What is it? "On World Oceans Day, people around our blue planet celebrate and honor the ocean, which connects us all. Get together with your family, friends, community, and the planet to start creating a better future. Working together, we can and will protect our shared ocean. Join this growing global celebration on 8 June!"
Source: http://www.worldoceansday.org/about
Che cos'è? "In occasione della Giornata mondiale degli oceani, le persone sul nostro pianeta blu celebrano e onorano l'oceano, perche' ci collega tutti. Collaboriamo tutti insieme con la famiglia, gli amici, la comunità e il pianeta per iniziare a creare un futuro migliore. Lavorando insieme, possiamo e proteggeremo il nostro oceano condividi e partecipa a questa crescente celebrazione globale l'8 giugno! "
"Nel mare non solo acqua…” Il Mediterraneo fra emergenze e risorse. Convegno al Palazzetto Mirto, Palermo, 8 giugno, 2018. Dalle ore 16/18,30. L’evento, con l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare verso comportamenti più
corretti e rispettosi della natura, affronterà marine litter, che sta
assumendo proporzioni sempre più allarmanti. Sarà un'occasione per attirare l’attenzione sulla salute dei nostri
mari, sull’importanza che hanno per la vita sulla Terra e sui modi in
cui possiamo proteggerli. Fonte:
How can I get involved?
It’s fun and easy! This site was developed as a free resource for everyone around the world to use:
- Plan your event and download free resources
- Register your event
- Find a planned event to attend
Why celebrate World Oceans Day?
A healthy world ocean is critical to our survival. Every year, World Oceans Day provides a unique opportunity to honor, help protect, and conserve our world’s shared ocean. The ocean is important because it:- Generates most of the oxygen we breathe
- Helps feed us
- Regulates our climate
- Cleans the water we drink
- Offers a pharmacopoeia of medicines
- Provides limitless inspiration!
Now each of us can give back
Participate in a World Oceans Day event or activity this year and help protect the ocean for the future. It’s up to each one of us to help ensure that our ocean is healthy for future generations. World Oceans Day allows us to:- Change perspective – encourage individuals to think about what the ocean means to them and what it has to offer all of us with hopes of conserving it for present and the future generations.
- Learn – discover the wealth of diverse and beautiful ocean creatures and habitats, how our daily actions affect them, and how we are all interconnected.
- Change our ways – we are all linked to, and through, the ocean! By taking care of your backyard and helping in your community, you are acting as a caretaker of our ocean. Making small modifications to your everyday habits will make a difference, and involving your family, friends, and community will benefit our blue planet even more!
- Celebrate – whether you live inland or on the coast, we are all connected to the ocean. Take the time to think about how the ocean affects you, and how you affect the ocean, and then organize or participate in activities that celebrate our ocean.
The Ocean Project has promoted and coordinated World Oceans Day globally since 2002. We do so with a team based in the US and also advisors and volunteers in dozens of countries. We are a collaborative organization and work in partnership with hundreds of organizations, including World Ocean Network, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and many other networks from all sectors. Thank you to the Government of Canada for proposing the concept of a World Ocean Day, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and to the United Nations for officially recognizing 8 June as World Oceans Day, since late 2008. World Oceans Day® is trademarked to protect it from those who might have commercial or counterproductive interests. All information, materials and resources on this site and associated with World Oceans Day are free to use to those who are celebrating World Oceans Day as a way to bring about a healthier ocean and a better future.
Source: http://www.worldoceansday.org/about
March for Our Ocean
June 09, 2018
Start: June 09, 2018
Website: PlasticContinents.com
Organization Name: Plastic Continents
As part of our celebration, we plan to do the following:
- Event will include some special activities or engagements for youth and/or young adults
Ages 12-18
Venue: 227 Malcolm x blvd
Brooklyn , New York 11221 United StatesCMS Team 6A World Oceans Day
On June 7th, 2018, from 3:00pm - 5:00pm the Carthage Middle School, 6A team, will sponsor their 3rd annual World Oceans Day to teach others about the issues of marine debris and other ways that humans impact the health of the oceans and all bodies of water. They will also present solutions to help strive for more sustainable marine environmentsFocuses:
Organization Name Carthage Middle School 6A
Organization Type Academic Institution - Grade School
As part of our celebration, we plan to do the following:
- Event will include some special activities or engagements for youth and/or young adults
Under 12,Ages 12-18
Venue Carthage Middle School
21986 Cole Road
Carthage, NEW YORK 13619 United States
Palazzetto Mirto 8 giugno 2018
Ore 16/18,30 Convegno
L’evento, con l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare verso comportamenti più corretti e rispettosi della natura, affronterà marine litter, che sta assumendo proporzioni sempre più allarmanti.
Sarà un'occasione per attirare l’attenzione sulla salute dei nostri mari, sull’importanza che hanno per la vita sulla Terra e sui modi in cui possiamo proteggerli.
L'iniziativa è inserita nel programma CEREALIA Festival ed e realizzata in collaborazione con UNIPA DISTeM e Soprintendenza del Mare
Organization Name: ComeUnaMarea Onlus
- Plastic Pollution Events
- Youth Focused
"Nel mare non solo acqua…” Il Mediterraneo fra emergenze e risorse.
June 08 @ 4:00 p.m. - 06 @ 6:00 p.m.
Palazzetto Mirto 8 giugno 2018
Ore 16/18,30 Convegno
L’evento, con l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare verso comportamenti più corretti e rispettosi della natura, affronterà marine litter, che sta assumendo proporzioni sempre più allarmanti.
Sarà un'occasione per attirare l’attenzione sulla salute dei nostri mari, sull’importanza che hanno per la vita sulla Terra e sui modi in cui possiamo proteggerli.
L'iniziativa è inserita nel programma CEREALIA Festival ed e realizzata in collaborazione con UNIPA DISTeM e Soprintendenza del Mare
Start: June 08 @ 4:00 p.m.
Facebook Group or Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/143929146443020/
Venue: Via Lungarini (street)
PALERMO, PA 90133 ItalyCHANGE IN YOUR HAND for World Oceans Day - CHANGE IN YOUR HAND per la Giornata Mondiale degli Oceani.
There will be various presentations and activities happening on June 8th and 9th:
Presentation of the project MORE CLAY LESS PLASTIC - an invitation to choose durable utensils in everyday life;
CHANGE IN YOUR HAND - International Functional Ceramics Traveling Exhibition; a demonstration of how versatile pots are and how many everyday utensils can be made of clay;
Presentation of the books "Why" by Emanuele Bertossi - illustrated book about pollution for children; "Un Mare di Plastica" by Franco Borgogno about pollution in the Artic;
Presentation of the campaigns "Terni Plastic Free" a pledge against plastic straws; "Svesti la Frutta" a plegde against plastic wrapped fruits and vegetables by GreenMe;
Presentation of the documentary "Straws" by Linda Booker and "the Last Plastic Straw";
Pottery workshops for children and adults
Presentation of the project MORE CLAY LESS PLASTIC - an invitation to choose durable utensils in everyday life;
CHANGE IN YOUR HAND - International Functional Ceramics Traveling Exhibition; a demonstration of how versatile pots are and how many everyday utensils can be made of clay;
Presentation of the books "Why" by Emanuele Bertossi - illustrated book about pollution for children; "Un Mare di Plastica" by Franco Borgogno about pollution in the Artic;
Presentation of the campaigns "Terni Plastic Free" a pledge against plastic straws; "Svesti la Frutta" a plegde against plastic wrapped fruits and vegetables by GreenMe;
Presentation of the documentary "Straws" by Linda Booker and "the Last Plastic Straw";
Pottery workshops for children and adults
Details/Start: June 08, 2018
End: June 09, 2018
Website: moreclaylessplastic.org
Facebook Group or Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1521757428036979/
Organization Type Other Global movement against disposable plastics
Other- As part of our celebration, we plan to do the following:
- Event will include some special activities or engagements for youth and/or young adults
Under 12,Ages 12-18,College/University AgeThere will be a pottery workshop open to all ages, where everyone will make their own reusable cup.
Mercato Testaccio
Via Beniamino Franklin
Rome, Rome 00118 Italy
Rome, Rome 00118 Italy
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