Sunday, April 22, 2018

GIORNO DELLA TERRA/ EARTH DAY è il 22 di aprile.  

Io mi prendo cura di Madre Terra perché apprezzo il fatto che ci vita! Infatti e' come una madre amorevole che dà e dà, fornisce quasi tutti i nostri bisogni; con acqua, aria, cibo, creature e bellezza - per rendere la nostra vita divertente / felice / appagante ... sia nella mente che nel corpo!

 Immagini nelle foto sono di Torretta (PA) e d'intorni, sono state fornite dagli Amici della Montagna. Grazie amici!

Spesso chiedo, a me stesso, alla mia famiglia, ai miei amici e ai miei studenti queste domande. AMI la terra? Ti prendi CURA del nostro pianeta terra? La nostra casa! Come dimostriamo il nostro amore, che madre terra giustamente si merita? Cosa facciamo di concreto? E inoltre, perché la maggior parte di noi si riferisce al nostro pianeta come Madre Terra?

Per mostrare davvero il nostro amore per la terra, dobbiamo metterci in azione! Dobbiamo applicare le 4R nella nostra vita; Ridurre, Riutilizzare, Riciclare, e Rifiutare la plastica mono-uso (che si usa una volta e si butta via, come le cannucce, i piatti, le postae e coppe di plastica).  Le 4R, sono le nostre responsabilità e /o azioni-  che dimostrano se veramente rispettiamo e amiamo la terra. 

Allora, quale sono le per risposte alle mie domande? Sono certo che tutti noi diciamo di amare la terra, ma purtroppo i fatti non lo dimostrano affatto! La nostra è solo un'illusione- solo chiacchere, balle! Diciamo che amiamo questo pianeta, ma in realtà la stragrande maggiranza delle persone non fanno un c....    per proteggerla!  

Molti nella società americana - o non ama la terra - o sono ciechi! Ignoranti, o forse non gl'interessa! Sono dei menefreghisti! Ma perche' siamo incoscienti? E stupidi? 
Penso che la risposta sia: ignoranza! La maggior parte della gente, e ignara di quello che fa'- non sa' niente degli effetti disastrosi che la plastica monouso ha sull'ambiente. Come non sa' che quasi l'80% dei nostri rifiuti di plastica (negli USA, cosi come in altre parti del mondo) finisce negli oceani.  

Quindi, la gente non si rende conto che sta' distruggendo il pianeta. Ma noi ora lo sappiamo (io l'ho scoperto nel 2016 per puro caso). quindi dobbiamo agire rapidamente per correggere quest'errore, quest'ingiustizia. 

Per farvi capire la gravita' di questo problema ambientale globale, vi presentero' alcune statistiche allarmanti. Non sono uno scienziato, ma solo un'insegnante di scuola, che dal maggio 2016 ho incominciato ad interessarmi sull'inquinamento del mare a causa della plastica. Quello che ho scoperto che mi ha turbato.  Perche', se si continua di questo passo fra' 5-10 anni, il futuro sara' incerto per gli oceani, per il pianeta e  per l'uomo.

Stiamo inquinando i nostri oceani, ad un ritmo allarmante con spazzatura di plastica mono-uso; bottiglie di plastica, sacchetti di plastica, posate di plastica, piatti, tazze, coperchi, cannucce, agitatori, accendini, pennarelli, rasoi usa e getta, e molto altro ancora. Questa spazzatura finisce nei mari perché molte discariche si trovano vicino ai fiumi, quindi la spazzatura galleggia e viene trasportata al mare. Ma questo non è tutto! Ci sono altre minacce che inquinando l'oceano; reti da pesca abbandonate o gettate via nel mare, pesticidi, erbicidi (usati dagli agricoltori), dentifrici, cosmetici e alti livello di emissioni di CO2 (dalle fabriche e autoveicoli).
Il mare viene anche degradato/inquinato anche con gli scarichi delle fognature che contengono micro plastiche (minuscole particelle di plastica), che si trovano nei cosmetici per pulire il viso scrub viso, e persino in alcuni dentifrici. Le micro particelle sono ora anche nell'aria che respiriamo- vengono rilasciate dai pneumatici dei veicoli e dai vestiti degli asciugatori elettrici (durante l'asciugatura di indumenti di poliestere)! 

I fatti sono chiari; Le statistiche della National Geographic e Green Peace del 2017 mostrano la brutta realtà: solo il 9% della nostra spazzatura (negli USA) è riciclata - la maggior parte, ovvero il 79% - si accumula nelle discariche o risiede nell'ambiente naturale. Ciò significa che, ad un certo punto, gran parte finisce negli oceani.  

Quindi, se queste tendenze attuali continuano, entro il 2050 ci saranno 12 miliardi di tonnellate di plastica - ovvero un camion pieno di rifiuti al minuto viene scaricata negli oceani! 

Queste statistiche deprimenti mi hanno scioccato e mi hanno spinto ad agire. Questo è quello che ho fatto. Oltre alla differenziata che faccio a casa mia (di contenitori di plastica, metalli, e anche carta e cartone); nel 2016 ho anche iniziato a riciclare le borse di plastica e subito dopo ho anche iniziato a insegnare ai miei studenti la bellezza e l'importanza degli oceani, ma anche come lo stiamo distruggendo (con la nostra spazzatura), e infine cosa possiamo fare per proteggerlo.Spesso ho fatto presentazioni e lezioni, sia con i miei studentiche nelle classi di colleghi con i loro studenti. Ho una lezione/presentazione che uso per sensibilizare gli studenti sull'importanza del mare, e come proteggerlo dall'inquinamanto della plastica. Se v'interessa questa lezione (in inglese e in italiano) per i vostri studenti o anche per voi stessi o i vostri figli, potete accederla sul questo blog, visitando:
(copiate il link sul vostro indirizzo/browser e pressate enter)

Comunque ci sono notizie positive, milioni di persone nel mondo, e anche negli USA, si stanno rendendo conto che dobbiamo fare di piu per salvaguardare la terra. E sono entrati gia' in azione da tempo. Paesi come la Germania e la Svezia sono leaders nelle raccolte differenziate e nel produrre prodotti dalla spazzatura, e perfino energia elettrica- bruciano i loro rifiuti! La Svezia infatti, importa spazzatura! E ora anche l'Italia si sta' muovendo bene anche se piu' lentamente.

 Allora mi auguro, che d'ora in poi, anche noi faremo parte di questo movimento ecologico per salvare il pianeta, e fare di ogni singolo giorno il giorno della terra. Le scuole possono farlo insegnando e incoraggiando gli studenti ad applicare le 4R (la raccolta differensiata nelle scuole.  Ma anche i genitori, che siamo i primi insegnanti dei figli, devono fare la loro parte e collaborare, seno' tutto sara' inutile. La famiglia deve seguire le norme locali; fare la differenziata a casa, al lavoro e ovunque! Se i grandi daranno il buon esempio- i giovani li seguiranno- e ci sara' piu probabilita' di successo.

Io lo faccio spesso- raccolgo bottiglie di plastica e lattine di bibite da terra e li metto in una scatola- che tengo sulla mia bici, o dentro una scatola di cartone nel bagagliaio della mia macchina. All'inizio mi vergognavo- ma ora non piu! Li raccolgo quando vado a correre, o quando giro in bici, e avolte mi fermo con la macchina!

Se vuoi aiutare la terra e imparare a renderlo più pulita...  
Passa il mio quiz sull'inquinamento marino, che troverai sul mio blog VITALITY, visita/clicca; sei un maestro/a di scuola t'incoraggio a;
  • Condividere il mio quiz e le mie lezioni sull'oceano e sull'inquinamento del mare,  e le soluzioni.  
  • Organizzare gara nelle scuole- per l'occasione della Giornata della Terra, 22 aprile, e per la Giornata Mondiale del Mare - World Ocean's Day (giugno 8) 
  • Con gare di scritti, come: saggi / articoli / storie, opere artistiche (sculture, dipinti, disegni, illustrazioni, fotografie, collage, ecc.)  
  •  Mostre d'arte!
  • Pulizia dei dintorni della scuola o di un vicinato 
  • gite, ecc
Ecco alcune idee dei temi che potrebbero interessare;
b. Cosa posso fare per prendermi cura dell'ambiente e salvare il nostro pianeta?
c. Perché gli Stati Uniti non riciclano tanto quanto gli altri paesi sviluppati? Per esempio le nazioni europee?
d. Perché c'è così tanto inquinamento nel nostro mondo? 
e. Perché c'è così tanta plastica negli oceani? Cosa possiamo fare a diminurla? Qualche sono le soluzioni? 
f. Ci sono speranze per il nostro pianeta? Possiamo salvare gli oceani e il nostro pianeta dal degrado ambientale? Come? Come evitare una catastrofe ambientale globale?
 g. Quali sono i tuoi suggerimenti per mantenere il nostro pianeta pulito, sano e sicuro?
(I vincitori di queste gare possono vincere premi come libri, computers, contanti, buoni regalo, musica, film e / o giocattoli / regali!)

Tutti possiamo diventare un P.O.P.E! 
A Protector Of Planet Earth! 

Impegniamoci a prenderci cura e a difendere tutti gli esseri viventi! E facciamo questa promessa;
"Prometto di essere gentile con la terra e tutti gli esseri viventi
(comprese le persone!). Prometto di fare del mio meglio - tutto quello che posso - nel proteggere gli oceani della terra e il suo ambiente da ogni tipo di inquinamento o qualsiasi altra minaccia."

BBC VIDEO mostra una grande massa di spazzatura di plastica nel Mare dei Caraibi

Facebook VIDEO su come i rasoi di metallo funzionano megli per rasarsi e sono eco-friednly- amici dell'ambiente!

 Facebook VIDEO sulle buste di plastica biodegradabili, o naturali, fatte dalla yuca, una radice di vegetale tropicale!

 Copyright di Ottavio Lo Piccolo (2017). Tutti i diritti riservati. Limmagine in alto e' stata presa da Google. Gl'insegnanti sono liberi di usare quest'articolo - come ritengono opportuno nell'insegnare o sostenere e / o informare i loro studenti. Tutti sono liberi di condividere liberamente questo post /articolo; con l'unico scopo d'informare e motivare gli altri a proteggere il nostro pianeta dalla minaccia di inquinamento / riscaldamento globale .

Saturday, April 21, 2018

A Letter to The Albany Times Union. Schools need to do more!
Updated/Revised 4-22-18
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EARTH DAY is this Sunday April 22nd. I know that I care for Mother Earth because I appreciate the fact that she gives life! And like a loving mother she gives and gives- she provides most of all our needs; with water, air, food, creatures and beauty- to make our life fun/happy/fulfilling… both in mind and body! 
I often ask myself, my family, my friends and my students these questions. DO you LOVE and CARE for our planet earth? If you really think that you do, HOW do you show your love and care that mother earth deserves? What do you actually do to confirm that you really love/care for this planet? And why do most of us refer to our planet as Mother Earth?

The answer isn’t complicated, it’s simple. To really show our love for mother earth, we have to put into action our feelings! We need to apply the 4Rs in our life. In case you do not know what the 4Rs stands for, let me explain them to you. 4Rs stands for; recycle, reduce, reuse and refuse single-use plastic. I also call them the 4 responsibilities and/or actions that show me, and others, that I truly do care and love Mother Earth.

I’m sure that we all say we love the earth, but according to the research that I have seen on the Internet- it doesn’t show- ours is only lip service- we say we love this planet, but in reality we don’t do enough to protect her! Facts show that American society- doesn’t love earth- we do not care! Although, it may not be our fault because the vast majority of people doesn't know of the effects that single-use-plastics has the environment. In fact, most people do not know that almost 80% of our plastic trash washes into the oceans. Hence, we are trashing our planet.  But now we know (I found out in 2016 by chance), and we need to take swift action now to correct this wrong. At any rate, let me present a few alarming statistics. 
I’m a public school teacher, and I have been reading/researching ocean plastic pollution since May 2016. And this is what I have found out. We are polluting our oceans, at an alarming rate with our single-use plastic trash; plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic silverware, dishes, cups, lids, straws, stirrers, lighters, markers, disposable razors, and much more. This trash gets to the ocean because many garbage dumps are near rivers, hence the trash floats to the ocean. But that’s not all! There are other threats that are also polluting the ocean; discarded fishing nets, pesticides, herbicides (used by farmers), toothpaste, cosmetics, and high level of CO2 emissions/pollution.  
We’re also degrading it with sewer waste that contains micro plastics (tiny particles of plastic), that are found in face scrubs, cosmetics and even in some toothpaste. Micro plastics are now also in the air we breathe- they are released from motor vehicle tires and from clothes dryers (from drying polyester clothes)! 
The facts are clear; National Geographic and Green Peace’s 2017 statistics, tell us the ugly truth: only 9% of our trash has been recycled- the vast majority—79%—is accumulating in landfills or sitting in the natural environment. This means, that at some point, much of it ends up in the oceans. So, if present trends continue, by 2050 there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic- a garbage full of trash per minute is dumped in the ocean!
These statistics on ocean pollution have shocked and inspired me to act. This is what I have done. In addition to recycling plastic, metal, paper and cardboard, in 2016 I also  began recycling plastic bags, and I also began teaching my students about the beauty/importance of the oceans, but also how we are destroying it with our trash, and what we can do to protect it.
I hope that from now on, every single day, it will be earth Day for you too, but I also hope that our schools, our communities, our stores/businesses, churches, hospitals, prisons too- inmates can make money by recycling too), and of course our government (at all levels; the local, county, State and Federal). I hope that all of us will show love, care and respect for Mother Earth. Schools can do that by teaching, supporting and encouraging students to apply the 4Rs of recycling, reducing, reusing and refusing (plastic and foam) in our school. Students should put all plastic water bottles and containers, soda cans, plastic juice cups and plastic cereal bowls in the recycling bins!
In addition, we can also show your love/care/respect for our planet Earth by going outdoor and clean up an area in your neighborhood and pick up plastic trash; plastic, glass and metal containers. I do this often, when I am driving, or when I go running, or biking my bike. I pick up plastic bottles and soda cans from the ground and put it in plastic bag- which I keep on my bike, an one inside  a cardboard box in my car trunk.

So, if you want to help the earth, and learn about making it cleaner/safer for all of us, I invite you to challenge yourself! Take my Ocean Pollution Quiz on my blog DOLCE-AMARO, by visiting;
(If you are an educator, I encourage you to share my quiz and my ENL lessons on the ocean and plastic pollution. If you want hard copy lessons, contact me- my email is at the bottom).

Soon I will also organize an Earth/World Ocean’s Day and Social/Environmental contest at the schools where I work. I’m an itinerant ENL teacher at Schalmont HS, Middleburgh Elementary & MS, and Sharon Springs’ MD & HS. Students will be asked to write essays/articles/stories, make artworks (sculptures, paintings, drawings, illustrations, photographs, collages, etc.) that will talk about/discuss the above themes- question/answer some these;
a. Why I care about our planet- earth, our home.        
b.    What we must do to take care of the environment, and save our planet.
c.     Why doesn’t the US  recycle as much as other developed countries? For instance northwestern European nations.
d.    Why is there so much pollution in our world?
e.   Why is there so much plastic in the oceans? What can we do about it? Do you have any solutions?
f.   Is there any hope for our planet? Can we save the oceans, and our planet, from plastic pollution? From a global environmental catastrophe? Do you have any suggestions on what need to be done to keep our planet clean, safe and healthy?
g. What are the causes of poverty? Violence (abuse, bullying)? War? Intolerance? Discrimination? Hate?
h. How can we create a peaceful world?
I will give out prizes (only to students at my schools- funds will be raised by raffling/selling some of my artworks-I'm an artist too) to contest winners, which may include books, cash, gift certificates, music, movies, and/or toys/gifts! 
If you want a hard copy of this quiz, you may request it by writing me via email, at
So, I invite everyone to celebrate earth day every day- by applying the 4Rs, and I invite students to start creating now! Write if you like to write- if you’re a writer! Make an artistic statement- if you’re an artist! We may publish your work and/or have art show!

I invite everyone to become a 
P.O.P.E., a Protector Of Planet Earth!
Take the Pledge! To care/defend all living things! 
"I promise to be kind to the earth and all living things (including people!), and I also promise to do my best- all I can- in protecting earth's oceans and its environment from all types of pollution and/or any other threat." Ottavio Lo Piccolo


Text copyrighted by Ottavio Lo Piccolo (2017). All rights reserved.  Images are taken from Google. Teachers and/or anyone is are free to use this letter- as they see fit- to teach/support and/or inform our government leaders about this topic. People are free to share freely this post/and info., to inform others. However, when sharing this letter or parts of it, you are not permitted to change the message and/or to profit- the only objective must be to inform, educate and motivate others to protect our planet earth from the threat of pollution/global warming. THANK YOU for being kind to the earth and to all living things! Including me!! Us! And all others too!
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Friday, April 20, 2018

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EARTH DAY is this on Sunday April 22nd. I would like to ask you a few questions, and although I’m pretty sure that most of you will say yes, I'll ask them anyway because I want all of us to reflect on this day and what it means to us all.

FIRST. DO you LOVE and CARE for our planet earth? If you really think that you do, let me ask you a second question.

HOW do you show your love and care that mother earth deserves? 

THIRD. What do you actually do to confirm that you really love/care for this planet? 

And FOURTH. Why do most of us refer to our planet as Mother Earth? 

What ever our answer is, one thing is sure... WE NEED TO ACT NOW TO SAVE OUR PLANET! Let me tell you why.
We are polluting them at an alarming rate with our plastic trash; plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic silverware, dishes, cups, lids, straws, stirrers, lighters, markers, and much more. If you’re wondering how this trash gets to the ocean, the answer is simple; many garbage dumps are near rivers, hence the trash from these dumps floats to the ocean. But that’s not all! There are other threats that are also polluting the ocean; discarded fishing nets, pesticides, herbicides (used by farmers), toothpaste, cosmetics, and high level of CO2 emissions/pollution. Were also degrading it with sewer waste that contains micro plastics (tiny particles of plastic), that are found in face scrubs, cosmetics and even in some toothpaste. Micro plastics are now also in the air we breathe- they are released from motor vehicle tires and from clothes dryers! 

This situation is unsustainable (can’t go on any longer); hence it must stop and/or reduced- to avoid the destruction our planet. It is also foolish for us to waste this resource- plastic can be recycled- and re-entered in the economy. Experts tell us that up to 80% of our trash winds up in the ocean. So, instead of recycling it, and make a profit- we just throw it away. The idea that plastic was disposable was deceiving! Plastic has never, and will never be disposable. The only thing that is becoming disposable is the oceans and our planet!! 

It is a fact; very year 8-million tons of plastic per year (at this time- 2018- one truck full of plastic trash every minute!)  ends up in our ocean killing millions of marine animals. Sea creatures, like turtles, dolphins and seals, get caught in discarded fishing gear, and/or mistake plastic bags for their next meal and die eating them. Fish ingest deflated balloons and choke to death. Millions of sea birds die because they too ingest pieces of floating plastic (cigarette lighters, straws, markers, etc.). Over fishing, pollution and habitat fragmentation are wearing down the health of our oceans, which degrade coral reefs and corrode the shells of sea creatures— it's not surprising that ocean ecosystems are rapidly collapsing.” 
And images at

The facts are clear; National Geographic and Green Peace’s 2017 statistics, tell us the ugly truth: only 9% of our trash has been recycled- the vast majority—79%—is accumulating in landfills or sitting in the natural environment. This means, that at some point, much of it ends up in the oceans. So, if present trends continue, by 2050 there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic- a garbage full of trash per minute is dumped in the ocean!


These statistic on ocean pollution have shocked and inspired me to act. I hope they will have the same effect on you too!  On a personal level, I know that I care for Mother Earth, because I appreciate the fact that she gives life! And like a loving mother she gives and gives- she provides most of all our needs; with water, air, food, creatures and beauty- to make our life fun/happy/fulfilling… both in mind and body!
The answer isn’t complicated, it’s simple. To really show our love for mother earth, we have to put into action our feelings! We need to apply the 4Rs in our life. And in case you do not know what the 4Rs stands for, let me tell you.
4Rs stands for; recycle, reduce, reuse and refuse single-use plastic. I also call them the 4 responsibilities, and/or actions, that show myself, and others, that I truly do care and love Mother Earth.

So, please, show your love, your care and your respect for Mother Earth; by recycling in our school, by putting all plastic water bottles w/caps, soda cans, plastic juice cups and plastic cereal bowls in the recycling bins and/or boxes. And please don’t forget! No garbage! Empty clean all containers, and put the caps back on the bottles. Mother Earth appreciates it!
In addition; you can also show your love/care/respect for our planet Earth this weekend; by going outdoor and clean up an area in your neighborhood and pick up plastic trash; plastic, glass and metal containers. I will do this this Saturday morning. If you want to join me, contact me.

I also want to invite you to take my Ocean Pollution Quiz on my blog DOLCE-AMARO, by visiting
There will be prizes for those who take the quiz, turn it in to me get a min. passing score of 70% .
Also, soon I will have an Earth/World Ocean’s Day and Social/Environmental contest. Students will be asked to write essays/articles/stories, make artworks (sculptures, paintings, drawings, illustrations, photographs, collages, etc.) that will talk about/discuss the above themes- question/answer some these;

a. Why I care about our planet- earth, our home.        
b.    What we must do to take care of the environment, and save our planet.
c.     Why doesn’t the US  recycle as much as other developed countries? For instance northwestern European nations.
d.    Why is there so much pollution in our world?
e. Why is there so much plastic in the oceans? What can we do about it? Do you have any solutions?
f. Is there any hope for our planet? Can we save the oceans, and our planet, from plastic pollution? From a global environmental catastrophe? Do you have any suggestions on what need to be done to keep our planet clean, safe and
g. What are the causes of poverty? Violence (abuse, bullying)? War? Discrimination? Hate?
h. How can we create a peaceful world?


So, start creating now! Write if you like to write- if you’re a writer! Make an artistic statement- if you’re an artist! We may publish your work and/or have art show!
 Prizes for the Ocean quiz contest and the other two; Earth/World Day may include books, cash, gift certificates, music, movies, and/or toys/gifts! 

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Earth Day 2018: End Plastic Pollution
Countdown to April 22

Plastic pollution is poisoning our oceans and land, injuring marine life, and affecting our health! 
Help End Plastic Pollution by finding out how many plastic items you consume
every year and make a PLEDGE to reduce the amount.

Earth Day 2018 is dedicated to providing the information and inspiration needed to fundamentally
change human attitude and behavior about plastics.

Choose an option below to take further action to End Plastic Pollution on Earth Day and beyond!
 To join log on to

BBC VIDEO shows a large mass of plastic trash in the Caribbean Sea

Facebook VIDEO on how metal razors work best to shave and are Eco-friendly- environment!

Facebook VIDEO about biodegradable, or natural plastic bags, made from yuca, a tropical vegetable root!

COSTA RICA & INDONESIA MAKE BIODEGRADABLE/NATURAL BAGS From YUCA, A ROOT! That can be eaten by animals, and it won't hurt them! (Click/visit on this FB video to see how a company named AVANI in Indonesia makes biodegradable bags from the Yuca root)

Become a P.O.P.E., a Protector Of Planet Earth!
Take the Pledge! To care/defend all living things! 
"I promise to be kind to the earth and all living things (including people!), and to do my best- all I can- in protecting earth's oceans and its environment by all types of pollution and/or any other threat." By Ottavio Lo Piccolo

Text and images are copyrighted by Ottavio Lo Piccolo (2017), unless as otherwise stated. Teachers are free to use- as they see fit- to teach/support this topic. People can share freely this post/article info., to inform others, however, the aim is not to change the message and/or to profit- the only objective must be to inform, educate and motivate others to protect our planet earth from the threat of pollution/global warming. THANK YOU for being kind to the earth and to all living things! Including me!! Us! And all others too!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

OCEAN POLLUTION QUIZ- A CONTEST TO LEARN/ACT and win a prize (for students in grades 5-12). Our oceans are in grave danger, due to plastic pollution and other environmental threats. Here is your chance to test your knowledge about this problem... by passing this quiz! And then take action to reduce the scourge of pollution that is devastating the world's oceans! And finally pledge to become a P.O.P.E! A Protector of Planet Planet Earth!

Above image: L'isola delle Femmine / Women's Island, near Palermo, Sicily.

Directions: Circle all the correct letters/choices.


1.    When is World Ocean Day? It’s on…    

a. January 1st        b. June 8        c. July 4

2.    What’s the purpose of World Ocean Day? It’s a day when people all over the world…
a.    celebrate, appreciate, honor and protect the oceans         

b. don’t care, and do nothing to celebrate and/or take care of it

3.    People all over the world celebrate the oceans because they realize/appreciate the fact that the oceans are…
a. insignificant (not important) for life on earth      

b. essential (very important)                                 for life on earth.

4.     The oceans are the source…        

 a. all troubles         b. of all life        c. aliens

5. Without the oceans, humanity, all of the people of the world…
a. would         b. would NOT     c. possibly         be able to survive.


1. The oceans give us…
a. toys and games
b. food, fish, air, water, salt, fun and a highway for vessels (boats, ships, subs...)

2. In order to survive (live) the oceans has to be…
a. full of trash, plastic and chemicals
b. protected and kept clean
c. left alone and hope for the best

3. The ocean…         a. does          b. does not
affects (changes) the weather, by it making it cooler in the summer, and warmer in the winter.

4. How much oxygen (air) does the ocean produce (make)? It produces/makes…
a. 10%, or 1/10th      b. 25% or ¼ (one quarter)     c. 100% 

d. 60-70% (well over half)      e. 0% none

5. Circle things that we can do in the ocean…
a. running, flying b. diving, swimming.     
b. driving cars/trucks
c. fishing, sailing, whale watching 
d. riding boats/ships,
e. scuba diving, snorkeling h. admiring, looking, learning about it


1. Circle all the correct threats to the ocean, in questions 1 & 2.
Natural products    b. chemical products     
c. wood    
d. grass              e. humans       
f. single-use plastic items like; bottles, bags, straws, dishes, silverware, cups, lids, stirrers, cigarette. lighters,   disposable razors, markers, pens, deflated balloons 
g. Styrofoam (foam) packaging, cups, dishes and food trays    
h. CO2 emissions (pollution from auto vehicles and factories 
i. fishing nets (640,000 tons/year)       
j. pesticides, herbicides, some toothpaste, and some cosmetics
k. bicycles         
L. sewer waste with micro plastics 
m. motor vehicle tires    
n. electric clothes driers when they dry polyester clothes
o. Most people think that it's OK/safe to throw plastic in the trash.
pMost people think that it's not OK/safe to throw plastic in the trash, so they recycle it.

2. The biggest polluting threat to the oceans is/are…    
a. natural products     
b. Single-use plastic and plastic/foam packaging        
c. fruit peels... from apples, bananas, tangerines/oranges, etc.


1. To protect the oceans we can follow the…    

a.  boat        b. 4Rs          c. 250-Ps      d. the signs

2.    To REFUSE means to say…    

a. yes, accept    b. no, don’t accept them   single use plastics, like bags, cups, lids, straws, stirrers, cigarette lighters, markers, etc.

3.     To REDUCE means to use…  
a. more    b. less       things.

 4.    To REUSE means to use…    a. again and again    
 b. only once    c. never  

5.    To RECYCLE means to…    

a. throw it out, then buy some more and throw it out again.  
Save it, use it over and over, then recycle it, so that factories can make something new with it.

6. These 4 actions; RECYCLE, REDUCE, REUSE & REFUSE are called the…
             a. 4Rights     b. 4Rs        c. 4Rates   
 which are actions, that help us keep the earth clean.

7. We can recycle…   
a. paper, wood, glass, plastic, metal & food
                                     b. nothing

8. The environment is the…    

a. land, water and air (or nature)    b.  animals, land & factories


Directions. CIRCLE all the good actions/choices that help keep the ocean clean & healthy.

CROSS OUT the negative, or the bad actions/choices, that harm (endanger, kill) the ocean and the environment (water, air, & land) or nature (also plants and all animal).
Examples:    a. Throw plastic TRASH  in the environment.         (b.) REFUSE to use plastic bags.
1a. Believe in science and its findings.   1b. Dismiss science and facts (don’t believe them).

2a. Don’t sort/separate the trash from the…       b. sort/separate the trash

3.  Turn off lights, appliances, computers and electric clothes dryer, and instead dry clothes in the sun, or in the home (empty room, basement, etc.,)                       

5. Use more fossil fuels. These fuels pollute (gasoline, coal and natural gas).

6. Use less fossil fuel and more clean or renewable energy- from the wind and the sun.

7a. Turn up...     b. Turn down...  
                             your home thermostat (the temp) in the winter; to 60– 65 degrees F.

8a. Start a recycling program at home, school and at work.     
                                                                                          b. throw everything in the trash

 9a. Be good/considerate…        b. mean, rude, violent, indifferent (uncaring...
                                                                              to our planet earth and all living things.

10. When you go shopping     a. use/get plastic bags
b. use reusable shopping bags only, or refuse them totally- or ask for paper

11. When you purchase a drink in a cup, request a…            a. plastic cup with a straw
a.    Request a paper cup without a straw and/or plastic coffee stirrer

12. We should recycle   b. plastic, glass, metals, paper & cardboard        a. nothing

1. Plastic is made mostly by...
a. big corporations (Exxon Mobil and DuPont, etc.)

b. small corporations
c. some individuals 

2. PLASTIC INDUSTRY IS represented by the umbrella organization called American Chemistry council (ACC), also known by SPI. How big is it?
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd largest industry in the USA. 

3. The Plastic industry tries to...
a. tell the truth about the effects of plastic on people and the environment (just like the tobacco industry in the 1960)
b. hide any negative news about plastics because it doesn't want to face its environmental responsibility/cost

4. The plastic industry...
a. uses the same tactics that the tobacco industry used in the 60s, when they denied the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, and insisted that smoking was not harmful to our health. 
b. is honest and it uses different tactics that the tobacco industry

5. Why does the plastic industry hide/cover up any news/facts and/or scientific findings about plastic pollution?
They do because they...            (Circle all correct choices)

a. cover them up any news that may jeopardize their ever increasing production of plastic without any restraint.
b. do not want to incur costs- don't want to lose money. 
c. can make more money and be wealthier/ richer without taking the responsibility of protecting the environment/oceans
d. want help people and the environment
e. want people and animals to be healthy


1. By 2050, if we keep this pace of polluting the oceans, plastic production will be...    a. 2          b. 0 (zero)     billion pounds/year! 
Therefore, unless we take steps to prevent this trend (bad habit) and/or at least reduce (lessen, decrease) pollution of the oceans, we will cause more harm (hurt, poisoning, pollution, destruction, death) to them.

2. What is the percentage of trash that we recycle in the USA?
a. 9%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 95%

3. What is the percentage of trash that accumulates in landfills or sits in the natural environment in the USA? 

a. 100%
b. 25%
c. 79%
d. 10%

4. It is estimated that by 2050, there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic in the world’s oceans. That's equal to a garbage truck full every...
a. day
b. night
c. hour
d. minute

5. Circle the items/trash that endanger the health of the ocean;
a. discarded fishing
nets- that fishermen don‘t want anymore
b. pesticides
(chemicals to kill bugs/insects) and herbicides (used by farmers to kill weeds)  
food        d. toothpaste, cosmetics         
e. high level of CO2 emissions (air pollution, smog)
single-use plastic like bottles, bags, straws, stirrers, dishes, cups
computers, legos        h. hamburgers, bread

6. According to National Geographic and Green Peace what percentage of our trash does the US recycle?
90%        b. 50%        c. 9%        d. 3%

7. How much trash is accumulating in landfills or sitting in the natural environment?

79%        b. 97%     c. 50%        d. 91%      

8. We are polluting the oceans at an alarming rate with our single-use…   
a. paper, cardboard, yard waste; grass, leaves and wood
b. plastic/foam packaging and plastic trash; bottles, bags, silverware, dishes, cups, lids,  straws, stirrers, lighters, markers, disposable razors, and more.

9. What percentage of all drinking water in the USA is    polluted with micro-plastics?
94%  (most of it)   b. 50% (half of it)       c. 10%  (a tenth)

10. Micro-plastics are…  a. large     b. tiny        pieces of plastic.

11. According to scientists, how much trash ends in the ocean EVERY YEAR?     a. 12          b. 6        c. 1         
million tons of plastic is entering our oceans every year.

12. And that's a rubbish truck full every…    a. day        
       b. hour    c. minute      d. week

13. When you throw plastic in the trash it…    a. is safe      
       b. isn’t safe                                    for the environment.

14. Plastic in the environment (on/in land/water/air)…        
       a. does     b. doesn’t         
contaminate the environment and the food chain, hence animals will get sick and die, and humans (who eat these animals; fish, birds, etc.) also will get sick and may die.

15. How this trash gets to the ocean? Circle the correct choices.    
a. garbage dumps near rivers (in Asia), hence the chemicals that are released from plastic trash (items, like plastic bottles, foam and many others) seep into the ground and water, and a large amount of it floats to the ocean.  

b. the wind and rivers/creeks carry plastic bags and bottles to the ocean

c. truckers  and fishermen dump it in the oceans

16. Micro-plastic come from…    a. the ground 
b. produce, fruits and vegetables         
c. cosmetics and certain toothpastes, automobile tires, polyester clothes   

17. To reduce micro-plastic in the air we need to use only…    
a. polyester/synthetic clothes
b. natural fibers instead         
c. drive more and dry polyester clothes in the dryer for hours
d. Dry polyester clothes out in the sun or inside a warm room

18. According to one scientific estimate we have only…    
       a. 100        b. 50      c. 10    
years left before the ocean may collapse and die.

19. According to another scientific estimate we have only…    
      a. 3     b. 2      c.           
     generations before the ocean may collapse and die.

20. How much damage do you think we cause to the environment, when we do not recycle plastic? We cause…

a. no damage, plastic is healthy             in the environment    
b. lots of damage because plastic isn’t healthy

21. American families use between...
a. 100-200          b. 200-300      c. 300-700   plastic bags/year.         



Circle some of the solutions that could reduce plastic pollution, and or any other type of pollution and global warming trends.
a. Throw plastic in the trash.      b. Don't throw plastic garbage.     
b. Refuse plastic bags.                 c. Don't use to use plastic bags.
d. Believe in science and its findings.   e. Don't believe in science

f. Follow/apply the 4Rs (Recycle, Refuse, Reuse, Reduce) every where, at home, at work and in school.        g. Don't bother! 

h. Clean up the trash from the ocean.         i. Don't bother!   

j. Walk, ride bikes and/or electric cars.    k. Drive everywhere!
L. Watch documentary films like: A PLASTIC OCEAN, also  Earth. Disney Nature and read/learn as much as you can about the oceans and nature (the environment). 

m. Turn off lights and appliances (driers, washers, TVs, computers) when not needed. 

n. Don't turn off the dryer and dry clothes in the sun, or in the home (empty room, basement, etc.,) 
o. Write to your leaders in government and the media (newspapers, magazines, radio/TV stations) about ocean pollution.        
p. Use more fossil fuels; gasoline, coal and natural gas.
q. Use less fossil fuels and more clean or renewable energy fuels from the wind and the sun. 
r. Keep the dryer and other appliances on for hours.
s. Use clean/renewable energy (from the sun, wind, ocean, earth). 
t. Turn down your home thermostat (the temperature) in the winter; to 60 – 65 degrees F. 
u. Start a recycling program in your home, school and at work.
v. Burn trash to create clean energy (as they do in Sweden).
w. Purchase/use biodegradable (natural) products, like cups, silverware, and even edible cutlery (silverware) ... that can be eaten!
x. Buy/use plastic silverware, dishes, cups, straws and plastic coffee stirrers.

a. Sweden charges a little more on plastic bottles deposits; they get from 5 cents to 30 cents per bottle/can- depending on its size (the bigger ones will get you 20-30 cents) so their recycling/return rate is 95%!  Sweden also burns trash to make electricity! From 3,000 lbs. of trash they get 1,000lbs of fuel! They even import it! They buy trash from other countries! Their trash turned into energy pollutes only 1% !
Swedish runners pick up plastic trash as they run!

b. Germany has turned recycling into a business- into a circular economy! They make a profit from trash! Because the government has regulated it.

c. England charges taxes to plastic manufactures (of plastic containers, bottles, etc.) and to packaging makers. This is the industry that packs meats, and other foods. England paves road with recycled plastic, which is 60% stronger than asphalt (what we normally use). 

d. Costa Rica (a small country in Central America) and Rwanda (a small country in Africa) have banned all plastics bags. In addition Costa Rica and Indonesia (a company named AVANI) make biodegradable/natural plastic from the Yuca root! It can be eaten by animals and will not harm them! In India a family makes edible cutlery (silverware) that you can eat! Because it is made from food (rice, millet water, etc.)!  Costa Rica has also banned straws, and uses instead straws made from plants, like bamboo.

e. CANADA is the country that suggested, to the United nations, to adopt WORLD OCEAN DAY, which is celebrated on June 8th. Canadians are very environmentally conscious, they care about our planet.

f. The USA has passed many laws to protect the environment and the ocean, like the Clean Air Act (CAA), Ocean Dumping Act - Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA), and the Endangered species Act (ESA). (Source: )
However, in June 2017, U.S. President Trump withdrew the US from The Paris Climate Accord or Paris Climate Agreement, signed by 195 countries. The Agreement aims to reduce global climate change threat by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. (Source: Wikipidia)

G.  California has met its carbon reduction goals ahead of schedule in 2016! It did it by applying its CAP & TRADE  PROGRAM, which limits carbon emissions by polluters and makes them pay for the damage they create. In addition, California  has recently passed a law that aims at lowering emissions by another 40% by 2030, and by 80% by 2050!

X. WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST, THAT WE IN THE USA, DO TO IMPROVE OUR WAYS, our lifestyles in order to REDUCE our CARBON FOOTPRINT (the amount of energy and products we use)  and our CONSUMPTION (our use) of SINGLE-USE PLASTIC? You’ll get 3 points for every good/effective suggestion… that is different from the solutions above. Good luck!

I suggest that we...




"Planet Earth is our #1, absolute favorite of the nature documentaries perhaps because it came out in 2007 when my daughter was 2 and I was pregnant. I had to rest a lot and we would snuggle and watch the box set (we had the David Attenborough version). We were overjoyed when the polar bear mama and her cubs emerged from their icy bed, imitated the baboons crossing the water without getting their paws wet and the silly birds of paradise dancing, closed our eyes when the wolves chased the baby caribou or the great white shark caught its dinner, cried when the polar bear couldn’t get its food… but my daughter’s favorite moment, that had her in belly laughs every time, was the ducks jumping from their nests onto the forest floor."
Source29 Incredible Nature Documentaries for Kids (image shown below).  

Below: A view from Torretta, my birthplace- near Palermo- the capital city of Sicily.

XII. TO FIND THE ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ and to reserch these topics- CHECK OUT this;
1. RESOURCE LIST. If you'd like to learn more about this ocean plastic pollution, please visit a post/resource article, by copying/pasting, the link below in your address browser;

2. The OCEANS' 13 ESSENTIAL (very important) QUESTIONS

Also enter a contest! Write an essay for a bigger prize! Answer the following questions and/or discuss/talk about:
c. What will you do, from now on, to help the environment and the oceans stay clean? 
d. How can we make everyone follow the 4Rs of recycling, reducing, reusing and refusing single use plastic? 
 c. Do you care about our planet?            
d.    What do you actually do to take care of the environment?
f.    How do you dispose of plastic objects like bottles, straws, yogurt/juice cups, cereal bowls, etc.? 

Below: Another view from Torretta, province of Palermo, in Sicily (Italy) 

Let's remember; that true love, or caring, is shown through our actions and attitudes!

Thank you for taking this quiz and caring for our oceans and planet earth! 
Mr. "O" 
ENL Teacher and social/environmental activist.

XIII. If you want hard copies of this ocean quiz, and other lessons on the ocean, like;
a. The Ocean K-W-H-L chart
Movies, Videos on Nature, the Ocean and my ENL

c. Ocean. Why do we like it? This lesson is basically an introduction/presentation that can be used for primary grades; k-12th grade. (If the link doesn’t work, do a search in this blog and type this title: Ocean- Why do we like it?)
d. Oceans’ 13 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS This is a simple written lesson with 13 questions and 13 answers (on the ocean) and many images. I also have a hard copy version of this lesson. 

e. WORLD’S OCEANS SUBMERGED in our PLASTIC POLLUTION! LET’S work together and RESCUE our Oceans! This is an extensive research article that I wrote soon after I became aware of this problem in 2016. You’ll learn about this issue in more details from National Geographic sources, the documentary films: A Plastic Ocean, Plastic Paradise, and others.;postID=4352937638082951406;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link

f. SOS! WARNING! OCEANS in DANGER! Resources, ideas, Suggestions… and my Socially Engaging Art works.

(Note: you'll have to pay for copies and shipping costs).
You may contact me via email at :  

XIV. Help End Plastic Pollution by finding out how many plastic items you consume every year and make a PLEDGE to reduce the amount of plastic you use.
Earth Day 2018 is dedicated to providing the information and inspiration needed to fundamentally
change human attitude and behavior about plastics.

Choose an option below to take further action to End Plastic Pollution on Earth Day and beyond! To join log on to: