I believe that Mr. Trump is not mentally fit for this position. He should be discharged of his duties ASAP, because he could bring more harm to America and the world. In addition, the 25th Amendment of the Constitution was created for this reason- to fill the office of the president in case of his death, and/or to replace him, in case of his inability to carry out his powers and duties of his office.
These are reasons why he must go. The first one is his behavior; it is erratic (unpredictable and unreliable). He has already upsets enough world leaders with his arrogant and disrespectful manners by making unrealistic and unjust demands. The second reason is that has no respect and/or knowledge of the US constitution, and the fact, that over 1,000 US diplomats (shortly after his ban) signed a statement disagreeing with it, shows us his level of arrogance and incompetence. Hence, President Trump has no respect for our justice system, and our judges. The third reason is his incompetence in politics- he is not able of doing his job. The fourth reason is the fact that he does not trust anyone; he despises the media, thinking that they are all corrupt liars. Trump doesn’t even trust the institutions that help him carry out his duties as president; like the CIA, FBI, and other government agencies who give him essential information, so that he can make sensible/intelligent decisions! Fifth, Trump has recently offended Australia and our European allies, and almost the whole world! Except of course his buddy Vladimir Putin! Sixth, he lacks respect for all people, for truth and/or facts. And seventh, he hasn't divested himself from his business.
Furthermore, Mr. Trump has not kept his promise to be everyone’s president, because his only objectives have been banning Muslims from America, imposing to build a foolish wall on the Mexican border, ridiculing everyone who justly disagrees with him, and disrespecting world leaders, and our laws. In fact, he has not only shown contempt for our laws, the US constitution, but he has also insulted our institutions and our people, from all walks of life. He has humiliated politicians, leaders of the world, journalists, immigrants, veterans and women. We all know how he hates the media, and often lashes out at reporters when he is contradicted with facts.
Mr. Trump has proven to be impulsive, egotistical and insensitive. He is incapable of restraining and/or controlling his emotions- hence incapable and unfit to lead America, because he is blinded by his ego and hate for people, especially those in need like immigrants. Decent/reasonable people know that most refugees are running away from war, famine and persecution. However, because of his contempt and his lack of compassion, he recently approved a ban for 7 majority Muslim nations. His explanation was making America safer. However, informed/reasonable/respectable people know that banning Muslims will not solve the terrorist issue. It is not true that most of Muslims pose terrorist threat. In fact, FBI statistics tell us that only 5% of all violence is perpetrated by Islamic terrorists; the rest, 95% is committed by WHITE SUPREMACISTS!
As we have seen, his actions, attitude and words are not making America Great Again, as he promised. Instead, America is now the laughing stock of the entire world! His arrogant and foolish actions have created nothing but confusion, chaos, and disdain from people in our own government!
Trump is a threat to our democratic values of decency, compassion and justice. He will make our world more unstable and insecure! He is an arrogant lunatic who listens only to other lunatics. He get upset at insignificant events like TV shows and spends more time and energy writing twits than informing himself and learning/acting more like a president and leading this nation!

He has surrounded himself with people who are incompetent and racist individuals. He is also dishonest because he has not shown his tax returns like all other presidents before him. What does he have to hide?

I hope and pray that you and the Congress act quickly and force him out, with the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. No need to impeach- just get him out ASAP, on the basis of incompetence before he causes further damage to the USA and the world!
Thank you.
Ottavio Lo Piccolo.
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