By Ottavio Lo Piccolo. Posted on FB, sent to the Sch’dy Gazette, SOON TO BE SENT TO: Congressman Paul Tonko, Senators Schumer & Gillibrandt.
It seems to me that our country is being drawn into another immoral and unnecessary war with Syria and Russia. A war, that like the Iraqi war, is a false flag, something based on lies and deceit by some people/agencies of our own government. The US government and Western media are accusing Syria of gassing its own citizens.
What about the 9/11 attack? Why was all the evidence destroyed by the US government? Why there was no luggage and/or airplane parts/debris at the site of the 9/11 crash sites in Washington and Pennsylvania? Why was the hole on the pentagon wall, that was caused by the aircraft, only 5 meters in diameter? When the jetliner that crashed into it- a 727- with a diameter of 30 meters! Many people think that it was a missile- not an airliner. Too small was also the crater- the hole on the ground- caused by other jetliner that crashed on that fateful 9/11 day on the Pennsylvanian field. Here too- there were no aircraft parts/debris, and no luggage dispersed on the crash site!
And why did the FBI confiscate all the video of the aircraft that slammed into the Pentagon? Because they didn't want everyone to see the evidence! This is an illegal confiscation of evidence from justice! Why? To hide what?
All the leads seem to point to one shocking conclusion; that the US government was responsible for this attack on its own people! Why? It was a false flag! A cover-up to deceive the American public, and to turn public opinion against Islam- against Muslim countries. In particular (at that time), the US usurped its military power against Iraq- a much poorer country?
Why? Because US leaders didn't like Saddam? He wasn't collaborating with the USA. So for the US he became a brutal dictator.
Or was it because of power/control and oil? It seems evident that it was for the latter reasons; power/control & oil. Hence the USA had an excuse to invade and destroy that country?
Today many in the US government accuse Russia of colluding (interfering, meddling, or screwing it up for their own benefit) in the US presidential elections. I love this country, although I'm a naturalized citizen, who served in the US military for 30 years (4 active and the rest w/the Reserve Forces)- I am for justice- I will tell the truth because I love peace, I respect all life our environment and all people.
So, where is the truth? Many in our government and mainstream media also accuse Russia and China of being militarily aggressive! When the USA is the country that has the biggest defense budget in the world- more than the combined budgets of 11 richest countries, including Russia, China, Britain, Germany, and many others! Who has its army on the Russian border? The USA with its NATO alliance! can you imagine if the Russians and/or the Chines had troops near our borders? It would be WWIII!

The PEW Research Center provided this evident sobering data in August of 2012. And I quote:
The PEW Research Center provided this evident sobering data in August of 2012. And I quote:
"For the second time in a decade, the believability ratings for major news organizations have suffered broad-based declines. In the new survey, positive believability ratings have fallen significantly for nine of 13 news organizations tested. This follows a similar downturn in positive believability ratings that occurred between 2002 and 2004.
The falloff in credibility affects news organizations in most sectors: national newspapers, such as the New York Times and USA Today, all three cable news outlets, as well as the broadcast TV networks and NPR." (Source:
Today many of our State and national leaders, in both parties worship the mighty dollar and outright evil by deceiving the American public with lies/deceit/propaganda & misinformation. They waste our hard earned dollars for wars and exploitation of the environment, and support a culture of death; abortions, the death penalty and guns fro everyone. Why all for profits and power! This is unsustainable and unless the US changes course, we're headed for disaster and more suffering. I hope and pray that people get together and speak out against this corrupt government and generation, which has no respect for human life and our planet.
According to TRUTHOUT, an online blog that claims to sift (searches) the truth; fact (reality) from fiction (fairy tales, bull), and rhetoric (bull, baloney) from reality. We know that the following is true the USA isn’t involved in the Syrian conflict because of a pipeline but because of its own selfish interests and maintaining military and economic control in the middle east!
I urge you to read their article, titled: The War Against the Assad Regime Is Not a "Pipeline War" , which was published on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 By Gareth Porter, Truthout | News Analyst. Their last 4 paragraphs are very concise, to the point and tell the truth behind the lies and smokescreen, the false flag that out government wants to set up again, so that we go along with their lies!
The US supports Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia in their ill-conceived plan to overthrow the Assad regime because of its egotistic-controlling-imperialistic instincts. TRUTHOUT said, and I QUOTE:
“It was primarily a function of the primordial interest of the US permanent war state in its regional alliances. The three Sunni allies control US access to the key US military bases in the region, and the Pentagon, the CIA, the State Department and the Obama White House were all concerned, above all, with protecting the existing arrangements for the US military posture in the region.
After all, those military bases are what allow the United States to play at the role of hegemonic power in the Middle East, despite the disasters that have accompanied that role. The degree to which the US determination to preserve its present military profile in the region is illustrated by the case of US-Qatar relations over that tiny monarchy's arming of extremist Sunni groups in Syria in 2012. The Obama administration was very unhappy with Qatar's choice of proxies in Syria, and the National Security Council discussed a proposal to pull a squadron of US fighter planes from Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar as a way of putting pressure on the government over the issue, according to a story in the Wall Street Journal.
But the US Central Command (CENTCOM), which had moved its headquarters to Al Udeid in 2003, argued that the base was critical to its operations in the region, and that it was about to renegotiate its agreement with Qatar over the use of it. The Pentagon supported CENTCOM's opposition to any move that would disturb relations with Qatar over the issue and vetoed any such pressure on Qatar. The administration ended up doing nothing about the issue, and in 2013, the US-Qatar Defense Cooperation Agreement originally reached in 2003 was renewed for another ten years.
The massive, direct and immediate power interests of the US war state -- not the determination to ensure that a pipeline would carry Qatar's natural gas to Europe -- drove the US policy of participation in the war against the Syrian regime. Only if activists focus on that reality will they be able to unite effectively to oppose not only the Syrian adventure but the war system itself.”

You may say, how do you know that this article is factual. I will mention only two facts, two US shameful failures, two immoral and unjust wars that the USA has fought; the Iraq and the Vietnam wars. Both of these conflicts were based on lies. THE ONLY REASON TO FIGHT A WAR IS TO DEFEND YOURSELF! Not to bully/control others and take/deny their resources, so that others cannot have them for their benefit and their own people!

I urge you to pray for peace, but also take action; write to your political representatives in Congress and tell them not to get the USA into another senseless, bloody and costly immoral war.
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