Recently, some Christian (in the USA) who have businesses have refused services/products to gays and/or lesbians. I think that this isn't right- Christians aren't supposed to judge others, but to love...because that's what Jesus did! However, God doesn't force people to go against their conscience and/or moral values. So, too the US government should stop forcing its atheistic values on all people! IT MUST RESPECT ALL VIEWS, those of believers and non-believers! To do OTHERWISE (differently) is hypocritical and unjust!
What is discrimination? What does it mean?
She chose the colors with great discrimination (great/careful care).
He has a discriminating (choosy, good) taste. He likes only fresh Italian pastries! I do too!
They have a discriminating taste for fancy clothes!
He has a discriminating (choosy, good) taste. He likes only fresh Italian pastries! I do too!
They have a discriminating taste for fancy clothes!
Often Christians may disagree with someone else's life style, but they shouldn't concern themselves with others' sexual orientation- That's their business. They should instead care and be concerned about treating everyone with dignity and kindness- because that's what God calls us to do! Doing otherwise is immoral! Its wrong! It is sinful!
To say that "some" others do not deserve our kindness/services and/or be allowed to buy our products, because they are gays/lesbians, isn't right.
Ask yourself: Would Jesus do that? No, he wouldn't! Why? Because people who lead different life styles are human beings too, and should be treated with respect too. It doesn't matter if they have a different sexual orientations than ours, or that they may come from a different culture/religion (Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, etc.) or doesn't believe in God (an atheist), or if someone is of a different race (e.g., black, oriental, Hispanic, etc).
These differences are not a license to discriminate and/or treat people with unjustly/kindly (not nice, not kindly) and/or with disrespect (without respect). All people deserve to be treated with dignity (respect, and compassion) because it's the humane thing to do!
And if we're a believers (in God), we should remember that all human beings (people), no matter their age, sexual orientation, skin color, age, ect.), were created by the same God, who created me and you.
So, to do discriminate against anyone is simply wrong! not good! It is not ethical (correct, right), it is morally wrong. Even non-believers, people of good will, decent people, know that discrimination is unacceptable in their book, and for that matter, in all faiths, including mine, the Christian faith.
I'd like to share (give) with you some examples why it is wrong to discriminate against anyone. As it is apparent (clear), in this blog I am referring to gay/lesbian discrimination. If you're wondering why I am writing this essay, let me clarify any doubts that you may have about me; I am not gay and neither a lesbian!
I am writing this essay because I believe that any form of discrimination against anyone is wrong. This belief of mine probably originates (starts, begins) in my upbringing, when my parents taugth me to treat everyone with respect- even those who didn't deserve it. Because my parents taught me to follow Christian morality. So, today I man who tries to follow Jesus teaching/examples in my life. However, I also want to clarify that being a Christian doesn't make me better than anyone else. Why? because I'm also a sinner, someone like everyone else - I make mistakes too - but I have compassion, for gays/lesbians too. That's why I wrote this essay. I despise (don't like) injustice.
What about the time when they tried to trick Jesus? Some people who wanted to get Jesus arrested, asked Him: Master, should we pay taxes to the Romans? The Romans believed that their Emperor was a god and also slaughtered thousands, and possibly more Christian, by crucifixion and many others in the Colosseum in Rome. What would our reaction be to that trick question? We'd probably would have said: The heck w/the Romans, they can go to hell! But that's not what Jesus said. After he asked them to show him the coin, He said: Who's image is it on this coin? They replied: Caesars' (The Roman Emperor). And Jesus answered: Then, give to Cesar's what is of Caesars' (or to the Roman Empire), and give to God what is of God's. What does this mean in our life today? For me it means that we, who are made in God's image (we look like God), should put God first in our life, and hence obey His commandments. However, we should not do it (love God) out of fear, but out of love, because God doesn't force His love on us.
However, this parable (story w/a meaning), of the Roman Coin, tells us another "story" (another meaning), and that is; we should obey civil laws/authorities. Why? For two reasons; Jesus obeyed them. He didn't rebel and/or incite (tell, encourage) others to do so. Neither did he fight the Romans. Therefore, we as his followers, if we care and love God, must also do as Jesus did. We shouldn't rebel and pay our dues- our taxes. Why? Our government needs this money to provide us with services (schools, hospitals, roads, armies/police/firefighters- they protect our nation- they provide assistance for the needy/elderly/homeless/poor/maimed veterans, etc.) But, I'm sure some of you will say: Our government doesn't always do the right thing! Agreed- that's why we must remind our leaders in government, or they will just take care of their own friends and the powerful- often those who support them financially! Again, humans discriminate and often we do not do what's right!
(For more info. on the Parable of the Roman Coin visit or for a simpler explanation Google: Parable of the Roman Coin in Wikipedia)
Yes, I know, governments sometimes make mistakes, and it is unfortunate that lately this happens often- I'd say on a regular basis. Today many of our leaders do not do what's morally right; sometimes they discriminate, they don't listen to all people, and don't take care of the needs of the powerless/weak. However, they do listen and do what the powerful/rich want, don't they? This happens very often in our rich/affluent western societies, doesn't it? We also know that democratic governments (like ours, in the USA) shouldn't force Christians to go against their moral beliefs. For instance, for us Christians it is wrong to pay for and/or support abortions in any way, yet our "fair" democratic government (and also most other western nations) collect taxes from all citizens (no matter what their religion/beliefs are) and it (the government) supports/pays/guarantees abortions on demand. Hence governments do what pleases them. They also start wars, usually with a pretext, (an excuse) so they can deceive (cheat, lie to) the masses (the public, most people, citizens). But who gets to go to war? Who spills his/her blood for our nation? Not the rich/affluent and the powerful, but the poor and the middle class! Then they (many of our political leaders) tell us that we shouldn't help the poor because they are lazy! Bull! They let others do their dirty work and they enjoy their social status- I call it welfare for the rich!! 
Civilized governments should also protect/respect the rights all citizens, but often they don't. They only protect a select few, like the wealthy/powerful/connected, unbelievers (atheists), and the healthy. But they neglect (don't care for) the weak/defenseless, and those who have strong moral/religious beliefs, the believers (e.g., Christians, Jewish, Muslims, etc). When governments are selective, it is downright wrong! Governments should protect everyone! Even the unborn, the elderly, the sick, the wounded, the defenseless, believers, nonbelievers, the poor, the straight, the gays/lesbians. In other words, civilized/just governments should guarantee the right of all people- because all humans have dignity. However, this doesn't happen in our world, because we humans are weak, and our governments are imperfect, we all make mistakes, we are all sinners. That is why I think that it is also wrong for the US governments (federal and States') to force people/businesses to do something that goes against the beliefs/moral values of believers. Our government has no authority in forcing a Christian (or any other faith) business, or a pastor to marry a gay/lesbian couple. And/or forcing a Christian hospital/clinic to perform abortions. There are many other places that will perform these services (marrying gays/lesbians and performing abortions). Why does our government have to force a person (e.g., pastor/priest/imam/rabbi, etc.), and/or an organization (e.g., hospital/clinic/church) to go against their beliefs? Hence, force them into performing immoral acts? Things that aren't acceptable in the eyes of God?!? I call this dictatorship! Our government doesn't care for the rights of all believers/faiths!
What should we do? I personally know that I hate violence, and as a Christian I cannot and will not use it in order to solve problems. But I know that I can make positive contributions (good things/actions) to society. I can take effective (good) actions. I can try to improve/change our government for the better. But I also know that in order to successfully do this, I need help/assistance- I can't do it alone. And that's why I wrote this essay- to try and enlist (ask for) your help. So, we must be united in this effort, because as the saying goes: "United we stand and divided we fall!" I also think that we need to pray for peace, harmony, ethical/moral values to take hold in our society and the world, and for honesty, fairness/justice/mercy for all people. So, that people everywhere may be treated with respect. We should also pray for God to give us the vision/understanding/compassion, and the courage to respectfully disagree with those who are different from us (those who lead different life styles than us, and/or have different faiths, cultures, skin color, sexual preferences, etc.). But we must do this first ourselves with honesty, fairness and with compassion (kindness, love). Let's begin by being considerate (kind, nice) of our neighbors, our family members, our co-workers, friends, etc., who may be different than us, and may happen to be gay/lesbians, or from a different culture/religion/country/race/ethnic background (e.g., black, Muslim, Hispanic, oriental, etc.). Second, we must speak up kindly but firmly. We must educate ourselves by reading, and getting all the facts- before rushing into immature decisions/judgements. This also means to inform our political leaders in Congress, and let them know how we feel about issues (problems), as this one, that impact our life, our nation, and the world. This can be done by writing to our leaders, and media outlets (newspapers, magazines, etc), and voice (speak) our opinions (ideas, thoughts), but we must do it always respectfully. We can also post/write blogs/essays/articles/letters like this one online. And last, but not least we must vote only for politicians/leaders who are ethical and have the courage to stick (follow) to their ideals, who tell us the truth and do what's right for all! Leaders who respect all people and all faiths, not just a select few, like the rich/powerful and/or atheist.
In the end, those of us who care about others must be focused on doing God's will and obey His command; that is to love one another, instead of judging. Isn't this what Jesus taught us Christians? Isn't this what God desires from us all? So, isn't discrimination of gays/lesbians wrong? Of course it is! And isn't also wrong for the government to force its atheistic views on its people? Isn't it wrong for the government to tell/force religious people to do things (like abortions, marrying gays/lesbians) that go against their conscience/religious beliefs? Isn't any type of discrimination against anyone wrong? You bet! All of these are!That's why we need to speak up! Vote for someone who will respect all people, not just a few!