Ottavio Lo Piccolo
The Land I Love
Letters from my Diary; Reflections & Essays from an Immigrant, a Reti
Above: The Emigrant. Oil painting on wood board.
© Copyright Ottavio Lo Piccolo.
All rights reserved. No part of these writings, and artworks essays, may be
copied or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the authors’ written
permission. Classroom teachers may copy individual articles, essays, reflections,
and images, but only for instructional purposes, and only for their classroom students. For permission to publish contact me at and explain in writing what you intend to do with my writings.
This is a collection of writings, artworks, and images (some are mine, others are Google images), that I have taken from my diary. They are my thoughts, my fears, and frustrations, and my hopes for America and the world. These writings cover 2020 and 2021. The artworks are older- they were made much earlier. Some of these thoughts/letters were also shared on my Facebook page and many letters were published by the two major newspapers in the Capital Region; the Albany Times Union and the Schenectady Daily Gazette. In these writings, I share my concerns, my hopes, my knowledge, my wisdom, my faith, my beliefs, and my love for the United States of America, the land that has adopted me and given me a better future.
What are my objectives? First, support/work for social and environmental justice, support of life on Earth, truth, peace, economic prosperity, equality, and my duty to inform and educate (me included), and to defend immigrants. Second, those who read my writings and see my artworks, may be inspired/moved to action in building a better world; even small acts of kindness will suffice, in addition to consideration, love, and respect toward all living beings and our planet.
The themes included in this collection are culture, the environment, politics, religion/spirituality, films, books, etc.
Who am I? I am an Italian immigrant who has been in the USA since his mid-teenage years. I arrived in the USA with my family in 1974. I am married and have two children, now adults. I served on active duty with the US Air Force for 4 years and with the NY Air Guard for 31 years, as a part-time airman. As a civilian, I worked as a food worker, mechanical draftsman, technical illustrator, and graphic artist. And I am a retired US Veteran and retired school teacher.
PLEASE NOTE THAT I am an independent thinker and voter, who does not care for party politics, but cares for the well-being of all Americas, and our planet. Some of you may disagree with me, and others may get upset because I am not politically correct! However, my intentions are good because my objectives are peace, prosperity, equity, and social/environmental justice. So, I'm very upfront, and I'll always speak up and support; the whole TRUTH, support all LIFE (at all levels, from conception to natural death- not only in the womb), in addition to; FACTS, REASON, SCIENCE, RESPECT, HONOR, LOVE of GOD, the US Constitution, our COUNTRY, FAMILY, our PLANET, and most of all the defenseless, the NEEDY, honest IMMIGRANTS and REFUGEES in search of a better future. Finally, I promise that I will try my best to make my criticism constructive, positive, never vulgar, and neither vicious nor unfair/racist.
I say, why deny any adult, who is a mature, independent, and capable person; who wants a child, the adoption of a child? Who are we to judge who can, or can't, adopt a child? And why shouldn't LGTBs have the right to adopt a child? Is it because we don't agree with their sexual preferences? Is this a valid and /or good moral reason to deny this right? Others may say: "Maybe LGTBs don't know how to love/raise and protect their children? Some others may say, "They'll raise them LGBT!" But are we so sure? There are millions of children without parents; without a family who loves them, and they are waiting and dreaming of someone who takes care of them, who loves them, and who respects them. Let's think carefully about these two points. First, this issue is not just about LGBTs, but also about the happiness of the children. Don't get me wrong, I don't share LGBT sexual preferences, but as a free and Catholic man I don't think I have the right to impose my views and/or morals on anyone - not even my children - but I can only guide and encourage them the way that I believe is right. Aren't love, compassion, charity, tolerance, freedom, and respect the things, the values, that Jesus Christ taught us? - Ottavio, 20-5-21 DON'T JUDGE BUT LOVE Jesus taught us this, in fact, he said that the HEART of the LAW - the most important thing - is LOVE. And therefore denying a human being the right to raise a child, and/or a child to have a parent, a person who loves him - is not love, it is discrimination. Because he denies adoption to a person who is LGBT. If we do this, then we must also discriminate against criminals, prostitutes, violent people, drug addicts and/or alcoholics, and many other categories. In fact, if a criminal family adopts a child; doesn't mean that child will grow up a criminal too! Maybe the son can change his parents for the better, and make them change their ways. The ways of the Lord are INFINITE, his MERCY is immense! We are the cold/insensitive ones! Of heart and mind! Reflection 5-21-21 I understand the motives of some who are against the adoption of LGBT couples. But as I said before, the point is LOVING your NEIGHBOR - IT IS a FUNDAMENTAL THING - the most important and essential thing in our life here on earth. EVERYTHING ELSE IS SECONDARY. In fact, the law, the commandments of God, cannot be applied without love; that is, without understanding, without tolerance, without charity, without kindness, without brotherhood and without respect, etc. etc. The law will become too heavy a burden, too unbearable, unless it has love. Jesus himself asked us this question: WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT? RULES? THE LAW? OR MAN? The answer is in the Gospel, when the Pharisees protested, Jesus asked them: “Is it lawful to do good or evil on the Sabbath? To save life or to destroy it? So, Jesus made it clear to everyone that the law is made for man, not man for the law. We all know that children come from two human beings of different sexes, and that they need two parents, but life isn't always that perfect, or that flexible; in fact it presents us with many situations - often tragic, and therefore we must adapt - we must be flexible, but only with the aim of doing good. Let me explain. How many children are there in the world who live alone without a parent, or live with grandparents or with someone who has adopted them? Millions unfortunately. AND WHAT's so BAD IF A PERSON, EVEN an LGBT, ADOPTS A CHILD? If that person wants to dedicate his life, his love, his attention, his care and his affection to that child... who has no one! It seems to me an unfair and merciless thing TO DENY A PERSON AND/OR A CHILD THE LOVE OF ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. Here's my point. DON'T DENY LOVE! Do good! This is what Jesus teaches us! Yes, I KNOW, the Bible has so many rules! Jews had over 600! And Jesus showed them that their daily activities, in following all those rules, were useless! Why? Because rules ran their life! Their life had no room for love and God- because they lacked compassion and MERCY. But Jesus taught us to use the heart, even before the rules, and even before our brain! I advise you to read the article titled: What does it mean that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath? Which deals with the subject of law and man - you can find it on my FB page. Happy reading and good reflection. Reflection of 22-5-21 We are all sinners. Jesus did not come for the righteous, or the saints, but for us sinners, and because of us he suffered a bestial death - giving his life for all of us! So, LET'S NOT FORGET this basic fact: Jesus sacrificed himself for us. And during his life he taught us how to act; with words through his parables, and His teachings, like the beatitudes. Jesus taught us with his actions; forgiving the prostitute, whom the crowd wanted to stone. JESUS showed us tolerance when you heal the centurion's servant - a pagan! etc., Jesus also, but above all, taught us his immense compassion, with his works; the miracles of him - who made so many - the first by changing water into wine, and healing many SICK and CONVERTING hardened sinners... like us! Hard headed! Who want to deny dignity to others because they are great sinners, like LGBTs, since according to some, they do not have the right to adopt a child because they are not suitable, they are not worthy. What are they monsters? Human beasts? Just because their sexual preferences aren't the same as ours! But how much filth and cowardice do we heterosexuals do? Ah, we don't see those! IPYCRITES! This is what we are! If we deny the dignity of living in peace, having work, and even having a family of their own! If we disagree on these points, on compassion and dignity - which all living beings deserve- then let's look in the mirror and ask ourselves which is the most important thing in life. I believe it is love, compassion, respect and mercy towards God and towards one's neighbor. True or not? Yes, I know, we don't like the way of life of the LGTBs, but we must consider that there are also many things, many actions that are also bad and immoral (in addition to LGBTs) that God detests. Such as deception, violence, indifference, wickedness, hatred, jealousy, wars, bad gossip and / or gossip, abuse, mistreatment of human beings, etc., and many other categories of people and other horrendous things that are wrong, but we bear them, in fact we often turn the other way, we put our heads in the sand because it doesn't suit us. In other words, we act as hypocrites! We are GOOD and fast in pointing the finger, in condemning others, but we do not "see" our sins, our mistakes, our filth! But Jesus told the crowd that he wanted to stone the prostitute: "WHO IS WITHOUT SIN, SHALL THE FIRST STONE." Hearing this, all the accusers went away, without saying a word, and without throwing their stones LET'S NOT FORGET THESE EXAMPLES FROM JESUS'S LIFE! OR WE WILL RISK BECOMING HYPOCRITES TOO, WITH HEARTS OF STONE! 😉 Children should be taught that all living beings, both animals and people, have dignity. And therefore certain universal rights should not be denied and /or taken away from others; such as the right to work and receive equal pay and benefits, to have health care, an education, etc.. Children should also be taught (with the good example of adults) not to discriminate against others (such as LGBTs), and do not deny them the right to adopt children. Why refuse this right to a human being who is responsible, independent, mature and sensitive? And has only the good of a child at heart? Denying this right is a wickedness and an injustice!
FB post 5-14-21, and 5-7-21 in Italian
I do believe in the afterlife because of my faith, because of logic and because of the many testimonies and scientific evidence now available. Forgive me if I contradict some of you- the skeptics- those who do not believe in life after death. Because I think that you are wrong.
And I tell you why - but not only on the basis of my Christian faith, and not only on reason and / or common sense; but also based on the most recent research on the field of NDEs, Near Death Experiences, or the near-death experiences of many people. In fact, if you do a little research online, you will find tons of resources, books, videos, films, etc.
I am mentioning some books, which I have read, and some videos and / or films, which I have seen - which are based on true stories.
I also want to add that, for the most part, these resources, on NDEs, have been written, and / or filmed by doctors and experts on the subject.
The first, LIFE AFTERLIFE, written by Dr. Raymond Moody.
Second, THE PURPOSE OF LIFE, by researcher David Sunfellow.
Third, HEAVEN IS FOR REAL, by Todd Burpo, a Protestant pastor.
Watch his interview on Youtube, 6-22-15 (40 min)
"Heaven Is For Real" Interview with Todd and Colton Burpo
MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN, this is a movie (true story).
A series on Netflix about NDEs - I believe the title is:
DEATH and BACK, NDE EXPERIENCES (Return from Death, Near-death Experience).
So if the topic interests you, you will find lots of information online. In fact, it is said: He who seeks finds!
I have provided many interesting sources/links here, at the bottom of this post. Check them out!
Other things to consider are these. First, man is a very intelligent being, but he uses only a small portion of his brain’s capacity. So we do not know, we know a lot of things. Our intellectual abilities are limited. In fact, there are still so many things unknown to us in the universe. And therefore, we can be sure that there will be many things, many dimensions (physical and spiritual), many worlds unknown to us. And closing our eyes, or our minds, does not mean they do not exist.
So I believe that as wise/caring people, we must open our minds and our hearts, and be open to all possibilities, because the universe is infinite, as it is also infinite the mind and heart of God.
Resources on the afterlife and NDEs, Near Death Experiences
By Robert Lanza
1. Is there life after death?
2. An Analysis of the Possibility of Life After Death
APR 22, 2021 by GLENN STOK
Testimonies/Video Stories
1. What Happens After Death REVEALED!!! - w/ David Ditchfield 411,148 views •Oct 27, 2020 (46 min)
2. I Saw Jesus and Was Terrified |This Is What He Showed Me
Mar 11, 2021 (14 min)
3. What Jesus Warned Me About in Heaven Will Shock You
•Oct 8, 2020 (10 min)
4. Dinner with an Angel - It's a Miracle 2,107,444 views •Jul 11, 2019
5. I DIED AND VISITED HEAVEN! URGENT MESSAGES FROM JESUS! 24,216 views •Premiered Jan 12, 2021
6. Pronounced Dead for 20 Minutes - What He Saw and How it Changed His Life Forever •May 27, 2020 (19 min)
7. Child Prodigy Paints Visions from God | SuperHuman
Geniuses | Only Human (8 min) 1-8-18
8. Akiane Kramarik said this about Jesus (2.3 min), 9 Feb, 2020
Akiane Kramarik interviews on CBS 2 Chicago to talk about
love and her painting 'Prince of Peace.'
9. ''The Light'' by Akiane (5 min)
Here is my new painting and film ''The Light'' based on my recent vision. Hope you all enjoy!
10. How Jesus Saved His Own Portrait...The True Story of Akiane's Lost Masterpiece (7 min) 12-7-19. The true story of eight-year-old Akiane's Prince of Peace painting~
11. Bomb Attack, 35% Body Burned... "but God had a
plan." (10 min) 12-2-20)
12. Near-Death Experience put Her Face-to-Face with God 167,975 views •Nov 3, 2020
REMAINING SILENT is NOT an OPTION if we want to Protect ourNation FB post & Letter to the Albany Times Union, 5-13-21
When we see something wrong, unjust and/or violent, we must not look the other way, or put our head in the sand. No, we must have the courage to speak up; if we care, otherwise, we will become complicit and appease bullies, selfish/crazy/violent people, dictators, the ignorant, and liars. We must not be afraid, for the sake of our nation’s freedom, and justice.
That is why I admire the words of Liz Cheney, one of the few Republican women in the US House. Several days ago she said: "Remaining quiet emboldens the liar. I will not participate in that."
Party does not matter to me- I am an independent- I vote only for leaders who have a good moral character, intelligence, courage, and skill. And Liz Cheney has shown all of these qualities.
She had the courage to go against the current, the way of the fanatical/authoritarian Republican Party, which in the last 6-5 years, thanks to former President Donald Trump, has become incoherent, intolerant, liar, dull, racist, and merciless towards the defenseless, the weak, the poor, people of color and against the environment and any logical reason of common sense and decency. They have backed a President who incited a coup, caused a riot and 7 deaths, and has yet to apologize, and continues to propagate his election fraud lies.
In short, the majority of the US Republican Party has become Donald Trump's puppet, a "pupazzo" as we say in Italian; something to be manipulated for personal gain.
For more information on Liz Cheney’s criticism of former President Donald Trump, and his true motives, please click on the following videos. Thank you!
1. Liz Cheney slams Republican colleagues for backing Trump (1.5 min) 5-12-21 US representative Liz Cheney, speaking in the House a day before her expected ouster from a Republican leadership post, chastised her party colleagues fornot standing up to former president Donald Trump and his false claim that the November election was stolen. ’Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar. I will not participate in that,’ she said.
2. Rep. Liz Cheney Voted Out Of GOP Leadership Position (3 min) 5-12-21
Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney has been ousted from her House leadership position following a voice vote by her Republican colleagues. This comes after she condemned former President Donald Trump’s falsehoods about the 2020 election and voted to impeach him. NBC chief White House correspondent Kristen Welker reports for TODAY.
3. Timeline of the U.S. Capitol Attack on January 6, 2021 (5 min)
On January 6, a pro-Trump mob attempted a coup at the U.S. Capitol, resulting in several deaths — here's the timeline of how that day erupted into chaos.
4. McConnell says Trump "provoked"deadly Capitol attack (7 min) 1-19-21
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is directly accusing President Trump of provoking his supporters to attack the U.S. Capitol on January 6. CBS News chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes joins CBSN with more on McConnell's comments and the impact they may have on the upcoming impeachment trial.
5. Governor Schwarzenegger's Message Following this Week's Attack on the Capitol (7 min) 1-20-21
This is my message to my fellow Americans and my friends around the world after January 6, 20
Ex-Trump official shares his prediction if Trump loses 2020 (10 min) 901,749 views •Aug 20, 2020 Former senior Trump administration official Miles Taylor says he is concerned that President Donald Trump will use litigation to make the 2020 race difficult for electors to certify.
Why Trump's Agenda Is Anti-Christ | Opinions | NowThis (6 min.) Oct 13, 2019 White nationalism in America is not just racism, it isanti-Christ.’ — Preacher and author Jim Wallis lays out what it really means tobe a follower of Christ in Trump’s America. In US news and current events today, preacher and author Jim Wallis,Christ in Crisis, spoke to NowThis News about what it means to be

LETTER to US Senators Kristen Gillibrand, Chuck Schumer, and US Congressman Paul Tonko. 3-14-21 Also posted on my FB page.
I agree with President Biden that an independent investigation should be carried out before we declare Governor Cuomo guilty as charged.
I also disagree that you and a lot of other people, from both parties, are asking that Governor Cuomo resign or face impeachment. I believe that it is also important to remember that both the NY State Republican leadership and the vast majority of Republicans in Congress never said a word about former President Trump's immoral behavior and actions. Republicans did not utter a word when President Trump committed his many, many grave, actions/crimes, and yet they did not ask for the same treatment- that he resign!
NY State Senator Jim Tedisco recently said that the liberal newspaper, the Albany Times Union, is also asking that Cuomo resigns. However, he failed to mention that many major US newspapers asked the same thing of former President Trump- to resign- when he was on trial for impeachment- both the first and second time. But as we all know, he refused, and his Party also failed to do justice and decided to let him off the hook!
Below you will find a link from editorials of some of the major US newspapers that requested former President Trump's resignation, which never came, even after his despicable act of treason on January 6!
The same standards must be applied to all, not only to seek revenge, but only to seek justice and fairness! I agree with President Biden that an independent investigation should be carried out before we demand that Governor Cuomo resign and/or declare him guilty as charged. Isn’t it still Americas' premise that NO ONE IS GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?
The editorial below will refresh anyone’s memory. I hope that you, and all political leaders, even those Republicans who still support former President Trump, will have the courage to do what is right, just, and decent for our country, not what is politically convenient.
Wall Street Journal, New York Times and More Call for Trump's Removal or
Resignation By Virginia Chamlee January 08, 2021
AN OPEN LETTER TO NY STATE SENATOR Jim Tedisco Posted on my FB page and emailed to the Schenectady Daily Gazette. 3-7-2
Here, in the links below, you will find an article that shows some of those newspapers, that requested former President Trump's resignation, which never came.
Please read this article to refresh your memory. I hope that, you and all the Republicans who support former President Trump, will have the courage to do what is right, just, and decent for our country, not what is politically convenient.
There are those who say:
FB post 2-28-21 and letter emailed to Albany’s Times Union
I agree that an independent investigation should be carried out to discern if Governor Andrew Cuomo broke the law, and if found guilty, he should be held accountable.
However, justice has becoming increasingly difficult to get in America. An American president just got away with telling lies about this pandemic, mocking scientists and inciting an insurrection, which produced the ransacking of the Capitol and 7 deaths. And although he was impeached and got away with his crime because his Party did not have the moral courage to punish him.
And some people are demanding that Cuomo resign. But did President Trump resign? Did he show any remorse for the damage he caused to our country? Did he apologize to the families of the dead and the wounded in the Capitol attack?
Others want Governor Cuomo impeached, and he should also be denied his state pension. But if we are fair people, we must ask ourselves: Did Trump get his just punishment for what he did?
No one should be above the law, not even a governor and not even a president. In fact, they should be held to higher standards!
But let us not be hypocritical and defend those that we like and/or agree with, even when they break the law!
Our nation is in trouble, our state is too, because of MORAL DEGRADATION at the helm. While millions are suffering!
Let us not be hypocritical, and instead have the courage to hold all political leaders accountable and to the highest ethical standards! No matter their Party affiliation. Justice must be carried out justly so that corruption, and bad leaders, can be extricated from our government.
February 2021
I want to share with you some books, videos, and films, and online articles that talk about life after death, or NDEs (Near Death Experiences), of people who have died temporarily (due to accidents, heart attacks, illness, and/or coma, etc.), who have come back to life, and have revealed/talked about their experiences in the afterlife. And there were others who did not die but went into a coma and then (some after many years) returned to normal.
I believe in eternal life based on four points; my Christian faith, my reason and my knowledge.
My Christian faith and Holy Scriptures tell me that I was born because I am a product, a being, a soul created by God, who loves me very much.
Reason and knowledge give me proof of the existence of life after death. Reason and knowledge are both part of our intellect, which make us understand many things. For example, creation; that is, the earth with its laws, all its living beings, and the entire universe, and these cannot be the result of coincidence, or rather of a random creation caused by the Big Bang and/or evolution. No, creation was set in motion, created, generated by God. However, reason also tells me that my mind's capacity is limited; therefore I can't see/understand everything in the universe. So, if I can't see something- it doesn't mean that it cannot exist!
I often ask myself: How is it possible that a planet as fantastic as the earth came out of the chaos of the Big Bang? With its laws of physics, its power but also its fragility, its indescribable beauty, with its myriad beings, also incredibly beautiful, intelligent, and fantastic. How is this possible? Why is the earth unique? Why did God make it for us? And he told us to enjoy it, but also to take care of it - as a sign of love and respect for the gift he gave us. And of course, we must also take care of all creation, all that God has done for us, including ourselves, living beings - man! We, his children.
Life after death continues, and not only on the basis of our faith, our reason and knowledge, but also on the basis of our experiences - which can give us strong evidence regarding the existence of life after death. I would call these experiences spiritual, and/or inexplicable/supernatural experiences.
I personally have gone through some real personal experiences. I call them spiritual and/or inexplicable experiences. They happened when I was a teenager, after my mother's death (when I was 13), and later in my life, when I was a young father. In these experiences mother made me feel her presence many times. Immediately after her death, my mother often came to me in my dreams, especially at times of difficulty. And afterwards, twice, her presence was much stronger- very palpable. Obvious and very strong! Those two times that I felt close to her, it was an internal feeling - that is to say, I felt it in my soul. I do not know how to explain it; I didn't see her, but I felt her presence close to me! The first time I felt her presence was when my daughter was born. I felt her unmistakable/palpable (real) presence, again with my daughter, when I was taking her to visit a college to start her master’s course.
Science also makes me believe in life after death. We will find the evidence in these videos, books, and articles.
Below I have provided a list of books, videos, and online articles about NDEs, life after death. I hope these stories are of comfort and hope to everyone, especially those of you who have recently lost a loved one, and/or have a family member who is ill gravely and may have little time left, or someone in a coma who has little hope of regaining faith and love. As we can see in the first two videos; they show us that there is always hope- even for those who have faith but are persistent- they do not give up.
So let's not be afraid and/or embittered and have faith in God, because death is not the end!
1. Life to Afterlife Death and Back Full Official Movie (96 min)Feb 8, 2021
Life to Afterlife Death and Back Full Official Movie from the official creator. In this episode of Life to Afterlife, Craig McMahon interviews four people that died but came back to life, or also known as NDE, Near Death Experience. Their amazing stories will shock some and comfort others. Erica sees heaven, Ingrid communicates with beings of light, Howard visits hell, and Tricia witnesses three spiritual beings assist surgeons on her spine.
2. Surviving Death (2021) Netflix Documentary Series Review(5.4 min) •Jan 6, 2021 Surviving Death, the new Netflix documentary series, explores questions that have been contemplated throughout time: What does it mean to die, and is death the end of our existence? Is this documentary series worth the watch? Thanks for checking out my review of Surviving Death!
3. Surviving Death | Official Trailer | Netflix (1.3 min) •Jan 4, 2021
What does it mean to die, and is death the end of our existence? Weaving together innovative new research with firsthand accounts from those who’ve been close to—and even experienced—death, this series takes viewers on an extraordinary journey into a world beyond human existence as we know it.
4. Beyond Death (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman (50.18 min) •Dec 27, 2020
Host Morgan Freeman explores how different religions of past and present answer the question: What happens when we die?
What does the Bible say about death?
a question that has crossed everyone’s mind, because death happens to everyone,
regardless of age, race, gender, religion, or status. Death is the
unconquerable foe that has taken over the likes of Alexander the Great and
Julius Caesar. Postulates or theories by minds like Einstein or Stephen Hawking
can never be proved upon this subject. So what does the Bible say?
1. Si Sveglia Da
Un Coma Di 27 Minuti, ECCO COSA HA VISTO
(10 min) Nov
6, 2020
2. Undicenne Finisce in Coma, si
Sveglia dopo 4 Anni e Svela un Segreto Agghiacciante "Sentiva Tutto"(10 min) 10 giugno 2020
Finisce in Coma, si Sveglia dopo 4 Anni e Svela un Segreto Agghiacciante "Sentiva
Sara, la bimba che ha sognato la
Madonna prima di morire
(33 min)
Sara, la bimba
che ha sognato la Madonna prima di morire. Il racconto in studio a Bel tempo si
spera della mamma Anna Armentano.
4. Salvatore:
"Ero morto da 16 ore, poi ho riaperto gli occhi" - La vita in diretta
20/12/2018 (13 min)
Un caso di
morte apparente? Salvatore ci racconta la sua storia. Di quando, da bambino, si
risvegliò durante la sua veglia funebre.
5. Cosa c'è dopo la MORTE? (5 min) 16 aprile, 2017
6. Torna in vita
dopo 20 minuti di morte: ecco cosa ha visto (2 min)
23 Ott. 2017
L'incredibile storia di Zack Clements. Si
risveglia dopo 20 minuti di morte cerebrale e racconta un'esperienza
Dott. Carlo Cipolla: La Vita Oltre la Vita (Credere,
Sperare, Pensare...) (18 min) Dec 22, 2013
Una notte in terapia intensiva, due donne in
arresto cardiaco a poche ore di distanza una dall'altra, di estrazione sociale
diversa, di cultura diversa, una religiosa una laica, due donne che più diverse
non potrebbero essere... il Dott Carlo Cipolla, Direttore della Divisione di
Cardiologia dell'IEO di Milano ci racconta cosa successe quella notte e cosa
gli raccontarono le due donne a distanza di circa un anno su ciò che avevano
provato mentre erano in arresto cardiaco, e cioè un'esperienza molto simile nei
loro racconti di vita oltre la vita, in quel tunnel di luce che molti hanno
testimoniato di aver visto e che rimane uno dei misteri più affascinanti della
mente umana (o per chi è credente della conferma che esiste un
"dopo") ma che comunque emoziona e fa pensare...
8. Voyager Vita dopo la morte, intervista a Eben Alexander (proof of heaven).avi (38 min) •Feb 8, 2013
1. Cosa succede dopo la Morte? Cosa
dice la Bibbia? Da la Luce di Maria 18/03/2015
Una domanda che tutti si
pongono è: Cosa accade dopo la morte? Dove si va quando si muore? L’anima, il
cielo, l’inferno… cosa c’è di vero? Nel corso dei secoli l’uomo ha cercato di
darsi delle risposte cercando nella filosofia e nelle tradizioni religiose, nel
tentativo di sottrarsi al timore generato da quegli interrogativi.
In questo studio daremo
brevemente uno sguardo alle principali idee umane e religiose su questi
argomenti, e infine vedremo cosa dice la Bibbia in proposito.
Vita dopo la morte -
Dalla Bibbia sappiamo
molte cose su questo argomento. ... Cosa significano la Sua morte e
la Sua resurrezione? ... Che cosa ci aspetta nell' aldilà? ...
In Daniele 12:1-4, Daniele parla della fine dei tempi quando dice, “molti
di quelli che ... Cristo, il Figlio di Dio, ha fatto in modo che anche noi
fossimo vincitori sulla morte.
Di Betty Miller. Al giorno
d’oggi, la maggior parte delle persone fa fatica a capire il fatto che lo
spirito è eterno, immortale. Persino coloro che si dicono “religiosi” spesso
credono in una sorta di vita dopo la morte. L’unica cosa è che non sono sicuri
di ciò che sia; altri ancora non lo vogliono neanche sapere. L’Inferno non
è un argomento molto di moda. Gli insegnamenti della New Age (Nuova Era) hanno
introdotto nella nostra società un concetto vago e molto “comodo” della vita
dopo la morte.
Petition calls for Archbishop Naumann's removal as bishops' pro-life chair
BRUSSELS — A Belgian bishop has lashed out at the Vatican over its decree that the Catholic Church won't bless same-sex unions since God "cannot bless sin."
Antwerp Bishop Johan Bonny wrote in an opinion piece Wednesday that he feels "shame for my Church" and "intellectual and moral incomprehension" after Pope Francis approved the "negative" response to a question about whether Catholic clergy have the authority to bless same-sex unions. The official response said God "does not and cannot bless sin."
The Vatican holds that gay people must be treated with dignity and respect, but that gay sex is "intrinsically disordered." Catholic teaching says that marriage is a lifelong union between a man and a woman that is part of God's plan and intended for creating new life.
The orthodoxy office's document argued that same-sex unions can't be blessed by the Catholic Church because they are not part of that plan.
God "does not and cannot bless sin: He blesses sinful man, so that he may recognize that he is part of his plan of love and allow himself to be changed by him," the note said.
In his opinion piece published in Belgian newspaper De Standaard, Bonny countered that "sin is one of the most difficult theological and moral categories to define, and one of the last to pin on people and their way of living together."
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a similar decree in 2003 that said the church's respect for gay people "cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual unions."
Belgium has historically been a staunch Roman Catholic country with strong ties to the Vatican. But the number of believers and attendance at church services has shrunk over the past decades.
The nation is dotted with churches great and small, but their death announcements almost invariably outnumber those for baptisms.
I have been a lifelong devout Catholic and I can tell you that Joe Biden is not “usurping the role of the bishops and people." Joe Biden isn't confusing me either, because he has said clearly that he is personally opposed to abortion, but cannot force his Catholic beliefs on women.
Therefore, I think that it's not President Biden who is “usurping the role of the bishops and people," but rather some bishops and cardinals who are questioning the moral authority of the Church and the pope- with their rogue immoral behavior! I am referring to those bishops who accuse President Joe Biden and others, of being bad Catholics, and they say this in public! This certainly against Church teachings because they are breaking the wow of silence. No priest has the authority to divulge peoples' sins. This is one of your requirements as a Catholic priests.
It seems to me that many Catholic pastors have forgotten Jesus words about accusing others: "WHO IS WITHOUT SIN, CAN THROW THE FIRST STONE."
Some of these high-level Catholic leaders also think that it is Ok to deny the Eucharist- only because people support freedom of choice. But shouldn’t they also deny the Eucharist to those who commit other horrible sins? Like sexually abusing minors, and stealing money from the Church's coffers?
What about former President Trump's sins of neglecting poverty, abuse, persecution, wars, hunger, droughts, environmental disasters? These are mostly human actions/disasters that have contributed to over 75 million of refugees throughout the world! Thanks also to the shockingly enormous amount of money/resources that the top 10 RICHEST NATIONS spend annually on armaments. These countries include the USA, which is the biggest defense spender! It spends as much as all of them.
RACISM. We have all experienced some of these here in the USA, but I also have close family members, in Italy, who experienced the effects of Fascism! 2-16-21
How can we say that we are good people is we support any of the evils above? No one who says I try to be a good person should have anything to do with the evil ways I mentioned above. If anyone uses those methods, then we know that they are naïve, and/or ignorant, hence they deceive us and themselves too. People who claim to be good, but then resort to evil ways, are false prophets- they are the opposite of goodness.
Did Jesus ever encourage and/or supported violence against the establishment of his time? He never did! He never instigated and/or tell His followers to fight the leaders of the time. According to history we know that the main authorities during the life of Jesus, were Tiberius Caesar (Roman Emperor), Pontius Pilatus (Roman governor), Herod Antipas (King of Judea), and Joseph Caiaphas. Although they exercised control over the economy, military, civil law, and the religious establishment, their power faded, and their influence was only temporary.
So, what do we do when we see evil? Not too long ago, Americans witnessed it on 9/11/01, and just recently we saw the ugly/violent events of January 6, 2021. The terrorists attack of 9/11 was carried out by foreigners; people who thought that they were acting on God’s behalf to punish America for its imperialism and evils all over the world. The terrorists killed 3,000 people that fateful dark day in our history.
Those who inspired and carried out the US Capitol insurrection and attack were white Americans “patriotic” who thought too that they were acting on God’s behalf to save America, When in reality they were listening to former President Trump’s false claims of election fraud. The former president fallowers resorted to violence and humiliation of our nation, in order to prevent the peaceful transfer of power- the certification of the election results- Joe Biden’s lawful win.
Nevertheless, the Americans who ransacked the Capitol were Americans who
believe that they are good people. And yet, they caused the death of 7
people. Theirs was a humiliating and degrading act because our president incited it, he lit the fire by spreading the big lie; a fraudulent election- without any proof- even his own AG, confirmed that there was no election fraud whatsoever! And close to 60 judges (Republicans and Democrats) told former President Trump that there was indeed no fraud anywhere in the USA during the 2020 presidential election. In addition, there has never been any major/serious election fraud anywhere/anytime in the US’s history.
My family in Italy experienced the effects of Benito Mussolini’s Fascist government. My dad was 8 years old, poor, hungry and without shoes, when Mussolini (called “il Duce”- the leader) was in power. My dad often tells me of those ugly and difficult times. He said that he was hungry every day, and he ate all kinds of greens he could find in the countryside. One time he was so hungry that he dared to steal a loaf of bread from the German soldiers camping outside our hometown in Sicily. He also tells me, that at that time, people were not allowed to
congregate in public places, if two were seen talking by the “camice nere”, the black shirts (the Duce’s policing teams). The people they harassed would get arrested, others would be sent away, “al confine”, to the border- away from everyone they knew. Many got beat up and killed by the camice nere.
So, what is my point? My point is that Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Racism are all violent ways that good/decent peace-loving people cannot even think to support because they are evil; they all resort to violence to reach their sick, perverted, deadly ways. So, let us not be deceived and allow evil
political leaders/dictators to take office, because they will sooner or later
resort to abuse, deceit, lies, hate, violence, wars, aggressive confrontations, with threats, torture, murdering in order to get what they want and stay in power at all means. We can find better ways to get them out than murdering them,
Do good people have to obey the governments? What does the Bible say? I found the answers in Got Questions Your Questions Biblical Answers, an online article titled, Do Christians have to obey the laws of the land? Here are the major points.
Romans 13:1-7 tells us, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what
God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong.
Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is
right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good. But
if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is
God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of
possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay
taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to
governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if
revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”
The above passage is obvious- we either obey the rulers appointed over us, or
sooner or later God will punish us. But that is not all Genesis 9:6 says: “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.”
Is God telling us to seek revenge? Or use capital punishment (the death penalty) as a form of justice. I do not think so, because Jesus warned us not to seek revenge. Have you heard the saying: "Live by the sword, die by the sword"?
This is a phrase that comes from the Gospel of Matthew 26:52)- it says: “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for
all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”
No, God wants us to be obedient, in fact Jesus gave us plenty of examples on how we should behave when dealing with the authority of the government. In Mark 12:17 Jesus said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” His reply completely amazed them.
1 Corinthians 14:33 says: "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace, as in all the meetings of God's holy people."
Romans 12:8 says: "if it is to encourage, then give
encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it
diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully."
So, it is clear that we are to obey the government; when paying
taxes, obeying rules and laws, and showing respect. If we do not, we are
showing disrespect towards God, for He is the One who placed that government over us. When the apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, he was under the government of Rome, which was very vicious. However, Paul recognized the Roman government’s rule over him. Should we do otherwise, hence cheat, or rebel and/or resort to violence?
But what if the government and/or leaders appointed over us
are corrupt? Can we intentionally- freely disobey their orders and/or
laws? The Bible has also an answer in this regard.
Acts 5:27-29 says, And when they had brought them, they set them
before the council. And the high priest questioned them, saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet
here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring
this man's blood upon us.” But
Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.
I invite
you to learn about the lives of the world’s most violent dictators- not to imitate them- but to remind us that violent human can cause much suffering. I have listed some sources below. I also pray that we will never let anyone influence us (not even presidents and/or military leaders). We must stay clear; stay away from those who think and resort to violence and try to convince us that they we are doing something good for our country, and/or that they are following God’s ways.
God would never tell His children to hurt and/or kill another human being. God cannot and will not do that, because God is Love and Mercy. He is the One who gives life and the One who can take it away. God would never condone and/or accept violence. If someone tells you that violence is necessary to solve/stop a problem- do not believe them- there are many better non-violent ways to fix problems.
We must learn
and follow the example of the world’s peacemakers like Jesus Christ, Cesar Chavez, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul II, Francis, and many others. These are some of greatest leaders who have done good by building understanding, tolerance, peace, and justice.
And we must restore and return to duty, honor, respect (all people have dignity) responsibility (civic- choosing good leaders, doing what is best for our communities and the world), respect/honor all peoples cultures and religions.
And finally,we must never resort to violence to solve our differences and/or problems. We have seen what dictatorial systems of Communism, Fascism, Nazism, and Racism have done to our brothers/sisters in the world.
For more info. on peace and social activists, on obeying the law/governments, on the
evils committed by dictators, by Communism, Fascism, Nazism, and Racism see the
following sources.
Social Activists- peace workers!
1. 5 non-violent
activists you may not know
2. Most Famous Activists in History
ago in ACTIVISM / HISTORY / POLITICS / LIST History is shaped by those who take a
stand and fight for change, such as the most famous activists in history.
3. The Fifty Most Influential
Progressives of the Twentieth Century. The
radical ideas of one generation become the common sense of the next. Here,
Peter Dreier honors the people who moved progressive ideas in America from the
marginal to the mainstream.
4. US Civil Rights Activists
5. Top 10 Activists Who Made A Difference (video, 5.5 min)
Top 10 Activists Who Made A Difference. We
here at Babble Top have put together a list of the top 10 activists who made
real historical differences in our world.
American Heroes & Social Activists
1. Mother Cabrini
Saint Frances Cabrini, was also known as Maria
Francesca Cabrini. She was an Italian immigrant and a catholic nun. She helped
poor immigrant children by providing (them a home to stay, and by building many
hospitals and orphanages throughout the USA. She was born in a small Italian
village on July 15, 1850. She opened Columbus Hospital in New York. In 1909
Mother Cabrini became a U.S. citizen. She died on December 22, 1922. Pope Pius
XII canonized her (declared her a saint in 1946 and named her Patroness, the protector
of immigrants. She was the first U. S. citizen to be declared a saint.
2. Mother Cabrini - Official Trailer (1.3 min) 10-28-18
3. Cesar Chávez Cesar Chavez was born near Yuma,
Arizona, on March 31, 1927, Cesar Chavez employed nonviolent means to bring
attention to the plight of farmworkers, and formed both the National Farm
Workers Association, which later became United Farm Workers. As a labor leader,
Chavez led marches, called for boycotts and went on several hunger strikes. It
is believed that Chavez's hunger strikes contributed to his death on April 23,
1993, in San Luis, Arizona.
4. Cesar Chavez - American Civil Rights Activist | Mini Bio | BIO (2 min)
5. Cesar Chavez - American Civil Rights Activist | Mini Bio | BIO (4 min)
6. Cesar Chavez-Movie trailer (2 min)
Michael Peña stars as
Cesar Chavez in this empowering biopic. Chavez inspired millions of Americans
from all walks of life to fight for social justice. Also starring America
Ferrera, Rosario Dawson and John Malkovich, this film chronicles Chavez'
triumphant journey and is a testament to the power of one individual's ability
to change the world.
7. Francis:The Pope From The New World - Full Documentary (51 min)
Francis: the Pope
From the New World unveils the personality, passion, and extraordinary faith of
the new Pope. Shot on location in Buenos Aires, and featuring interviews with
close friends, collaborators, and his official biographer—this documentary
paints an indelible portrait of a towering figure of our time.
8. Pope Francis Arrives In U.S., Rides Off In Fiat | MSNBC (4 min)
Anne Thompson reports on Pope Francis' departure from Joint Base Andrews in a small Fiat after saying goodbye to President Obama and the First Lady.
9. NELSON MANDELA Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist (helper/donor) who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. Wikipedia Born: July 18, 1918, Mvezo, South Africa. Died: December 5, 2013, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Nelson Mandela: Civil Rights Activist & President Of South Africa | Biography (6.5 min)
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a nonviolence anti-apartheid
activist, politician and philanthropist who became South Africa’s first black
president. Find out more about his life in this short biography.
10. Martin Luther King Jr. was an American
Christian minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson
and leader in the Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until his
assassination in 1968. Born: January 15, 1929, Atlanta, GA. Assassinated (killed): April 4, 1968, Memphis, TN.
BBC Face to Face| Martin Luther King Jr Interview (1961) 31 min.
Firs transmitted in 1961, Martin Luther King talks about his childhood experiences and the incidents that led to the Montgomery bus boycott. These events shaped King's life and led to him becoming a national figurehead and civil rights leader. He is questioned on whether he feels fear or loneliness in his position, as well as his own feelings on his adequacy as a leader of the civil rights movement in America.
1. Do Christians have to obey
the laws of the land?
2. Political Leaders After Jesus – 4-10-18 BY
1. Top Ten Most Evil Dictators of All Time (in order of kill count)
You can read the whole article at the bottom of this post. Some people make horrible decisions, others are just bad presidents, a few are bloodthirsty, many are extremists, a couple are warmongers, and all of these guys are a mix. Ten of our political leaders in the last 130 years have been the architects of the most horrific genocides, systematic murders, blockades, brutal wars, and policy reforms history has ever recorded.
2. TopTen Most Evil Dictators of All Time (in
order of kill count). Some
people make horrible decisions, others are just bad presidents, a few are
bloodthirsty, many are extremists, a couple are warmongers, and all of these
guys are a mix. Ten of our political leaders in the last 130 years have been
the architects of the most horrific genocides, systematic murders, blockades,
brutal wars, and policy reforms history has ever recorded.
3. Racism - A History (Part 1 of 3) - YouTube (54 min)
A documentary about the origins of racism.
4. After 100 years, Mussolini’s fascist party is a reminder of the fragility of freedom / The Conversation/ March 12, 2019 · 12:15 PM EDT
By Richard Gunderman For more than two decades, when he came to be known as “Il Duce,” or “the leader,” Mussolini wielded broad powers. At the end of World War II, he was shot by a firing squad for his crimes. His body was publicly hung upside down.
5. Black Brigades – From Wikipedia
War crimes The Black Brigades were frequently involved in support of German units during anti-partisan operations which resulted in massacres of the Italian civilian population, like at the Vinca massacre where 162 civilians were executed where the 40. Brigata near “Vittorio Ricciarelli” di Livorno was involved.
6. Adolf Hitler ORIGINAL: OCT 29, 2009 / UPDATED: AUG 30, 2019
Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany’s Nazi Party, was one of the most powerful and notorious dictators of the 20th century. Hitler capitalized on economic woes, popular discontent and political infighting to take absolute power in Germany beginning in 1933. Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939 led to the outbreak of World War II, and by 1941 Nazi forces had occupied much of Europe. Hitler’s virulent anti-Semitism and obsessive pursuit of Aryan supremacy fueled the murder of some 6 million Jews, along with other victims of the Holocaust. After the tide of war turned against him, Hitler committed suicide in a Berlin bunker in April 1945.
7. 2004:
The Murder of Emmett Till (25 min) 6-20-20
In 2004, 60 Minutes correspondent Ed Bradley reported on
the 1955 murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till.
8. Top Ten Most Evil
Dictators of All Time (in order of kill count)
MAY 04, 2010by JUAN
Article: The 'morally grave' reasons this member of Congress is voting for Biden
Image# 1- below: Crucified Nature Oil & collage on canvas. NY City. 1977.
Image23- Below: The Man and the Machine. Oils on canvas. 3’ x 5’. Manhattan, NYC, 1976. © Ottavio Lo Piccolo.
President Trump isn't totally pro-life
Letter to the Schenectady Daily Gazette, NY 8-22-20
President Trump claims to be pro-life and pro-guns, however, the Catholic Church condemns greed, the exploitation of the poor, and degrading God's creation. It is especially troubling to see him claim that his support of the Second Amendment should endear him to Catholics specifically.
I did a small research on the topic of abortion, in order to find out which political party actually reduces the number of abortions. Let me share three articles on this issue.
The first one: The sharpest drops in abortion rates in America have been under Democratic presidents. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the last three decades, abortion rates have fallen the most under Democrats, and remained flat or at best decreased marginally under republican administrations; starting from Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama. The abortion rate is now the lowest on record since 1971, two years before Roe v. Wade a became law.
The second article: Explainer: If Joe Biden wins, what does that mean for abortion policies? By James T. Keane August 19, 2020. Online post by America The Jesuit Review.
And the third one: Sharpest drops in abortion under Democrats.
So, it’s obvious that so far, the way to reduce abortions is economic stability, affordable family planning/birth control, and quality health care. The things that Trump and Republicans oppose and fight against. It’s also obvious that voting Republican will not necessarily reduce abortions.
Something to think about if we truly care about life and not empty words!
BBC Face to Face| Martin Luther King Jr Interview (1961) 31 min. First transmitted in 1961, Martin Luther King talks about his childhood experiences and the incidents that led to the Montgomery bus boycott. These events shaped King's life and led to him becoming a national figurehead and civil rights leader. He is questioned on whether he feels fear or loneliness in his position, as well as his own feelings on his adequacy as a leader of the civil rights movement in America.
MLK Talks 'New Phase' Of Civil Rights Struggle, 11 Months Before His Assassination | NBC News (26.5 min). In 1967, at the Ebenezer Baptist Church inAtlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther King spoke with NBC News' Sander Vanocur about the "new phase" of the struggle for "genuine equality."
TRUMP’S CONVICTION WILL MAKE OUR DEMOCRACY SAFER Letter to the Albany’s Times Union, 2-8-21
In a recent Facebook post by Senator Bernie Sanders caught my attention because it “hits the nail on the head”, it gets to the heart of the problem. Here is what it said.
"Why do we want to IMPEACH and CONVICT a president who is out of office? Because it must be made clear that no president, now or in the future, can lead an insurrection against the government he is sworn to protect."
Trump has betrayed his oath of office many times, and his latest attempt of January 6, 2020, was the most obvious; on that day he committed the most egregious, most dishonorable act; that of inciting the attack on the US Capitol, which so far has left 7 people dead. He showed the whole world what he is, a traitor!
But yet some of his staunchest supporters still defend him! Even some in Congress! They say that to impeach a president, who is no longer in office, is unconstitutional!
However, Trump's crimes were committed while in office! Therefore, he should be held accountable! And at the very least, he should be forbidden to run for any political and/or public office for life!
Trump is a threat, not only to our freedom, but also to our physical and moral wellbeing. America’s democracy will be doomed if he is allowed to walks away and return to politics as usual.
Letter to the Albany Times Union, 1-17-21
Dr. King didn’t believe in violence- he thought that non-violent ways/methods- were the best and most just/compassionate way to get our government to get rid of disgraceful racist laws, so that African- Americans and poor people would be treated with dignity.
In fact, his activism and inspirational speeches, brought about the end of the legal segregation of African American citizens in the south, and the creation of the Civil Rights of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
In these last 4 years, I have often wondered about his reaction, to the racial turmoil of police brutality, immigrant intolerance, and the divisive/offensive rhetoric and dishonest actions of President Trump.
Today ML would have been 92 years old- if he were alive- I am certain that
he wouldn’t have been silent! His emotional/powerful voice would have echoed
again! In condemning the brutal police killings of blacks. Let’s
remember and honor him- he deserves no less from all of us!
TRUMP'S CAPITOL'S THUGS SAY THEY FOLLOWED HIS ORDERS- THEY BROKE THE LAW AND NOW THEY ARE ASKING TO BE PARDONED. Playing dumb? Or bucking responsibility? Posted on FB 1-16-21 and emailed to the Albany T.U.
This evening ABC news reported that some of Trump's aficionados, violent fanatics, who stormed and ransacked the Capitol Building, stated that they were following the Presidents' orders. But now they are asking to be pardoned.
Didn't they know that what they did wasn't a good idea? That it was illegal and unlawful? They may have not known, or maybe they knew, but now that they are in trouble and in police custody and realizing that they were foolish in following President’s Trump's orders- to attack the Capitol on January 6.
They most likely be incriminated, because they can’t plead ignorance of the law and say that they were following orders. In fact, no one, not even the President of the US- has the authority to oblige/force anyone- not even the military- to obey and/or carry out an illegal and/or immoral order.
Some people do not know that no one is obliged/required to follow an illegal/immoral order- even if given by the US president. If anyone follows/carries out an illegal/immoral order from the President, and/or by the officers (military or police) above them- they will be held responsible and could be incriminated if found guilty.
I am a retired US veteran and I'm familiar
with the Military Code of Justice; shooting/harming innocent civilians and/or
or attacking civilian buildings like hospitals, churches, museums, that didn’t
pose a threat- is against rules of engagement. Even in the military you cannot
shoot/attach a target- unless it poses a threat! Only then can we defend
ourselves and/or return fire.
FB Post/Reflection by OLP, 1-31-21!
Some people believe that if history
was taught well in schools, then there would be no ignorance, no racial
injustices, and many other evils would disappear. But I think that this is naïve. Let me explain why I disagree.
I am a schoolteacher, a father of two
adult children, and a recent grandfather.
I guarantee you that history is taught
well in American schools; the problem is ignorance! Unwillingness to learn, to
know, to question and to explore. In addition, if these skills, and/or ways of
thinking/living are not supported at home, within the family, history will not
stick! Will not make much difference! Furthermore, morality, what is right from
what is wrong, respect, honesty, and the knowledge of history (past
facts/lessons), must also be supported and taught at home.
I also wonder why some people; although they have a high school diploma, and some even have a college education, are racists, believe in fake news and or leaders who lie and are corrupt! I believe, this is so because they do not reason, and they are not being guided wisely by their families, and their community.
Lastly, schools, like governments,
cannot do everything. This fact and reality reminds me of the Italian saying:
PUOI PORTARE L'ASINO (o il cavallo)
Shared on FB 2-4-21
Why do some people, still defend an ex-president who committed treason? I fail to comprehend their reasoning. But I suspect their insistence is based on flawed thinking.
Do they truly think that Trump is the only honest person in America? And everyone else are liars? Most Americans are decent and would never accept this thought.
We all know that during his 4 years in office Trump lied over 30,000 times, offended people, women, children, veterans (dead and alive), ridiculed institutions (even those of the US government), mocked nations, cultures, and religions, and repeatedly abused his power and betrayed the US Constitution and American values of decency, honesty, integrity, countless times.
Trump has therefore, failed as a moral leader, this was most apparent, most obvious, on January 6, 2020, when he blatantly showed his true self, and he condemned himself to commit the most egregious, most dishonorable act; that of inciting the attack on the US Capitol, which so far has left 7 people dead. He showed the whole world what he is, a traitor!
Anyone who truly loves peace, justice, respect, and dignity should not support him. He is a threat, not only to our freedom, but also to our physical and moral wellbeing.
But yet some of his staunchest supporters still defend him! Even some in Congress! They say that to impeach a president, who is no longer in office, is unconstitutional!
However, Trump's crimes were committed while in office! Therefore, he should be held accountable! And at the very least, he should be forbidden to run for any political and/or public office for life!
Reflection by me; an
independent voter, who does not care for party politics, but cares for peace,
justice, honesty, respect, the wellbeing of America and the common good.
Shared on FB may 14, 2020
There is much injustice and also lots of selfishness and cynicism going around in these times of the pandemic covid19. So, how should those of us who believe in good behave? Should we also get carried away by the wave of evil?
NOT! We must be focused on the example of Christ and his faithful disciples.
Just as the many people who have done good in the past, including saints like
St. Francis, and more recent times, as Mother
Teresa and Mother Cabrini, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, César Chavez, John
F. Kennedy, Bill Gates, and many others, and thousands of missionaries and
volunteers around the world to alleviate suffering.
A note about Bill Gates
Some people will doubt his
goodness and / or true motivation. And in fact, some will say that profit-
making money- is the real motivation for Bill Gates. But I say that we are all
sinners, nobody is perfect. It may be possible that Gates is trying to make a
profit, however, I haven't seen proof of it. What I have noticed- are his many
good works so far- even though I have followed a little of all the good he's
done for the world's needy so far.
I also have listened to his
words, and read about his reasons. So, his real motivation, in my opinion-
seems to be CHARITY. I do not believe that his projects- have as the ultimate
goal- making money or a political seat.
In the end, only God can read in the heart of man- only God knows gates' true
motivations. And finally, I also think there are many people who make money
honestly - both millionaires and ordinary people like us. We certainly
"cannot make a bundle of all the grass" as we say in Italian. We
can't put all bad apples in the same basket! It's not right!
FB post 11-7-20
This image was taken last fall in one of the schools I serve as an ESL/ENL teacher. The beginning of the school year is always stressful because we, teachers, meet new students; and for me it also means meeting new colleagues, since I am an itinerant teacher who travels between schools; to help children and adults learn/improve their English skills, so they can succeed in school and in life, here in the USA.
Teaching last spring felt like starting my career again; the pandemic forced me to stay home and teach online. It felt like my first-year teaching! It was like starting all over! At times I felt overwhelmed, and I often felt like quitting! And retiring early!
But I am still here; teaching in school and still teaching online, whenever needed. I had to adjust, we all had to, if we wanted to survive!
I often ask why we had to go through this pandemic, which has taken millions of lives, bankrupted many businesses and placed millions on unemployment. I think that, although it's been a horrible situation, we're learning many things.
The first lesson for me is cooperation and considerations for others. I learn this lesson every day form the school children I teach, and also my adult immigrant students. I see their sense of civic duty in all the schools I work. They wear their mask and follow social distancing rules gladly and with responsibility!
I also learned and saw how important my family was during the lockdown. Without their love and care, I could not have made it! And without my afternoon walks at Central Park in Schenectady. Nature certainly restored my sanity every day!
And saying my prayers while admiring mother nature, it helped me feel God's love. I admire school children! I look up to them! Besides, they are so kind, humble, and often sweet too. And thank God for them in my life! They have turned hard days into happy ones! God bless them!
will make it if we stick together and take all the precautions and doctors'
advice. Soon a vaccine will come out and everyone will be protected against
this terrible virus. By next fall it will be history! And hopefully we will
have learned some important life lessons; that will help us grow, make our
world better with compassion, and with peaceful and respectful cooperation.
responsibility, goodwill and with God's help, we shall overcome!
in my opinion, is when we begin examining our conscience and admit our
mistakes. So, humility may possibly the hardest virtue to enact in life.
Courageous people try it often, however, malicious individuals will call humble
ones: stupid and/or foolish.
So, the
questions for me are two:
First, will we have the courage/faith to be humble, even in the face of
ridicule from the arrogant ones, who will mock the humble ones?
And second, where do humble people draw their strength/faith; to acknowledge their
faults, weaknesses, and their sins?
believe the answer, the source of their strength, to be humble,
rests/originates with the Lord. Yes, I believe that it is He who gives us
strength to endure, even when we are mocked for our goodness and humility.
May we
draw our faith from the Son of God, the GREATEST example of humility.
So, my
prayer is that Jesus’ manger, (his birthplace, his first bed, which was made of
wood and straw) and His cross, be forever impressed in our hearts and minds, so
that we may remember Jesus humility/love, and hence have the courage/faith to
be humble for the rest of our life.
the Bible says on humility, watch this YouTube video:
Below is my passport photo, at the age of 17 –
just before I migrated (came) to America.
Below, some of my first artworks as a teenager
Image# 4- Above: Central Park. Manhattan, NY City. Oil on Canvas board painting. 7-1976.
Below- Image 5. Flowers in the City. Oil on canvas. Manhattan, NYC, 7-1976.
Below, me in my early twenties. Behind my house in Astoria, NY.
Below- Image 26. Four Doves
in Space. Acrylics on canvas. 2007
All of these artworks were done while I was serving in the US Air Force, 1981-83