. If present trends continue, by 2050, there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic! Scientists estimate that 12 million tons of plastic is entering our oceans every year – that's a rubbish truck full every minute! So, if we keep dumping plastic at this rate, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans, than fish! (Sources: and
Furthermore, 94% of all drinking water in the USA is polluted with plastic, and 70% of the world’s water contains plastic too! (Source: )
The June 2018 edition of the National Geographic magazine, covered this topic with lots of useful information and statistics. Here are some of them.
- More than 40% of plastic is used once and then it is tossed, some 9 million tons of it end up in the ocean each year. Most of it is thrown carelessly on land or in rivers, mostly in Asia. Ocean plastic is estimated to kill millions of marine animals every year.
- Nearly 700, including endangered ones of species of marine animals, are known to have been effected. Marine species of all sizes, from zooplankton to whales, now eat micro plastics, the bits smaller than one-fifth of an inch across. The beaches on Hawaii’s Big Island are ankle-deep with micro plastics.
- The USA is the world’s 2nd biggest polluter! We are polluting the oceans at an alarming rate with our single-use plastic trash, like; plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic silverware, plastic dishes, cups, lids, straws, stirrers, lighters, markers, and much more. It is estimated that now 94% of all drinking water in the USA is polluted with plastic, and 70% of the world’s water contains plastic too! (Source:
Pollution, over fishing has cut down the world’s coral reefs by 50% in the last 30 years. (Source: Scientists Are Breeding Super Coral That Can Survive Climate Change | VICE on HBO (14 min.)
It is obvious that do not have a lot of time and we all must act if we want to save our planet. Scientist believe that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish. Therefore, it is imperative, extremely important, that we do something now. The objective isn't to eliminate plastic and/or the plastic industry, but reducing plastic trash and preventing it from reaching environment; the land, the oceans and sources of clean water. Humanity won't be able to survive without clean water and healthy oceans.
II. SOLUTIONS FOR ALL- to reduce plastic TRASH/Pollution
1. APPLY THE 4Rs EVERYWHERE/all the time. The 4Rs are: REFUSE, REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE (all plastic). We must void, whenever possible, the use of disposable single-use plastics- items (e.g., bags, cups, lids, dishes, silverware, straws, stirrers, bottles, juice cups, cereal bowls, etc.) and plastic/foam packaging that are used once and then tossed.
2. DEPLOY RECYCLING BINS IN YOUR HOME and/or PLACE OF BUSINESS ( food establishments), IN SCHOOLS (if you are an educator), in CHURCHES, and at WORK, and begin collecting/sorting plastic, metal and glass containers, in addition to cardboard and paper. Remember that if your area that has a single- stream recycling program, you can recycle all plastic that is labeled with the number 1 to number 7 inside a little triangle. Do this ever where in your buildings; in classrooms, in the cafeterias, in hallways, lunges, etc. Place recycling bins next to the trash one- so that people will not miss them!
4. CHOOSE NON-SYNTHETIC FABRICS when possible, hence AVOID, REFUSE and BOYCOTT PRODUCTS THAT CONTAIN MICRO PLASTICS— these are plastic fragments less than 5 millimeters long, which can be washed out of synthetic clothing, like those made of polyester or acrylic. Electric driers also spew out micro plastic when drying polyester clothes! We can also avoid this if you DRY OUR CLOTHES IN THE SUN/OUTSIDE, OR IN AN EMPTY ROOM. So, CONSIDER USING NATURAL FIBERS, as ORGANIC COTTON, WOOL, FLAX & HEMP.
6. AVOID PRODUCTS THAT CONTAIN MICRO BEADS. Plastic micro beads are sometimes added as an exfoliating agent to personal care and beauty products like face scrubs, soaps and toothpaste. These tiny plastic pieces can pass unfiltered through sewage treatment systems and end up in local waterways, and eventually the sea. So, WHEN PURCHASING/USING THESE PRODUCTS LOOK OUT FOR WORDS/TERMS LIKE: "EXFOLIATOR", "SCRUB", "BUFF" and "POLISH". You can also purchase natural toothpaste and cosmetics at your local supermarkets, drugstore and/or online.
7. SUPPORT PLASTIC BANS. American families use more than 1,500 plastic bags every year, according to the NRDC. Plastic bags are rarely recycled, most of them end up in landfills, where they can languish for hundreds of years. Last year, California became the first state to ban single-use plastic bags at all retail outlets, and in 2010, Washington, D.C., implemented a 5-cent fee for all single-use bags, both plastic and paper. Cities and towns in Texas, Hawaii, Massachusetts and Colorado, among other states, have also embraced some form of single-use bag legislation. For most of the nation, however, plastic and other single-use bags remain widely available.
The link below is a video by The Years Project, shows how San Francisco, in California is providing a model for cities that want to go green with solar roofs to plastic bag bans. Are our hometowns following suit?
III. Solutions from the National Geographic...
The issue of June 2018 was comprehensive, informative and filled with possible solutions to reduce plastic trash. Here is what some experts suggest. Ted Siegler, a Vermont resource economist who has spent 25 years working with developing nations on garbage, believes that “it’s a matter of building the necessary institutions and systems before the ocean turns, irretrievably and for century to come, into a thin soup of plastic.” (p. 49).
And Richard Thompson, a volunteer hooked on beach clean-up, believes that the “real solution is to stop plastic from entering the ocean in the first place- and then rethink whole approach to the amazing stuff. We’ve done a lot of work making sure that plastic does its job, but very little amount of work on what happens to that product at the end of its lifetime. I’m not saying plastics are the enemy, but there is a lot the industry can do to help solve this problem.” (p. 69)
Here are the ways in which industry can help, according to National Geographic;
1. Design new plastics and new plastic products that are either biodegradable or more recyclable. (p. 69)
2. Impose a world-wide tax of a penny for every pound of plastic resin manufactured. The tax would raise roughly six billion dollars a year that could be used to finance garbage collection systems in developing nations. (p. 90)
2. Impose a world-wide tax of a penny for every pound of plastic resin manufactured. The tax would raise roughly six billion dollars a year that could be used to finance garbage collection systems in developing nations. (p. 90)
3. Apply the “circular economy” model, in which everything is reused or recycled and “any leakage” into the environment, whether biodegradable or not, is not acceptable.
4. Increase deposit fees on plastic bottles. Norway has raised some of them to 32 cents, placed recycling machines that ingest bottles and spit our refunds, at most supermarkets.
5. Six things you can do to reduce plastic; give up plastic bags and take reusable ones to the store. A trillion plastic shopping bags are used worldwide every year, and 100 billion in the US alone. Denmark passed the first bag tax in 1993. (p. 91)
6. Skip straws, unless you have medical needs, or use paper ones. Americans toss 500 million plastic straws every day, or about 1.5 per person.
7. Pass up plastic bottles. Invest in refillable water bottles. Some come with a filter if you’re concerned about water quality. Several cities, including San Francisco and Bundanoon, in Australia, have banned or partially banned bottled water. But around the world, nearly a million plastic beverage bottles are sold every minute. (My family and I use an electric water fountain instead of buying bottled water. This is not only good for the environment, but also good for our budget, since our water cost is a lot lower.)
VI. Other solutions from other online sources- by other countries
VI. Other solutions from other online sources- by other countries
8. Sweden also charges a little more on plastic bottles deposits; they get from 5 cents to 30 cents per bottle/can- depending on its size, so their recycling/return rate is 95%! Sweden also burns trash to make electricity! From 3,000 lbs. of trash they get 1,000lbs of fuel! They even import it! They buy trash from other countries! Their trash turned into energy pollutes only 1%!
9. Swedish runners pick up plastic trash as they run!
10. Germany has turned recycling into a business- into a circular economy! They make a profit from trash! Because the government has regulated it.
11. England charges taxes to plastic manufactures (of plastic containers, bottles, etc.) and to packaging makers. This is the industry that packs meats, and other foods. England also paves road with recycled plastic, which is 60% stronger than asphalt (what we normally use).
12. Costa Rica (a small country in Central America) and Rwanda (a small country in Africa) have banned all plastics bags. In addition Costa Rica and Indonesia (a company named AVANI) make biodegradable/natural plastic from the Yucca root! It can be eaten by animals and will not harm them! In India a family makes edible cutlery (silverware) that you can eat! Because it is made from food (rice, millet water, etc.)! Costa Rica has also banned straws, and uses instead straws made from plants, like bamboo.
V. Another Solution… is Education & Activism!
If we want to succeed and get meaningful results in protecting the oceans and our planet we must join forces, with people in our own communities, with organizations and/or agencies that protect the environment, both at the local level and the national. Here are some of my favorite, and that I support;
1. Citizens’ Climate Lobby, or CCL. Protects the environment and meets every 3rd Saturday of the month at the Colonie Public Library, NY, from 10am- 12 noon. Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change by consistently respectful, non-partisan approach to climate education. To join/contact visit:
2. New York League of Conservation Voters, or NYLCV. They fight climate change, conserve land and water, and protect public health in New York State through political action. Contact them at:
3. Ocean Champions- The only political voice for the oceans This is a 501(c) (4) organization with a connected political action committee – the first national organization of its kind focused solely on oceans and ocean wildlife. Our goal is to create a political environment where protecting and restoring the oceans is a national government priority. By helping to elect pro-ocean Congressional candidates and engaging with Congress to pass pro-ocean laws and shoot down bills that would harm the ocean.
4. Earthjustice- www.EARTHJUSTICE.ORG a public interest law firm dedicated to protecting natural resources, the wildlife of this earth and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment. Earthjustice has a legal staff of more than 50 in eight offices around the country. Earthjustice uses federal and state environmental laws to protect the environment by taking government agencies to court for failing to enforce our nation's environmental laws, and corporations for breaking them. Earthjustice does this work on behalf of hundreds of community and environmental groups, providing legal services free of charge.
5. Oceana is the largest international group focused solely on ocean conservation. Their offices in North America, South America and Europe, work together on a limited number of strategic, directed campaigns to achieve measurable outcomes that will help return our oceans to former levels of abundance. They believe in the importance of science in identifying problems and solutions. Their scientists lead a team of economists, lawyers, and advocates focused on achieving tangible results for the oceans. Saving the oceans may take decades, but in each of their campaigns they aim to accomplish an important milestone in that effort within two to five years.
6. The Climate Reality Project. Founded and chaired by Nobel Laureate and former Vice President Al Gore. The Climate Reality Project is dedicated to catalyzing a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent a necessity across every level of society. Join a global community of millions who’ve come together to solve the climate crisis. In the coming days and weeks, we’ll connect you with many ways to take the fight forward. Visit Here you can download the free action kit and learn 12 ways you can educate and inspire your community to take bold action on climate.
7. Environmental defense Fund, or EDF. The aim of this organization is to address today's most urgent environmental challenges by targeting issues that affect people around the world, and working in partnership with others. EDF's headquarters are in New York, and have offices around the world. To contact them visit:
8. SIERRA CLUB to promote legislative environmental changes (I did!), by visiting:
9. Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Schenectady County, NY. This agency provides support in recycling and educating the public. Their contact is Angelina Peone, Recycling Educator, Tel. 518-372-1622 ext 264, Email: and: (You’ll find a 2 page guide, at the back of this resource)
VI. CONSUMERS/ Buyers (me and you) have the POWER to CHANGE THIS SITUATION by REDUCING PLASTIC POLLUTION! If we follow the 4Rs we'll force the plastic industry to change/adjust/cooperate and take responsibility by finding ways/products that better protect the environment (from the devastating impact of plastic on our planet), and help us clean up this mess! You can find other good/reliable/efficient environmental agencies on
VII. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES- Award Winning Documentary films;
1. A PLASTIC OCEAN- This is an adventure documentary shot on more than 20 countries. To take action join the global movement at At this site you can request for a public screening of A PLASTIC OCEAN and to watch trailer CLICK/VISIT:
2. Plastic Paradise. The GREAT Pacific Garbage Patch. The great Pacific garbage patch, is also described as the Pacific trash vortex, a large area that is polluted with plastic. This film was released in August 2010; Plastic Paradise Movie – an independent documentary by Angela Sun uncovering the mystery of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch known as the Plastic Paradise · The source of the garbage patches.\3. An inconvenient sequel- TRUTH TO POWER. This is a powerful and urgent message for humanity. I love VP Al Gore's dedication, passion and leadership in fighting for our planet. The time to act now is now. LET'S LEARN HOW!
9. Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Schenectady County, NY. This agency provides support in recycling and educating the public. Their contact is Angelina Peone, Recycling Educator, Tel. 518-372-1622 ext 264, Email: and: (You’ll find a 2 page guide, at the back of this resource)
VI. CONSUMERS/ Buyers (me and you) have the POWER to CHANGE THIS SITUATION by REDUCING PLASTIC POLLUTION! If we follow the 4Rs we'll force the plastic industry to change/adjust/cooperate and take responsibility by finding ways/products that better protect the environment (from the devastating impact of plastic on our planet), and help us clean up this mess! You can find other good/reliable/efficient environmental agencies on
VII. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES- Award Winning Documentary films;
1. A PLASTIC OCEAN- This is an adventure documentary shot on more than 20 countries. To take action join the global movement at At this site you can request for a public screening of A PLASTIC OCEAN and to watch trailer CLICK/VISIT:
2. Plastic Paradise. The GREAT Pacific Garbage Patch. The great Pacific garbage patch, is also described as the Pacific trash vortex, a large area that is polluted with plastic. This film was released in August 2010; Plastic Paradise Movie – an independent documentary by Angela Sun uncovering the mystery of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch known as the Plastic Paradise · The source of the garbage patches.\3. An inconvenient sequel- TRUTH TO POWER. This is a powerful and urgent message for humanity. I love VP Al Gore's dedication, passion and leadership in fighting for our planet. The time to act now is now. LET'S LEARN HOW!
VII. NATURE MOVIES... that could be used as EARTH/OCEAN Day lessons;
1. Nature. Disney movie. A global journey reveals how animal mothers struggle to raise their young in an increasingly dangerous environment.
2. Oceans. Disney movie. Most of the Earth's surface is covered by water; using the latest technology, filmmakers Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud set out
VIII. Educational/informative (short) videos; (Note, to view the videos, you may type the title in the You Tube search box and then click enter. If this is an electronic copy; simply click on the link.)
1. What really happens to the plastic you throw away - By Emma Bryce (4 min) This is an excellent fun/educative documentary that everyone will understand. We’ve all been told that we should recycle plastic bottles and containers. But what actually happens to the plastic if we just throw it away? Emma Bryce traces the life cycles of three different plastic bottles, shedding light on the dangers these disposables present to our world.
2. Ocean Pollution - Save Our Marine Life (4 min) -
This is an inspiring upbeat video, although sad, display of ocean trash/destruction video & still images are used together with music- a great combination that summarizes the actions we need to take- in order to save our oceans. Catching images and energetic music will inspire and motivate you to take action now!
3. The World Ocean "Trashed" (10 min.)
An award winning film. The world ocean's food chain is being polluted with plastics. This documentary shows the negative effects of plastic pollution, but it also shows what people around the world are doing to contain/reduce plastic pollution.
4. How We Can Keep Plastics Out of Our Ocean | National Geographic (3 min.)
This is an excellent straight to the point video. It shows us how our plastic trash and other pollution reach the sea- and what we can do to prevent and/or stop it.
5. BAG IT 1- CYcf2ags?list=PLiQmjwY1e5icKM_1j9VMX7u5y5fgpvNOj&t=57
6. How can we Clean up the Oceans (4 min.)- In this brief video we learn that between 4-12 metric tons of plastics wash into the oceans every year. So plastic is a huge problem in the oceans, but engineers and research groups are working on how to deal with it. Hank describes some of the leading proposed solutions.
IX. MY ENL (English as a New language) LESSONS on the OCEANS; to educate all students (at all grade levels) on the benefits of the ocean, how we are polluting it, and what we can do to protect it.
1. Ocean presentation. To see it, do a search in this blog and type this title: Ocean- Why do we like it? And/or visit, or click, on this link:
2. Oceans’ 13 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. This is a simple written lesson with 13 questions (about the ocean) and 13 answers and many images.
3. WORLD’S OCEANS SUBMERGED in our PLASTIC POLLUTION! LET’S work together and RESCUE our Oceans! This is an extensive research article that I wrote soon after I became aware of this problem in 2016. Click/visit the link below to read it. You’ll learn about this issue in more details from National Geographic sources, the documentary films: A Plastic Ocean, Plastic Paradise and others.;postID=4352937638082951406;onPublishedM
X. Celebrate Earth Day, April 22, & World Ocean’s Day June 8th. These are two days when people all over the world celebrate and protect the Earth and oceans because they realize/appreciate the fact that the oceans are the source of all life on Earth. Without them humanity- all of us- could not survive. Please visit the World Ocean Day site, and learn what people all over the world are doing, and what you can do to make a difference.
I plan to ask the principals at the schools where I work to provide educational activities (learning about the Earth and the oceans, how we can protect them, make artworks, making artistic recycling boxes for our classrooms/schools, writing essays/articles, cleaning an area of our community & recycling bottles/cans, etc). Please ask your principal to register your school for World Ocean Day at
And/or ask your principal to register our school fro next year’s World Ocean Day 2019!
XI. Sign my petition, and other petitions that protect the oceans and our environment, by visiting/clicking the link or log in to and type the following words: “SAVE THE OCEANS FROM POLLUTION & OTHER THREATS” in the search box, top right.
XII. How Governments can help
1. Local, Sate and Federal governments should RECOGNIZE/REWARD/SUPPORT/FINANCE businesses and especially public entities: schools, museums, prisons, hospitals and other government organizations, in addition to private businesses (food establishments, hotels), that voluntarily reduce the use of pollutants. Those organizations and businesses that voluntarily follow the 4Rs, and use biodegradable, and/or natural products, should be declared environmentally friendly, or ECO-FRIENDLY, and should be given recognition, in the form of free publicity and financial rewards (e.g., tax reductions, grants, interest free loans, etc.). California uses this tactic; gives recognition to business that are Eco-friendly. Our own governments should follow suit, and if possible finance environmentally friendly projects/investments, like building recycling centers/plants and therefore put back into the economy.
2. Our governments should support/finance recycling businesses/plants and research that aims at solving the plastic pollution problem. They should support certified B corporations- these are leading businesses around the world- that meet rigorous and independent standards for social and environmental, accountability and transparency. One such company is Cabot Creamery cooperative in Vermont. Others like the US Navy Carriers use plasma flames (huge machines) that burn large quantities of plastic into an inert material, which doesn’t harm the environment and/or animals. Such machines could be used on land. The US government should support entrepreneurs/business people who want to see their environmental profects become a reality. For instance, European countries are funding a young engineer, Boyan Slat, who has designed an ocean clean up prototype that will be deployed into the Pacific Ocean within several years. For more info. on this project, visit You Tube and search for The Ocean Clean Up Project. To see the video, click/visit:
3. Regulate the plastic industry, the 3rd largest industry in the USA. Regulation will motivate this industry to find ways/alternatives to plastic products, and finding ways of control and manage its plastic pollution. This industry makes plastic; therefore, it is also its responsibility to safely dispose of it (as to prevent it from reaching and contaminating the oceans and other bodies of water). "Companies in the UK that produce the waste, including supermarkets and beverage firms, pay one of the lowest contributions towards its recycling of any country in Europe under the Producer Responsibility Obligations. Instead taxpayers pay 90% of recycling costs. Governments should force supermarkets and drinks firms pay for plastic recycling, We need action at individual, council, regional and national levels to turn back the plastic tide.” In the report MPs called for the “polluter pays” principle to be applied to companies to increase their contribution to recycling plastic waste." See the article below,
d. Dramatic rise in plastic seabed litter around UK (United Kingndom)
4. Declare Styrofoam and all throw away, and/or use-only-once plastic as hazardous waste! This would force the plastic industry, and everyone, to properly dispose plastic, instead of polluting our streets, highways, rivers, and the oceans.
XIV. SAMPLE LETTER TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE. To write one to your representative at the local level (e.g., city, town, village), at the state or the federal government is easy; just Google their title and name; Example: “Contact Senator Schumer”. Then fill in all your personal info., name address, email, etc. . And enter your comments in the bottom box, where it says comments. See my example letter here.
Dear Senator Schumer,
I’m concerned about the level of plastic pollution in the oceans. We are polluting them with our single-use plastic trash and packaging (also made from styrofoam); bags, bottles, silverware, cups, lids/caps, straws, dishes, cigarette lighters, markers, disposable razors, etc. Other things are also contributing to its destruction; discarded fishing nets, pesticides, herbicides (used by farmers), toothpaste, cosmetics (that contain microbeads- these are tiny pieces of plastic), high level of CO2 emissions from auto cattle (yes, cows!), and from vehicles/factories (this causes ocean acidification, which depletes, destroys ocean life- since ocean water is getting warmer), and also sewer waste that is loaded with micro plastics (tiny pieces/particles of plastic that are found in face scrubs, women cosmetics). Micro plastics are also released from motor vehicle tires and from electric clothes driers when they’re used to dry polyester clothes! Would you please tell me what you will do to protect our oceans and our planet from the threat of pollution?
Thank you
XV. SOME OF MY ARTWORKS... that deal with ecological/environmental issues/topics. I created these in my teenage years and my early 20’s.
Left: Work Ahead! Crayons on paper. (to be uploaded)
Below: Ottavio Lo Piccolo next to Sailboats. Acrylic on canvas.

Above: Daises in NY City. Acrylics on canvas.
Doves in Space. Acrylics on canvas.

Two Swans. Acrylics on canvas.
All of these below were accomplished as a teenager.
The Man and the Machine. Oil on Canvas.
Central Park, NY City. Oil on canvas board.
Pollution (or Nature Crucified). Oil & collage on canvas.
Below: My daughter Salvi, while playing in our backyard. We must teach children to respect nature through our example.
XVI. My objectives are three; inform, raise awareness and encourage positive and effective action at
all levels; from individuals to families, from schools to
places of worship, to LOCAL communities, to
business, to the plastic industry, to government, etc. My aim isn’t to
destroy the plastic industry, but rather to get her to cooperate, reducing
plastic waste and preventing it from sitting in the environment and/or being
transported to the sea.
I realize I’m not a scientist, but I assure you that
the facts you find in this resource are reliable summaries, what the experts have been telling us for years now.
I became aware of ocean plastic pollution in the spring of 2016, and have begun
learning/collecting facts since then. That is why in this resource I have included
the source/links under each fact for you to verify/check. In addition, you need to know that you will not find this
information in mainstream media (TV & newspapers)- only on the Internet
and some independent films- that’s one reason why I’m sharing this information
with you. Finally, I believe that we, the consumers, have the power to change
this situation, and if we act now and begin taking steps to save our oceans- we
can do it! We can and must do it for our children. It’s our duty and our moral
responsibility! Please join me and millions of people worldwide in this effort
of saving our oceans and our planet Earth. It’s the only one we have!
Teach a child the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Ghandi
“Actions speak louder than words.” Popular sayings
“You shall reap what you sow.”- From the Bible
“From knowing comes caring, and from caring comes change”
- From: A Plastic Ocean, documentary film.
"When your world is in danger, you’ve got to speak up. When everyone else is quiet and too many leaders are silent on the truth right outside the window, you’ve got to be the voice of reality." - Former US Vice President Al Gore
"Lord make me an instrument of your peace." - Saint Francis of Assisi
Teach a child the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Ghandi
“Actions speak louder than words.” Popular sayings
“You shall reap what you sow.”- From the Bible
“From knowing comes caring, and from caring comes change”
- From: A Plastic Ocean, documentary film.
"When your world is in danger, you’ve got to speak up. When everyone else is quiet and too many leaders are silent on the truth right outside the window, you’ve got to be the voice of reality." - Former US Vice President Al Gore
"Lord make me an instrument of your peace." - Saint Francis of Assisi
Ottavio Lo Piccolo © 2018. All rights reserved. Copies of this resource can only be made only in an educational environment- to educate students. To publish part of this resource, please request a written permission.
XVIII. A little about me, Ottavio Lo Piccolo and this project.
live in Schenectady, NY. I am a husband, father of two children, a teacher, an
artist, a writer and supporter of social environmental causes, a retired US
military member from the Air Force & NY Air National Guard, and also a
member and volunteer at Saint Anthony’s Church. I was born and grew up in Italy. I came to the USA as a teen. I’m a naturalized US citizen.
In May 2016 I became aware of ocean plastic pollution after I finished reading and discussing a book with 4th graders, in one of my colleague’s classrooms’. It was Mrs. Pat Vissat’s reading class, at Jefferson Elementary School, in Schenectady, NY. The title of that book was The Voyage of The Plastiki. This is a beautifully illustrated and written book. It is the story of “Plastiki”, a sailboat with the hull, the underside of it, made from 12,000 plastic bottles. This vessel sailed from San Francisco in California, to Sydney, in Australia, the summer of 2010. Why did the crew of Plastiki take such a risk in crossing an immense and dangerous ocean? Because the people on board wanted to raise awareness, show the whole world that our oceans are being degraded, damaged/destroyed with our plastic pollution, our plastic garbage and trash. I was shocked to learn that our oceans have so much plastic trash in them.
The story of Plastiki motivated me to do more. In fact, soon after I read that book, I began recycling plastic bags (in addition all other recycling I was already doing at home with my family), wrote letters to our government leaders, at the federal, State and local levels. And in April of 2018, I presented the problem of plastic pollution to the Schenectady City Council.
I also shared letters and lessons with my colleagues, other teachers, and my adult ESL students, and
in the fall of 2016 I began teaching about the oceans; how important they are for our survival on earth, how we are destroying it with plastic trash, and what we all can do to reduce this global environmental threat to our planet earth and to our health. In addition, I applied the 4Rs in my classrooms; I began recycling plastic and encouraged the schools where I serve (Sharon Springs, Schalmont, and Middleburgh, all in NY State) to do the same. Schalmont High School is now recycling bottles/cans, and in June of this year (2018) Saint Anthony Church, my parish, began begin single-stream recycling (plastic, glass, metal paper and cardboard)- it began this past June.
in the fall of 2016 I began teaching about the oceans; how important they are for our survival on earth, how we are destroying it with plastic trash, and what we all can do to reduce this global environmental threat to our planet earth and to our health. In addition, I applied the 4Rs in my classrooms; I began recycling plastic and encouraged the schools where I serve (Sharon Springs, Schalmont, and Middleburgh, all in NY State) to do the same. Schalmont High School is now recycling bottles/cans, and in June of this year (2018) Saint Anthony Church, my parish, began begin single-stream recycling (plastic, glass, metal paper and cardboard)- it began this past June.
I think that if all food businesses, governments, the plastic industry, individuals, families and public places (schools, libraries, prisons, hospitals, government buildings, and churches) in our area began single-stream recycling, that would be a big help in reducing plastic trash in the environment. In addition, sorting/collecting and redeeming deposits on bottles/cans can also be a source of income, and using the single-stream recycling can also lead to profits, because new products can be made from recycled plastic, metal, glass and other materials; as they do in many Northern European countries- this is called "circular economy", which is both sustainable and profitable.
I hope that you will do your best at home and at work, and recycle all the plastic you can, because talking about environmental issues/problems isn’t enough anymore- we need to act. It is time that we all put in a little more effort in applying the 4Rs, if we want to save our planet Earth- the only livable home we have.
The Better Recycler Guide can be found at the Schenectday City Hall! It was published by Schenectady County. Please keep it! Hang it up in your garage, work area, and if you’re a teacher, hang it up in your classroom.
XIII. This resource is
dedicated to my dad, G. Battista Lo Piccolo, who at the age of 86, is a
passionate environmentalist; he follows the 4Rs with passion! Also to my uncle Toto’ Vitale, who passed
away recently on 11-30-17, at the age of 67. I also dedicate it to some of the
most influential environmentalists in our times: Pope Francis, Former
Nobel Laureates President Obama and former Vice President Al Gore.
And in past times, Saint Francis of
Assisi (my favorite saint).
And if you have
any questions/concerns, and/or request a hard copy of this
resource, the Better Recycler Guide, and/or would like my ENL lessons on Earth/Ocean Day & quizzes, you may do so by contacting me; Home tel. 518-370-4476
(You can order a hard copy of this resource by sending me a minimum donation of $5. For copies of lessons- you will have to pay for printing/shipping cost- any money you sent me will be donated to charity, and/or to environmental agencies that support and protect the environment, as the ones you see listed in this guide.)
Thank you!
Lo Piccolo © 2018. All rights reserved. Copies can only be made only
in an educational environment- to educate students. A written request is required from the author to quote and/or publish part of
this resource.
Check out the latest cool technological move from California!
California to launch its 'own damn satellite' to track greenhouse gases vironment/2018/sep/14/john-ker ry-climate-change-california- summit?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
(You can order a hard copy of this resource by sending me a minimum donation of $5. For copies of lessons- you will have to pay for printing/shipping cost- any money you sent me will be donated to charity, and/or to environmental agencies that support and protect the environment, as the ones you see listed in this guide.)
Thank you!
Check out the latest cool technological move from California!
California to launch its 'own damn satellite' to track greenhouse gases
A Plastic Planet
Our Core Beliefs. The 10 guiding principles of A Plastic Planet. Read more · The Plastic Free Trust Mark. Empowering shoppers to buy Plastic Free i.e. guilt free.
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